"What is lordship salvation?"

Answer:The doctrine of lordship salvation teaches that submitting to Christ as Lord goes hand-in-hand with trusting in Christ as Savior. Lordship salvation is the opposite of what is sometimes called easy-believism or the teaching that salvation comes through an acknowledgement of a certain set of facts.
John MacArthur, whose book The Gospel According to Jesus lays out the case for lordship salvation, summarizes the teaching this way: “The gospel call to faith presupposes that sinners must repent of their sin and yield to Christ’s authority.” In other words, a sinner who refuses to repent is not saved, for he cannot cling to his sin and the Savior at the same time. And a sinner who rejects Christ’s authority in his life does not have saving faith, for true faith encompasses a surrender to God. Thus, the gospel requires more than making an intellectual decision or mouthing a prayer; the gospel message is a call to discipleship. The sheep will follow their Shepherd in submissive obedience.
Personally, I think legalism is taboo. But if love aligned with scripture guides our thoughts and actions, Jesus is Lord of our lives. And not so much laws that we can keep in the flesh.
Are you saying Lordship Salvation is a form of legalism? I'm confused...
@reformed said:
Are you saying Lordship Salvation is a form of legalism? I'm confused...I think many turn the gospel into law, and make the characteristics of a genuinely saved believer into legalistic conditions people must meet in order to save themselves.
If He isn't your Lord, you aren't saved. If He is, you are. I don't see how His being Lord is legalism. The way I understand MacArthur, he seems spot-on.
I think many turn the gospel into law, and make the characteristics of a genuinely saved believer into legalistic conditions people must meet in order to save themselves.
Probably true. Well said.