Jesus Christ = YAHWEH. So the trinity is Jesus…
That's fine. But I'm just presenting the truth…
If you define Jesus apart from your denominati…
I think we need to define Jesus Christ in historic Christian terms, that is, as the Trinity, before we can say any follow the true God. If the triune God did not come in the flesh, the worshiper of any other construct has the spirit of Antichrist…
It does not prove tour point. 1) Peter said al…
You cannot believe unless first born again. Ev…
“You know the events that took pl…
If he already heard it, Peter's preaching was …
If you consider this modified position, Cornel…
I love the Reformed doctrine of Predestination. Especially as the Westminster Confession spells it out in Chapter Three. I don't think N.T.W. does it justice in the video. If I might share my personal view, not necessarily scriptural but it might…
Hi Brian, I think the first three points are t…
I sampled excerpts not wanting to invest too much time. But I think
Trinitarians will say the Trinitarians won. And the Unitarians will say the Unitarians won. It's depends on seeing what you want to see instead seeing what you don't want …
The bible is a giant Rorschach test for most all who read it. They don't learn from it, they read into it whatever they think it means. Few if any learn from it by comparing scripture with scripture. Or by studying the creeds that passed the test…
The way I understand Jesus is that he is one Spirit without beginning or end extending in all directions forever. And as God he is three persons who eternally relate to each other as the Father person who eternally begets the Son person, who with…
the doctrine of the Trinity can be summarized in seven statements. (1) There is only one God. (2) The Father is God. (3) The Son is God. (4) The Holy Spirit is God. (5) The Father is not the Son. (6) The Son is the not the Holy Spirit. (7) The Ho…
The Trinity is there for all who want to see i…
If you cannot see the trinity in scripture, find a Sunday school boy or girl to explain it to you. It is the simplest of all doctrines spelled out visually for all to see during Jesus' baptism. The Father spoke from heaven, as the Holy Spirit des…
Any child can see the three persons, each called God, present at Jesus' baptism.
In Acts they still saw through a glass darkly having only tongues and prophecy. When all scripture had been collected and compiled we received the complete revelation. And this brought into focus the three persons of One God that we call the trin…
It's all about which bucket you wear over your head. The one that stops your ears from hearing and eyes from seeing. So for the most part, you are banging heads with many who are as blind as you. Only with a different indoctrination. If you can r…
The Ten Commandments were the Old Covenant replaced by the New Covenant. Under which the Two Great Commandments of Love for God and People form the basis for NT ethics. The Ten are useful for commentary and instruction but not binding.…
I'm speaking of Palestinian Christians killed during the Israeli occupation of their land. Thanks for your input. We've missed you BK.
If you show respect of persons of one nation above another you misrepresent Christ and create trouble for Christians in hostile lands.
She is not Israel in any truthful sense. Jesus and the Church are Israel and the apostate Jews are under God's wrath until the end of time. Only those who accept Christ are grafted back into Israel.
Truth will do that.
I believe true biblical repentance is a change of mind that is impossible apart from the new birth. When God gives us a new heart and places his Spirit within it, we cannot help but think differently and over time, correctly.
If you think today's Israel is biblical Israel, it explains your favoritism towards them But the Church is biblical Israel. Nobody hates Christ and you more than the Talmudic Jews who call themselves Israel,
What is grace apart from Satan and wrath for sin?
It seems you support those who hate Christ most and kill Christians as a matter of routine. Any screws loose you might not be aware of?