Guns, Guns, Guns -- Through The Eyes Of A Child
You seem to have a strong need to be needed and right. You can help yourself when you take what is given and accept that you don't know it all; especially, what's in the head of another.
- This thread was not established to discuss abortion. I know it your baby (or not).
- What I have written is not "Rap" nor was it written or intended for such purposes. Besides, what I have written is not attached to music and beat. Please check your understanding in this and other matters, before attributing to me or another.
- Everything that rhymes is NOT "Rap."
- Please consider other usages of rhyme you may not have considered before assigning my work as "rap."
Rhymed prose
The rhymed prose is a literary form and literary genre, written in unmetrical rhymes. This form has been known in many different cultures. In some cases, the rhymed prose is a distinctive, well-defined style of writing. In modern literary traditions, the boundaries of poetry are very broad (free verse, prose poetry, etc.), and some works may be described both as prose and poetry.
Prose poetry
This article is about a poetic form. For the competitive speech event, see Prose & Poetry.
Prose poetry is poetry written in prose instead of using verse but preserving poetic qualities such as heightened imagery, parataxis, and emotional effects.Characteristics
"The simplest definition is that a prose poem is a poem written in prose....But, not unlike "free verse," the oxymoronic name captures the complex nature of a beast bred to challenge conventional assumptions about what poetry is and what it can do." 'The prose poem is a composition printed out as prose that names itself as poetry, availing itself of the elements of prose, while foregrounding the devices of poetry.'
Technically a prose poem appears as prose, reads as poetry, yet lacks line breaks associated with poetry but uses the latter's fragmentation, compression, repetition and rhyme and in common with poetry symbols, metaphor, and figures of speech.
Prose poetry should be considered as neither primarily poetry nor prose but is essentially a hybrid or fusion of the two, and accounted a separate genre altogether. On the other hand, the argument for prose poetry belonging to the genre of poetry emphasizes its heightened attention to language and prominent use of metaphor. Yet prose poetry often can be identified as prose for its reliance on prose's association with narrative and on the expectation of an objective presentation of truth.[citation needed].
Source--Type Rhyme in Wikipedia CM
@C_M_ said:
GaoLu,You seem to have a strong need to be needed and right. You can help yourself when you take what is given and accept that you don't know it all; especially, what's in the head of another.
- This thread was not established to discuss abortion. I know it your baby (or not).
- What I have written is not "Rap" nor was it written or intended for such purposes. Besides, what I have written is not attached to music and beat. Please check your understanding in this and other matters, before attributing to me or another.
- Everything that rhymes is NOT "Rap."
- Please consider other usages of rhyme you may not have considered before assigning my work as "rap."
Rhymed prose
The rhymed prose is a literary form and literary genre, written in unmetrical rhymes. This form has been known in many different cultures. In some cases, the rhymed prose is a distinctive, well-defined style of writing. In modern literary traditions, the boundaries of poetry are very broad (free verse, prose poetry, etc.), and some works may be described both as prose and poetry.
Prose poetry
This article is about a poetic form. For the competitive speech event, see Prose & Poetry.
Prose poetry is poetry written in prose instead of using verse but preserving poetic qualities such as heightened imagery, parataxis, and emotional effects.Characteristics
"The simplest definition is that a prose poem is a poem written in prose....But, not unlike "free verse," the oxymoronic name captures the complex nature of a beast bred to challenge conventional assumptions about what poetry is and what it can do." 'The prose poem is a composition printed out as prose that names itself as poetry, availing itself of the elements of prose, while foregrounding the devices of poetry.'
Technically a prose poem appears as prose, reads as poetry, yet lacks line breaks associated with poetry but uses the latter's fragmentation, compression, repetition and rhyme and in common with poetry symbols, metaphor, and figures of speech.
Prose poetry should be considered as neither primarily poetry nor prose but is essentially a hybrid or fusion of the two, and accounted a separate genre altogether. On the other hand, the argument for prose poetry belonging to the genre of poetry emphasizes its heightened attention to language and prominent use of metaphor. Yet prose poetry often can be identified as prose for its reliance on prose's association with narrative and on the expectation of an objective presentation of truth.[citation needed].
Source--Type Rhyme in Wikipedia CM
Well if your rhymes had any basis in reality we might take them more seriously.
Just had to think, if Hillary hadn't been part of a party that supports the mass killing of 60 million children (10X what Hitler did) in the US alone, she would likely have won the election.
@GaoLu said:
Just had to think, if Hillary hadn't been part of a party that supports the mass killing of 60 million children (10X what Hitler did) in the US alone, she would likely have won the election.If "a party that supports the mass killing of 60 million children (10X what Hitler did) in the US alone" it sounds like a place without laws, morals or your numbers are not real. Again, we are talking about numbers. You need to talk to someone about your story. They may look at you...
What does this have to do with guns? Why is it you, Mr. Trump and the Republicans are so obsessed with Hillary? She is not the President of USA. I am not Hillary son or related to her by money or blood. I am not her defender. You seem to have a love/hate emotional relationship with Hillary.
If she is so "bad", why do you give her so much space in your head and day. Let it go if I were asked to suggest something to you. Then, again, you have to do something to get through the day. Focus on your love (Mr. Trump). Bill is Hillary's concern.
Live, live, live, live.... CM
@C_M_ said:
If "a party that supports the mass killing of 60 million children (10X what Hitler did) in the US alone" it sounds like a place without laws, morals or your numbers are not real. Again, we are talking about numbers. You need to talk to someone about your story. They may look at you...
What does this have to do with guns? Why is it you, Mr. Trump and the Republicans are so obsessed with Hillary? She is not the President of USA. I am not Hillary son or related to her by money or blood. I am not her defender. You seem to have a love/hate emotional relationship with Hillary.If she is so "bad", why do you give her so much space in your head and day. Let it go if I were asked to suggest something to you. Then, again, you have to do something to get through the day. Focus on your love (Mr. Trump). Bill is Hillary's concern.
Live, live, live, live.... CM
Kinda like you obsess over the NRA?
@davidtaylorjr said:
Kinda like you obsess over the NRA?
Accusations of "obsessions" tend not to move forum discussions forward, but since they've been made in this thread, I offer this: A fundamental difference between Gao Lu's "obsession" with Hillary Clinton and CM's "obsession" with the NRA is that the NRA is still an active and influential advocate in its field (gun rights/control) while Hillary Clinton lost most - many would say all - of her standing as an active and powerful advocate when she lost the 2016 election, some seventeen months ago.
Bottom line: The 2016 election is over, and so is Hillary Clinton. Guns rights and gun control remain significant issues on the American policy agenda, so the NRA is not over. In my view, if one is determined to have an "obsession," it should be with someone or something that is not over.
Ha! Yeah. Well I think a little weird obsession with Hillary is warranted and here is one good reason why.
Oh, the deep, deep thanksgiving we feel when we consider how good we have it compared to what would have been, when we contrast what Hillary, whom America did not want, with Trump whom America did want. All this is extremely relevant today and as an issue makes the NRA look comparatively like an angel in a 3rd grade Easter morning church program. Yes, we have it pretty good. Far from perfect, but so far, much better.
What I find amusing (shame on me!) is how some people are locked in chains so much that they can only echo the other Party bullfrogs and flail about trying to silence their perceived enemies. Nothing makes them angrier than the inability to force the other side into silence. Remember how certain groups of people tried to silence Blacks that way? MLK wrote about it from the Birmingham Jail, didn't he. The only solution to resisting Truth proclaimed is to frame it out of context. What other tool is there? Doesn't work so well here, does it.
@GaoLu said:
Ha! Yeah. Well I think a little weird obsession with Hillary is warranted and here is one good reason why.Gao Lu, I applaud the candor and self-awareness of your acknowledgement that your obsession with Hillary Clinton is "a little weird."
Yes, of course, by virtue of the fact that the Cult-Of-Hillary, Trump hating gang are weird. Sometimes we must address weird when it harms people, especially innocent children.
This was more for GaoLu to answer unless you are suffering from the same ...
I don't obsess over guns. It's an instrument of death supported by the NRA. Your President wants to expose children to increased danger daily. Guns are a current and present danger. Hillary is a person. You Christian men can acknowledge this? CM -
@GaoLu said:
Ha! Yeah. Well I think a little weird obsession with Hillary is warranted and here is one good reason why.What I find amusing (shame on me!) is how some people are locked in chains so much that they can only echo the other Party bullfrogs and flail about trying to silence their perceived enemies. Nothing makes them angrier than the inability to force the other side into silence. Remember how certain groups of people tried to silence Blacks that way? MLK wrote about it from the Birmingham Jail, didn't he. The only solution to resisting Truth proclaimed is to frame it out of context. What other tool is there? Doesn't work so well here, does it.
What are you talking about? You may have some concerns that someone with a specialty to talk about what's in your heart. CM
It's here for you to read, my friend. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear. It is true that you may not be able to understand. That happens.
Bill used to say such things a lot back before he quit doing so. I would just tell him, "Hey, if the shoe fits wear it." Otherwise, maybe it isn't for you.
IF the Lord has not given you a heart to perceive, eyes to see, or ears to hear, how can I? Dt 29:4
I should add one thing. You know, I enjoy the banter on here. Sometimes I worry individuals may take it too seriously. Come on. It's the internet. A forum. Let's have fun and learn. But like I told my kids, if it touches you inside, even a little bit, have nothing to do with it. Good advice. For me, this is mostly at a light level. Amusing. Informative. Friendly. Some arm-wrestling now and then--men do that. Truth is, I am a nobody, no threat to anyone. In the end, I want you to feel respected as a person even if we snarl at the fence over some matter of who is right or wrong.
This one thing I know for absolute certain is that nobody here knows anything for absolute certain. In fact, none of us knows diddly squat about anything--except what God has written. Everything else is likely bunk if we knew the Truth.
If my poking and prodding ever feels offensive to anyone personally, please let me know. Otherwise, I shall assume we are all on the same page. Some recent responses make me think that forum banter might be a little too serious, a little too close to home for some. That is certainly not my intent to be taken that way. I am in earnest about the Word of God when it comes to honoring Him and to defending the veracity of God's Word. Other than that, for me, its kind of a place to meet up and toss out ideas and hear ideas (however bizarre) and have fun with them.
Just making sure.
Post edited by GaoLu on -
@Bill_Coley said:
Accusations of "obsessions" tend not to move forum discussions forward, but since they've been made in this thread, I offer this: A fundamental difference between Gao Lu's "obsession" with Hillary Clinton and CM's "obsession" with the NRA is that the NRA is still an active and influential advocate in its field (gun rights/control) while Hillary Clinton lost most - many would say all - of her standing as an active and powerful advocate when she lost the 2016 election, some seventeen months ago.
Bottom line: The 2016 election is over, and so is Hillary Clinton. Guns rights and gun control remain significant issues on the American policy agenda, so the NRA is not over. In my view, if one is determined to have an "obsession," it should be with someone or something that is not over.
Thank you "moderator" Bill... Of course if Hilary was truly done she wouldn't be in the news all the time.
@C_M_ said:
This was more for GaoLu to answer unless you are suffering from the same ...
I don't obsess over guns. It's an instrument of death supported by the NRA. Your President wants to expose children to increased danger daily. Guns are a current and present danger. Hillary is a person. You Christian men can acknowledge this? CMYour behavior on these forums state otherwise. You do obsess over guns and the NRA. Even in this thread and the post I am now quoting. You use hyperbolic language that is not reality.
I am no fan of Ted Nugent, but I think he may be right on Parkland: -
@GaoLu said:
I am no fan of Ted Nugent, but I think he may be right on Parkland: you knew Ted, you might think otherwise.
You know Ted Nugent?
I used to run in the same circles and know people who share the stage with him occasionally.
@Dave_L said:
I used to run in the same circles and know people who share the stage with him occasionally.
So you made the comment based on hearsay?
@davidtaylorjr said:
Thank you "moderator" Bill... Of course if Hilary was truly done she wouldn't be in the news all the time.
You, the Republicans, Trump, GaoLu, etc., can't seem to let her go. I think I know why? Hillary is a good distraction from the current mess ups in the White House. Sad. CM
Your behavior on these forums state otherwise. You do obsess over guns and the NRA. Even in this thread and the post I am now quoting. You use hyperbolic language that is not reality.
Please, David, don't blame me that NRA and guns are synonymous in the USA, with its "dark money." don't blame me because some people are unable to discern commonsense future events in light of a combination of factors. The NRA does it all the time with its fiendish support of the 2nd Amendment. This is why they wouldn't give an inch to commonsense gun laws.
You know we have reached a new low, when GaoLu, who is " fan of Ted Nugent", [so, he said] but thinks "he may be right on Parkland." This makes a much sense to as an elephant to bring home a bag of peanuts. CM
@C_M_ said:
You, the Republicans, Trump, GaoLu, etc., can't seem to let her go. I think I know why? Hillary is a good distraction from the current mess ups in the White House. Sad. CM
What mess-ups? The White House is doing a great job. Exactly what we voted for, exactly what they said they would do.
Please, David, don't blame me that NRA and guns are synonymous in the USA, with its "dark money." don't blame me because some people are unable to discern commonsense future events in light of a combination of factors. The NRA does it all the time with its fiendish support of the 2nd Amendment. This is why they wouldn't give an inch to commonsense gun laws.
I blame you for your unrealistic hyperbole. You don't put forth commonsense, you put forth nonsense and non-reality. Fiendish support of the 2nd Amendment? Good grief.
Perhaps they don't give an inch because, as one of the Parkland students said: "Give us an inch and we will take that mile!" That's a direct quote by the way.
You know we have reached a new low, when GaoLu, who is " fan of Ted Nugent", [so, he said] but thinks "he may be right on Parkland." This makes a much sense to as an elephant to bring home a bag of peanuts. CM
Why? I'm not a fan of Donald Trump but he is right on a LOT of things.
@davidtaylorjr said:
What mess-ups? The White House is doing a great job. Exactly what we voted for, exactly what they said they would do.
- I hope you are wrong.
- I hope you don't speak for the American people.
- I hope you are joking.
If you are serious about ant part of the above statement:
1. Your standards are not high, orderly, productively, inclusive, school children safe, compassionate, fair or balance.
2. People, in selecting other people, have a tendency to select, other people, like themselves. In short, the blind, leading the blind. CM -
@GaoLu said:
I should add one thing. You know, I enjoy the banter on here. Sometimes I worry individuals may take it too seriously.... In the end, I want you to feel respected as a person even if we snarl at the fence over some matter of who is right or wrong.In my view, the best way for us to accomplish the end you seek, Gao Lu, is to conform our posts to the former CD's expectation that we will "criticize ideas, not people."
@C_M_ said:
- I hope you are wrong.
- I hope you don't speak for the American people.
- I hope you are joking.
If you are serious about ant part of the above statement:
1. Your standards are not high, orderly, productively, inclusive, school children safe, compassionate, fair or balance.Your opinion but not reality.
2. People, in selecting other people, have a tendency to select, other people, like themselves. In short, the blind, leading the blind. CM
Ok.... I do select those who have policies I agree with, yes.
Someone, please, tell me how a right-thinking parent would allow and endorse a law for teachers to carry a gun in the classroom? There are many policemen can't shoot straight after 6 months or more training. e.g. A black male was shot recently in his grandmother's backyard. Cops mistook a cell phone for a gun.
What happens if a teacher shoots a parent or a student, mistook him for an intruder? How can a parent trust her child or children in the classroom with a teacher having only a few hours of training? When a gun is drawn, one must shoot. And to shoot is to kill. Cops learn this in the Academy.
Parents, especially, Christian parents, break ranks with the NRA. Don't allow your child or children in a school where teachers carry guns. Above all, tell Mr. Trump, it's a bad idea!!! CM
@C_M_ said:
Someone, please, tell me how a right-thinking parent would allow and endorse a law for teachers to carry a gun in the classroom? There are many policemen can't shoot straight after 6 months or more training. e.g. A black male was shot recently in his grandmother's backyard. Cops mistook a cell phone for a gun.You mean the guy who was resisting arrest and not following orders from police? That guy? You make it sound as if he was so innocent in the situation, he wasn't. Of course that is the case with most police shootings.
What happens if a teacher shoots a parent or a student, mistook him for an intruder? How can a parent trust her child or children in the classroom with a teacher having only a few hours of training? When a gun is drawn, one must shoot. And to shoot is to kill. Cops learn this in the Academy.
Such hyperbole. Not realistic. And who says anything of only a few hours of training? Good grief, can you join the real world please?
Parents, especially, Christian parents, break ranks with the NRA. Don't allow your child or children in a school where teachers carry guns. Above all, tell Mr. Trump, it's a bad idea!!! CM
@C_M_ said:
You never know what's in a child's mind. Let's engage them in conversation about matters in life.# 4-- Keep them out of the classrooms by CM
Guns, guns for protection and for fun;
guns, guns, I don't have one.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
Put them in the car, put them on the ledge;
or put them under your bed.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
The Second Amendment says you can own as many as you are able;
Why I know some people keep on besides the kitchen table.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
Guns in the woods, mall, cars, and bars,
I know a man who hangs them in his basement like guitars,
as if they were stars.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
They are good for hunting coons and bears;
In churches and schools, they cause too many fears.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
Guns in the morning, Guns at noon and Guns at night;
what a mess, when two gun owners, get into a fight.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
Guns and judgment everyone seems to deny;
one dropped gun or misidentification, someone dies.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
Around the grave, we all stand with heads bowed because of a gun, in sorrow;
Oh, how I wished the Second Amendment could be repeal tomorrow.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
With hugs, broken-hearts, and tears, we say good-byes;
Our true hope, as a man cries, there will be no guns, beyond the skies.
Until then, Keep them out of the classrooms. by CM
@C_M_ said:
Guns, guns for protection and for fun;
guns, guns, I don't have one.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
Put them in the car, put them on the ledge;
or put them under your bed.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
The Second Amendment says you can own as many as you are able;
Why I know some people keep on besides the kitchen table.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
Guns in the woods, mall, cars, and bars,
I know a man who hangs them in his basement like guitars,
as if they were stars.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
They are good for hunting coons and bears;
In churches and schools, they cause too many fears.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
Guns in the morning, Guns at noon and Guns at night;
what a mess, when two gun owners, get into a fight.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
Guns and judgment everyone seems to deny;
one dropped gun or misidentification, someone dies.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
Around the grave, we all stand with heads bowed because of a gun, in sorrow;
Oh, how I wished the Second Amendment could be repeal tomorrow.
Keep them out of the classrooms.
With hugs, broken-hearts, and tears, we say good-byes;
Our true hope, as a man cries, there will be no guns, beyond the skies.
Until then, Keep them out of the classrooms. by CM
Stupid stupid that's what this is not a shred of truth so mind your own biz
Stupid Stupid do you even know what's real? I guess not and you just can't deal.