Halloween: Children's Play or Demonic Display?

- What is Halloween?
- What is its origin?
- Is it biblical? Is there an account in the Bible that comes close to what we have in today's society?
- Is Halloween a "holy day" or a "holiday"?
- What is the state of the dead? Wouldn't this take the sting out of Halloween?
- Should Christians decorate and celebrate Halloween?
- Who or what is the chief component of Halloween?
- Are ghosts, goblins, and witches real?
- What are the stories or meanings behind many of the symbols of Halloween? e.g., The Jack-O-Lantern
What more can you add to this topic? Believe it or not, many Christian homes are decorated in line with the symbols of this day. What would you say to them? CM
I think it is both Children's Play or Demonic Display. Depends on what you do with it. That is true of almost anything we can think or do.
Bro. Truth,
Thanks for your comments. For child's play, it needs to be safe, ennobling and centered in some form of development. Children, too, must be taught of the Lord as in Isaiah and as Jesus was taught from a child. Just like a child shouldn't play with matches, knives, or poison, neither should a child be permitted to toil with Satan, sin, and demonic activities worshiping Christ's enemy. There is nothing innocent about this pagan day of the dead. The whole thing is unbiblical and contrary to the actual state of the dead. CM
Seems like you might want to avoid it, then.
You don't have to tell. My decision is made. However, I wonder what parent grandparents, adults, or Christians would their children go in the neighborhood collecting candy after shouting "Trick or treat"? In view Covid-19, any parent who permits "Trick or Treating" needs their head examined in today's society. Beyond the health and safety concerns, do Christian parents know the history and implications of this activity? When they do, they would know it's not all child's play.
The Christian families and homes are the vanguards for the children. They should not make provisions for their little one to find entertainment on the Devil's playground or toys (e.g., target cards, Wicca, palm-reading, seance board games, Satan worship, taking to the dead, video/demonic board games, etc.). CM
Do you feel a need to control the thoughts and behavior of others?
I take your question as a rhetorical one. Even if I wanted to (I don't) "control the thoughts and behavior of others," it's impossible. That would make you and others unimportant. Case closed!
Now, If you would permit me to apply your question above, with some specifics, I hope you would get the point:
- Do you feel the need to impose, intrude, and control the lives of a woman (or women) that's not your wife (assuming you are married) who choose the option of a medical procedure in consultation with her doctor, husband, family, and faith counselor?
- Do you need to put your eyes in the womb of another woman (not your wife's), not know her medical history or current condition?
- Do you have an insatiable need to interfere in the marriage between a husband and a wife?
- Do you need to be conscious for millions of women and families in this country and worldwide to make a most personal and intimate decision for them?
- Do you need another man (not a relative) or a panel (primarily men) to interfere in a decision between you and your wife? e.g.
- Where, when, and how often to have sex?
- To use or not to use a condom?
- To use an IUD birth-control device?
- How many children or to have any at all?
- Rather or not, you should have a vasectomy?
- Whether your wife, in consultation with her doctor, can have a man or double mastectomy?
- Do you need the public to make laws to know if you or your wife can have any of the above?
- Do you have a burning desire to have a religious body, not of your faith, working through legislators to determine if your wife can have one of her cancerous ovaries removed?
- Do you need me to come into your home and decide against you, your doctor, and your pastor to have one of the above (# 5)?
- Do you need a group of strangers or me telling you what option is NOT AVAILABLE (abortion) to you if your wife or daughter were beaten and raped?
- Do you need to be denied a right and a privilege the current right allows?
There is one question I can ask and answer for you. You have a "need" to discuss abortion. Do you want to start here? CM
What I find noteworthy is that you blow a lot of smoke. You don’t answer a short simple question. That shouts.
@Truth asked:
Do you feel a need to control the thoughts and behavior of others?
@C Mc's original answer:
I take your question as a rhetorical one. Even if I wanted to (I don't) "control the thoughts and behavior of others," it's impossible. That would make you and others unimportant. Case closed!
And I precede to ask @Truth a series of questions. You, (@Truth), responded by saying:
What I find noteworthy is that you blow a lot of smoke. You don’t answer a short simple question. That shouts.
What I thought was so obvious from the outset of question and my answer, you missed it completely. Wow! So, let's try it again.
------------------------------ -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@Truth wants @C Mc to answer the question below for the second time:
Do you feel a need to control the thoughts and behavior of others?
@C Mc answers a second time. I am sorry you missed it:
- @C Mc 1st answer: "I take your question as a rhetorical one. Even if I wanted to (I don't) "control the thoughts and behavior of others," it's impossible. That would make you and others unimportant. Case closed!"
- @C Mc 2nd answer: To @Truth original question = No! I hope this is crystal clear?
@Truth, you have a simple direct answer to a simple and obvious rhetorical question. No smoke. It is generally know where there is smoke, there is a fire.
Now, if courtesy is allowed to emulate from your soul, please answer my questions put to you above. All could be answered quickly, simply. Since we are starting over, I would restate the questions:
- Do you feel the need to impose, intrude, and control the lives of a woman (or women) that's not your wife (assuming you are married) who choose the option of a medical procedure in consultation with her doctor, husband, family, and faith counselor?
- Do you need to put your eyes in the womb of another woman (not your wife's), not know her medical history or current condition?
- Do you have an insatiable need to interfere in the marriage between a husband and a wife?
- Do you need to be conscious for millions of women and families in this country and worldwide to make a most personal and intimate decision for them?
- Do you need another man (not a relative) or a panel (primarily men) to interfere in a decision between you and your wife? e.g.
- Where, when, and how often to have sex?
- To use or not to use a condom?
- To use an IUD birth-control device?
- How many children or to have any at all?
- Rather or not, you should have a vasectomy?
- Whether your wife, in consultation with her doctor, can have a man or double mastectomy?
- Do you need the public to make laws to know if you or your wife can have any of the above?
- Do you have a burning desire to have a religious body, not of your faith, working through legislators to determine if your wife can have one of her cancerous ovaries removed?
- Do you need me to come into your home and decide against you, your doctor, and your pastor to have one of the above (# 5)?
- Do you need a group of strangers or me telling you what option is NOT AVAILABLE (abortion) to you if your wife or daughter were beaten and raped?
- Do you need to be denied a right and a privilege the current right allows?
Since you don't like smoke, I hope to see the brilliancy of your fire in your answers. Thanks again for seeking clarification for what I thought was an obvious answer to a simple question. I look forward to your answers. To your original question ("Do you feel a need to control the thoughts and behavior of others?"), I would l like to add a comment. I have a strong desire for you to read widely in the forums. Don't become a one-issue poster. There are some toxic areas (self-discernment) in the forums, but don't let them contaminate you. CM
I was wrong. I wrote my previous snippy comment considering other threads. I retract what I said above with apology. I am sorry.
Your original post was fair and timely. While I agree with the tenor of your thought and feeling, I object to the tone of your second and third posts.
That is why my response was cool.
My coolness seemed to stimulate your hyper-overreaction in which you produced a long list of bizarre questions completely off the topic of your own post. I presume you were attempting to make some point and didn't expect pages of answers to all that stuff.
My answer to the original list of questions was intended to purvey that some people might seek alternate ways to redeem the day and that you personally might want to avoid celebrating Halloween. In fact, I generally agree with your concerns about Halloween.
I acknowledged your explanation, "apology," Justification, thread boundaries, and your agreement with my "concerns about Halloween." Peace! I will see you around the forums. CM
This, too, is why we must all be aware of things our children get involved even if the majority does it. CM