Yes, the Father is "my God" (Matthew 27:46). What refutes your false doctrine is that Jesus is "my God" according to John 20:28.
Which is a total dodge of what took place by the JW's in 1954.
When the expression, "My God" is used by a believer in the Bible it always refers to the Almighty.
That's great, because this demonstrates Jesus is the Almighty.
"The God of me"
Satan is the god of this wicked world.
Big difference.
Aaron never referred to Moses as "the G/god of me."
They used to worship Jesus (prayer is worship), but that changed in 1954.
Interestingly, even after 1954 they still (inadvertently?) affirm it.
They are very confused.
Beloved ones, we are now children of God, but it has not yet been made manifest what we will be. We do know that when he is made manifest we will be like him, because we will see him just as he is. (1 John 3:2, New World Translat…
Others can be called "god", but Jesus is "my God" (John 20:28).
When the Samaritans received the Holy Spirit that is when they were baptized with the Holy Spirit.