N.R.A. Declares Bankruptcy: The Beginning of the End or Clever Maneuvering?

This is good news for the many families who loss loved ones to an organization that promotes the purchase and the usage of guns, an instrument that has no other purpose than to kill (man/animals). It's a first step, but a good step. God has heard the cries and have seen the tears of-the-many, over guns and this organization.
The NRA, plans to reincorporate in Texas, is currently being investigated by New York’s attorney general, who is seeking to dissolve it. They can run, but they can't hide. I agree with Ms. James, that “The N.R.A.’s claimed financial status has finally met its moral status: bankrupt”. This organization need to be brought to it knees and die a painful death like so many have done by the weapons they promoted and endorsed over the years.
“The N.R.A.’s claimed financial status has finally met its moral status: bankrupt,” Ms. James said in a statement Friday. “While we review this filing, we will not allow the N.R.A. to use this or any other tactic to evade accountability and my office’s oversight.” - Letitia James, the New York Attorney General.
The NRA days are numbered, like Mr. Trump. I take comfort in knowing that the wheels of the law maybe slow, but its rulings are effective.
To all CD Posters,
Guns were made to kill, can't you see;
That's why the NRA is filing for bankruptcy.
I call on all families and Christians to remove GUNS from their homes. Let heaven's abiding angels protect and keep you and yours safe. CM
To all CD Posters,
NRA can run, but she can't hide. Too much blood is upon the land. These deaths cry unto heaven. America can't remain indifferent to gun violences and deaths. Speak up, people who love life. CM
Guns were made to kill, can't you see;
NRA is filing for bankruptcy. CM
Nobody has lost anyone to the NRA. Such liberal nonsense.
Do you want people to be able to sue the companies that make steak knives? How about sue the makers of cars?
He's a liberal, they don't use common sense.
Two new mass shootings in America recently, where is the voice of the NRA? CM
What makes you think the NRA has anything to do with the mass shootings?
Two new mass shootings in America recently, where is the voice of the NRA? CM
in a murder by use of a gun, is the gun to be blamed (and guns to be banned) rather than the shooter?
in a murder by use of a knife, is the knife to be blamed (and knives to be banned) rather than the stabber?
in a murder by use of a car, is the car to be blamed (and cars to be banned) rather than the shooter?
Exactly. It's ridiculous.
What is this? He who lives by the guns hides from the gun? Mr. Promoter of guns and gun rights, why is this man not safe in the gun-crazed American environment he helped create? CM
PS. Life has consequences; some would say, karma. Guns were made to kill (people, peace-of-mind, freedom, etc.). CM
And law abiding gun owners are not the problem. Mental illness is what you should really be tackling.
And law abiding gun owners are not the problem. Mental illness is what you should really be tackling.
indeed ... and no one is talking about the so-called "liberalism" new morality .... that has destroyed the youth at large from childhood days onward since many once highly esteemed values have been eliminated from education
@reformed posted:
And law abiding gun owners are not the problem. Mental illness is what you should really be tackling.
According to this chart compiled by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation...
... the rate of firearm homicides in the United States per 100,000 population is eight times the same rate in Canada, thirteen times the rate in Italy, Greece, or France, 100 times the rate in the United Kingdom, and 200 times the rate in Japan. Does your view that mental illness is what we "should really be tackling" when it comes to gun violence mean that you believe the incidence and/or severity of mental illness per 100,000 population in the U.S. is likely significantly higher than it is in the countries I just named, as well as nations such as Australia, Spain, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea?
... the rate of firearm homicides in the United States per 100,000 population is eight times the same rate in Canada,.......
Country A => 2 shooters cause 2 homicides
Country B => 1 shooter causes 24 homicides
What is the reason for 12 times higher homicide rate in Country B ?
National Rifle Association leader Wayne LaPierre hiding in a yacht -- "The coward of the county"? He must have forgotten that Florida is a stand your ground state. LaPierre has a phobia of guns or "a come to Jesus moment"? CM
Country A => 2 shooters cause 2 homicides
Country B => 1 shooter causes 24 homicides
What is the reason for 12 times higher homicide rate in Country B ?
In addition, did anyone notice that shooting rampages are usually in places where the shooter knows or expects to not meet any armed resistance (e.g. schools) ?? These culprits know they'd be stopped/killed after a few shots if there were someone with a gun ready to defend them .... (result being that instead of a large number of victims, there would be very few)
Should America's Second Amendment be abolished? CM
Should America's Second Amendment be abolished? CM
abolish it ..... and then the bad guy criminals and lunatics will be happy since they'll be the ones armed and no armed resistance by law abiding citizens has to be feared ....😉
What a dumb question. NO.
CD Posters,
The Second Amendment was conceived in evil minds to protect their ill-gotten gains. It appears to be legislation from lawmakers, but in truth, the permission to kill is from the jaws of Satan.
Why would any Christian in his half-right mind want to own or carry a gun in assisting the Devil in destroying lives? Yes, babies (outside the womb), children, and their parents. All under the guise of "self-defense," Christians have become killers and murders with a permit. Self-defense has taken on a whole new meaning. The Gun-crazed Americans, along with her misinformed Christian-packing concealed weapon-carrying side-kicks, blame mental illness for the astronomical gun deaths in America.
The sad truth is that many gun-obsessed Christians believe America's propaganda by spreading the mendacious lies into their churches as rats would carry de-con (poison) into walls of a dilapidated house to infect others. Not only do they betray their core principles of being peace-makers, but they deny the power of God to protect them and their families. They sing "What a Friend we have in Jesus," "Lord, I lift your name on high," "There is power in the blood," and yet, are willing to leave God's house to go to their house, to spill another man's blood. These are supposedly sane people pointing fingers at others.
Voices muses, don't own a gun unless you know how to use it. Therefore, gun range and target practice. Don't point it unless you planned to use it. If you use it, intend to kill. Consigned to such a murderous manifesto relegates Jesus to a slogan on the back of tee-shirt, lovely saying, but no internal influence on the heart. This duplicitous mindset carries a nasty stench of hypocrisy that stings God's nostrils.
These are the same people to ask people to give up sin, riotous living, illicit sex, drugs, etc., and give their hearts to God, and yet they cherish their guns as a mother cradles her newborn. Oh, we rationalize owning a firearm, as a Christian, claiming we have a license, the gun kept in a locked box, not knowing we have been outfoxed and controlled by the power of the gun in murderous thoughts. CM
Deranged much?
"...holding a trial to decide whether to appoint a trustee to run the NRA while it’s in bankruptcy, or throw the case out, as the New York Attorney General has requested." See the thread "Dirty hands, dirty money". NRA got to go! CM
PS. Why would Christians support this organization?
(Reuters) -A federal judge in Dallas ruled on Tuesday that the National Rifle Association cannot use bankruptcy to reorganize in gun-friendly Texas, a serious blow to the gun rights group's effort to avoid a lawsuit in New York seeking its dissolution.
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Harlin Hale said the NRA did not file for Chapter 11 in good faith, but instead filed to avoid oversight by New York Attorney General Letitia James and gain an "unfair litigation advantage" over her.
James sued to shut down the NRA in August, accusing it of diverting millions of dollars to fund luxuries for officials including longtime Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre, no-show contracts for associates, and other questionable expenses.
Closely aligned with Republicans including former President Donald Trump, the NRA has long been instrumental in thwarting Democratic-backed gun control measures in the U.S. Congress.
Ruling after a 12-day trial that ended on May 3, Hale said some details that came out about the NRA were "cringeworthy."
He singled out LaPierre for criticism, including the "surreptitious manner" he used to obtain sole authority to put the NRA into bankruptcy in January.
"Excluding so many people from the process of deciding to file for bankruptcy, including the vast majority of the board of directors, the chief financial officer and the general counsel, is nothing less than shocking," Hale wrote.
"The question the court is faced with is whether the existential threat facing the NRA is the type of threat that the Bankruptcy Code is meant to protect against," Hale added. "The court believes it is not."...
"Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive". Shame on the NRA! CM
See the thread "Dirty hands, Dirty Money". Guns were made to kill. CM