@Brother Rando You already admitted you are not a Christian. Therefore, none of your teachings have any weight to them. Ther…
@Brother Rando Jehovah is not like anyone else. I submissive because I Believe in him and want to serve him. Because of him,…
@Brother Rando Yes. I have 'Peace of Mind' in such a turbulent World. But I am not perfect. I still fall short of the Glory …
The Will of your Jehovah is just about obedience of certain rules related to the material world. This is exactly the same as it is written at the beginning of Quran "I created you just to worship me", said Allah.
My God (The One Lov…
What I am sure of is that 'The End', you are talking about, will come. to me in least, at the death of my living body (my last sleep) without which I can't exist permanently in the dream-like eternal realm (God's Realm of Love).
Don't you see? You, as I, need to skip certain verses, no matter how clear they are, that don't suit your interests. like of {Matthew 5:44-45}.
For insta…
@Brother Rando All the faithful ones who do the Fathers (Will) - the obedient. Those who forsake their own (will) to do the …
@Brother Rando There will come a time when All will become One with the Father.
These are words that each of them co…
@Brother Rando I see that also. Dying is unnatural.
I am not surprised seeing adults who, even in 21st century, still …
@Brother Rando Rather, man has qualities reflecting, or mirroring, those of his heavenly Maker, qualities tha…
For instance, I am not Christian. I am just an independent 'student' ('disciple', in English) of Jesus.
{Genesis 1:26} And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
{Genesis 1:27} So God cre…
It is good that you see the Truth in the Holy Scriptures of Revelation.
Muslims see the Truth in the Holy Scriptures of Quran.
Catholic believers see the Truth in the Holy Scriptures of St Paul.
Sorry, I simply found …
No one can deny that for a doctrine, religious or political, to exist, there must be many believers who all have accepted what certain heads approved as being The Truth (truths).
This applies on what are known as Islamic sects, Christian se…
@Brother Rando - However, there came a time when Jehovah wanted humans to know His Name and to hallow His Name. He want His Na…
As you know, a real marriage follows a law, civil or religious, in the first place.
Such a law allows a man and a woman to unify their fleshes but not necessarily their 'will'. This is why Jesus was specific about their two fleshes (Mark 10…
Sorry, I, unlike you, cannot see God as Allah... no matter what his name is.
I see my God in spirit and spirits, unlike humans, have no names. But this doesn't prevent humans to give names to spirits in God's Realm.
But it is good tha…
"A new commandment I give to you: that you love one another — just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples — if you have love for one another.”
@Brother Rando However you seem that the doctrine you discovered outside the scriptures are scriptural - they are not.
@Brother Rando And yet that is the doctrine you blindly follow.
Sorry, you keep telling me that I follow a doctrine.
I challenge you :) to find for me just one person in the world who agrees with me on half of what I tell you here.
As you know, a real doctrine has many believers, …
In the past, the miracles of Jesus, mainly the most important one which was the Resurrection of His Body, were very important for the Apostles and His First Disciples whose mission was to preach His sayings though they oppose the interests of the…
It happens that I never feared death. And, as the best moment, after a hard day, is when I am in bed to sleep, my best moment in my life is when I am going to die and sleep for good.
In case the 'Will' that created me will let me exist agai…
If I didn't know what will happen to me after the death of my mortal living flesh, all what you heard from me would be of no value to me in the least. In fact, it was the first crucial question that I, when I was much younger, had to know its log…
Earth is just a planet among millions ones which are surfing, each for a period of time, in the created huge universe. Earth is another mortal planet which, like all other planets, will reach someday its end of service (when it will not exist any…
I used to thank my Heavenly Father and Jesus for giving me the chance to accept in my soul their unifying Spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit, and to join them by also living their Love on earth as it is in Heaven.
@Brother Rando Jesus never claimed God was a Ghost. "God is a Spirit, and those worshipping…
@Brother Rando Did you know that God has a name that uniquely identifies him?
in Since Moses was called elohim, does that make him God? Comment by KerimF February 5