Toxic People

Posts: 521
edited December 2021 in Biblical Studies

Please help with strategies for dealing with toxic people.

  1. Define a toxic person.
  2. How does toxicity affect Christians?
  3. When should we engage toxic people? When shouldn’t we?
  4. Should we cut toxic people out of our lives? If so, when and why and how?
  5. What does the Bible teach us about engaging toxic people? How did Jesus engage them? What does He expect of us?

Suggested Resource:

When To Walk Away: Finding Freedom From Toxic People

by Gary Thomas


  • Posts: 521
    edited December 2021

    Two more things:

    1. What if each of us would answer here, “One way I have been toxic on these forums.”
    2. What if we would each say one thing good about the ministry every other person here.
    Post edited by Truth on
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