To Be Vaccinated or NOT To Be Vaccinated? That is the Question.

We are in the new year (2021), many are still under restrictions, many churches remain closed, and people are being tested and continue to die. Should people in general, and Christians in particular, take one of the Covid-19 Vaccines? If yes, why? If not, why not?
- Do you know the ingredients in these Covid-19 Vaccines?
- Are humans the real guinea pigs or domestic cavy instead of the mice in the labs?
- How many doses must one take?
- How long does a dose lasts?
- What are the side effects? Has anyone died from the vaccine?
- Does it seems strange to you that the USA is so willing to give the vaccine to "the poor", "Black/brown Communities", hospital workers, and those in the nursing homes?
- What person or people stand to benefit most financially from these vaccines?
Wake up my people! Enlighten those you love. Think before you submit your arm to a Covid-19 needle. CM
Doing something beneficial to one's overall health and thus boosting one's body's natural defense system will do what no vaccine ( poison injected into the body to supposedly stimulate its defense) can do. Big pharma and big money are charlatans who have made billions $$$ with their lies ...
Thinking before believing is unfortunately for many folks no longer an ingredient for living.
Praying for God's justice to prevail in legal proceedings of pharmacist Bradenburg who was fired and arrested for intentionally spoiling 57 vials. Puzzled by a news article sentence: 'Moderna's coronavirus jab has been called a "genetic" vaccine, but it does not change human genes, as Bradenburg reportedly believed.' (if vaccine does not alter human genes in cells for virus protection, then "genetic" description does not apply).
My prayers to God about me volunteering for COVID-19 have received "NO" response (my older metallic body, silver hair, gold teeth, lead ..., has pre-existing conditions so lack desire for virus infection while remembering flu infections after a number of flu shots years ago).
My heart aches and eyes fill with tears for ones who have died with COVID-19 active in their bodies (while noting death rate for this pandemic, which is approaching 2 million world wide, is substantially less than 17-100 million deaths from "Spanish Flu" pandemic about 100 years ago)
Keep Smiling 😊
No vaccine for me. There is no way they can know long term effects. The virus itself hasn't even been around for more than a year and a half.
Appears one vaccine dose can be ineffective =>
Keep Smiling 😊
Mr. Reformed,
This is a new decade and a new year (2021), you and I share common ground. Applying answers to my questions in the OP are further reasons you and I are on the same page (this topic). Keep your eyes opened and continue to be wise on this matter. Warn your people and loved ones. When you read of the ingredients, you will definitely recoil against it. A hint: It has ties to abortion. What charlatans will do to gain riches! CM
Actually it doesn't have ties to abortion. It is stem cell, not embryonic stem cell.
Until proven otherwise, share this with your people. CM
Suggest checking country/state/city health laws/FAQ about COVID-19: e.g. one state has FAQ "Will I be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine ?" with answer "The state is not considering a COVID-19 mandate at this time." while question "Can public and private sector employers mandate employees obtain a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by the FDA via an EUA ?" has answer "Employers may be able to require COVID-19 vaccination for in-person work for their employees, but an employee may be entitiled to an exemption through the ADA and Civil Rights Act of 1964."
One legislature has a state assembly bill (A416) in committee to modify public health laws for quarantine camps & forced vaccinations.
Keep Smiling 😊
It seems to have to do with the greed of very rich elites for power and their desire for absolute tyrannic dominion over people on a global scale ...
USA politically speaking, these are the folks who in a few weeks will have accomplished their coup against the American people to regain their power (which the American people had temporarily suspended and taken back to some degree by overturning the "Obama-Hillary Clinton" succession with electing Trump as president 4 years ago) ....
These powers have succeeded with their propaganda media to subdue the population at large to panic and fear by simply "renaming / relabeling" what has been known as the annual seasonal flu into a "CORONA / COVID_19 / SARS_Cov-2" phantom monster ....
Mr. Reformed,
Let's be informed:
Stem cells are the body's raw materials — cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells.
"Stem cells are cells with the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body. They serve as a repair system for the body. There are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells."
Stem cells originate from two main sources: adult body tissues and embryos. Scientists are also working on ways to develop stem cells from other cells, using genetic “reprogramming” techniques.
Where do doctors get stem cells?
- When they need them for medical purposes, scientists and doctors get stem cells from laboratory-derived embryos. But, as mentioned, the federal government restricts funding for new embryonic stem cell lines, and thus, most embryonic stem cells are used for research purposes only.
Types of Adult Stem Cells:
- Hematopoietic Stem Cells (Blood Stem Cells)
- Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
- Neural Stem Cells.
- Epithelial Stem Cells.
- Skin Stem Cells.
What is the best source for stem cells?
Umbilical cord blood is a rich source of vibrant young cells, including stem cells, cytokines and growth factors that support tissue regeneration and repair. Umbilical cord blood is derived from the umbilical cord which connects the mother to her baby.
Let's be clear: "The embryonic stem cells used in research today come from unused embryos".
- Embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells come from human embryos that are three to five days old. ...
- Non-embryonic (adult) stem cells. ...
- Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) ...
- Cord blood stem cells and amniotic fluid stem cells.
It's is stated that there is no lung tissue of an aborted male foetus in the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine for coronavirus. However, MRC-5, was part of pre-clinical research using foetal cell lines, and was not included in the manufacturing of the vaccine itself. Foetal cell lines are used to develop vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, but the vaccine goes through a purification process before delivery and these cells do not form a component of the vaccine.
Be Warned: "They are cell lines that have been grown in a laboratory from a primary cell culture originally taken from a foetus. For MRC-5 specifically, this was done on a male Caucasian foetus that was electively aborted in the 1960s."
“Some vaccines, including some of the COVID-19 vaccines are using cell strains that came from two foetuses that were aborted in the 1960s. It is important to note that the foetuses were not aborted because they were intended to be used in research and development. Over 50 years later, scientists are using descendants from that original cell line. Other vaccines made in this way include the polio and Ebola vaccines.”
Mr. Reformed,
Do you still hold to your point: "Actually it doesn't have ties to abortion. It is stem cell, not embryonic stem cell"? Do researchers always tell the truth when profits are involved? Who are you going to believe, Big Pharmaceutical Companies or your heart? CM
@C Mc , do you realize that those socialist communist "Democrats" who are currently orchestrating their coup against the US American people care absolutely nothing about "abortions" ??? They are the open enemies of anything related even remotely to Christian beliefs and character ... they openly defy and make a joke with their "A-men & A-women" prayer.
And yet, how many Christians have been duped and brainwashed by the constant media bombardment against "Trump" into believing them and applauding their evil deeds ??? Some believe Joe Biden is a good guy for USA president ... had they taken a better look at what this figure is about, perhaps they would have woken up from slumber ....
As I mentioned before, lies have been and are propagated as "truth" ...
As I mentioned before, lies have been and are propagated as "truth" ...
The most outstanding practitioner of such is your beloved, soon to be, ex-USA President, Donald J. Trump. Check with Bill Coley for the exact data of number of public and proven lies he told since being in office. Love the man all you want; this man orchestrated the Domestic Terrorists and is responsible for the deaths. Any good that you can point to, it is marred, and evil is spoken. If the mob-thugs (damage property/stole computers) were black/brown, the death toll would have been much higher.
Wolfgang, you are far too intelligent of a man to think still Trump can do American and the world any good. "Come, now, let's reason together" (Isa. 1:18). Trump is a danger to himself and the country; ye, the world. He needs to be removed from office immediately. My only regret of this is that Mike Pence with pardon him on federal crimes. However, this is a small price to pay for the safety of the Americans. America made want Trump because of their hatred for Hillary. Check my post over the years Trump has been in office, spot-on, I would say if you're unable to speak the truth. America cut her nose off to spite her face. This man needs to be incarcerated. Any other person who excites a riot of that magnitude would be in jail as we speak. However, American is known for its "black robes and white Justice."
There is no limit to which Mr. Trump will not go to be remembered in American History. I would feel sorry for his wife and children, but they are complicit when it comes to his actions.
It's unfair for you to start in on President-elect Biden until you give a full-throated rebuke of Mr. Trump's recent behavior and action. Be fair, be sober-minded, accept the election results unless you have clear, independent undeniable proof. Show the CD Readers you're a man of reality and integrity. Peace, CM
Wolfgang, you are far too intelligent of a man to think still Trump can do American and the world any good.
with my little bit of intelligence and a fairly good view looking over a few decades of USA Democrat/Republican SWAMP from the outside, l may notice some things more easily and in a better light than many or even most US Americans are able to see from inside the swamp system.
Actually, how many new wars did Trump start while in office? How many wars did the "Nobel peace angel start? How many civilians did Trump kill via drone attacks and how many are on Obama's toll?? Who was it, who was vice president supporting the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians in various countries in the name of globalist elites "new world order" of tyranny? Was it the same person who is now the fraudulent President-elect?
By the way, I find it rather interesting that the foreigner from across the ocean seems to be more concerned for the USA and the American people than you (and perhaps others?) who are supporting a full-fledged socialist communist globalist corruption gang re-taking your country and enslaving your fellow US American people worse than had been the case during the previous "new world order" occupants of the White House before 2016. But then, why should I even care ???
Oh brother Bill wouldn't know truth if it hit him in the face.
Thankful for a retired Pastor commenting at Sunday School in my church about Bolsheviks using similar tactics as National Democratic party. Sadly anticipating America's destruction soon by Demolitioncrats, as Biden intensifies repeat of Obama foriegn policy to be an enemy of Israel. A campaign endorsement sent to my house had Obama's words: "I believe in Biden, I believe in You." Really sad for Americans refusing to repent of their sins & turn to יהוה Lord God so the increasing stench of sin in America gave יהוה Lord God reason to abandon the Mayflower compact (with tears flowing, thought about Lord God departing from Temple in Jerusalem so spiritual darkness inside Temple preceded Babylonian destruction).
George Washington's Farewell address included: (first published on 19 September 1796)
The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual, and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation on the ruins of public liberty.
Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.
David Barton, Documents of Freedom (Aledo, TX: WallBuilders Press, 2002), 48–49.
Sad for the ones killed in the capitol and their families while humanly not knowing who paid/incited violence (so terrorism reaction can take away more American liberties in the name of public safety). Concur with George Washington about expecting more extreme, horrendous actions soon. Thankfully joining retired Pastor 🙏 Praying for revival with many people choosing to repent from sin & believe יהושׁע Jesus for Holy Salvation 🙏
Messiah's name in Hebrew יהושׁע matches the first three letters of Hebrew Holy Name יהוה (consistent with יהושׁע Jesus being יהוה salvation). Thankful for sunrise & sunset reminders about being redeemed by Holy blood of יהושׁע Jesus 😍 Thankful for Betsie & Corrie Ten Boom experiencing יהוה Lord God's Loving presence along with awful human brutality in Ravensbrück for women Nazi concentration camp. Wikipedia estimates Ravensbrück had ~132,000 female prisoners during World War II with up to 90,000 dead/killed (included Betsie Ten Boom's death).
Keep Smiling 😊
@reformed posted:
Oh brother Bill wouldn't know truth if it hit him in the face.
There's always such an uninformed immaturity to your critiques of posters with whom you disagree. However grudgingly, I admire your consistency.
@C Mc wrote: Any other person who excites a riot of that magnitude would be in jail as we speak.
Where and when did Trump excite "a riot of that magnitude"?? To what "magnitude" and "riot" are you referring? Is addressing the folks gathered for a legal peaceful demonstration what you mean? I did watch live stream coverage of the demonstration and Trump's speech there and did not see nor hear him encouraging rioting of any level ...
What did you see on which to base your above comment? Did you actually not see anything of the live coverage and blindly accept false flag mainstream media propaganda lies as truth??
"Where and when did Trump excite "a riot of that magnitude"??"
Wolfgang, please!
Stop your nonsense. Your intelligence of reasoning portrays your proclaimed ignorance of understanding.
Trump did have to make a speech to the crowd the day of the riot, just like the leader who slaughtered 6 million innocent peace-loving Jews.
If those rioters and Mr. Trump aren't dealt with according to the laws of the land, America, "the land of the free and the home of the brave," will become the land of the intimidated and the home of White angry males with guns. Trump and his supporters need to get some help (Jail/counseling). CM
PS. Please spare me the teary tales of Clinton, Hillary, and Obama. Trump is president (for a little while more, if he's not impeached again). This mess happened under his watch! CM
This above sentence:
"Trump did have to make a speech to the crowd the day of the riot, just like the leader who slaughtered 6 million innocent peace-loving Jews."
Instead of "did", it should be "didn't". Therefore, the sentence should read:
"Trump didn't have to make a speech to the crowd the day of the riot, just like the leader who slaughtered 6 million innocent peace-loving Jews."
The whole statement should read:
"Where and when did Trump excite "a riot of that magnitude"??"
Wolfgang, please!
Stop your nonsense. Your intelligence of reasoning portrays your proclaimed ignorance of understanding.
Trump didn't have to make a speech to the crowd the day of the riot, just like the leader who slaughtered 6 million innocent peace-loving Jews.
If those rioters and Mr. Trump aren't dealt with according to the laws of the land, America, "the land of the free and the home of the brave," will become the land of the intimidated and the home of White angry males with guns. Trump and his supporters need to get some help (Jail/counseling). CM
PS. Please spare me the teary tales of Clinton, Hillary, and Obama. Trump is president (for a little while more, if he's not impeached again). This mess happened under his watch! CM
@C Mc wrote:
your "correction" corrects nothing of your false accusatory idea of equating Trump and his followers with Hitler and his henchmen. You only repeat what you intended to state in the first place??!!
Now, YOU have just provided a great example of the HATE and DEFAMATION off which you consistently falsely accuse Trump and his followers !!!
The problem is that Trump actually DID MAKE A SPEECH promoting exactly the opposite of violence and rioting! YOU now make it sound (in true spirit of the Socialist communist ideology promoting Democrats fake mainstream media as if he was silent ("didn't have to make a speech")...
@C Mc, you have just caught yourself in your lies and ideological ideas, not only unsupported by any evidence but unveiled by evidence as lies.
Wolfgang said
"... Trump actually DID MAKE A SPEECH promoting exactly the opposite of violence and rioting!"
This is more nonsense. Wolfgang, please use your intelligence to speak and support truth and stop defending the indefensible.
Trump gave words, only, after people started calling for his immediate removal. You know this is the truth. What he did was tantamount to what an arsonist would do; start a fire and call the fire brigade to hopefully put it out. This is sickness and he is a sick man by any reasonable thinking person. It was Trump's repeated lies, since the election and the Atlanta Rally, that inflamed the people. He needed to say no more the day of the event. Why were his media accounts were frozen and now, closed?
Trump actually DID MAKE A SPEECH promoting exactly the opposite of violence and rioting!
Wolfgang, "If you believe this, I have a bridge to sell you called, Brooklyn." Your statement above an equivalence to what Judas after he betrayed Jesus and before he hung himself: “I have betrayed innocent blood.” (Matthew 27:4). A confession too late, only after he was exposed.
I am sorry to say, the four dead people (so far), their blood are on Trump's hands. I am glad that mob didn't have bombs or airplanes, they would have demolished the Capital Building. It was Trump's accumulative lies and incendiary speeches (stolen election/voter fraud), like Hitler, that his "henchmen" carried out the attack on the Capital, stole computers, and damaged Federal property.
Wolfgang, make peace with truth and repudiate Trump's behavior and the destructiveness of his supporters! CM
@C Mc wrote
I am sorry to say, the four dead people (so far), their blood are on Trump's hands.
So the supporters of the coup against themselves as US Americans like you claim .... on what basis? CNN reports? ABC. NBC, etc.?
Capitol police invited that group of people into the capitol (documented on live video), and did so at the moment when debate about dubious election votes from AZ was moved from Congress to Senate ... thus providing an occasion for Senate's move and avoidance of any debate .... Now, tell me, who benefited from this set-up theater?
The four dead, in particular the woman shot inside the building (documented on live video) was most likely a "mistake" by a police/guard who either panicked or was unaware of what was supposed to happen. Seems rather clear, on whose hands the blood is ... those who instigated and planned the matter in order to complete their treason.
I am glad that mob didn't have bombs or airplanes, they would have demolished the Capital Building.
Be glad ... there was no real storming of the capitol building or violent coup attempt by that group in the first place. All for the show and get pictures to try and frame Trump ... except their timing was off, the operation did not accomplish what the folks completing their treason inside the building had really wanted (except of course, that the mainstream media brainwashed folks were incited some more in their hate stirred some more.
It was Trump's accumulative lies and incendiary speeches (stolen election/voter fraud), like Hitler, that his "henchmen" carried out the attack on the Capital, stole computers, and damaged Federal property.
I am sure, the coup dude had hoped for a slightly different course and unfolding of events .... could be that they did not think about some real Trump supporters mixing in the "riot gang" they had organized with Antifa. And those few apparently used the confusion of people running around the building "to secure some laptops" for evidence against the folks to whom they belong .... No wonder, that Pelosi and Co. were furious once they realized that error in their plans and are now fuming flames of hate-fire out of their "masked mouths"".
Wolfgang, make peace with truth and repudiate Trump's behavior and the destructiveness of his supporters! CM
You are the one in need to do some evaluating of your inner state of mind and emotions ... that hate placed inside your heart by forces of evil is devouring you from the inside.
Let's get back to the OP in this thread. Remember it? CM
Should people in general, and Christians in particular, take one of the Covid-19 Vaccines? If yes, why? If not, why not?
Do you know the ingredients in these Covid-19 Vaccines?
Are humans the real or domestic cavy instead of the mice in the labs?
How many doses must one take?
How long does a dose lasts?
What are the side effects? Has anyone died from the vaccine?
Does it seems strange to you that the USA is so willing to give the vaccine to "the poor", "Black/brown Communities", hospital workers, and those in the nursing homes?
What person or people stand to benefit most financially from these vaccines?
Wake up my people! Enlighten those you love. Think before you submit your arm to a Covid-19 needle. CM
CD Posters,
Don't put your head in the sand! Have you seen the CDC Report of the deaths and side effects of the various, "so called approved", Covid-19 Vaccines in the USA?
The truth of the matter is the jury is still out on the nature and spread of Covid-19, in general and any of the Vaccines, in particular.
The Vaccine Is More Than Scream by CM
A shot today, a shot tomorrow;
The side effects would cause some family, great sorrows.
We claimed taking the shot is for all, the best;
In the end, we may still face death.
Big Pharma like the NRA;
Promotes your protection and you live another day.
If you don't believe what I purport,
Make haste and read the CDC Report. CM
You call it immature, I say it is calling it like I see it.
In other words, like most liberals, you have a superiority complex.
Please explain, in detail, what Trump did on January 6th that incited a riot. Remember, the evidence shows that the attack on the Capitol was pre-planned and coordinated. So, again, what EXACTLY did Trump do to incite them? And, before you answer, you should look at the legal definition of inciting a riot. Trump did not incite the riot.
No Trump here! Wrong thread. Take Trump take elsewhere. Thanks. We're here to discuss the side effects of the Covid-19 Vaccines. CM
HAHAHAHAHA in other words, you know I am right. Trump in no way incited a riot on January 6th.