Forum Moderator Nomination
Please fill out the following information and indicate why you believe you should be nominated for this position.
Date: (Date’s age/phone number/email/good looking or not)
Age and RMA (relative maturity age):
List all organs that control you such as Pope, Watchtower, Fear, Therapist, Thyroid, etc., etc.:
Denomination (positions held):
Saved (Yes/No/Other):
Political Affiliation (include last president you voted for):
Forum aliases used (list all):
IQ (1-10):
Rate honesty (1-3):
Kindness (1-3)
Fairness Quotient (and how derived):
Writing sample of disciplinary action against forum enemies:
Education (1-3)
Debate class teacher’s name:
Self-evaluation of fitness for this forum (10,000 words or less, please use lots of Google links as proof):
List of at least 20 personal references (no family members):
Well shucks. No one has nominated me. Yet.