Official Nonsense again propagated today in remembrance of events 17 years ago?
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Why I Don’t Speak of the Fake News of “9/11” Anymore
by Edward Curtin
Instead of dismissing, just read carefully and THINK for yourselves rather than "being thought". Instead of being led by false patriotism, be a real patriot and recognize what most likely was really going on that day ... since such is becoming more and more evident by what was done and what has happened in the years since. The USA indeed is no longer the same country as before that day ... but in a total different way than most folks think.
I had wanted to mention the two paragraphs now given below from the article linked in the original post above, but was too quick to click the "post comment" button
Words have a power to enchant and mesmerize. Linguistic mind-control, especially when linked to traumatic events such as the September 11 and the anthrax attacks, can strike people dumb and blind. It often makes some subjects “unthinkable” and “unspeakable” (to quote Jim Douglass quoting Thomas Merton in JFK and the Unspeakable: the unspeakable “is the void that contradicts everything that is spoken even before the words are said.”).
We need a new vocabulary to speak of these terrible things. Let us learn, as Chief Joseph said, to speak with a straight tongue, and in language that doesn’t do the enemies work of mind control, but snaps the world awake to the truth of the mass murders of September 11, 2001 that have been used to massacre millions across the world.
Some more interesting information becoming more readily available to more people regarding events of September 11, 2001 ...
The conspiracy of silence about those horrible events sort of ended in 2009 when Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies at the US Army War College, stepped forward and publicly declared that the Israeli Mossad had very likely been responsible for the 9/11 attacks, writing a series of columns on the subject, and eventually presenting his views in a number of media interviews, along with additional analyses.
complain to the authors and prove them wrong ... you are free to believe whatever and whoever you want to believe, you are free to believe lies or truth. -
The truth is we were attacked by terrorists of Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden. The proof is abundant.
@reformed said:
The truth is we were attacked by terrorists of Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden. The proof is abundant.
I suppose Santa enters houses through chimneys ... abundant "proof" for that is available as well ... as long as one doesn't actually consider what is presented as "proof", the moment one thinks about those presented "proofs", the truth begins to become obvious.
@Wolfgang said:
I suppose Santa enters houses through chimneys ... abundant "proof" for that is available as well ... as long as one doesn't actually consider what is presented as "proof", the moment one thinks about those presented "proofs", the truth begins to become obvious.
You are disgusting. You dishonor 3,000 people who lost their lives that day with your filth.
I've read the reports, I've seen the evidence, I watched it all happen live. We know without a doubt what happened and you and other conspiracy theorists just need to shut up.
@reformed said:
You are disgusting. You dishonor 3,000 people who lost their lives that day with your filth.Total non-sense ... the ones who dishonor those who lost their lives that day are those who support false propaganda information about it and who thus support the real culprits responsible for those people losing their lives. There is far more evidence indicating that the real culprits were not some Arab amateur flight school students with box cutters ...
Have you ever considered the ages old single question which for centuries has proven to be the key to determine the truth about such events? Ever heard of asking the question, "Who had a benefit from what happened?"
I've read the reports, I've seen the evidence, I watched it all happen live.
You are the first person I have ever read about who makes such claims ... you watched it all happen live (I suppose you were in NYC and Washington and in PA all at basically the same time to see it live) ....
Which reports did you read? what about the articles to which I linked which provide rather detailed information on a number of aspects? What evidence for what have you personally seen?We know without a doubt what happened and you and other conspiracy theorists just need to shut up.
It is obvious that the events on that day were results of a conspiracy ... the real question is which conspiracy and who was behind it?
Go away pig.
@reformed said:
Go away pig.I am amazed at the character you put on public display here ... did you really mean to give an example of hatred, evil speaking of others in addition to unwillingness to have a proper debate/discussion?
@Wolfgang said:
I am amazed at the character you put on public display here ... did you really mean to give an example of hatred, evil speaking of others in addition to unwillingness to have a proper debate/discussion?
There is no debate or discussion on this topic.
I received a complaint about this thread. Understandably.
We should not dishonour the memory of 3000 people on the anniversary of their death by discussing conspiracy theories. There is no doubt that 9/11 happened. My friend's uncle was in one of the twin towers, and made it out alive.As for who caused it, of course that's material for conspiracy theories. Fact is, Al Qaeda claimed responsibility. Fact is also, Muslims who earnestly believe that Islam is the religion of peace, can't take that in, and blame Israel and the Jews. (There's a lot more to the alleged "International Jewish Conspiracy").
Sorry about linking to an atheist website, but the rebuttal there is very thorough: prove any conspiracy theory, we absolutely need hard evidence, and eyewitness testimony. Considering the number of people who would have been involved in a conspiracy of this magnitude, it is extremely unlikely that there hasn't been a single whistle blower.
Much smaller conspiracies have not been able to be contained in recent years, thanks to people like Bradley Manning, Mark Snowden and Julian Assange.So, how do we continue from here? My suggestion would be to freeze the thread for about a month, and continue the discussion when the memorial services are over. And then I would like to see facts, not vague theories.
@Jan said:
I received a complaint about this thread. Understandably.I reject the conspiracy theories about the events of 9/11 presented in the material to which Wolgang linked in this thread's OP, and do so without exception or reservation, Jan. First amendment advocate that I am, I am not so definitive in my assessment of whether such links should be permitted on or around 9/11. In my view, Christ-centered sensitivity to the occasion argues against posting them on the date itself, regardless of the home nation of those who would present them; but that sensitivity does NOT argue in favor of banning them from the forums. I respect views different from mine on this matter.
For the record, I ALSO reject posts that label other posters "disgusting" or "pigs," as has been done in this thread. Christ-centered sensitivity to others and the CD expectation that we will "criticize ideas, not people" both argue against posting such name-calling in these forums.
@Jan said:
We should not dishonour the memory of 3000 people on the anniversary of their death by discussing conspiracy theories. There is no doubt that 9/11 happened.who doubted that the events happened?
As for who caused it, of course that's material for conspiracy theories. Fact is, Al Qaeda claimed responsibility.
You claim that this is a fact ... the fact is that Osama bin Laden, supposedly the chief head of Al Qaeda at the time, on public Arab TV soon after the events happened announced that he and Al Qaeda were NOT involved in this attack !!
Also, one should note another fact: Osama bin Laden was never after the attacks put on the wanted list of USA authorities (FBI) for the 09/11 attacks (only for involvement in an attack on the US embassy in Kenya years prior.
So much for a few facts for starters ...To prove any conspiracy theory, we absolutely need hard evidence, and eyewitness testimony.
There is hard evidence around, for example even live TV coverage which shows explosions and demolition of the towers as is pointed out by reputable specialists in the field ... There are pictures of the Pentagon scene of attack documenting a hole in the wall through which no passenger plane ever fits and with debris that is missing what one would normally find at any airplane crash site ...
So, how do we continue from here? My suggestion would be to freeze the thread for about a month, and continue the discussion when the memorial services are over. And then I would like to see facts, not vague theories.
You want to see facts ... have a look around at various sources. Some of the obvious facts are in plain sight ... just interpreted in a manner that is almost ludicrous and "unbelievable" by the official story tellers ...
I suggest to continue searching for the truth and thus find out who really was behind the deaths of thousands of people on that day and millions of civilians in the wars that were started with false pretenses since ....
Only truth will really make free .... there are many families of victims of the attacks on that day which have questions because the official story does not answer their questions ...
Thanks WS, Interesting post. I saw a side of America that day that was quite unsettling. Gasoline prices skyrocketed. Hoarding, lines several blocks long to buy a tank of gas at hyper inflated prices. Many I know personally ran on banks. "All looking out for the other guy."
@Wolfgang said:
who doubted that the events happened?
You claim that this is a fact ... the fact is that Osama bin Laden, supposedly the chief head of Al Qaeda at the time, on public Arab TV soon after the events happened announced that he and Al Qaeda were NOT involved in this attack !!
Also, one should note another fact: Osama bin Laden was never after the attacks put on the wanted list of USA authorities (FBI) for the 09/11 attacks (only for involvement in an attack on the US embassy in Kenya years prior.
So much for a few facts for starters ...There is hard evidence around, for example even live TV coverage which shows explosions and demolition of the towers as is pointed out by reputable specialists in the field ... There are pictures of the Pentagon scene of attack documenting a hole in the wall through which no passenger plane ever fits and with debris that is missing what one would normally find at any airplane crash site ...
You want to see facts ... have a look around at various sources. Some of the obvious facts are in plain sight ... just interpreted in a manner that is almost ludicrous and "unbelievable" by the official story tellers ...
I suggest to continue searching for the truth and thus find out who really was behind the deaths of thousands of people on that day and millions of civilians in the wars that were started with false pretenses since ....
Only truth will really make free .... there are many families of victims of the attacks on that day which have questions because the official story does not answer their questions ...
We have footage of Bin Laden claiming responsibility.
The wanted poster is a Red Herring, this article deals with that.
That being said, there is not hard evidence of demolition points in the towers. This has been debunked.
What debris is missing from the Pentagon site? There were eyewitnesses, there is video evidence and there was debris.
@Bill_Coley said:
I reject the conspiracy theories about the events of 9/11 presented in the material to which Wolgang linked in this thread's OP, and do so without exception or reservation, Jan. First amendment advocate that I am, I am not so definitive in my assessment of whether such links should be permitted on or around 9/11. In my view, Christ-centered sensitivity to the occasion argues against posting them on the date itself, regardless of the home nation of those who would present them; but that sensitivity does NOT argue in favor of banning them from the forums. I respect views different from mine on this matter.
For the record, I ALSO reject posts that label other posters "disgusting" or "pigs," as has been done in this thread. Christ-centered sensitivity to others and the CD expectation that we will "criticize ideas, not people" both argue against posting such name-calling in these forums.
Oh, choke. From the master of sanctimonious. Few are fooled, probably only one.
@reformed said:
The wanted poster is a Red Herring, this article deals with that.somehow this article seems no longer available ...
That being said, there is not hard evidence of demolition points in the towers. This has been debunked.
From that article:
... NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder told journalists at this morning's press conference in Gaithersburg, Md. "WTC 7 collapsed because of fires fueled by office furnishings. It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires." ...
Never heard such a silly statement from a supposed professional ... especially so, since the items which could have shown evidence of what indeed happened were quickly -- and WITHOUT proper investigation having been conducted (!) -- removed from the crime scene and eventually shipped out somewhere else and thus a real crime scene investigation never happened .... most likely for the simple reason that "we already know who did it, need no investigation as there is no other possibility".What debris is missing from the Pentagon site? There were eyewitnesses, there is video evidence and there was debris.
I've seen a few videos and photos of airplane crash scenes ... and the Pentagon scene is lacking just about all evidence of a 757 hitting the wall there.
By the way, I am rather astonished that nobody here seems astonished that the September 11 airplane crashes are the only ones where the "black boxes" of the involved aircraft were never found ... even though the crash sites were properly cleaned up. What does that tell regarding the investigation that was conducted?
Some patriots' questions regarding 9/11 ... please note, I have nothing whatever to do with the content of the website linked below. If you don't like what you can read there, complain to the website publishers and the survivors and family members of victims who are mentioned there:
9/11 Survivors and Family Members Question the 9/11 Commission Report
Here's a podcast of Detective J. Warner Wallace talking about conspiracies:
From decades of experience as a criminal investigator, he's come up with five factors that are required to make a conspiracy successful.
Let's see that not a single factor applies to the alleged 9/11 conspiracy.
- A small number of conspirators. This is not the case, as a large number of people would be required for planning and executing the attacks, hiding evidence (such as three complete airplanes), photoshopping etc.
- A short timespan. This is also not the case. The conspiracy would have to last to this day to avoid inconsistencies and contradictions to surface.
- Excellent communication. / 4. Familial relationships. Both are not the case. There would have been dozens if not hundreds of people to be involved, political, military, strangers to each other. The photoshop guy would not have talked to the guy who planted the bombs, who would not have talked to the guy in charge of hiding the three planes somewhere.
- Little or no pressure to confess. The conscientious pressure to confess would have been enormous. Yet WikiLeaks did not even receive one single anonymous document.
@Jan said:
1. A small number of conspirators. This is not the case, as a large number of people would be required for planning and executing the attacks, hiding evidence (such as three complete airplanes), photoshopping etc.It would require only ONE intelligence service (or maybe assistance of a few others) ... That a large number of people would be required only applies to certain scenarios, but there are other options of conspiracies,etc which would not require such.
As for "hiding evidence", such appears to have been done in plain sight by means of refusing to conduct a proper investigation (which would have been reason to delay the clean up, but which then was used as excuse as clean up was deemed more important than investigation)- A short timespan. This is also not the case.
"A short time span" is another assumption for certain circumstances, not mandatory for all scenarios .... cp. what happened in 1963, or even in 1941 which conspiracies have been maintained for many decades to most of the USA public .... as time went by, it actually became "easier" to "maintain the conspiracy at large.
The conspiracy would have to last to this day to avoid inconsistencies and contradictions to surface.
Actually, suspicions about illogical and unreasonable points propagated in the official story (both the mainstream media from day one, as well as in the "commission report") were raised rather quickly after the events ... and yes, the proponents of that story - due to their control of the mainstream media - have been able for their "story" to be widely accepted, even though in more recent years, more doubts have been publicly raised.
- Excellent communication. / 4. Familial relationships. Both are not the case.
Who says that excellent communication was not available in 2001? There have been plenty of conspiracies in history which did not necessarily involve family relationships either ... as I mentioned before, it seems that this detective is drawing from his experiences in certain scenarios of crimes where such may be the case, but I do not think one can make a general rule for all conspiracies in any scenario from any of his points.
There would have been dozens if not hundreds of people to be involved, political, military, strangers to each other.
Only in certain scenarios proposed by some conspiracy theories ...
- Little or no pressure to confess. The conscientious pressure to confess would have been enormous. Yet WikiLeaks did not even receive one single anonymous document.
moer assumptions ... how many intelligence community folks have even had conscientious pressure or have succumbed to such in the history of secret services, intelligence communities, etc? I would think they far more have a pressure of knowing that "singing" equals a death sentence executed rather quickly by fellow secret service assassins ....