Bottom Line: One God was not with ANOTHER God, much less THREE!
God often called others God when they SPOKE for Him. (Like Moses)
John 8:25- "Who are you?" they asked.
[Did Jesus say I AM? I AM God?]
"Just what I have been telling you from the beginning," Jesus replied. 26- "I have much to say in judgment of you. But He who sent me
Will you EVER make a reply that coherent?
I was relating to the church dogma.
Do you assume EVEYBODY speaks Hebrew?
And Ex 3 has NOTHING to do with John 8!
Since Christ is foremost in the Bible, and he said people where "hypocrites" for not believing the scriptures they SAID they believe in, any Christian would follow his example.
It's called hypocrisy. It REALLY EXIST…
I guess he needs to overwhelm us wit his 'knowledge'...
Well, anyone but Christ, as usual....
If one claims to believe the BIBLE- then contradicts it, and with weird theories destroying what it says the person is a ___________.
I didn't think any facts were not permitted!
My bad!
Thank you! Facts ARE facts. I was making an observation. If you wish you can remove it.
I can't- and it doesn't change the FACT!
Because their imagination gets the 'best' of them....
You are correct Wolf gang, and MC is ___________.
Fill in the blank for any words meaning ridiculous....
The Great "I am" scam, TOTALY beyond reason. Ss if Jesus spoke e-bonics.
Facts are facts.
Nothing against him/her personally.
Keeping the LONG WINDED posts!
BTW- didn't you read where Revelation SPELLS OUT what the Lake of Fire REALY symbolizes?
I have called myself the MadJW- for churchoids (people that worship their church) look at me that way!
Numbers 6:6- All the days that he separateth himself unto Jehovah he shall not come near to a dead body ["soul" nephesh]. -ASV
Its standard to represent the soul as the body; for THAT IS WHAT IT IS!
It's all a Rhetorical Question, anyhow!
I'm flabbergasted!
Heh! I'm starting to like you...again...
The Bible mentions DEAD SOULS. Adam became a LIVING soul; the breath of life was added to him!
And YOU asked for another Topic other than "Who is Jesus?"...
I am nice, and I am "Mad"; others called me "crazy"!
Now, a return to what the book of JOHN has to say in context~
John 7:18- Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the One who sent him is a man of truth; the…