Well summed up!
It goes against (anti) what Christ taught.
CMC, the Bible says Adam living BECAME a living soul.
If you don't want to accept that, choosing clergy psychobabble instead, it's your call!
I started this topic at another's request- and none will post?
What a philosophaster.....
Nope! You use a faulty translation- " God breathing life into physical dust to create Adam in the Image of God, which includes living spirit/soul inside"- Adam BECAME a living soul.
The Pharisees wore "Purple & Linen"- and it was their own TEACHING!
The Pharisees wore "Purple & Linen"- and it was their own TEACHING!
Bravo, Wolfgang- even tho I'm sure you don't want to hear it.
Jesus Christ assumed many of the roles his God and Father had!
So, simply, the Trinity is NOT mentioned in the Bible- as it WOULD be if True!
I've heard it theorized before.
We just don't know!
I don't believe I'm agreeing with WOLFGANG!
But he's RIGHT!
Because he wasn't the MESSIAH!…
I just rest my case on JESUS, instead of reading endless articles about what the Bible says-, even ignoring WTBS articles.
If it it doesn't go along with what HE says- I ditch it!
Of course, I continually read the Bib…
Since God is a spirit-being, he did not create us spirits; that rules out the physical.
Thanks! I was racking my brain for questions I didn't answer!
Well, the sentiment is appreciated, Jan- but if someone REJECTS what Christ has plainly says, they are NOT a Christian.
But- everyone accuses EVERYONE about that, so I understand!
Just bring out one point at a time, or I will regretfully continue to ignore you.
Moses 'was' God only to Pharaoh, during his short life. Why?
Exodus 7:1 - And Jehovah said to Moses, " See, I have made thee God to Pharaoh; and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. - Darby
So Moses "Was God" to Aaron and to Pharaoh (in a lesser sense).
Just as Jesus "Was G…
Your posts are too long, bring up mult…
No apology necessary, but thank you anyways!
Person to person is far better; you can tell what a person intends, whereas these online forms can be a bit confusing!
ANOTHER insult!
John 8: 14- Jesus answered, "Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going. But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going. 15- You judge by human standar…
Reading Church Dogma into scriptures I do no longer.
This post was addressed to Bro Rando.
Next accusation?
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Name some examples?
John 7:18- Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the One who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.
This verse really stands out i…
Quit trying to divert from the Topic.
KS$J- I don't know. That they were "naked" has long puzzled me!