I have heard some claim that "guns don't kill rather people kill" and this at least partially true however if people did not have access to guns they would not be able to kill others with guns. Plus, guns don't simple walk around shooting people without being associated with an individual.
Someone wanting to kill someone will always find / have a weapon of choice to commit the crime ... or does anyone here really think or dream that criminals would violate all other laws but would not want to violate a gun ownership law?
I've read about mass murderers who murdered thousands of people and never held a gun in their hands ... and were even applauded by the media and masses.
I've also read of use of a gun in self-defense saved people's lives because the attacker was incapacitated or killed before he/she could do more harm.
Guns: Innocent Woman killed in Bed By Cops
I have heard some claim that "guns don't kill rather people kill" and this at least partially true however if people did not have access to guns they would not be able to kill others with guns. Plus, guns don't simple walk around shooting people without being associated with an individual.
Someone wanting to kill someone will always find / have a weapon of choice to commit the crime ... or does anyone here really think or dream that criminals would violate all other laws but would not want to violate a gun ownership law?
I've read about mass murderers who murdered thousands of people and never held a gun in their hands ... and were even applauded by the media and masses.
I've also read of use of a gun in self-defense saved people's lives because the attacker was incapacitated or killed before he/she could do more harm.
Christians should not buy, sell, own, or use a gun (an instrument of death). The sole purpose of a gun is to kill. CM
Really? Show me that in the Bible...
Are you to be kidding? CM
Are you to be kidding? CM
I don't think @reformed is kidding but rather quite serious ... just show him your Biblical basis for your claims
Why would I be kidding? Show me this from Scripture. You can't.
Are you in the mind of Mr. Reformed? You and Mr. Reformed seem to take seriously bullying cops, shooting or killing people mostly of a certain race; drool to justify police shootings (many times unarmed suspects); blame the dead victim for his own death, and become discouraged when the cops are convicted in a "Court of Law", all while cameras are rolling (on the street and in the courtrooms).
Stop the biases and hate. Show some sympathy for the families whom the cops killed in cold blood. Just like "drinking and driving", intellect and drug abuse don't go together; neither do Christians and guns. A Christian is in the world, but not of the world.
Can the two of you show me the "Second Amendment " in the Bible? Can you show me the word "Abortion", "Abortion Doctor", "Abortion clinic" in the Bible? So, "straighten up and fly right". CM
Just when I think your posts could not become more idiotic and full of lies, you never disappoint.
Reformed, thanks for the word to answer your post above:
"Just when I think your posts could not become more idiotic and full of lies, you never disappoint".
Are you still looking for guns in the Bible? CM
No, what I am looking for is the Scripture that would prohibit a Christian from owning a gun, after all, that is what you claimed...
@Wolfgang Someone wanting to kill someone will always find / have a weapon of choice to commit the crime...I've read about mass murderers who murdered thousands of people and never held a gun in their hands ..
Wolfgang I already mentioned that point notice I stated:
"Now, can a person murder others with a knife, a rope, an injection, martial arts, or the like? Of course, but with a gun, one can do so much quicker...",https://www.christiandiscourse.net/discussion/comment/18063/#Comment_18063
@Wolfgang I've also read of use of a gun in self-defense saved people's lives ...
I haven't heard about that happening where I live, but then again most people do not own guns.
But, yes I do agree that criminals will find a way to get guns into their hands (but in some countries, this seems to be easier than in others).
Back In 2017 there were 22 (23) shooting crimes in the country I live in. https://www.nippon.com/en/features/h00178/
Here are the numbers of Gun-related deaths by year:
2018: 9
2017: 23
2016: 25
2015: 20
2014: 28
2013: 32
2012: 26
2011: 30
2010: 52
2009: 52
2008: 60
2007: 68
2006: 55
2005: 61
2004: 90
2003: 82
2001: 97
2000: 101
I love that here Police rarely if ever use Guns and their use and non-use are monitored. Actually, am not sure if I have actually heard of a Police officer in Japan accidentally killing anyone (innocent or not) with a Gun or any other weapon for that matter. I also love knowing that it is highly unlikely that someone trigger happy individual will use their freedom of gun ownership to kill me and then later blame me for allowing myself to be killed. And, that peace of mind is a freedom I never had back in the states.
And in those countries there is less freedom than in the US. Those who would trade liberty for a little security are neither safe nor free.
@reformed And in those countries, there is less freedom than in the US.
I hear people throwing around phrases like "at least we're free" around, but it remains a mystery to me as to what these people mean by freedom? For example In what way is a country like modern Japan not as free as the USA other than the fact that Japan has no choice but to host another countries bases? What 'liberties and or freedoms' does one living in Japan (be they a foreign ex-pat or a citizen) not have than one living in the states has?
@reformed Those who would trade liberty for a little security are neither safe nor free.
I get it that China or North Korea might attack, Godzilla might come for a visit, or disasters like tsunami, typhoons, and earthquakes might happen to one living in Japan. On the other hand, living in states there were hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, and trigger happy individuals. But,then again one can have the best of both worlds one can be an US ex-pat and a permanent resident of a country like Japan not in any way trading liberty at all but keeping it and enjoying the security of a country outside of the trigger happy states.
Grace and Peace
Is Japan as free as the United States?