Uneducated Students High On Emotion

I understand the hurt and pain these students must be feeling. I've lost people close to me to gun violence. But to give these students the national platform they are receiving is irresponsible.

They call for gun control without knowing any facts at all. They speak on emotion, not on logic. I'm tired of it, sick of it.

We already know this incident in Florida could have been stopped without one more ounce of gun control nonsense.


  • Posts: 2,362

    It is too early to tell about this venture, but it was America's youth taking to the streets that brought an end to the Vietnam War. And MLK taking to the streets that initiated the change towards equality under law for all.

  • Posts: 1,114

    @Dave_L said:
    It is too early to tell about this venture, but it was America's youth taking to the streets that brought an end to the Vietnam War. And MLK taking to the streets that initiated the change towards equality under law for all.

    Apples and Oranges Dave.

  • Posts: 2,362
    edited February 2018

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    Apples and Oranges Dave.

    If you mean I'm trying to make two things equal by comparing minor similarities, could we not compare the NRA to the Weatherman Faction of the SDS? At least in their purpose for existing? Or to the Black Panthers?

  • Posts: 1,114

    @Dave_L said:

    If you mean I'm trying to make two things equal by comparing minor similarities, could we not compare the NRA to the Weatherman Faction of the SDS? At least in their purpose for existing? Or to the Black Panthers?


  • Posts: 2,362

    @davidtaylorjr said:


    It seems any group bent on defending the Constitution with violence is the same, only their culture differs.

  • Posts: 1,114

    @Dave_L said:

    It seems any group bent on defending the Constitution with violence is the same, only their culture differs.

    What group is bent on defending the Constitution with violence? You are showing some ignorance here.

  • Posts: 2,362

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    What group is bent on defending the Constitution with violence? You are showing some ignorance here.

    Why all the guns? What good are they if those having them are merely bluffing?

  • Posts: 1,114

    @Dave_L said:

    Why all the guns? What good are they if those having them are merely bluffing?

    The NRA is about protecting the 2nd Ammendment. The 2nd Ammendment was in direct answer to the fact that the King's troops attacked the Colonists and they needed to defend themselves.

  • Posts: 2,362
    edited February 2018

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    The NRA is about protecting the 2nd Ammendment. The 2nd Ammendment was in direct answer to the fact that the King's troops attacked the Colonists and they needed to defend themselves.

    But this was before America had a standing Army. The Army makes the NRA or any other self appointed vigilante group unnecessary.

  • Posts: 1,114

    @Dave_L said:

    But this was before America had a standing Army. The Army makes the NRA or any other self appointed vigilante group unnecessary.

    Actually that is not true. You should go back and read your history book. And you really need to quit referring to the NRA as a self-appointed vigilante group. It makes you sound uneducated about what they are and definitely about what they are not.

  • Posts: 2,362
    edited February 2018

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    Actually that is not true. You should go back and read your history book. And you really need to quit referring to the NRA as a self-appointed vigilante group. It makes you sound uneducated about what they are and definitely about what they are not.

    One of the last things the founders wanted was a standing army. They thought it would be subject to offensive rather than defensive use as was the case of having only a voluntary militia. But with the Army, you do not need an armed citizenry.

  • Posts: 1,114

    @Dave_L said:

    One of the last things the founders wanted was a standing army. They thought it would be subject to offensive rather than defensive use as was the case of having only a voluntary militia. But with the Army, you do not need an armed citizenry.

    Unfortunately what they actually wrote and codified into law disagrees with your statement.

  • Posts: 2,362

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    Unfortunately what they actually wrote and codified into law disagrees with your statement.

    But a standing army was not their original intent.

  • Posts: 4,463

    @davidtaylorjr said:
    I understand the hurt and pain these students must be feeling. I've lost people close to me to gun violence. But to give these students the national platform they are receiving is irresponsible.

    They call for gun control without knowing any facts at all. They speak on emotion, not on logic. I'm tired of it, sick of it.

    We already know this incident in Florida could have been stopped without one more ounce of gun control nonsense.

    What a nonsense OP! What kind of students are you talking about? What race? What area of your beloved USA are these students? What grade? What sex are these "Uneducated Students" who are "High On Emotion?" High on what type of emotions? I hope you have independent research on this? Are you an educated preacher high on emotions for the rights of the NRA? CM

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:

    What a nonsense OP! What kind of students are you talking about? What race? What area of your beloved USA are these students? What grade? What sex are these "Uneducated Students" who are "High On Emotion?" High on what type of emotions? I hope you have independent research on this? Are you an educated preacher high on emotions for the rights of the NRA? CM

    Uneducated on gun control and gun violence. Not uneducated as in the sense that they are stupid. Good grief.

    No, I'm not high on emotion for the NRA. The facts are on my side actually as I have studied this for years.

  • Posts: 4,463

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    Uneducated on gun control and gun violence.

    The question remains: What race? What area of your beloved USA are these students? What grade? What sex are these "Uneducated Students" who are "High On Emotion?" High on what type of emotions? I hope you have independent research on this? CM

    Not uneducated as in the sense that they are stupid. Good grief.

    Are you trying to have your cake and eat it too?

    ... I have studied this for years.

    Then, you should be aware of some hard data. CM

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:

    The question remains: What race? What area of your beloved USA are these students? What grade? What sex are these "Uneducated Students" who are "High On Emotion?" High on what type of emotions? I hope you have independent research on this? CM

    Why are you bringing race into it? Are you race baiting? Really? Sexist baiting too? EVERY ONE of them are high on emotion.

    Are you trying to have your cake and eat it too?

    What in the world are you talking about?

    Then, you should be aware of some hard data. CM

    Yes, the data that gun laws don't stop these shootings and most of the shootings could have been prevented in other ways. Let's take this one for example.

    The FBI was warned TWICE.
    He was an unstable child for a long period.
    Warning signs were ignored.

    I keep bringing these up and the gun control lobby keeps avoiding them and screaming get rid of the guns.

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