Now we must ban bow and arrows.
Sticking isolated verses together may make for colorful (and to some eyes, impressive) "patchwork theology",
??? your points here reflect going in circles without any real pertinent information for location.
True. We discussed that already. We don't know Heaven's GPS coordinates. We know Heaven is a location.
Something on which forum readers agree:
Biden = moral crisis + border crisis + energy crisis + economic crisis + social crisis + infrastructure crisis
The question here however is to understand what heaven is, and following on if it is a place, a particular location, one should know info about where that location is.
As indicated in my post above, descriptions of hea…
So then, where is this place "heaven" (if it is one) located?
We don't have GPS coordinates. That lack is not evidence that Heaven does not exist. God is there. The resurrected body of Jesus is there. The Lord's praye…
Biden and his party are failing, floundering, flailing. Is he in the ash heap of history?
The economy is floundering. Inflation unchecked. Yet, Democrats still swoon pie-eyed before their piper and savior.
The Proverbs passages are unrelated.
Your discussion could be reasonable, but it directly contradicts the passage I included. The discussion must be rejected.
Jesus said to him: “Why do you call Me good? Nobody is good except one, God.” (Mark 10:18)
The explanation for all passages above can be found in Col 1:15-20, the rest of the passage you isolated from context. Below is the context.
He ([Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16For by him…
Jesus cites Psalm 82:1–8 to remind His enemies that God Himself uses "gods" as an appropriate description for the judges of Israel. How can they stone Jesus, who performed miracles as evidence of being God, for using the word "God"?
The poi…
Jesus claimed to be God so clearly that his enemies attempted to stone Him for blasphemy. What Jesus said was so clear to His audience, that they intended to kill Him.
Do you think Jesus' audience understood Jesus to say He was Go…
@BroRando English "begotten" is not commonly used and the meaning is not clear to some people. Begotten is one E…
One who makes God known is not God.
God can make himself known. The body of Jesus was not the fullness of God. People could see Jesus' body. No one has seen God.
Why would God say to God I am pleased w…
Almost all the way down, Yes.
I emphasize agreement that "Body" is not "person."
God's spirit was indeed inside Jesus, just as God's spirit is inside all of us
No. Not "just as."
God's spirit may re…
not worth the time to reply ...
If you are unable or unprepared to reply, say so, I would respect that.
Adam had your God person inside
I don't know how all that was, but I imagine that the Holy Spirit of God may have been known to Adam. The person of God certainly was.…
as the first Adam also was God?
I am making no reference to Morman Adam-God theory, which is a Mormon theory and not biblical.
as all who believe on Christ receive holy spirit also a…
How did I miss such when the topic was not about who the son of God is??
I don't know.
since Mr. Ford is manifest in his automobiles,
God manifest in the man Jesus has nothing to do …
I acknowledge reading all bullet points of your post.
In addition, don't worry about "convincing" in the first place ... true conviction always comes from inside.
Right. Other than brief reasoning, I won't invest time to convince you. Conviction is what matters.
>>Do they have hope of a future life?
>>Do they have hope of a future life?
I do ... being changed and received up to live eternally in God's presence.
You just pinned the tail on the donkey. A…
- What is Purgatory? Purging from sin. Could also be called sanctification.
- Where did it come from? It is God's idea.
- Who's in charge of it? God.
I also see that some here do not believe in a bodily resurrection. I am beginning to see why Jesus might not matter that much to such a person. God might not either.
Do such people believe in ghosts?
Do they have hope of a future…
For me, the true God is an individual living spirit Being, biblically described as the Creator, as the Almighty, as the one whom the man Jesus called his Father ... The true God is not a group, team, or family of multiple individuals.…
Arguing probably won't convince you. You believe that Jesus is God or you don't. You don't. So, your understanding is limited to what you can believe. That is true for each of us.
As you say, Jesus was the promised human being, the "seed of a woman." He was also without a human father. God was His "Father" who engendered Jesus in Mary. Because God fathered a fleshly being in Mary, is one reason we call Jesus the "…
I laugh at jokes ...
I like jokes but did not see one.
I am smiling ... your list did not have one scripture which teaches that Jesus is God, that God and Jesus are identical individuals.