We respect and appreciates divergent views. Opinions, quotes, scholars' views in most cas…
- Most generally accepted Bible translations can be trusted to present the authentic message of God as recorded in the original autographs.
- To a high degree of accuracy.
- Disagreement on any passage critical to theology is rare …
I understand that you are unable and/or unwilling. In that regard we are very much alike.
- I am sorry the subject, meaning and relevance escape you. Again, I apologize.
- Your questionable arcane, cabalistic process was explored beyond my satisfaction. Obsessing on details of personal vaccination choices remains uninteresti…
Excellent point. As time passes and we learn more, we are wise to adapt.
For what it's worth, I am not in favor of mandatory vaccination.
Thank you for your admonition.
Note: In 2020 nobody was vaccinated and thus "not well protected", while in 2021 many a…
My traction goes back to the Bible text itself, your traction goes to what church tradition interpreted hundreds of years later. How many or how few are inclined to or believe something is totally irrelevant in regards to whether or not…
I am sure you did the best you knew, Bill. I respect that.
Perhaps for you such declarations don't offer a "clue," but they do for me.
Well said.
I didn't ask you to prove that the FDA told me …
As amusement, Mr. Coley, can you inform us whether you believe the FDA has never made a mis…
God came as man in the form of Jesus. Jesus, did awesome things, showing that He was more than a man, but was, in fact, God. That is how God did these things through the man. The man had limits of being a man, but God was not limite…
The FDA's statement doesn't refer only to "certain differences." Its statement refers to "certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness." (emphasis added)
Who said t…
Hmn ... what then is the basis for what would be "well-established texts"?
<…I agree that we have little to discuss. I think that's because you've consistently refused to engage me on the texts I cite, texts which you claim must be consistent with whatever texts you would cite... were you to cite any.
The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do no…
The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness."
And you haven't a clue what those differences are. You just blindly swallow wh…
>The products are legally distinct with certain differences that d…
Silent Spring.
I am increasingly skeptical.
Your interpretations are based on isolating passages, even phrases within a passage. That is not acceptable hermeneutics and not a valid conclusion. That leaves little to discuss.
OK. That is a little weird. Where do you find this stuff? I admit this one is alarming.
I am almost convinced this place is some kind of social sciences joke.
See, your question above whether I reject verses of scripture is a prime example for such church traditionalist practice
Is it? :) Don't be so defensive, it was a simple question.
The ritual's purpose is initiation into the particular church group (establishing in their practice membership or full membership in their group) rather than having to do with the spiritual reality of a person being added into the churc…
Wolfgang, I am not here to tell you what you have written or to second guess how you think. I saw Christian Discourse a while back and what looked like a few people talking about the Bible and life. I thought I might join and see what folks here…
Firetrucks are nearly always found at the scene of fires. Ban all firetrucks! Same logic.
You can't blame Biden for surging gas prices. He knows nothing about it.
I presumed you said what you meant. I took it at honest face value. Was that an error?