A New Craziness in America



  • Posts: 4,463

    Here is where I wanted this.

    CD Posters,

    The Second Amendment was conceived in evil minds to protect their ill-gotten gains. It appears to be legislation from lawmakers, but in truth, the permission to kill is from the jaws of Satan. 

    Why would any Christian in his half-right mind want to own or carry a gun in assisting the Devil in destroying lives? Yes, babies (outside the womb), children, and their parents. All under the guise of "self-defense," Christians have become killers and murders with a permit. Self-defense has taken on a whole new meaning. The Gun-crazed Americans, along with her misinformed Christian-packing concealed weapon-carrying side-kicks, blame mental illness for the astronomical gun deaths in America. 

    The sad truth is that many gun-obsessed Christians believe America's propaganda by spreading the mendacious lies into their churches as rats would carry de-con (poison) into walls of a dilapidated house to infect others. Not only do they betray their core principles of being peace-makers, but they deny the power of God to protect them and their families. They sing "What a Friend we have in Jesus," "Lord, I lift your name on high," "There is power in the blood," and yet, are willing to leave God's house to go to their house, to spill another man's blood. These are supposedly sane people pointing fingers at others.

    Voices muses, don't own a gun unless you know how to use it. Therefore, gun range and target practice. Don't point it unless you planned to use it. If you use it, intend to kill. Consigned to such a murderous manifesto relegates Jesus to a slogan on the back of tee-shirt, lovely saying, but no internal influence on the heart. This duplicitous mindset carries a nasty stench of hypocrisy that stings God's nostrils.

    These are the same people to ask people to give up sin, riotous living, illicit sex, drugs, etc., and give their hearts to God, and yet they cherish their guns as a mother cradles her newborn. Oh, we rationalize owning a firearm, as a Christian, claiming we have a license, the gun kept in a locked box, not knowing we have been outfoxed and controlled by the power of the gun in murderous thoughts.  CM

  • Curious if Holy God's Will directed @C Mc to use a weapon to kill another human, what would you do ?

    Old Covenant has a number of places where God's Righteous Will being done included physical killing: e.g. Moses calling out to the Levites: "Who is on the Lord's side ?" followed by Levites killing relatives worshipping golden calf instead of Holy Lord (full story is in Exodus 32).

    Missing from @C Mc 'Second Amendment' description is Quartering Acts (British army in colonial America made/left quite an impression)

    One of the few things on which both gun rights supporters and gun rights opponents agree is that law enforcement officials, the militia, and the military do have the right to keep and bear arms. Therefore, this work will examine the contested scope of the Second Amendment: do individual citizens have a constitutionally-protected right “to keep and bear arms”? Four sources of information will be examined to determine the answer: (1) America’s earliest legal commentaries, (2) the writings of the Founding Fathers, (3) early State laws, and (4) State constitutions. 

    These four categories of information will indisputably demonstrate that a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms is an individually guaranteed right and that efforts to restrict or regulate gun possession by ordinary law-abiding citizens—no matter what “humanitarian” or alleged “historical” arguments might undergird such efforts—are unequivocal violations of the explicit protections and original intentions of the Constitution. In fact, after examining the historical documents and records surrounding the framing of the Second Amendment, if any individual or group still claims that the right to keep and bear arms is not an individual right, then that individual or group is just as likely—to use the words of nineteenth-century military chaplain William Biederwolf—to “look all over the sky at high noon on a cloudless day and not see the sun.”

     David Barton, The Second Amendment: Preserving the Inalienable Right of Individual Self-Protection (Aledo, TX: WallBuilder Press, 2000), 8–9.

    Likewise missing from @C Mc 'Second Amendment' is American history.

    Another way of changing the law is to reinterpret it. For a modern example, the second amendment to the U.S.A constitution guarantees the rights of citizens to bear arms as a protection against possible oppression of the state. Some citizens want to annul this amendment, but they know they would be unsuccessful in any direct action to attack the amendment. Instead they suggest that the amendment be interpreted to mean that only state militia be allowed to represent the citizens and the citizens themselves not be allowed to bear arms. This would nullify the purpose of the law, while still retaining it in the constitution. In fiction the amendment would still exist; in fact it would have no effect and become meaningless.

     George Wesley Buchanan, The Book of Hebrews: Its Challenge from Zion, Intertextal Bible Commentary (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2006), 2.

    Those who do not learn from history have the opportunity to repeat history.

    Noticed no comments by @C Mc about my previous post:

    Where is the outrage about Bible Study and Prayer being removed from education ? (removed God's Holy Righteous Love from public learning)

    Where is the outrage over media about killing & hurting people ? (TV shows, movies, first person shooter games, cartoons, music, ...)

    Where is the outrage for thousands more babies killed (aborted) using medical instruments ?

    Decision for Physical killing is preceded by killing choices in four life domains: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Social.

    How much is our God crying ? hearing blood crying out from all the killings

    What happens as Righteous anger of Holy God increases from multitude of stinky sin choices ? If no repentance from sin that turns to God, How soon for destruction like Ezekiel 24 ? Matthew 24 & Luke 17 also come to mind (remembering evil in the days of Noah preceded flood).

    Praying for everyone affected by killings to experience God's Holy comfort. Each person chooses what to really, really, really Love the most.

    Blessed are the ones who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

    Thankful can truly look at each person while Smiling with God's unconditional Love ❤ (includes families, killers, & every CD participant):

    "I see The Image of God in You. You're Special. God Loves You ❤ Does God like our sins ? No. God Loves us ❤"

    Humanly hoping & praying that prison time for convicted killers becomes a time out from worldly ways for time in Holy God. Thankful for Bibles being allowed inside prisons (while outlawed from public schools). I can only imagine how much smaller prisons would have been if Bible Study and Prayer had been in schools for public learning & experience of God's Holy Righteous Love ❤

    Outrage focused on guns should be expanded so human desire to kill is supplanted by God's Holy Love

    Just removing guns lacks ability to change human hearts to truly Love as Holy God designed.

    Thankful for my local church preparing personal discipleship, 🙏 Praying for Holy Righteous Love transformations.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Posts: 3,176

    All @C Mc has shown is that he is ignorant of the purposes of the 2nd Amendment.

  • Posts: 4,463


    No Christian is required by man or laws to purchase a gun or to kill another with a gun. During the writing of the second Amendment some people didn't matter, own property, denied education, to vote, and treated less than animals. So much for "ignorant of the purposes of the 2nd Amendment." This Amendment and many other laws didn't applied to the aforementioned groups. So, don't go there.

    God directed the cops to kill Breonna Taylor in her apartment in bed? Stop the nonsense! Guns were made to kill. Satan is out to destroy the earth and humanity. A Christian has no business helping Satan carry his murderous water and plans. Stand for Jesus and separate yourselves from guns. CM

  • Posts: 3,176

    You are mixing things that are unrelated. Deranged.

  • @C Mc No Christian is required by man or laws to purchase a gun or to kill another with a gun.

    Earlier question awaits your reply: Curious if Holy God's Will directed @C Mc to use a weapon to kill another human, what would you do ?

    Old Covenant has a number of places where God's Righteous Will being done included physical killing: e.g. Moses calling out to the Levites: "Who is on the Lord's side ?" followed by Levites killing relatives worshipping golden calf instead of Holy Lord (full story is in Exodus 32). Was Jael right in killing Sisera (guest in her family's dwelling) as described in Judges 4:1-5:31 (with song Praising יהוה Yahweh that included blessings for Jael) ?

    FWIW: if Holy יהוה Lord God directed me to use a weapon to kill, would be praying to Holy יהוה Lord God for confirmation plus wisdom when & how to use weapon to do God's Righteous Justice. My personal goal is => Be Holy as God is Holy, includes Righteous Love to obey commands:

    Matthew 22:34-40 (LEB) Now when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they assembled at the same place. And one of them, a legal expert, put a question to him to test him: “Teacher, which commandment is greatest in the law?” And he said to him, “ ‘You shall love the יהוה Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”

    Thankful for focus on God's Holiness helping me bring my thoughts captive to Glorify God => Loving myself as Holy God Loves me so can truly Love Holy God first enabling God's Holy Love to flow into me & out to neighbors (includes many tears for all victims: gun violence, abortion, ...).

    @C Mc During the writing of the second Amendment some people didn't matter, own property, denied education, to vote, and treated less than animals. So much for "ignorant of the purposes of the 2nd Amendment." This Amendment and many other laws didn't applied to the aforementioned groups.

    Observation about "some people didn't matter, own property, denied education, to vote, and treated less than animals" sadly applies to the writing of entire Constitution and first ten amendments: "Bill of Rights". Should entire Constitution be superceded ? (can happen if a treaty is ratified)

    Hindsight 20/20 is wishing American founding fathers had abolished slavery as part of constitution process (avoid bloody civil war follow-up). During civil war, both sides had many days of praying with fasting & humiliation seeking Holy God's Righteous Will.

    Still missing from 'Second Amendment' description is Quartering Acts (British army in colonial America made/left quite an impression)

    FWIW: observing police transforming into para-military soldiers for dealing with gun shooter(s), am wondering about individual gun ownership becoming less of a deterrent for homes being invaded. Albeit removing guns from law abiding households makes invasion easier by criminals, ...

    @C Mc God directed the cops to kill Breonna Taylor in her apartment in bed? Stop the nonsense! 

    🙏 Praying & crying for all victims of Breonna Taylor and more recently, Daunte Wright. (Daddy didn't come home & police officer's mistake near trial of Derek Chauvin hurts). How does protest breaking store windows and setting on fire help ?

    @C Mc Guns were made to kill. Satan is out to destroy the earth and humanity. A Christian has no business helping Satan carry his murderous water and plans.

    Where is the outrage for Biden choosing to fund terrorist organizations overseas: guns, ammunition, training to kill, stipends for killers ?

    @C Mc Stand for Jesus and separate yourselves from guns.

    Currently guns do as they are handled: People kill people. Concur with Loving Holy יהוה Lord Jesus first, with desire to clearly hear & obey God.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Posts: 4,463

    CD Posters,

    A gun in the hands of a Christian, like Satan, is just as deathly and destructive. Guns in the hands of the American people are as combustible as adding gasoline to a fire. A gun is a conduit or a vehicle to aid the Devil to destroy God's beautiful animals and humility "made in His image". See the footprints of evil, hurt, and pain guns have wrought in America the last month:

    The US has reported at least 45 mass shootings in the last month

    (CNN) — When eight people died in a mass shooting at an Indianapolis FedEx facility Thursday night, the news was compounded by a string of similar incidents that preceded it. 

    Starting on March 16, when eight people were killed at three Atlanta-area spas, the US has had at least 45 mass shootings from California to Washington, DC.

    Analysis: A return to normal in America means a return to violence

    CNN defines a mass shooting as a shooting incident that results in four or more casualties (dead or wounded), excluding the shooter or shooters.

    April 15: Indianapolis

    Eight people were killed and several others wounded in a mass shooting at an Indianapolis FedEx facility on Thursday night, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman Genae Cook said.


    April 15: Pensacola, Florida

    At least six people were injured at an Escambia County apartment complex, as reported by CNN affiliate WEAR-TV. No suspects are in custody.

    April 15: Washington, DC

    Four people were shot, including a teenage girl, Thursday in Northeast Washington, DC, affiliate WRC reported.

    April 13: Baltimore

    Police said a dice game turned violent when two shooters opened fire on a group, injuring four, according to CNN affiliate WJZ-TV.

    April 12: Chicago

    Four people were shot, one fatally, and a fifth person was hit by a car in a shooting early Monday on the Eisenhower Expressway, affiliate WMAQ reported.

    April 11: Wichita, Kansas

    One person was killed and three others injured in a shooting at a house party at an East Wichita Airbnb, as reported by CNN affiliate KWCH.

    April 11: Seattle

    A toddler and three other people were injured when suspects fired into a business parking lot, according to CNN affiliate KIRO 7.

    April 10: Memphis, Tennessee

    One person was killed and three others were injured, including a mother and child, after gunfire was exchanged in a Memphis neighborhood, according to CNN affiliate WHBQ.

    April 10: Koshkonong, Missouri

    One person was killed and three others injured in a shooting at a convenience store, according to CNN affiliate KY3.

    April 10: Waterbury, Connecticut

    Police responded to calls of a weapons complaint and found blood trials and four injured victims, reported CNN affiliate WFSB.

    April 10: Allendale, Michigan

    An incident outside a house party resulted in four people being shot and one critically injured, according to CNN affiliate WWMT.

    April 9: Fort Worth, Texas

    One person was killed and at least five others injured when people in two vehicles shot at each other on a Fort Worth, Texas, freeway Friday night, officials said.

    April 8: Bryan, Texas

    A gunman killed one person and wounded at least five others -- four of them critically -- at a cabinet manufacturer, police said.

    April 7: Rock Hill, South Carolina

    A former NFL player killed five people -- including a prominent doctor, his wife, and their two young grandchildren -- before killing himself, authorities said.

    April 7: Milwaukee

    A 26-year-old man was charged with the shooting that killed two people and injured two others at a gas station, according to CNN affiliate WDJT.

    April 6: Detroit

    One person was killed and three others injured after gunfire erupted from a car, according to CNN affiliate WDIV.

    April 5: Baltimore

    Five victims were taken to a hospital with multiple gunshot wounds, Baltimore police said.

    April 4: Monroe, Louisiana

    Police responded to Bobo's Bar, where they found six victims with gunshot wounds, according to CNN affiliate KNOE.

    April 4: Birmingham, Alabama

    An argument between two groups of men devolved into more than 30 shots fired at a park on Easter -- killing a woman and wounding five other people, including four children, police said.

    April 4: Beaumont, Texas

    A man arrived at home, threatening several people with a firearm before shooting four victims, according to Beaumont Police.

    April 3: Wilmington, North Carolina

    Three people were killed and four others injured in a mass shooting at a house party, according to CNN affiliate WECT.

    April 3: Tuscaloosa, Alabama

    Two men were arrested and charged with attempted murder after five people were injured during a shooting outside an Alabama bar, police said.

    April 3: Dallas

    In what police said was an apparent murder-suicide plot, 21-year-old and 19-year-old brothers made a pact to kill their parents, sister and grandmother, according to CNN affiliate KLTV.

    April 3: Quincy, Florida

    Seven people were injured by gunfire near a nightclub after a fight broke out into gunshots, according to CNN affiliate WCTV. 

    March 31: Orange, California

    Investigators gather outside an office building where a shooting occurred in Orange, California, on Wednesday, March 31.

    Four people, including a child, were killed and another person wounded in a mass shooting at an office complex in Orange, California, according to authorities. 

    March 31: Washington, DC

    Five people were shot in Washington, the DC Police Department said. The incident started as a dispute and ended with two people dead and three injured.

    March 28: Cleveland

    Seven people were shot at a Cleveland nightclub, according to CNN affiliate WOIO. The victims, four men and three women, were all between 20 and 30 years old, and police believe several people fired inside the nightclub, the station reported.

    March 28: Chicago

    Four people in an SUV were shot on the I-57 expressway, according to CNN affiliate WLS. All were taken to hospitals in critical condition. 

    March 28: Essex, Maryland

    A man fatally shot his parents before shooting three people at a convenience store, killing two of them, CNN affiliate WBOC reported, citing Baltimore County police. The suspect died by suicide.

    March 27: Chicago

    Four people were shot in Chicago's South Austin neighborhood, according to CNN affiliate WBBM. The victims, who included men ages 42, 53, and 64, were near a sidewalk when they were shot, the station reported.

    March 27: Yazoo City, Mississippi

    At least seven people were injured in a mass shooting at a nightclub, CNN affiliate WLBTreported. At least six people were shot and another person suffered a laceration, the station reported.

    March 27: River Gorge, Illinois

    A shooting on a party bus left three people injured and one dead, according to CNN affiliate WLS. Police say the occupants of another vehicle fired at the bus while stopped at an intersection, the station reported. 

    March 26: Virginia Beach, Virginia

    Virginia Beach police work the scene of a shooting that occurred the night before.

    Three shootings in the city left eight people injured and two dead, according to the City of Virginia Beach.

    March 26: Chicago

    A gathering in Chicago's Wrightwood neighborhood turned into a mass shooting, according to CNN affiliate WLS. Two gunmen opened fire inside the gathering, wounding seven people and fatally shooting a 26-year-old man, the station reported.

    March 26: Norfolk, Virginia

    Police responded to a shooting that left four people wounded, CNN affiliate WTKR reported. The victims -- two 18-year-old men, a 17-year-old girl, and a 21-year-old woman -- sustained non-life-threatening gunshot wounds.

    March 26: Memphis, Tennessee

    Five people were shot, the Memphis Police Department said on Twitter. Three victims were pronounced dead at the scene, two were taken to a hospital in critical condition, and one was in non-critical condition, the tweet said.

    Michael Tucker, the man identified as the suspect, was found dead in a motel in Nashville Thursday. Police spokesman Don Aaron said it is believed Tucker died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

    March 26: Philadelphia

    Outside of the Golf and Social Club, police say two suspects shot seven people, CNN affiliate WPVI reported. Video released by police shows two suspects approaching a gathering crowd and opening fire.

    March 23: Aliceville, Alabama

    A shooting, reported at an Aliceville home left two people dead and two injured, according to CNN affiliate WVTM. 

    March 23: Boulder, Colorado

    Outside of the Golf and Social Club, police say two suspects shot seven people, CNN affiliate WPVI reported. Video released by police shows two suspects approaching a gathering crowd and opening fire.

    March 23: Aliceville, Alabama

    A shooting reported at an Aliceville home left two people dead and two injured, according to CNN affiliate WVTM. 

    March 23: Boulder, Colorado

    Ten people, including a Boulder police officer, were killed in a shooting at a King Soopers supermarket, according to police.

    March 20: Philadelphia

    One person was killed and another five were injured in a shooting at an illegal party, CNN affiliate KYW reported. "There were at least 150 people in there that fled and believed they had to flee for their lives," Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said.

    March 20: Dallas

    Eight people were shot, one fatally, by an unknown assailant, according to police.

    March 20: Houston

    Five people were shot after a disturbance inside a club, according to police. One was in critical condition after being shot in the neck, and the rest were in stable condition, according to CNN affiliate KPRC.

    March 18: Gresham, Oregon

    Four victims were taken to the hospital after a shooting in the city east of Portland, police said in an initial report.

    March 17: Stockton, California

    Five people who were preparing a vigil in Stockton, in California's Central Valley, were shot in a drive-by shooting, the San Joaquin Sheriff's Department said. None had life-threatening injuries.

    March 16: Atlanta

    Eight people, including six Asian women, were killed when a White gunman stormed three spas, police said.

    And one in CD had the ....... gall to call me "deranged". One doesn't either know what the word means, suffers from reasoning challenges, or enjoys spewing miasmic fabrications for self-aggrandizement. I hope after reading this entire post, Mr. Reformed will see the true import of the deadliness of guns in the hands of any man. Past, present, or future, the reality of guns whether in the home or in hand, they were made to kill. Christian posters and readers, take a stand to renounce the killings and free yourselves and your families from the instruments of death. It's not the only way, but a good first step. CM

    SOURCE: https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/16/us/mass-shootings-45-one-month/index.html

  • Posts: 3,176

    @C Mc

    Deranged: : unable to think or act in a normal or logical way especially because of severe mental illness : crazy or insane.

    Yeah, I knew how I was using the word.

  • Posts: 4,463

    My Friend, Reformed,

    This is nothing new from you. More of the same. Another day, another topic, another person, another derogatory name you project upon me and others. Given that you DON'T have the knowledge, training, skills, practice, or license to project the term "Deranged" on anyone; except you are sharing a personal diagnosis given to you by a mental health professional. You are free to share, but keep it in perspective. Perhaps, what you called me is a reflection of your internal demons and your addiction to guns and killing? I will leave that to the One who, truly, knows the heart of all men.

    Reformed, it's not necessary or required that you strain yourself trying to belittle the message or the messenger on the destruction of guns and their sole purpose for existence. All the name-calling in the world will not "white-wash" the blood-stained streets, division in families, unmeasured grief, and broken hearts that only heaven can fill.

    Frankly, I think it's insane for one, in general, and a Christian in particular, to purchase a gun take a man's life (one he didn't create or can he resurrect). He kills, all in the name of an intruder and self-defense. Yet he goes around preaching love, humility, forgiveness, "turning the other cheek" and still called himself a disciple of Christ. The Messiah-Jesus didn't carry a gun (sword of his day) or avocated his followers to do so. The Christ went about doing good, healing, and raised the dead. Many of today's Christians are more in bed with the American gun-owning trend and the Second Amendment than with the Ten Commandments. This to me is insane.

    One can't defend one's self or family without a gun? One must kill an intruder or a person with evil intent just to defend himself? America's unholy ways seem to be the foundation in too many Christian's hearts. So, you see Mr. Reformed, it's "deranged" go contrary to God's will in thinking to take a life (lacking the ability to create or resurrect); possessing a gun (instrument of death), and relying upon it more than on God for safety, this side of the return of Jesus. CM

    The Christian Hand

    The Christian hand is no place for a gun;

    The life of another man, he takes none.

    Men of evil intent, he would confront;

    He would put prayer, faith, and Christ at the forefront.

    Not befuddled by the Second Amendment;

    He would avoid being a defendant.

    Reliant upon gun, he will not make a dependent. CM

  • Posts: 3,176

    Haha you don't need a license to know someone is deranged.

  • Posts: 4,463

    How do you know about such "thrill"? What kind of mindset do you have ? Just because you hold to such "ideology" with "thrills of killing", you want to impose on others something which pertains to your state of mind?

    What do you mean by "What kind of mindset do you have?"

    What do you mean by I "want to impose on others something which pertains to your [my] state of mind?

    Please explain. CM

  • Posts: 3,176

    He means you seem to have this deranged idea that every gun owner wants to kill human beings. That's not even close to reality.

  • Posts: 4,463
    edited April 2021


    Thanks for your input, but I await Wolfgang's response. He raised the questions.

    Your interpretation of one of Wolfgang's questions means "every gun owner wants to kill human beings". Well, did I say that?

    In response, to you, Reformed, see the deadliness of a gun in society:

    1. A gun is an instrument of death. Don't you agree?
    2. A gun was made to kill. You can't deny this. Target practice helps one to become a better killer (accurate/certain). Don't you agree?
    3. The average gun owner receives minimal training, if at all. More practice is needed for a driver's license than for a gun. Don't you agree?
    4. Every gun owner wants to kill any human being (big-game animals given the chance) that he feels to be an intruder, fears for his life, or found taking his property. Both are God's created. Since you don't know if the other person has a gun, you've created a kill or be killed scenario. To pull a gun is to use it. One uses it to kill. Don't you agree?
    5. Pistol-packing Pastors, deacons, and Elders, in church, are willing to kill a man to continue to worship God. How many Church pulpits contain a loaded gun anticipating an intruder? Churchmen with concealed weapons are ready to kill anyone who tries to take the weekly collections (money/offerings/tithes). Don't you agree?
    6. When people get angry many times a gun brings finality to the discussion quickly. Don't you agree?
    7. Not to mention the high gun-magazine clips and the multiple innocent people-- baby, children, mothers, fathers, preachers, popes, presidents, etc., killed. Don't you agree?
    8. Car-jackings, muggings, accidents, and suicides. Guns take lives. Don't you agree?
    9. Guns are stolen from cars, homes, basements, cabinets, etc., not to mention accidents, horseplay ("Russian roulette"), kills people. Don't you agree?
    10. people die for angry and ill-trained cops. Don't you agree?
    11. Guns are used in war to kill. Don't you agree?
    12. People that are professionally identifiable certified mentally ill kill people with guns. Don't you agree?

    These and many other things can be said. A gun's existence and usage are contrary to God's will and humanity's well-being? Guns are just one of the many ways Satan wants to destroy as many lives as possible. A Christian should have no part in aiding Christ's enemy. Don't you agree?

    This is "reality"! Don't you agree? CM

  • Posts: 3,176
    1. It can be, it can also be a fun instrument of sport and skill.
    2. A gun is made to kill, yes.
    3. Driving a car and shooting a gun are apples/oranges. You don't need as much training for a gun.
    4. No, I do not agree.
    5. Don't see your point.
    6. No, I don't agree. This is the rare exception.
    7. No
    8. Ok?
    9. I'm sure this happens on rare occasion but the same can be said for knives and baseball bats.
    10. No, not as a general rule. MOST of police shootings are justified.
    11. Yes
    12. Yes I agree.

    No I do not agree that the existence of a gun are contrary to God's will and humanity's well being.

    No, this is not reality, this is your deranged scared, puny, stupid viewpoint.

  • Posts: 4,463

    What would this country be like if every man or household was required to have a gun? CM

  • Posts: 3,176


  • Posts: 4,463


    This sounds like the answer of a little boy who grew up watching a lot of cowboy/Indians television shows and western movies. I can't confirm this, but it seems a high possibility you got a cowboy hat and toy guns for Christmas or your birthday. You can have fun without guns. Set a new course. CM

  • Posts: 3,176

    I don't have a problem with guns because guns are not the problem. Shot mine today.

  • Posts: 2,675

    @reformed posted:

    I don't have a problem with guns because guns are not the problem. Shot mine today.

    The fact that you shot your gun yesterday is irrelevant. What IS relevant is the fact that in the United States, too many people shoot guns, not for sport, or hobby, or training, or self-defense, but to injure or kill other people - "too many" as in at per capita rates that are orders of magnitude greater than many other developed nations. Those per capita firearm violence rates in this country ARE a problem. I've seen nothing in your posts that suggest you agree, but if you aren't bothered by those rates, then you're mistaken, and you need to change your view. And if you and others who agree with you that "guns are not the problem" won't change your views, fine; Congress needs to change the law anyway. Basic strategy? Convert the "guns are not the problem" people, but until we convert them, compel them via changes in the law.

    Fortunately, large majorities of Americans support changes in our gun laws. Unfortunately, our Congress will not pass any that matter. The ultimate solution will have to be changes in the membership of Congress.

  • Posts: 4,463

    Where is the influence of the Christians on guns? Their voices are seldomly heard on the matter. If CD is a microcosm of the US Christians it shouldn't be so hard to understand why their voices are faintly heard. CM

  • Posts: 4,463

    There were at least 10 mass shootings across the US this weekend

    What's This? America's new normal?

    A gunman opened fire at a family birthday party in Colorado Springs on Sunday, leaving six people dead and a community in mourning.

    There were at least 10 mass shootings in the country over the weekend that combined left at least 17 people dead and 33 more wounded, according to CNN reporting and analysis of data from Gun Violence Archive (GVA), local media, and police reports.

    CNN defines a mass shooting as an incident with four or more people killed or wounded by gunfire -- excluding the shooter.

    This weekend's shootings provide a glimpse into the rise in violence that began last year and that has continued ever since. Criminology experts have pointed to a perfect storm of factors, including economic collapse, Covid's severing of social connections, and mistrust in the police.

    According to the Gun Violence Archive, at least 117 people were killed and 303 wounded in shootings across the country over 72 hours.

    Christians are peace-makers. CM

  • Posts: 4,463
    edited May 2021

    What's wrong with people and guns? Buying gun parts online and assembling them at home? This is still deadly.

    "A ghost gun" is a term for a homemade firearm that lacks commercial serial numbers. "The term is used mostly in the United States by gun control advocates, gun rights advocates, law enforcement, and some in the firearm industry."

    THIS IS MADNESS! I AM OUTRAGED! CD Christians, let your voices be heard! Protect the newborn babies and children.

    As long as it is intended for personal use, a ghost gun is exempt from federal regulation. Individuals purchasing an unfinished receiver or a kit to complete the assembly of a ghost gun are not subjected to a traditional background check and are not restricted by criminal or mental health history.

    Guns were made to kill, whether sold in stores, gun shows, by mail, in parts and assembled at home. The peddling of murderous instruments of death is an anathema! Gun-endorsing Christians would have to answer to God along with America that provides the instruments for drive-bys, accidents, murders, the killing of animals, suicides, and robberies. Gun-loving "Christians" need to stop hiding behind the morally bankrupted NRA and that Satan inspired Second Amendment.

    Does anyone at CD care? Stand up for Jesus! "Ghost guns" are a new low for America, and those so-called, gun-loving, gun-carrying, gun-endorsing, Bible-thumping "right-to-lifers. Born-again Christians, stand up for the truth! Stand up for life! CM.

  • Posts: 3,176

    Oh now mr abortion rights wants to protect babies? Oh brother.

  • Posts: 4,463

    "Right-to-lifers" are not the only ones who care about babies and children. Gun owners seem not to care about any body when they get angry. A part of gun licensing, anger classes should be a part of the requirements. CM

  • Posts: 521

    i really hope you don’t get a gun. Not wanting one may be Gods way of preventing someone like you from getting one.

  • Posts: 4,463


    Would you mind clarifying your statement? It doesn't contribute to the conversation above. Did you read the thread or this page? The box below does say, "Leave a Comment." However, it's greatly appreciated when it's relevant. CM

  • Posts: 521

    My statement was on topic, timely, relevant, and effective. I repeat it below for emphasis.

    I really hope you (C Mc) don’t get a gun. Not wanting one may be God's way of preventing someone like you from getting one.

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