Biden - 38% approval and failing



  • Posts: 521

    "Pick a woman" hasn't worked well for Biden.

    Immigration has gone utterly amuck under Biden and his goslings honking empty shell.

    Harris thinks the immigration problem is due to climate change.

    Our allies no longer trust us.

    Our enemies, especially China and North Korea are emboldened.

    Biden and his ilk are a fatal menace to America.

    Let's hope we can just restore some decency and respect to the Whitehouse in 2024.

    The likes of Bill and CM have left America in humiliation and weakness. (Be honest enough to admit it. It's ok to be wrong.)

  • Posts: 521

    And Hunter Biden's collusion?

  • Posts: 521

    Biden does not appear to have the foggiest idea of the meaning of what he reads when in camera. He almost falls asleep.

    Party failure.

    Republicans don’t have all the answers but Democrats have almost nothing to offer that America wants. Yet we have certain people who blindly support the Party anyway.

    What does that tell you about the theology of such people?

  • Posts: 521


    @C Mc

    Biden approval edges even lower.
    Your president’s approval rating stands at 36%, with disapproval at 53% 

    Your president is a total dud. So is your party.

  • Posts: 3,176

    It is fun to watch Democrats just implode, not going to lie. Their way definitely was not better or unifying. They are losers and suck at governing.

  • Posts: 521
    edited November 2021

    Biden receives grade for presidency. F-



    Energy problems

    Political chaos

    Social dystopia

    illegal immigrant disaster


    Even Politico admits the Democratic brand is broken

    Hating Trump (see the many threads on these forums) and doing the opposite of everything Trump accomplished is not an effective platform for covering a nation. Biden made a deal with the devil—the far left, and now he is paying his dues sadly, we all being taxed to pay for his deal

    Should Biden fire Harris and step down from presidency?

    I dare those who voted for this train wreck, stop cowering in your corners, stand now and defend your man.


  • Posts: 521

    I’m almost embarrassed for @Bill_Coley and other Dems about Biden’s dreadful failures on every front. New jobs worse than ever. Rampant inflation. Botched Covid management. Utterly uninspiring leadership. Appalling. So appalling that @Bill_Coley for once is silent on the matter.

  • Posts: 521
    edited December 2021

    Still a few rats on the ship, but they are leaving.

    Kamala Harris' staffers leaving White House in part because they fear being labeled 'Harris person': report

    Soon , Bill and his ilk will become Republican :) One day, every knee will bow before their Lord (YHWH) God--Jesus.

    Rando will become Christian and spread the Gospel of our Lord God Jesus Christ. I've seen some gnarly people change that much.

    Yes, tough days remain ahead, but better days are coming!

  • Posts: 521

    And then we have Chris Cuomo, the liberal’s poster child, who finally falls like a star to the ground.

    Seeing such evil taken down is only right and just, yet how sad that he was allowed to continue as long as he did.

    Once again, I suppose, we shall observe his staunch supporters on this forum move into denial that they ever knew him, or sit silent in shameful cowardice.

  • Posts: 3,176

    Worst president ever.

  • Posts: 521

    Sounds more all the time like the WH May soon have trouble finding anyone who wants a staffing job there.

    Anyone here who would work there?

  • Posts: 521
    edited December 2021

    Interesting that no one here would work there. Not surprising either.

    How Biden benefits America: 

    The economy added back just 210,000 jobs – less than half what economists had predicted.

    Nearly four million Americans who lost their jobs during the pandemic are still jobless.

    Consumer prices skyrocketed 6.2% in October – the largest spike in more than 30 years.

    Gasoline is up almost 50% since last year

    Used vehicles have risen by 26%.  

    Despite Biden’s assurances that inflation was temporary, the latest numbers indicate that inflation is here to stay – and will likely get worse. Economists project that high inflation will last well into 2022. 

    164,303 illegal immigrants were caught trying to illegally enter the U.S. in October, making it the highest October number in the history of the Department of Homeland Security. In fact, more than 1.4 million illegal migrants have been apprehended crossing the border since Biden took office, while at least 400,000 have successfully snuck into the U.S. illegally in the last 12 months. 

    Our President and vice President seem unable or unwilling to act.

     In less than a year, voters have seen enough of Joe Biden and Democrats to know their policies have failed the American people.

    --borrowed largely from Fox News--the most popular, respected, major news source in America today.

  • Posts: 3,176

    What is sad, people who do not have their heads in the sand were sounding these alarms before the buffoon was put in office by a fraudulent election.

  • Posts: 521

    Science-based and theologically factual because I found it on the internet:

    (sung to "Let It Snow" – by Dean Martin)

    Oh, this administration is frightful 🎵

    But Biden’s stories are so delightful 🎵

    Trump was right as always don’cha know 🎵

    Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe 🎵

    Harris is busy laughing 🎵

    As Illegals cross our border a’dancing 🎵

    Trump was right as always don’cha know 🎵

    Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe 🎵

    Our enemies are quickly amassing 🎵

    While gas and food prices are skyrocketing 🎵

    Trump was right as always don’cha know 🎵

    Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe 🎵

    Biden’s a senile fool a’blundering 🎵

    Causing catastrophes beyond numbering 🎵

    Trump was right as always don’cha know 🎵

    Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe 🎵

  • Posts: 521

    Hey, good news! Rumor has it that gas prices are down and Biden’s approval rates are up? Anyone feeling the joy?

  • Posts: 521
    edited December 2021

    Bill's silence shouts volumes. Bill, are you becoming Republican? Maybe you are hiding in the closet.

  • Posts: 521

    On the new SAT reasoning powers section:

    Watchtower is to @BroRando as Biden is to @Bill_Coley

  • Posts: 521

    "Our Country no longer has Borders, has totally and completely lost control of Covid (record numbers!), is no longer Energy Independent, Inflation is rampant, our Military is in chaos, and our exit, or surrender, from Afghanistan was perhaps the most embarrassing day in the long and distinguished history of the United States — and so much more," 


    And America holds those who voted for Biden responsible.

  • Posts: 521


    Holy Moses! Biden down to 33%

    Certain people here (in mercy we won't name them) are pouring ashes on their heads, scraping themselves with potsherds.

    No gloating, only deepest sorrow.

  • Posts: 521

    CBS now has Biden at 25% approval.

    If anyone here still defends this man, stand now and be counted. Otherwise, we accept your strange silence as cringing, repentant, shame.

  • Posts: 3,176

    Worst president in history.

  • Posts: 521

    I am beginning to see this Biden disaster differently. Those who voted for him cannot just go into hiding now. They bear full liability for what he has done. This may not go well.

  • Posts: 4,463

    Have you seen what Trump did lately? Better yet, the "Capitol insurrection" happened during Trump's presidency. This puts him in the hall of shame not fame. CM

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