Guns, Guns, Guns -- Through The Eyes Of A Child



  • Posts: 1,114

    @GaoLu said:
    You get good credit for a poetic story well told. Good job.

    Made me think of a friend--sad case. Fairly prosperous farmer with a nice family, several young kids up to teens. Got depressed. Couldn't snap out of it. Family worried and took all guns out of the house. He had hidden one away. Took his own life, nearly killing his wife in the process.

    So sad. Tha pain and ache were nearly unbearable for awhile. Seemed like it would never go away. That was many years ago. Today everyone had moved on. Sure there is an ache there. No one was ruined. The kids grew up, married, are all happy and successful. No serious scars. They have not only coped, but thrived. They have all kinds of hope. All that to say, that your story, well-written as it is, probably occurs now and then, but isn't some kind of universal truth.

    And this is what is normal in these types of tragedy. What @C_M_ put forth has no basis in actual reality. His scenario is the extremely rare exception.

  • Posts: 4,463

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    And this is what is normal in these types of tragedy. What @C_M_ put forth has no basis in actual reality. His scenario is the extremely rare exception.

    Could it be that you are sheltered and removed from the world where children take their lives into their own hands to go to school? You seem to be privileged in your upbringing and secure in your present community. If so, thank God. Just remember, there are others who are not so. David, "count your blessings..." CM

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:

    Could it be that you are sheltered and removed from the world where children take their lives into their own hands to go to school? You seem to be privileged in your upbringing and secure in your present community. If so, thank God. Just remember, there are others who are not so. David, "count your blessings..." CM

    No. Remember, I was targeted in a potential school shooting in Jr. High. In 5th grade I was held at gunpoint over a bike. I grew up in West Virginia. Not exactly the richest place in the country.

  • Posts: 4,463

    Are parents prepared to hear from their children upon arrival at home: An Intruder was Shot Today? Don't arm teachers in the classroom. A reality waiting to happen.

    An Intruder Was Shot Today! by CM

    Loud sounds were heard in the hall, like firecrackers, but louder.
    We all ran to the back of the room behind the fake wall, Bob, his wheelchair and all.
    Quiet we all were told to be, but through a hole, I could see.

    The teacher crouch behind her desk, her big gun she pulled from her vest.
    The Intruder was shouting something as the popping sound got louder;
    With everyone crowded together, it was getting hotter.

    Bullet holes appeared into the door as one in a fish bucket, he ejects the clip to reload; The teacher came up shooting the intruder face hands and chest.
    His AR-15 spraying the teacher and the desks; to the floor he fell, it was later found, he wore a bulletproof vest.

    All the children screamed, where we all hide; only one student, the teacher, and the intruder died. Tears, fear, and what will be next; "this is the police, anybody here", that's the voice we loved best. They asked if anyone was hurt, only Candice dress, from Bob's wheelchair, had some dirt.

    We were asked to walk in a line pass beside the body of the intruder cover with a sheet, in front of the door and the teacher in the corner on the floor. Outside we were led, to the gym; where many moms and dads, faces grim.

    Mom and dad were too far at work; grandma picked me up. In the car, I didn't know what to say, but as soon as I saw mom, I said, "An Intruder Got Shot Today!" My mom hugged me and I cried. Through my tears, I said; my teacher died. Again, I cried. CM

  • Posts: 1,368

    Good grief. Chin up, Bro! If things don't get better, might want to see a doctor.

  • Posts: 4,463

    There is no good in grief. However, it's good to grieve, after a loss.

    A glimpse of reality is all I have conveyed. Just say you don't like. You don't have to use the tactic of projecting some illness upon me. You're better than this. If you are qualified to sincerely discern, give your suggestion to Mr. Trump, the American people and all who supports the teachers with guns in the classroom. It's not my intention to frighten anyone (of course, nothing scares you), but my scenario is not far-fetched. Don't you agree?

    I'm not suggesting that the vignette above, meet your "thumbs up", but it's not beyond the realm of possibilities with high a probability; in a sick world and the gun loving, gun owning, gun carrying America.

    Don't try to belittle the messenger, but get the message. As an intelligent man, father, and counselor in life, you know that all laws and decisions have consequences. You well know what I portraited could very well be a child's day at school. So, if anyone needs a doctor, it's your Mr. Trump, lawmakers and anyone who supports the idea of arming teachers in the classroom. I remain. CM

  • Posts: 1,368
    edited March 2018

    @C_M_ said:
    There is no good in grief. However, it's good to grieve, after a loss.

    A glimpse of reality is all I have conveyed.

    What you convey is more like wild imagination with a political agenda using children as pawns coupled with fear. That stinks. "You are better than that," as you so aptly say.

    If you are qualified to sincerely discern, give your suggestion to Mr. Trump, the American people and all who supports the teachers with guns in the classroom.

    Beat you to it. America liked what your President said and elected him. Pretty clear, isn't it.

    It's not my intention to frighten anyone (of course, nothing scares you), but my scenario is not far-fetched. Don't you agree?

    Right. Having traveled quite a bit of the world, I have faced machine guns many times and very sharp bayonets held to my throat as recently as last July in other parts of the world, which is something you don't seem to understand. I could tell you far more which I won't do here. Just recently I talked to a Rwandan man who saw his family massacred by machetes when he was a young teen. So, your touchy-feely, imaginary, not-so-real, politically motivated poem doesn't scare me much.

    Anyone killed or threatened by a gun anywhere is unfortunate and I am all for safe places for our children to live--beginning at the womb. If you care about children, stand at least as loudly against abortion as you do guns. Otherwise, you are a fraud. Guns don't kill children. Sickos do. Abortion is sickos killing children at a vastly greater mass-numbers and rate.

    I'm not suggesting that the vignette above, meet your "thumbs up", but it's not beyond the realm of possibilities with high a probability; in a sick world and the gun loving, gun owning, gun carrying America.

    Actually, in America, it is extremely unlikely.

    I suppose your fuss may in fact come from a heart that means well. I credit you with that.

    Don't try to belittle the messenger, but get the message.

    The wrong message is my concern, I don't care who says it. I don't even know you, the messenger except for a few months on forums. I suppose you are a good man with whom I would love to share a cup of coffee and good fellowship.

    As an intelligent man, father, and counselor in life, you know that all laws and decisions have consequences. You well know what I portraited could very well be a child's day at school.

    Actually, in America, it is extremely unlikely.

    So, if anyone needs a doctor, it's your Mr. Trump, lawmakers and anyone who supports the idea of arming teachers in the classroom. I remain. CM

    My concern is that you (the messenger) seem in many messages to be extremely negative as if clutching great fistfuls of darkness to your heart, as if living in great imagined fear. Either you are making it up for forum effect, or you might need to get help.

    Just a thought, because I really do care.

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:
    There is no good in grief. However, it's good to grieve, after a loss.

    A glimpse of reality is all I have conveyed. Just say you don't like. You don't have to use the tactic of projecting some illness upon me. You're better than this. If you are qualified to sincerely discern, give your suggestion to Mr. Trump, the American people and all who supports the teachers with guns in the classroom. It's not my intention to frighten anyone (of course, nothing scares you), but my scenario is not far-fetched. Don't you agree?

    No, these pieces you keep posting have nothing to do with reality. You are using hyperbole and a wild imagination paired with liberal democrat talking points. Not reality. All you are trying to do is advance a political agenda using emotion and scare tactics. Not reality.

    I'm not suggesting that the vignette above, meet your "thumbs up", but it's not beyond the realm of possibilities with high a probability; in a sick world and the gun loving, gun owning, gun carrying America.

    This is flat false. It is not a high probability. School shootings are rare.

    Don't try to belittle the messenger, but get the message. As an intelligent man, father, and counselor in life, you know that all laws and decisions have consequences. You well know what I portraited could very well be a child's day at school. So, if anyone needs a doctor, it's your Mr. Trump, lawmakers and anyone who supports the idea of arming teachers in the classroom. I remain. CM

    When the messenger creates the message he is fair game. It's not reality. I need a doctor because I support arming teachers? No sir, I'm not the crazy one.

  • Posts: 4,463

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    When the messenger creates the message he is fair game. It's not reality. I need a doctor because I support arming teachers? No sir, I'm not the crazy one.

    No, you are not crazy! However, a bit misguided and some Christian Counseling would be helpful, as for most of us. CM

  • Posts: 4,463

    @GaoLu said:

    What you convey is more like wild imagination with a political agenda using children as pawns coupled with fear. That stinks. "You are better than that," as you so aptly say.

    "Wild imagination with a political agenda using children as pawns coupled with fear?" Can the same be said about "abortion?"

    Using a gun to stop an intruder is messy. Just like there is no bloodless war. The same will be true, if guns enters the classroom.

    "Wild imagination with a political agenda using children as pawns coupled with fear", is that what Sandy Hook and the recent shooting in Florida were?

    Beat you to it. America liked what your President said and elected him. Pretty clear, isn't it.

    This is not a game!

    Right. Having traveled quite a bit of the world, I have faced machine guns many times and very sharp bayonets held to my throat as recently as last July in other parts of the world, which is something you don't seem to understand. I could tell you far more which I won't do here. Just recently I talked to a Rwandan man who saw his family massacred by machetes when he was a young teen. So, your touchy-feely, imaginary, not-so-real, politically motivated poem doesn't scare me much.

    Same here, I met someone from one the two groups (Tutsis and moderate Hutus). I am aware of Rwanda's 1994 genocide, which saw 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus killed in 100 days by the Hutu-led government and ethnic militias. The genocide took place in the context of the Rwandan Civil War, a conflict beginning in 1990 between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which largely consisted of Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda after the 1959 Hutu revolt against colonial rule.

    As bad as it was, the situation there, is less likely to happen in the USA.

    Anyone killed or threatened by a gun anywhere is unfortunate and I am all for safe places for our children to live--beginning at the womb. If you care about children, stand at least as loudly against abortion as you do guns. Otherwise, you are a fraud. Guns don't kill children. Sickos do. Abortion is sickos killing children at a vastly greater mass-numbers and rate.

    You are getting too emotional. Your US Government can't keep children safe in the classroom, but you seem to be more concern about what's in a woman's womb who's not a member of your family. Women's rights, Gun rights; are there not laws in the USA that provides and protects both? Why would you contrast guns with abortions?

    At any rate, if you want to have this discussion, start a thread.

    Actually, in America, it is extremely unlikely.

    I totally disagree with you! You need to come out of your sanitized world and visit where gun outbreaks of violence are breathtakingly real.

    I suppose your fuss may in fact come from a heart that means well. I credit you with that.

    "I suppose your fuss may in fact...", how dismissive can you be?

    The wrong message is my concern, I don't care who says it. I don't even know you, the messenger except for a few months on forums. I suppose you are a good man with whom I would love to share a cup of coffee and good fellowship.

    "The wrong message?" Are you trolling me? ;)

    Actually, in America, it is extremely unlikely.

    See above. Please, GaoLu! You are ONLY correct if you homeschool!

    My concern is that you (the messenger) seem in many messages to be extremely negative as if clutching great fistfuls of darkness to your heart, as if living in great imagined fear. Either you are making it up for forum effect, or you might need to get help.

    As you said above, you don't know me. And, you don't! "Clutching great fistfuls of darkness to your heart, as if living in great imagined fear", this I can say of you, but I won't. I will say, you seem to be extremely fearful of my assimilations of a situation to train teachers, counselors, and social workers to deal emotionally with such realities.

    Need I remind you that your Air Force, Police Academies, Airlines, and Secret Service provide real-life situations and assimilations to train. The users nor the developers are called sick, dark-hearted, or need to see a doctor.

    Just a thought, because I really do care.

    If you really care, this is not the way to show it. You should know better. Regardless, thanks for your care. Be at peace. CM

  • Posts: 1,368
    edited March 2018

    That would be a long post to respond to everything. To what in particular would you hope for response?

    On an additional note, I wonder why Dem's never peeped when Obama approved Bump Stocks?

    Post edited by GaoLu on
  • Posts: 4,463

    @GaoLu said:
    That would be a long post to respond to everything. To what in particular would you hope for a response?

    On an additional note, I wonder why Dem's never peeped when Obama approved Bump Stocks?

    Yeah, Right! Take your time. You will get through it. I am in no rush.

    As for "why Dem's never peeped when Obama approved Bump Stocks?" I don't know, ask them. I am not one of them. CM

  • Posts: 1,368

    OK. OK. I will try.

    "Wild imagination with a political agenda using children as pawns coupled with fear", is that what Sandy Hook and the recent shooting in Florida were?

    Correct. I am referring to more recent events we have been actually discussing where much of the media response was nothing more than that. I am sure that is true of SH events as well.

    This is not a game!

    Game? It was an election. America, your country, elected Trump, your president (You are American, right?). Trump has already spoken and, for better or worse, America already chose him. The people have spoken. Time will tell what they say next time.

    Same here, I met someone from one the two groups (Tutsis and moderate Hutus). I am aware of Rwanda's 1994 genocide, which saw 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus killed in 100 days by the Hutu-led government and ethnic militias. The genocide took place in the context of the Rwandan Civil War, a conflict beginning in 1990 between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which largely consisted of Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda after the 1959 Hutu revolt against colonial rule.

    So you have faced machine guns and machetes, and do indeed have a perspective on touchy-feely imaginary poems about big-eyed children afraid of guns. For all the hullabaloo, little boys LOVE guns and make one out of a stick if nothing else is available.
    Based on your exposure to life-threatening experiences as you indicated, you should have a better perspective than those who haven't.

    As bad as it was, the situation there, is less likely to happen in the USA.

    You got it! That is the point. America is immeasurably safer than most places in the world. Guns and all. Sure it can be better and we should strive for that. But not to absurdity. Appealing to big-eyed, terrified, emotionally wounded children is an epic fail. Go to any playground and find the child terrified by guns, if you can, and count him next to the boys ripping around throwing rocks and shooting each other with sticks (which we did not allow our children to do).

    You are getting too emotional.

    Yes, the mass murder of children is emotional for me. How much emotion do you feel regarding the matter?

    Your US Government can't keep children safe in the classroom,

    Your government does a phenomenally good job. Not perfect, but excellent. By the way, I do not live in America. I am a thankful American citizen, but don't directly enjoy many government benefits that you enjoy (you live in America, right?).

    but you seem to be more concern about what's in a woman's womb who's not a member of your family.

    Yes. Does people killing babies matter less to you if they are not your own family?

    Women's rights, Gun rights; are there not laws in the USA that provides and protects both?

    Yes. Women have rights, but not the right to kill children. Guns are things. They can be used for good or evil and are used for both.

    Why would you contrast guns with abortions?

    Because abortions are involved in vastly more mass murders of children than guns are. They are closely related topics--the greater evil you defend, and the lesser evil you oppose. There is some interesting and highly relevant contrast there.

    At any rate, if you want to have this discussion, start a thread.

    Here we are.

    I totally disagree with you! You need to come out of your sanitized world and visit where gun outbreaks of violence are breathtakingly real.

    The world where I live is not sanitized and makes America look like a Easter morning children's choir.

    "I suppose your fuss may in fact...", how dismissive can you be?

    I am sincere.

    "The wrong message?" Are you trolling me? ;)

    Again, I am sincere.

    See above. Please, GaoLu! You are ONLY correct if you homeschool!

    I did homeschool my children, but realistically, the threat you describe is incredibly rare. Yes, bad things have happend, and will in the future. What you described could be a "child's day at school." Far more likely for that child is to get struck by lightning (which happened to my wife's car back in teen years--she is fine).

    As you said above, you don't know me. And, you don't! "Clutching great fistfuls of darkness to your heart, as if living in great imagined fear", this I can say of you, but I won't. I will say, you seem to be extremely fearful of my assimilations of a situation to train teachers, counselors, and social workers to deal emotionally with such realities.

    My concern is that you appear to live largely in a world of fear and darkness and negativity. That cannot feel very good. There is a way out. That is what I hope to offer. You can stay there if you insist, but why?

    Need I remind you that your Air Force, Police Academies, Airlines, and Secret Service provide real-life situations and assimilations to train. The users nor the developers are called sick, dark-hearted, or need to see a doctor.

    If they spend excessive time on negative thinking, then they should get help.

    If you really care, this is not the way to show it. You should know better. Regardless, thanks for your care. Be at peace. CM

    I do care. How can I better help so that it works for you?

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:

    No, you are not crazy! However, a bit misguided and some Christian Counseling would be helpful, as for most of us. CM

    I would love for you to point out how I am misguided. Please use Scripture.

  • Posts: 4,463

    @davidtaylorjr said:
    When the messenger creates the message he is fair game. It's not reality. I need a doctor because I support arming teachers? No sir, I'm not the crazy one.

    Your President wants guns in the classrooms. I did, to some degree, what they didn't or wouldn't do-- count the cost of such measure with a realistic markup.

    I would love for you to point out how I am misguided. Please use Scripture.

    Scripture is not needed specifically. Your Christian commitment and common sense cover it and some. Children need to raise in a self and healthy environment. Unfounded, kneejerk, political experiment with increased danger to their safety and well-being. This should not be a part of a child's school day with the teacher carrying a gun.

    Given that you don't want your child in that situation yet, you want to support laws that it imposes it on other people's children. And, if you want it for your child, you may share with a counselor your rationale.

    Don't submit your child's safety into Donald J. Trump's impulsive poorly funded idea, with a teacher with a gun strapped to her side. He doesn't, for one, possess the moral credentials to follow him a little, if any, at all. If your child dies in a gun exchange with an intruder or by gun accident, his remarks would be likely, "it's a local matter."

    As a Christian parent, don't side with an organization (NRA/ "dark money") that deals with instruments of death. Guns are developed, designed and manufactured to kill. It has no place on the side of a teacher in the classroom. Teachers teach. The police- serve, protect and deals with those who do evil according to the laws of the land (Rom 13). CM

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:

    Your President wants guns in the classrooms. I did, to some degree, what they didn't or wouldn't do-- count the cost of such measure with a realistic markup.

    And what would a realistic markup be??

    Scripture is not needed specifically. Your Christian commitment and common sense cover it and some. Children need to raise in a self and healthy environment. Unfounded, kneejerk, political experiment with increased danger to their safety and well-being. This should not be a part of a child's school day with the teacher carrying a gun.

    Scripture is needed if you say I am misguided and need Christian Counseling because of it.

    I agree that children need to be raised in a safe and healthy environment. I don't think teachers with guns are a political experiment, it is a common sense approach to a scenario that has happened a dozen or so times in the last 20 years. When that scenario happens, if there are not people there to combat the threat, the children are in an increased scene of danger than if those individuals were present.

    Given that you don't want your child in that situation yet, you want to support laws that it imposes it on other people's children. And, if you want it for your child, you may share with a counselor your rationale.

    I would have no problem with my children being in a classroom with a teacher who had a gun. No problem whatsoever so I'm not sure how you make that statement.

    Don't submit your child's safety into Donald J. Trump's impulsive poorly funded idea, with a teacher with a gun strapped to her side. He doesn't, for one, possess the moral credentials to follow him a little, if any, at all. If your child dies in a gun exchange with an intruder or by gun accident, his remarks would be likely, "it's a local matter."

    This is absurd.

    1. An impulsive poorly funded idea? First, it's not impulsive, some districts already do this. Second, you can't say it is poorly funded when it isn't even a policy yet. That's not how our system works.
    2. What do the moral credentials of the President have to do with this conversation?

    As a Christian parent, don't side with an organization (NRA/ "dark money") that deals with instruments of death. Guns are developed, designed and manufactured to kill. It has no place on the side of a teacher in the classroom. Teachers teach. The police- serve, protect and deals with those who do evil according to the laws of the land (Rom 13). CM

    1. You have no evidence of NRA being "Dark Money"
    2. Guns are also developed to protect.
    3. Your arguments against teachers having guns are weak because you haven't actually given an argument at all. You just give sensational ideas and hyperbolic fearmongering about possible scenarios that are outrageous at best.
  • Posts: 4,463
  • Posts: 4,463
    You never know what's in a child's mind. Let's engage them in conversation about matters in life.

    # 3-- I Was Caught Talking In Class by CM

    The bell has rung and every one took their seats.
    The teacher called every student's name from the long white sheet.
    When she was finished, like a napkin she folded it and only one name she repeats.

    It was mine she said, Ari, "please come to my desk."
    I was talking to my seatmate, unlike the rest.

    At first, I thought, she was talking to the boy with the plaid vest;
    "Ari", she said, in crystal clear voice, I turned around, spilled my water and made a mess.

    Some kids snicker and laughed, my eyes blurred like water in a glass;
    The teacher said, "come to the front of the class."

    I walked slowly toward her, feeling my heart beats in my chest;
    counting each step I take, hoping she only ask if I study for the test.

    My mind racing a mile a minute; the journey to the teacher seemed so far;
    I stopped by the desk of Jaffar. The teacher said, "come closer, please."
    I let out one big sneeze. She said in a voice of ease, what are you talking about?

    "Are you going to shoot me?" I blurted out, in a shout!
    My classmates' laughter caused me to focus on the teacher's words, no doubt.
    She said, calmly and sweetly, "never, only for intruder-thugs"; and she gave me big a hug.

    I felt better. Then the teacher asked me to pass out the newsletters and then she said, "that's a pretty sweater." by CM

         Let's do all we can to prevent teachers from carrying a gun in the classrooms.
  • Posts: 1,368

    Were you personally frightened by a gun somehow as a child?

  • Posts: 2,362

    @C_M_ said:
    You never know what's in a child's mind. Let's engage them in conversation about matters in life.

    # 3-- I Was Caught Talking In Class by CM

    The bell has rung and every one took their seats.
    The teacher called every student's name from the long white sheet.
    When she was finished, like a napkin she folded it and only one name she repeats.

    It was mine she said, Ari, "please come to my desk."
    I was talking to my seatmate, unlike the rest.

    At first, I thought, she was talking to the boy with the plaid vest;
    "Ari", she said, in crystal clear voice, I turned around, spilled my water and made a mess.

    Some kids snicker and laughed, my eyes blurred like water in a glass;
    The teacher said, "come to the front of the class."

    I walked slowly toward her, feeling my heart beats in my chest;
    counting each step I take, hoping she only ask if I study for the test.

    My mind racing a mile a minute; the journey to the teacher seemed so far;
    I stopped by the desk of Jaffar. The teacher said, "come closer, please."
    I let out one big sneeze. She said in a voice of ease, what are you talking about?

    "Are you going to shoot me?" I blurted out, in a shout!
    My classmates' laughter caused me to focus on the teacher's words, no doubt.
    She said, calmly and sweetly, "never, only for intruder-thugs"; and she gave me big a hug.

    I felt better. Then the teacher asked me to pass out the newsletters and then she said, "that's a pretty sweater." by CM

    Let's do all we can to prevent teachers from carrying a gun in the classrooms.

    Did you write this CM? Beat & rhyme is my favorite level of poetry and the hardest to come by.

  • Posts: 4,463

    It's NOT about me. It's about what your Mr. Trump will be putting the American Children through, supported by the "dark money" changers--NRA.

    It's NOT about me. It's the other side of the proposal by two headstrong people and organizations, upon the children. Every child has not been raised around guns like you and others, in these forums. It's not only dangerous to have teachers carry guns in the classrooms, but it's unfair.

    Any loving Christian mother would agree with me. Conduct your own unscientific survey. Start in your own household. Have you forgotten about Sandy Hook? Let policemen do their work. Let teachers teach. This is not about Political Party. It's about the safety of the Children. Do you love them? How in the world can you be more concern of what's in another woman's womb over the children in the classroom?

    A President who's morally challenged, egotistical, thin-skinned, seem to admire strong men (dictators) and don't know the difference between a Community College and a Vocational School; how can you trust your child's safety with Mr. Trump's knee-jerked proposals? It's unfortunate, his Educational Secretary (DeVos) probably wouldn't fare any better.

    I am appalled to see, the suspension of common sense and Christain values, of so many adult Americans for partisan politics. Please, don't take my expressions here or elsewhere in these forums, as being "sick", "negative" or "over the edge." I am just holding up a mirror to America's leaders, actions or lack thereof. Once again, I am just the messenger. :D

    Love the children you can see, touch, hold, call by name, share, pray with and for, and pick up at the end of the day. It's the most loving way. Keep guns out of the classrooms. It starts with you! CM

  • Posts: 1,368
    edited March 2018
    I know you think all those things. You say it over and over and over. You even make up a sort of rhyme out of it.

    My question was if you were personally frightened somehow by a gun as a child.
  • Posts: 4,463
    edited March 2018

    @Dave_L said:

    Did you write this CM? Beat & rhyme is my favorite level of poetry and the hardest to come by.

    Yes! I did it yesterday. It's something I do on the side, of a subject matter, I have internalized. However, I am not under any delusion of what you call your "favorite level of poetry", by others, it will be despised. In contrast, when reading it aright, one would be surprised of stories and truths, they comprised. ;) CM

    PS. Most of what I share is mine. When not, I use quotation marks and/or cite the source(s) where the thoughts are taken. CM

  • Posts: 2,362

    @C_M_ said:

    Yes! I did it yesterday. It's something I do on the side, of a subject matter, I have internalized. However, I am not under any delusion of what you call your "favorite level of poetry", by others, it will be despised. In contrast, when reading it aright, one would be surprised of stories and truths, they comprised. ;) CM

    PS. Most of what I share is mine. When not, I use quotation marks and/or cite the source(s) where the thoughts are taken. CM

    Thanks.. Sorry for the compliment, but it takes more skill to write Beat & Rhyme than "free verse".

  • Posts: 4,463

    @GaoLu said:
    I know you think all those things. You say it over and over and over. You even make up a sort of rhyme out of it.

    "Repetition Deepens Impression". You see no truth in what I am saying? You "fuss" about abortions (a thread, you haven't started). What's wrong with me, addressing killing instruments, guns?

    My question was if you were personally frightened somehow by a gun as a child.


    As I was saying... CM

  • Posts: 4,463

    @Dave_L said:

    Thanks.. Sorry for the compliment, but it takes more skill to write Beat & Rhyme than "free verse".

    No fuss, no loss. All good! Peace and love. CM

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:
    You never know what's in a child's mind. Let's engage them in conversation about matters in life.

    # 3-- I Was Caught Talking In Class by CM

    The bell has rung and every one took their seats.
    The teacher called every student's name from the long white sheet.
    When she was finished, like a napkin she folded it and only one name she repeats.

    It was mine she said, Ari, "please come to my desk."
    I was talking to my seatmate, unlike the rest.

    At first, I thought, she was talking to the boy with the plaid vest;
    "Ari", she said, in crystal clear voice, I turned around, spilled my water and made a mess.

    Some kids snicker and laughed, my eyes blurred like water in a glass;
    The teacher said, "come to the front of the class."

    I walked slowly toward her, feeling my heart beats in my chest;
    counting each step I take, hoping she only ask if I study for the test.

    My mind racing a mile a minute; the journey to the teacher seemed so far;
    I stopped by the desk of Jaffar. The teacher said, "come closer, please."
    I let out one big sneeze. She said in a voice of ease, what are you talking about?

    "Are you going to shoot me?" I blurted out, in a shout!
    My classmates' laughter caused me to focus on the teacher's words, no doubt.
    She said, calmly and sweetly, "never, only for intruder-thugs"; and she gave me big a hug.

    I felt better. Then the teacher asked me to pass out the newsletters and then she said, "that's a pretty sweater." by CM

    Let's do all we can to prevent teachers from carrying a gun in the classrooms.

    This is the dumbest one yet. Such a wild and crazy imagination you have, but really, come back to reality please.

  • Posts: 4,463

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    This is the dumbest one yet. Such a wild and crazy imagination you have, but really, come back to reality please.

    What a compliment! You seem to think my most recent remarks are "a wild and crazy imagination" and I need to "come back to reality." A truly sober mind would see that it parallels Mr. Trump and NRA's foolish proposal to arm teachers in the classroom. It's "a wild and crazy imagination" and they need to "come back to reality." I agree.

    Now let's see if the American people, Congress, your President, Ms. Devos, and misguided parents would allow "a wild and crazy imagination" to become law in arming teachers in the classroom. "You can't have your cake and eat it too." It's just like crying about abortions and arming teachers to become killers, before the children, anyone they deemed intruders. The zany idea needs to come to reality. CM

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:

    What a compliment! You seem to think my most recent remarks are "a wild and crazy imagination" and I need to "come back to reality." A truly sober mind would see that it parallels Mr. Trump and NRA's foolish proposal to arm teachers in the classroom. It's "a wild and crazy imagination" and they need to "come back to reality." I agree.

    Except, some districts already have this and it has not been an issue.

    Now let's see if the American people, Congress, your President, Ms. Devos, and misguided parents would allow "a wild and crazy imagination" to become law in arming teachers in the classroom. "You can't have your cake and eat it too." It's just like crying about abortions and arming teachers to become killers, before the children, anyone they deemed intruders. The zany idea needs to come to reality. CM

    That's not even the proposal, good grief such hyperbole.

  • Posts: 1,368
    edited March 2018

    So very telling that you are frozen by our asking you:
    "Were personally frightened somehow by a gun as a child."

    What about the question upsets you so?

    The Title of your OP: "Guns, Guns, Guns -- Through The Eyes Of A Child" seems to be the personal confession of an adult fixated as a child perhaps? So it is actually true?

    I avoid writing rap, because I hate it and am ashamed of the ability, but here is as much as I will venture today:

    Arming teachers in the classroom is none too soon.
    We need to arm the children in the womb.

    It ain't splitting hairs to say that's only fair.

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