What's In A Name?

Names reflective of Jesus, The Christ. Hebrew names reflect character:
- Jehoshua (je-hosh’-u-ah) = Jehovah saves. Same as Joshua = Jehovah is salvation; the LORD (is his) salvation; LORD of salvation; the LORD saves.
- Jehoshuah (je-hosh’-u-ah) = Same as Joshua = Jehovah is salvation; the LORD (is his) salvation; LORD of salvation; the LORD saves.
- Jehovah (je-ho’-vah) = He will be; i.e., the Eternal who always is; the Eternal One; (root = to be; to breathe); the I AM THAT I AM; (He) was, is, will be, the LORD God. He is, He was. (There are but two tenses in Hebrew, the past and the future, with the latter denoting what is continued even in the present.)
- Jehovah-Jireh (je-ho’-vah-ji’-reh) = The LORD will see; the LORD will provide; i.e., give a means of deliverance; (root = to see); the LORD will see and provide.
- Jehovah-M’Kaddesh = The LORD is my/our sanctification.
- Jehovah-Nissi (je-ho’-vah-nis’-si) = The LORD is my/our banner or ensign; (root = something lifted up; to be seen afar off; a banner; a signal flag; an ensign).
- Jehovah-Rohi = The LORD is my/our Shepherd.
- Jehovah-Rophi = The LORD is my/our healing.
- Jehovah-Sabaoth (je-ho’-vah-sab’-a-oth) = The LORD of warrior hosts.
- Jehovah-Shalom (je-ho’-vah-sha’-lom) = The LORD is my/our peace; the peace of the LORD.
- Jehovah-Shammah (je-ho’-vah-sham’-mah) = The LORD is there (ever present).
- Jehovah-Tsidkenu = The LORD is my/our righteousness.
- Jehozabad (je-hoz’-a-bad) = Whom the LORD gave; Jehovah gave; Jehovah has endowed.
Part -2
- Jehoshua (je-hosh’-u-ah) = Jehovah saves. Same as Joshua = Jehovah is salvation; the LORD (is his) salvation; LORD of salvation; the LORD saves.
- Jehoshuah (je-hosh’-u-ah) = Same as Joshua = Jehovah is salvation; the LORD (is his) salvation; LORD of salvation; the LORD saves.
- Jehovah (je-ho’-vah) = He will be; i.e., the Eternal who always is; the Eternal One; (root = to be; to breathe); the I AM THAT I AM; (He) was, is, will be, the LORD God. He is, He was. (There are but two tenses in Hebrew, the past and the future, with the latter denoting what is continued even in the present.)
- Jehovah-Jireh (je-ho’-vah-ji’-reh) = The LORD will see; the LORD will provide; i.e., give a means of deliverance; (root = to see); the LORD will see and provide.
- Jehovah-M’Kaddesh = The LORD is my/our sanctification.
- Jehovah-Nissi (je-ho’-vah-nis’-si) = The LORD is my/our banner or ensign; (root = something lifted up; to be seen afar off; a banner; a signal flag; an ensign).
- Jehovah-Rohi = The LORD is my/our Shepherd.
- Jehovah-Rophi = The LORD is my/our healing.
- Jehovah-Sabaoth (je-ho’-vah-sab’-a-oth) = The LORD of warrior hosts.
- Jehovah-Shalom (je-ho’-vah-sha’-lom) = The LORD is my/our peace; the peace of the LORD.
- Jehovah-Shammah (je-ho’-vah-sham’-mah) = The LORD is there (ever present).
- Jehovah-Tsidkenu = The LORD is my/our righteousness.
- p 127 Jehozabad (je-hoz’-a-bad) = Whom the LORD gave; Jehovah gave; Jehovah has endowed.
- Jehozadak (je-hoz’-a-dak) = The LORD has made just; Jehovah is just.
- Jehu (je-hu) = The LORD; Jehovah is He; He is. He shall be (subsist).
Read, think, and enjoy! It's a bit long for those who don't have this resource in their Logos Library. CM
Smith, S., & Cornwall, J. (1998). In The exhaustive dictionary of Bible names (pp. 126–127). Bridge-Logos.
What if you in the past have found no satisfactory answers to the questions: ‘Why am I here? Where am I going? What is life all about?’ The Bible recommends that you get to know Jehovah closely. In fact, Jesus said: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” You are also encouraged to develop godly qualities, particularly love, and to make it your personal goal to live under God’s incoming Messianic Kingdom. You will then have a purpose in life and a wonderful, secure hope for the future. John 17:3; Ecclesiastes 12:13.
The pallid, dying hand of the JayDub
Throws a rock hoping to break a window in the House of God
Flinging in a hook hidden in false promises of Paradise
Drawing souls from the ark of safety tp drown in the murky dark waters of the Watchtower.
They fail.