Thanks for calling out the ad hominems and name calling, and sorry I've been slow to respond. Please be more respectful with each other, and remember if you use ad hominems that signifies that there are no real arguments.
Happy new year to …
@Bill_Coley wrote
Your report that you're not convinced that the two posters in question are t…
@BroRando if you believe that in The Fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 about to Be Revealed... Comment by Jan February 2022
So this thread was flagged too.
I'm not convinced that @GaoLu and in The Fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 about to Be Revealed... Comment by Jan February 2022
This comment was flagged twice, a…
Issue is resolved for good. The server was configured to handle no more than 200 concurrent visitors at a time (on all my websites in total). Whenever that number was exceeded (which happened a lot recently), all sites went down, including this o…
It's not resolved 😟
I'm back from vacation tomorrow evening, and will look into the issue thoroughly as soon as possible. Same goes for the flagged discussions.
No, this was no DDoS. I've not found the root cause yet. The web server simply becomes unresponsive until I restart it. It's not been happening again now for a couple of days, after I applied all the latest patches. Let's hope it's resolved.
<… -
Difficult to say. That user is registered with an anonymous email address, and logs in regularly through a VPN.
And some note on the previous forum at
It's indeed possible to get the forum content through, however, it's hidden in the source code, and therefore not readable for the human eye. It could be automatical…
@Wolfgang asked me to delete his account. I'll do that tomorrow, since I'm still busy with other things, and it's…
So this thread was flagged, but I see personal attacks on both sides (Holocaust denier, false teacher...)
A personal attack disguised as a question is still a personal attack.
Please stay on topic.
Can we please stop name-calling and personal attacks like "psychopaths/evil minds". Stay on topic. Criticize ideas. Don't criticize people.
Thank you!
Blessings to you all, and sorry again that I've not been more active recently...
I received a complaint about this thread and others.
Please let me remind you that name-calling and ad-hominems are the lowest form of argumentative stra…
Officially, I'm in charge, however, I'm drowning in all other kinds of things (family, business, seminary...) so I'm just keeping an eye on things here, but rarely engage in conversation these days. Hopefully that will change some time in the fut…
D.A. Carson has put it quite well. Most Logos users among us should have this resource. It's been included in countless lower level base packages over the years. Very helpful resource to learn how to engage in fruitful discussion. in John 1:1- ignored by context, as well as the rest of John! Comment by Jan June 2021
This thread was flagged because of alleged insults...
The tone in this forum can be rough at times, but we should still treat each other with respect.
Implying that someone isn't a Christian, no matter whether that's really the case o…
@reformed wrote:
Someone shut this guy down please. in The First Lie believed by World Religions! Comment by Jan May 2021
Welcome back, Hamilton!
With several new old members back, maybe, the forum will revive. It's definitely not as dead as it was before.
I've mainly been monitoring that discussions go orderly, and applying forum updates whenever necess…
He chose not to take the challenge anyway, and instead kept sending one silly argument after another through personal messages, and ignored all my questions to him. It's very unlikely that there's going to be a debate.
Sorry about the late reply. I'm still in time though to wish everyone a Happy New Year...... a Happy Chinese New Year! 😁
I always have many ideas, but I think I should restrict myself to two goals for 2020:
- Get permission from FL…
Oh, I see what you mean now.
I copied this layout idea from the old CD, but maybe it's not such a good design. I'll have a look into it after running the updates.
I'm not getting it...
Right now, if you click on a category, you see all posts in that specific category. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?
I just noticed, I missed …
Are you referring to the Ten-commandments (Exod. 20:1-7; Deuteronomy 5; and throughout the NT)? If not, what?
No, it's more than just the 10 Commandmends. It's the entirety of the moral standards defined by God in the …
The question was about lost books mentioned in the Bible that no longer exist. And to that the answer is a very clear yes.
Whether these lost books are Holy Scripture is an entirely different question. But since they're los…
1) As with the accountability predicted in Ezekiel 18, this verse does NOT define the community's role in the death of "the wicked." How could the community have known they were to execute those deemed to be "wicked" if, unlike in the l…
When looking at the whole context of Ezekiel, the book does command community action against the unrepentant offender.
When I say to the wicked, ‘Surely you will die,’ and you do not warn him and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his…
Okay, for arguments sake let's assume you're right, and Ezekiel did not abrogate the death sentence for repentant sinners. Still, the Lord clearly proclaims that the repentant sinner will live.
For practical purposes, please explain, assumi…