Biden - 38% approval and failing

55% of Americans believe Biden is unfit for presidency.
Had I voted for him, I would repent.
Harris is almost as low.
This will serve as an interesting record to watch numbers in days to come.
As Biden's miserable presidency fails, some rats refuse to flee the administration's sinking ship. While that is not commendable, it is remarkable.
Searching Google for Biden's successes didn't net much but some commend Joe for adding $1.9 trillion to American debt for the dubious Covid relief bill. Other's point out a three-percent wage increase for bottom tier wage earners, though that is probably due to Covid mismanagement and the dearth of willing workers in part due to Covid relief bill fallout. I didn't find much else, but I recall that @Bill_Coley wrote a list of what, in his thinking, are Joe's "successes."
John Kerry:
Joe Biden did this because Joe Biden was completely unaware there was a problem in the first place.
It seems more that very many people in the USA and other places are rather unaware and even insouciant about a lot of things regarding the current "PCR test" pandemic labeled "Corona / Covid-19/ etc" ... 😪
Thus they no longer value liberty because of "safety" ... safety from what? A "ah so devilish terrible deadly virus" which is made responsible for respiratory sickness with which 99.x% of people have no serious problems .... at the same time, far worse illnesses that should get some attention are swept under the "Covid" carpet ....
The Biden Regime Has a Penchant for Nazi-style Behavior
Paul Craig Roberts
Yesterday in the Wall Street Journal Gerald Baker reported that Biden regime Attorney General Merrick Garland has a list of “society offenders.” Fuhrer Garland intimates that bad things are in store for “society offenders.”
Who are these society offenders? They are parents of school children who object to their kids being taught that they are racist because they have white skins and are responsible for bad things happening to black people. They are parents who question mask mandates for school children. They are parents who oppose vaccination as a requirement for attending school. They are police who refuse to enforce unconstitutional mandates. They are Republican state office holders who are attempting to regularize state voting laws to ensure only citizens who live in the state vote.
Mr. Baker notes that Fuhrer Garland’s list does not include the million immigrant-invaders who have illegally entered the US so far this year and who will be voting in US elections despite the fact that they have no legal right to be in the US.
... (continue at )
Biden and his party are failing, floundering, flailing. Is he in the ash heap of history?
The economy is floundering. Inflation unchecked. Yet, Democrats still swoon pie-eyed before their piper and savior.
Something on which forum readers agree:
Biden = moral crisis + border crisis + energy crisis + economic crisis + social crisis + infrastructure crisis
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Congrats on starting your first thread in CD. You appear to have found your voice. Although you seem to be a Democrat-hating, Republican-leading, pessimistic-American, ex-president Trump-lover and believes, the last election was stolen. If I am correct, you fill perfectly the shoes of some who have passed this way.
If this profile is correct, you're a watcher of Fox News and despises MSNBC and CNN. You weren't in CD when Trump was in office, but I am almost certain to assume what your posts and thread would have contained.
At any rate, you and your views on the current US Administration are welcome here. "Carry on"! CM
Hmn ... Why did the school board seemingly cover up the rape?
Does it have to do with "political party affiliations? Did the mostly Democrat school board coerce transgenderism on students and parents and then pretend that a teenage boy with raging hormones could really be a female, as long as he said so? and granted the boy access to the girls’ rest room, where he raped perhaps even two victims?
Joe Biden after 75 mins of meeting with Pope:
"You're the famous African-American base ball player in America."
watch video clip on twitter_
Your comments are repugnant! A rape is a rape. Politics have nothing to do with it.
Here you go again! Out of context to besmear the US President. Have you no shame?
Here is the full context, @Wolfgang. Here’s the uncut version. President Biden tells Pope Francis a story about famous pitcher Satchel Paige.
Keep your day job. Your humor is less than sweet. It was a story about satchel Paige. CM
C Mc you sound bitter. How can we help you?
Not at all, my friend. I am sorry to say; your "bitter" detector is broken or pointed at the wrong person, at best. At worst, you were looking for a bitter person and made a premature and unnecessary projection. I am afraid you would have to look elsewhere. Notwithstanding, I was hoping that @Wolfgang, a German, would have a little more respect for the US President. I don't know if this is indicative of him or non-Americans. It was so easy for @Wolfgang to share or give the context. The same way the biased clip used, similar way texts are in one's quest to rob Christ of His Divinity. A hint to the wise. CM
That’s good to know.
One must marvel that as Democrat rats flee the broken Biden boat, people like @Bill_Coley and @C Mc still follow the man like a messiah.
My friend, you are showing a pattern of mendacious statements about me. In addition, you are trying your utmost to link @Bill_Coley and me to "the broken Biden boat." You have no data or justification for such. You don't have to do this to be recognized or to be included in regular exchanges.
The pathway to assimilation in these forums is NOT by attacking or controversies. Read widely, think deeply, post sincerely, and convey truth in the Word, share sources, and include other voices in the conversation. The above is the way forward. I trust you see the light of my expectations moving forward.
With the tag name "Truth,"; you, @Truth, all the more, should be attentive to your posts for the accuracy or change your name. You can be sweet (naturally or artificially) and still be heard in these forums. CM
What part of my statement is mendacious? Have rats indeed fled the ship? Are those like you not following Biden like a Messiah?
Don't be ashamed to say what you really think.
Or are those like you now saying: "And again he denied it with an oath: “ I do not know the man!” -- Mt 26:72
Kamala Harris's approval rating falls to 28%
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Biden tanks further. 37.8% approval (including those like Bill and CM), and 59% disapproval. Harris is floating belly up at 27.8%
[playful poking] One notes the inability of those like CM or Bill to come forward, as they cower shamefully in their corners
@Truth posted:
Biden tanks further. 37.8% approval (including those like Bill and CM), and 59% disapproval. Harris is floating belly up at 27.8%
[playful poking] One notes the inability of those like CM or Bill to come forward, as they cower shamefully in their corners
I don't speak for CM, but my refusal to engage this or any partisan political thread is rooted in the acrid state of modern partisan discourse in the U.S. The bitterness, division, anger, and resentment currently produced when people simply disagree with each other's politics have created an environment to which I don't want to contribute and of which I don't want to be a target, at least not in these forums.
I certainly used to!! Search my posts for references to and commentary about our previous president and you'll find scores of deeply partisan comments and exchanges with those who agreed and disagreed with me. But Mr. Trump is no longer in office and our political environment has not improved much. It's time for me to contribute to the cause.
Think about this: Your disagreement with other CD posters on the subject of the deity of Christ led you to call @Wolfgang "blind," @BroRando "poor blind and deaf," @C Mc "Cream Puff Waffle," and me "legalistic." I have no desire to be the target of whatever name-calling you reserve for people who disagree with you on partisan political matters.
Of course my stance is always open to change, and what's "partisan politics" to me might not be to others, and vice-versa (for example: Biden's approval rating? Partisan politics. The January 6 insurrection? Not partisan politics. The infrastructure bill just passed by the House? Partisan politics. Protection of voting rights? Not partisan politics. The 2022 midterm elections? Partisan politics. The fight against the COVID-19 pandemic? Not partisan politics.). But at this moment and until further notice, you and whoever joins you in them may have this and all other partisan political threads to yourselves.
In case I haven't made clear my reasons for staying the sidelines in partisan political threads, I offer this: You don't want to discuss Scripture when in these threads you engage those who disagree with you about the deity of Jesus. Well, I don't want to discuss partisan political matters in these threads with those who disagree with me about them. The difference between our approaches is that you still participate, comment (and name call) in deity of Jesus-related threads, while I'm not participating, commenting (or name-calling) in threads about partisan political matters.
I find your position disingenuous and cowardly. You believe a thing or you don’t. And I find you clinging to nothing cringing in the corner, defeated and unwilling to admit it.
Man up. I am not convinced that you are suddenly holy and spiritual all of a sudden because your political messiah is an unwanted dud. A milk toast flopping around in the hand of a party that is failing. Come on! Defend yourself against or stand with those that are on the right side of the Bible.
I find your position disingenuous and cowardly. You believe a thing or you don’t. And I find you clinging to nothing cringing in the corner, defeated and unwilling to admit it.
Man up. I am not convinced that you are suddenly holy and spiritual all of a sudden because your political messiah is an unwanted dud. A milk toast flopping around in the hand of a party that is failing. Come on! Defend yourself against or stand with those that are on the right side of the Bible.
I welcome you to these views.
Again, from a practical point of view I am as willing to discuss partisan political matters with you as you are willing to discuss specific Scripture texts with me. I respect your choice about Scripture, and ask (but don't expect) you to respect my choice about partisan political matters.
Remember that the crowd chose a Barabbas, not because they loved him but because they hated the truth.
However you mash things up, our reasons for what we discuss when and how regarding Scripture or failed political parties are utterly unrelated. Unless, Scripture is really nothing more than politics for you.
@Truth posted:
Remember that the crowd chose a Barabbas, not because they loved him but because they hated the truth.
You ARE willing to discuss Scripture!!
However you mash things up, our reasons for what we discuss when and how regarding Scripture or failed political parties are utterly unrelated. Unless, Scripture is really nothing more than politics for you.
Scripture is much, much more to me than politics, which is why I am eager to discuss it with you in regards to the deity of Jesus. From your post here, it seems Scripture is at least enough to you to use it to make a partisan political point. Well... that's something.
I genuinely don't want to discuss partisan political matters. I welcome you to whatever barrage of political and theological criticism and name-calling you believe the Spirit is calling you to offer in response.
I genuinely don't want to discuss partisan political matters
That part we believe, You have reasons no doubt.
Sure Biden is a total dud. Sure Harris turned out to be a dufus. We realize your Party has failed. But really, is this your kingdom? I am going by your vast number of protracted posts on the subject throughout months and years past.
Re the uncharacteristic, suddenly spiritual welcome message, what are you afraid of Bill, and why? And why the glaring effort at manipulation? These are rhetorical questions, but your urgent need to answer such things could prove entertaining.
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@Truth posted:
Sure Biden is a total dud. Sure Harris turned out to be a dufus. We realize your Party has failed. But really, is this your kingdom? I am going by your vast number of protracted posts on the subject throughout months and years past.
I welcome you to these views.
As for the rhetorical questions and my need to answer, in these cases, I already did, IN THIS POST: refusal to engage this or any partisan political thread is rooted in the acrid state of modern partisan discourse in the U.S. The bitterness, division, anger, and resentment currently produced when people simply disagree with each other's politics have created an environment to which I don't want to contribute and of which I don't want to be a target, at least not in these forums.
I certainly used to!! Search my posts for references to and commentary about our previous president and you'll find scores of deeply partisan comments and exchanges with those who agreed and disagreed with me. But Mr. Trump is no longer in office and our political environment has not improved much. It's time for me to contribute to the cause.
Think about this: Your disagreement with other CD posters on the subject of the deity of Christ led you to call @Wolfgang "blind," @BroRando "poor blind and deaf," @C Mc "Cream Puff Waffle," and me "legalistic." I have no desire to be the target of whatever name-calling you reserve for people who disagree with you on partisan political matters.
Of course my stance is always open to change, and what's "partisan politics" to me might not be to others, and vice-versa (for example: Biden's approval rating? Partisan politics. The January 6 insurrection? Not partisan politics. The infrastructure bill just passed by the House? Partisan politics. Protection of voting rights? Not partisan politics. The 2022 midterm elections? Partisan politics. The fight against the COVID-19 pandemic? Not partisan politics.). But at this moment and until further notice, you and whoever joins you in them may have this and all other partisan political threads to yourselves.
In case I haven't made clear my reasons for staying the sidelines in partisan political threads, I offer this: You don't want to discuss Scripture when in these threads you engage those who disagree with you about the deity of Jesus. Well, I don't want to discuss partisan political matters in these threads with those who disagree with me about them. The difference between our approaches is that you still participate, comment (and name call) in deity of Jesus-related threads, while I'm not participating, commenting (or name-calling) in threads about partisan political matters.
With this matter behind us, I hope we can move on to other, more productive exchanges.
OK. Let's hear your take on the dramatic Biden-Harris failure. Our present world could use a little more listening. I have been deliberately provoking you here because I am sure you have a point of view worth defending, can't quite imagine what it is, and we would like to hear it.
@Truth posted:
OK. Let's hear your take on the dramatic Biden-Harris failure. Our present world could use a little more listening. I have been deliberately provoking you here because I am sure you have a point of view worth defending, can't quite imagine what it is, and we would like to hear it.
The more and the manner in which you've pressed me for a discussion of partisan political matters even though I've explicitly and in multiple posts told you I don't want one have led me to view your actions in our exchange as troll-like behavior. Now you tell me that you've been "deliberately provoking" me.... I guess I was right.
There are lots of best practices suggestions for dealing with trolls, the simplest of which is not to feed them. Sounds like the proper next step in this situation, so that's what I'm going to do.
I welcome you to continue to post your objections to President Biden, Vice-President Harris, and their administration of the U.S. government. You may also, of course, continue to ask for my takes and points of view on them, but I won't respond. I've made good faith efforts to tell you that I don't want to discuss partisan political matters, so I'm now done.
There are many subjects about which I'll gladly engage you - what the Bible says about the deity of Jesus, for example - so perhaps we'll find our way to productive exchanges going forward. Here's hoping.
Well, aren't you all mister holy placater and name-caller now. Bill, you are as transparent as snail slime. Can't you just man up?
I do suppose we can move forward with meaningful conversation. I am indeed hoping to provoke you just enough to become honest with God and your own heart and people here. I don't know what method might work best to reach your heart, but I am hoping this method has a chance, because I doubt any other will. One day we might be best friends. But then, maybe you don't like black people or their culture.
America is back.
Everything is awesome.
Inflation is good.
Covid mandates
Botch Afghanistan.
Rising gas prices
Runaway inflation
Half of states suing Biden, even Dem states
What else can go wrong? Watch and see.
Not even Bill or CM will stand with Biden.
I failed to mention loud, sustained flatulence amidst methane reduction talks, and that before the duchess. I do feel sorry for the man, though few democrats seem to.
And in more breaking-wind news, Biden wants to give illegal aliens free money. Who here voted for Biden? If you got the guts, fess up.
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My Friend, @Truth,
Critical provocation is not the way to assimilate in these forums. You have debased yourself (@Truth) with the above statement. Not only do you betray your tag name, but you come off like a literary and unsophisticated "bully." What you put forth in this section and possibly in other posts around these forums could be deemed as insincere. Now, some may view you as an overrated "bully." Please slow down and see where people are in their thinkings, attitudes, and interests. I would want to think you knew this and were trying to take a shortcut with @Bill_Coley.
Have you not learned it's better to be called something by a "hater" than to prove or verify it with behavior unbecoming. @Truth, you struck out, here! Try the other 495 "New and current threads." Time and people change. Concepts and perspectives change. Confrontation isn't or shouldn't be the only tool that you use from your toolkit. You may want to invest in retro-filing your tool chest moving forward. It would be best if you ever considered starting your thread with an OP of people's interests. Until then, read the original OPs of the 987 catalogs.
@Truth, you have great potentials for bringing a fresh perspective and value to these forums, but don't do it under the guise or the tactic of former "name-calling" posters. You have value and worth as much as you would allow an inner conviction to manifest itself and "truth" flow through you. An independent reader would verify the validity of what I said.
In your attempt to label me a "Cream Puff Waffle" and "a flightless bird with purple and green feathers that defies taxonomic definition," please consider my suggestions above. I wouldn't want you to become what you called me. If you choose to morph in such, I would still call you friend. Happy posting. CM
PS. A particular thread and invitation to discuss abortion await you. Are the questions too many, or have you lost your anti-abortion conviction in the face of reality? Better yet, reconsider the 96 threads of "Biblical Studies" or the 164 Bible Questions threads. If these are your lanes, run in them. CM