America's New Day -45th President

CD Posters,
Rejoice with America! Let her have her day, minus -45 (Donald J. Trump). For all non-Americans, a short history. If you can't take being voted out, don't be voted in. Former President Donald Trump and the First Lady, Melania, after four years, still don't get. They left shameful into the history books noted by the world they ruled with childishness.
America, God is watching. You have a chance to do right by heaven. Do the right thing. CM
What on earth is this nonsense?
Reformed, it simply means the inauguration without Trump, the 45th President (-45). CM
No it doesn't. It had much deeper STUPID implications than that.
@C Mc , this rather very strange "higher powers" instigated show, labeled "inauguration", on January 20, 2020 at the Capitol in Washington DC displayed the grotesque face of this new "administration" rather openly .... they will rule with iron fist, hiding behind steel fences and thousands of military folks who are brainwashed into false patriotism, thinking they serve the American people and constitution while in reality being used as cheap body guards against the "deplorables".
The usurpers are apparently in panic fear { of themselves? } ... wanting to keep thousands of troops in Washington DC, in effect controlling the place as a military occupied city ... the new Baghdad on the banks of the Potomac ???
Do you know another meaning? Do tell! CM
Reformed, Let the man speak for himself.
It appears he is ashamed of his own name, now? CM
The article is speculation. It is not odd at all that a former POTUS labels himself as such. THAT IS NORMAL. Nothing to see here.