CD Posters,
As promised in another thread, I would give a closer look into a translation that one of the new posters frequently directs users of these forums. Many times, @BroRando supplied Bible texts lead one to Jehovah's Witnesses Bible entitled, "The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures." It was written and released in 1950 by members of the Society. Many in the religious and scholarly community deemed it to be a biased translation. It is believed the translators have added and altered many Bible texts to agree with the denominational teachings. Can it be verified or denied?
I stand to be corrected that in 1969, "The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures" came on the scene. It used the Greek text revised by Westcott and Hort and has the New World translation in its margin. This reveals many errors and contradictions, including words added and other mistranslations. The Greek text used is also questionable.
What's the quality of this "Bible"? Is it accurate to the Greek and Hebrew texts that other Bibles and Translations are based? What value does it bring to the religious world or the study of theology? Who were the men that compiled the NWT? Were they efficient proficient in the languages of Greek and Hebrew?
Eusebius, a follower of Origen, rejected the deity of Christ and claimed that Christ was a created being. A cursory reading of John 1:1 in the NWT appeared to have continued the "Arian heresy." Is it just the NWT that maintains the Arian heresy that says Jesus is not God and that God is a pantheistic God, a God in everything?
Can we make a sober comparison of the NWT and other translations? After doing such, would you recommend its usage for mature biblical studies? CM
PS. May I encourage all to limit your comments to the NWT Text and its development to keep us focused?