Theo Book.......PHILLIP.SCHAFF...Cath.Encyclopedia
48...........Gal............48...................5 7
50...........I Thess......50...................52-53
Luke 1:41 And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, THE BABE leaped IN HER WOMB; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:
Jesus himself gave us proof that he is not GOD.
Jesus spoke of a time during which His disciples left him and they had thought to leave him alone; John 16:32 Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man …
GOD told Moses that he (GOD) would "raise up a prophet, from among their brethren like unto Moses; Nothing about "sending down a GOD."
John 4: 24 God is Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Luke 2…
If Black lives really mat…
Original sin, as a doctrine, is not found in scripture. It is man made, and false.
Scripture teaches over and over again, that a man perishes for his own evil deeds, not for the deeds of his father. To suppose that all men bear Adam's sin, …
You are asking me to write my book online instead of publishing it as a book.
@Bill_Coley the Apostle Paul...
- ...summarizes of one …
[QUOTE=Bill_Coley] If Jesus took away Peter's mission to the Gentiles, why in Acts 15 does Peter tell the Jerusalem Council that God had called him …
O.K., I just found another book in my study library; Baker's greek new testament library
Analytical Concordance Of The Greek New Testament; Lexical Focus; volume I - 2619 8x11 pages and uses Font size smaller than 8.
Begins on page 2…
O.K. Folks
I will begin a new thread developing only the issues raised by the scholars hiding important information from the church.
I will label it "A CAVE is a hollow rock." See you over there in a couple of hours.
LXE Psalm 104:12 {0103:12} By them shall the birds of the sky lodge: they shall utter a voice out of the midst of then (petrwn) = rocks.
[petrw/n noun genitive masculine plural common form of noun [UBS] Petros = Peter
O.K., and My Apology to Wolfgang for a short retort. Looks way too much like showing out.
The family of words is based upon PETROS / new Name of Peter given him by Jesus.
It's in Zondervan's Analytical Greek Lexicon; p.323
Wait for the book.
If you depend too much on what is provided by digital software, you will totally miss the life of scripture.
I do not use Commentaries, nor Early Church Fathers, since I learned of some of their errors.
And since I rely heavily on the…
That's because you do not know the fol…
When John wrote his epistle in 96 a.d., no one called Jesus "The Logos Of God" except John who understood it to reference the crucified, resurrected Christ.
John wrote the book called "Apocalypse," Which we know more as "Revelation of John," in 69 A.D., and in it reveals a name Jesus is to receive at some future time, unknown by the world or the church when it was being written. By the time John comp…
2 Corinthians 2:17 For we are not as many, which corrupt the [1](logon) word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.
[1]logon = accusative masculine singular form of the noun [UBS] logos, somethi…
You assume China did not take a small craft within a large craft, to throw off any observers.
Jo0hn 3:14-15 cannot be understood without the LXX input about Nehushtan.
LUKE 9:31 and Heb 6:6 cannot be understood without Micah 5:2
Revelation of John can't be understood apart from Daniel
Many Many other examples
"ALL scripture is inspired of God and is profitable....."
2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:17 That the man of God ma…
O.K. Let's examine the wo…