Law Enforcement or a Bully with a Gun?

Unfortunately, the dictatorship / tyranny directed regimes nowadays have influenced police training in the direction of turning police into a "soldier / mercenary force" .... "shoot first ...". Police hardly ever is seen as citizens' "friend and helper" anymore ...
"Indeed"! CM
Mistake or murder? If a trained of officer can do what she did, how much more a ordinary gun carrying Christian would do. Guns were made to kill. Remove the guns from the home. God is your protector. Shouldn't a people seek their God? CM
@C Mc Mistake or murder?
If mistake, can you imagine intense agony & hurt inside Kim Potter ? (26 years of putting her life on the line being blotted by shooting mistake)
If murder (intentional killing), praying for Psalm 51 experience.
🙏 Praying & crying for all affected by killing of Daunte Wright. (Daddy can't come home affects familiy, relatives, & friends plus ones rioting along with those hurt by riot actions and Kim Potter). Praying for Holy God's Love to be experienced ❤️ (may include prison time for Kim Potter)
@C Mc If a trained of officer can do what she did, how much more a ordinary gun carrying Christian would do.
How many ordinary gun carrying Christians also carry a taser so would have to choose what to use ? (especially when struggling with a physically stronger person)
@C Mc Shouldn't a people seek their God?
🙏 Praying for every person to experience God's Holy Love ❤️ , includes individual chosing what to really, really, really Love the most.
Thankful to see The Image of God in each person. Every person is Special. God Loves every one. Does Holy God like our sin choices ? No. God Loves Us. Imagining every person clothed in God's Holy garments helps my sin desires to flee & helps me pray with Holy God for every one.
Keep Smiilng 😊
It was an obvious mistake. And you know who is at ultimate fault for Wright's death? Wright. Guess what, if you comply with officers bad things don't typically happen.
@reformed posted:
It was an obvious mistake. And you know who is at ultimate fault for Wright's death? Wright. Guess what, if you comply with officers bad things don't typically happen.
Getting shot with a service weapon rather than a Taser is not among the "bad things" that "typically happen" to unarmed drivers who don't "comply" with officers. In fact, given that when compared with the Glock service revolver used by the Brooklyn Center Police Department, the Taser device is a) significantly lighter, b) noticeably different in design, c) VERY differently colored (see still-frame image below from the video of the incident - the taser seen in the image is on another officer's body), and d) by policy, to be worn on the non-dominant hand side of the officer's body, it's hard to blame anyone other than the officer for Mr. Wright's death.
The Glock is heavier, grey/gun metal in color, and employs a trigger safety, while the Taser is lighter, bright yellow in color, and has no safety. Mr. Wright did not die because he resisted the officers. He died because an officer fired her service weapon at him instead of the Taser device. Was it an accident? I think so. But it was also an act of gross and reckless negligence on her part. She had every reason to know she didn't have her Taser in her hand, yet shot anyway. She must be held accountable.
Right because you can say that she "should have known" in a pressure situation that you have never been in. My point is I cannot think of one instance of these nationalized black man deaths at the hands of police (with the exception of one in Charleston, SC) where the black man complied with police. They have been belligerent, uncooperative, and escalate the issue. They bring it on themselves.
@reformed posted:
Right because you can say that she "should have known" in a pressure situation that you have never been in. My point is I cannot think of one instance of these nationalized black man deaths at the hands of police (with the exception of one in Charleston, SC) where the black man complied with police. They have been belligerent, uncooperative, and escalate the issue. They bring it on themselves.
A law enforcement officer who so badly handles the "pressure" of an unarmed citizen's resistance that she confuses a Taser device for a Glock should not be on a police force, and the training methods of the force on which she serves should be reviewed and revised.
Do you contend that the pressure which that 26 year veteran officer experienced was so great that it's understandable she didn't notice the weight, feel, and color differences between the Glock and the Taser? If so, what kind of professional training/experience/aptitude do you think she would have needed before you would not have understood her failure to notice those differences?
I noticed you ignored the main point which is that in 99% of these cases it is the black man at fault for his own demise.
And you called me racist? CM
PS. Breonna Taylor was in her bed and now she is dead. She didn't comply with cops commands? You are showing your true colors and your dislike for others. Sad!
Please watch the entire clip above, repeated here:
Virginia governor calls for probe of December traffic stop of Army officer
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on Sunday said he directed the Virginia State Police to investigate a December traffic stop by two police officers who pepper-sprayed and held…
Is this the way America treats its men in uniform? If this cop was so right, why was he fired? CM
@reformed posted:
I noticed you ignored the main point which is that in 99% of these cases it is the black man at fault for his own demise.
And you ignored every point I made and question I asked in my previous post.
Black men at fault for their own demise? (Congrats on your deployment of such a pleasant way to diminish the unpleasantness of getting killed by law enforcement.) Here, YOU, as am I, are one who has never been in this situation: Young black men, knowing what happened to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice (who at age 12, playing with a perfectly legal toy gun in a public park had all of TWO SECONDS to be "at fault for his own demise"), and many, many others, understandably respond with fear and suspicion.
Consider Caron Nazario, the Army second lieutenant whom Virginia police recently pepper sprayed because he wouldn't leave his vehicle. The man was wearing his fatigues, had his hands in full view and firmly planted on the steering wheel, and calmly told the officers that he was afraid to exit the vehicle. STILL they drew weapons and pepper sprayed him multiple times. All because the officers failed to notice the very legal but temporary license tag on his vehicle. Young black men who see THAT happening to other young black men - even those dressed in the uniforms of their country - have every reason to feel fear and resistance when they're stopped by law enforcement. Theirs are experiences with law enforcement white folks such as I never have to deal with.
People of all races and nationalities resist in encounters with police. But the vast majority without getting shot or maced. Why are African-American people so disproportionately the victims of violent resolutions to resistance?
Now that I have dealt with your 99% contention (a stat for which you provide no evidence, I should note), please deal directly with the issues and questions I raised:
- A law enforcement officer who so badly handles the "pressure" of an unarmed citizen's resistance that she confuses a Taser device for a Glock should not be on a police force, and the training methods of the force on which she serves should be reviewed and revised.
- Do you contend that the pressure which that 26 year veteran officer experienced was so great that it's understandable she didn't notice the weight, feel, and color differences between the Glock and the Taser? If so, what kind of professional training/experience/aptitude do you think she would have needed before you would not have understood her failure to notice those differences?
CD Posters,
Anyone that picks up a loaded gun has the potential of fulfilling the purpose of that instrument. That is to kill. Lions, tigers, bears, or a man, fired; a gun was made to kill. This why a gun has no place in the home or the hands of a Christian. The user of guns puts him or herself in the positions of judge, jury, and executioner. Given that a man may be a Christian, he is not God. He's not the Creator even if he fathered a child. The best Christian men don't have the power to produce life or to resurrect one from the dead. Therefore, he should not take the life of another with the instrument of Satan (gun). Please remove all guns from your homes.
Christians don't have to live in fear. Submit your life, wife, and children into God's hands, He will keep you. We are really living in crisis times when Christians no longer believe that God can keep them and their family without a gun in the home. Oh, "ye of little faith"! CM
PS. You know I am right or you wouldn't put up so much fight (submit, surrender, etc.).
@reformed posted:
I noticed you ignored the main point which is that in 99% of these cases it is the black man at fault for his own demise.
One other question: You have seen the same video I saw. Exactly what did George Floyd do to be at "fault" for the pressure law enforcement officers applied to his neck, back, and shoulder areas for nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds as lay prone on the ground and handcuffed behind his back? Please be direct and specific.
Correct, her boyfriend shot at police after they announced themselves.
Cut the crap, more white men are killed by police then black men.
zWe put up such a fight because you are a liberal snowflake idiot.
@reformed posted:
Cut the crap, more white men are killed by police then black men.
And yet again you evade every point I made and every question I asked. So ironic that you immediately pointed out how I had "ignored" what you called the "main point" of one of your previous posts, but you haven't even acknowledged the existence of any of the points I've made in three subsequent responses. Priceless.
And more white men are killed by police than black men? Some basic statistics are useful here: Assume that five of the apples currently in storage are rotten, and that ten of the pears in storage are rotten. If the question is, which fruit has more rotten samples, the answer is pears, of course. BUT, if the question is, in which collection of fruit is rotting a bigger problem, the answer is we can't say. Why not? Because we don't know how many total apples and pears there are.
- If there are 25 total apples, five rotten ones means the rotten fruit rate among the apples is 20%. You might think that's high, but if there were 100 total pears, then ten rotten ones would mean the rotten fruit rate among the pears would be just 10%. So in which fruit is rotting a bigger issue, the collection with the most rotting fruit, or the collection with the highest rotting fruit rate?
- When you tell me that more whites than blacks are killed by police, you're only telling me one part of the story. You need also to tell me how many total whites and blacks there are so that I can know whether the rate at which whites are killed by police is the same, higher, or lower than the rate at which blacks are killed. It turns out that blacks are killed by police at a rate more than 2-1/2 times higher than are whites, and unarmed blacks are killed by police at a rate that is more than three times higher than are unarmed whites.
Surely you don't believe it's sufficient to compare the absolute number of deaths of blacks and whites at the hands of police in the U.S. when the black community in the U.S. is less than 1/4 the size of the nation's white community, do you? Please tell me that you accept the need to compare death rates, not just absolute numbers, when comparing communities of significantly different populations.
As for all my points and questions that you've "ignored" in this thread, after many years and literally dozens of posts in which you ignored/evaded/failed to mention the questions I asked you, I've grown to expect that you won't answer me directly, and in most cases won't even hint at the questions I asked, so I won't post them again. Suffice it to say, you and I both know why you don't answer.
Mr. Reformed,
Although you missed a factual point in the past event, Breonna Taylor's boyfriend did what you (Mr. Reformed) would have done or what you (Reformed) plan to do. You made my general point, innocent people in most cases end up dead when gunfire is involved. Breonna Taylor didn't fire the gun. She didn't fail to comply with the policeman's verbal commands. Yet, she died in her bed.
Reformed, if you don't change your mind and attitude toward guns in general, keeping one in your home (so-called protection); I am afraid Breonna Taylor's fate could that of your wife and children, rather it's a cop or an intruder. No, I don't wish any harm upon you or your family, but your love for guns, your willingness to insult and belittle people (whom you have never met, in these forums); and your unwillingness to trust God to protect you and your family. Don't make the avoidable unavoidable. Sadness will darken your doorway and their blood will be on your hands.
From your previous posts, around the forums, and on this subject matter, in particular, you're NOT consistently serious in MOST OF your exchanges. For example, your exchanges with Bill on this subject matter in this thread. Society's ills can't be fixed with guns on the streets or in your home. If your choose the ignore the messenger, don't ignore the message. Guns were made to kill. God is our protector, this side of the return of Jesus. CM
That is also assuming the white population commits the same rate of crime as the black population.
Her fault was her association with thugs. And you have ignored one question I have asked of you.
If you saw someone being beaten to death, would you try to stop it or say "God is their protector I'm just going to keep on walking..."?
Mr. Reformed said:
"Her [Breonna Taylor] fault was her association with thugs..."
Do you think before you type? You can't be that warped in your reasoning or so stubborn in a position you can't see beyond your nose. First of all, it was unkind for you to say such. Your racism is showing.
Secondly, the eight people that died today were in "association with thugs" at FedEx facility Indianapolis? It's their fault they are dead? Gunfire, more, innocent people are dead. Our hearts pain. Precious lives are lost because of evil, hate, sickness, and the love of guns. The Second Amendment be damned! CM
That is not racism. That is fact. I said nothing about color of skin in that post. You are the racist.
Eight people died, we still do not know the details so I am not commenting on that. Not to mention it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.
Chicago officials release videos of police shooting that killed 13-year-old Adam Toledo
"... there was "no evidence" the teen fired the weapon before he was shot".
The people need to be protected from the cops.
Officer dislocates shoulder of woman with dementia after she forgets to pay $14 for groceries: lawsuit
Cops are really bullies? According to Mr. Reformed, this 73-year-old woman should've been shot to death, she didn't comply with police commands.
Mr. Reformed,
It would be helpful if you would be a little more thoughtful and responsible in your future posting. CM
PS. Please watch the video. CM
The video of the 13 year old is edited as I have already shown. He did, in fact, have a gun and was a threat. Not an innocent little boy. Again, he brought his death on himseslf.
PS. I guess we live in a shoot-to-kill society. Now, you see the real danger of guns (in the hand of a man or a boy)? Get it or them out of your house. CM
I'll keep mine thanks.
The Verdict! CM
Gruesome what is nowadays "politically correct" and what is not (such as questioning protection value of ffp2 masks against virus) ... Facebook guidelines ...
Despite evidence the policeman was declared guilty in all points .... Politics and fear of BLM protests have triumphed over justice. Quo vadis ... ???