When someone points you to the Watchtower instead of the Bible you know...
The pallid, dying hand of the JayDub
Throws a rock hoping to break a window in the House of God
Flinging in a hook hidden in false promises of Paradise
Drawing souls from the a…
The pallid, dying hand of the JayDub
Throws a rock hoping to break a window in the House of God
Flinging in a hook hidden in false promises of Paradise
Drawing souls from the a…
Hitler is a few steps above JW's because he at least knew more than the uneducated anonymous NWT JW translators. There is no "J" in Hebrew.
Hitler may have destroyed millions, but not so nearly so many millions as the Watchtower and its cu…
They [angels] struck the men who were at the entrance of the house, both young and old, with blindness so that they were unable to find the entrance. Gen 19:9
No matter how much Truth con…
There it is, fresh from the horses frothy lips, and for once, a post we can believe.
I respect your choice not to receive transfusions if that is meaningful to you personally. Howev…
Rather horrifying to see what kind of robotic mind-controlled thing the Watchtower turns a person into.
These forums should be kept as a warning and reminder to all
Don't be deceived. Almost everything, it seems, from the JW Watchtower is deceptive. Satan just can't tell truth.
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." Mt 7:15
Whether take…
"Our Country no longer has Borders, has totally and completely lost control of Covid (record numbers!), is no longer Energy Independent, Inflation is rampant, our Military is in chaos, and our exit, or surrender, from Afghanistan was perhaps the …
To be clear:
To refuse life-giving blood is deeply symbolic and very telling. Of course we don't drink it, like the Bible says, like pagans did. But to refuse blood in a life giving way is to refuse life. That refusal is written all over …
A complete covering of blood inside and out is what JW’s need. To reject blood is to…I can’t bring myself to say it. Please…reconsider?
False prophets don sheep’s clothing to disguise the fact that they are ravaging wolves masquerading as true disciples.
However, a prophet’s character and behavior (his fruit) indicates whether he is true or false.
Other NT texts ins…
As a devout Unitarian and a quasi-JW, stop making a mountain out of a "mole-hill…
I have no idea. DNA tests might …
What a blessing to see how many times the label "Blessed" appears! Thanks. Everything in me wants to cling to positive labels.
Yet, like we have deprecatory Psalms, we also have many negative labels.
Below is a more …
Resources for understanding what JW's have to offer:
I think nearly all major translations come from true scholars with godly hearts, who poured their all prayerfully into authentically translating the Bible.
Not so with the NWT.
While, I do not consider the NWT to be a major translati…
It's broadly known.
The Bergman study is here:
And yet, in the next breath, @BroRando claims YHWH is one God and Jesus is another. This seems to be a case of an…
Pseudo-Christians such as self-proclaimed "Jehovah's Witnesses" latch onto an obscure meaning of an English word translated from Greek to build a case that supports a cult false teaching. The book above is an example of such distortion.
There are many false religions, but the JW cult is a particularly insidious mutation.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God,
for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
By this you know the Spirit of God: every s…
Nice thing about @BroRando "body slamming me" is that I never felt a thing. Was he telling the truth?
I commented on your post on my wall.
I don't know how "Walls" and PM's and such work, but want to be …
Note to self and others:
Don't cast that which is holy before those unable to appreciate it.