@reformed posted:
No evidence except whistleblowers, affidavits, witnesses, irregularities, late ballots, and more.... But Bill is right, nothing to see here, move on everybody...
A whistleblower who recanted his allegations, then recanted his recantation, then, instead of going to the FBI or Bill Barr at the DOJ to pursue a criminal investigation of the conduct he alleged/recanted/un-recanted, he created another video with James O'Keefe. A powerful witness, indeed.
None of the "evidence" you've cited - NONE OF IT - is evidence of widespread voter fraud. But that's not a surprise because there IS no evidence of widespread voter fraud. NONE.
And you have yet to explain why that USPS whistleblower hasn't gone to the FBI or DOJ. Why did sign an affidavit - i.e. under oath - recanting his allegations, but recanted his recantation only on video with James O'Keefe, when he obviously wasn't under oath? Why doesn't Lindsey Graham subpoena the whistleblower and broadcast his allegations, again under oath, to a skeptical nation? Why hasn't Bill Barr, the president's lapdog lawyer, announced a criminal probe into that whistleblower's allegations? You and I both know why: His allegations are a farce, as is the contention that there is any evidence of widespread voter fraud.
USA .... quo vadis?
@Bill_Coley wrote
You're wrong to assert that masks have "no positive effect health wise," and even more wrong to assert that the "the opposite is actually true."
The masks widely in use have the same effect in regards to viruses as one would have as putting up a wire-netting fence at the window to keep flies and mosquitoes out ... many of the packagings even read on the labels "not intended for medical use, not effective against virus"
And plenty of medical doctors, professors, epidemiologists have put out studies here which show that the wide spread use of these type of "everyday masks" are actually a health risk issue ...
You want some personal testimony? I do not wear a mask over my nose because within minutes I have severe breathing problems and a cough attack. A grocery shop owner wanted to force me to wear the mask as she deemed proper, and as she refused to believe that I was serious about my health reasons for not wearing the mask ... Well, I warned her, put on the mask to her liking and it took not even 3-4 minutes before I was in serious trouble and fellow shoppers called her to get help. I ripped the mask off, left my cart on the spot and hurried out of the shop to get some fresh air ... it took about 5 minutes until I felt fit enough to go back in to get my things. The shop lady had come out and was standing there helpless and not amused ... and let me go in to get my things without mask ...
But of course, according to you, masks -- which obviously and in every case pose a hindrance to free breathing for any person !! -- do not pose health related problems. Well, masks of whatever kind always have a negative effect on a persons' breathing and their health ... no reports or studies are even needed to know that truth, one need only common sense and a non brainwashed head.
@Wolfgang posted:
But of course, according to you, masks -- which obviously and in every case pose a hindrance to free breathing for any person !! -- do not pose health related problems. Well, masks of whatever kind always have a negative effect on a persons' breathing and their health ... no reports or studies are even needed to know that truth, one need only common sense and a non brainwashed head.
In my previous post, I did not address issues related to the complications pre-existing health challenges can create. In my community, most mask-mandatory signs at the entrances to businesses openly declare exemptions for young children and for people with medical reasons not to wear one; as a congregation, we've made such exemptions known in our statements of expectation that people wear a mask when they come to worship or Sunday groups. I'm surprised that such exemptions don't exist for the business you reference. Do other businesses in your community provide such exemptions? If they don't, I think they're making a serious mistake.
@reformed posted:
No evidence except whistleblowers, affidavits, witnesses, irregularities, late ballots, and more.... But Bill is right, nothing to see here, move on everybody...
A whistleblower who recanted his allegations, then recanted his recantation, then, instead of going to the FBI or Bill Barr at the DOJ to pursue a criminal investigation of the conduct he alleged/recanted/un-recanted, he created another video with James O'Keefe. A powerful witness, indeed.
None of the "evidence" you've cited - NONE OF IT - is evidence of widespread voter fraud. But that's not a surprise because there IS no evidence of widespread voter fraud. NONE.
And you have yet to explain why that USPS whistleblower hasn't gone to the FBI or DOJ. Why did sign an affidavit - i.e. under oath - recanting his allegations, but recanted his recantation only on video with James O'Keefe, when he obviously wasn't under oath? Why doesn't Lindsey Graham subpoena the whistleblower and broadcast his allegations, again under oath, to a skeptical nation? Why hasn't Bill Barr, the president's lapdog lawyer, announced a criminal probe into that whistleblower's allegations? You and I both know why: His allegations are a farce, as is the contention that there is any evidence of widespread voter fraud.
@Bill_Coley wrote
In my previous post, I did not address issues related to the complications pre-existing health challenges can create.
Ia actually am not talking necessarily about "pre-existing health challenges" either ... I have no pre-existing health challenge, at least not according to me or my doctor who therefore does not issue me a exemption certificate. Nevertheless, put some cloth or mask over my breathing apparatus, and you will cause me harm rather quickly. The point is simply that restraining a person's free breathing is always a hazard for their intake of oxygen needed.
Actually, if people have pre-existing health issues, their doctors can issue exemption certificates so they would not have to wear a mask ...problem is, that by now shops even have signs at the door that they will not accept such and require everyone to wear mask even with certificate (and they claim their domiciliary right allows them to do so ... and unfortunately courts will judge in their favor.
Even worse, people who have reasons would be exempt by the regulations ... but the public has been brainwashed well enough to harass others and report them to authorities etc ....
I now know by experience how fascist regimes (Hitler, GDR, etc) came to power and why millions of people did nothing but follow nicely along no matter how stupid, illegal, liberty robbing their regime rules and laws were ... the people all "excuse" and "justify" themselves with "but we had to do this ...; but we had to obey those laws ... but ... but .... but ..." These all - in my opinion - are all guilty of complicity in the regime's crimes.
Coerced to recant. There's a difference. He signed a sworn affidavit that the events did occur.
@reformed posted:
Coerced to recant. There's a difference. He signed a sworn affidavit that the events did occur.
I don't think we know that to be true, but assume for the moment that it is. Why hasn't Lindsey Graham announced that the whistelblower will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, under oath, to tell his story? Why hasn't Bill Barr voiced his alarm that Federal employees might have behaved in such a belligerent and illegal manner? Both Graham and Barr are doing EVERYTHING they can to prop up the president's conspiracy theories about his election loss, and yet they haven't jumped on this whistleblower? Even Mr Trump himself hasn't banged that drum very loudly. Why not? We both know why, but only one of us is willing to say it.
Because there is so much other voter fraud they are focused on.
@reformed posted:
Because there is so much other voter fraud they are focused on.
Okay. Then why aren't the people with evidence of that "so much other voter fraud" testifying under oath before Graham's committee, or talking to Bill Barr?
Because that isn't how this works. They have submitted their affidavits.
One only need to look around a bit, and one can see what awaits the USA public should the election fraud be accepted ... just yesterday in Washington DC a demonstration of Trump supporters including participants from all walks of life was attacked and violence was used against them by BLM and Antifa "activists (=> domestic violent terrorists). And such - of course - happened in support of the Biden/Harriss-SOROS takeover ...
All that is only the lone babbler from Germany propagating more ""conspiracy theories" ... 😉 😨
White Democrat in a BLM shirt attacks a Black Trump voter and her kids. Democrats are evil
Yes Democrats and their supporters @Bill_Coley are evil and Satan's army.
@Wolfgang posted:
White Democrat in a BLM shirt attacks a Black Trump voter and her kids. Democrats are evil
ALL violence is wrong, including the violent piece of the confrontation depicted in the video you included in your post. But your post makes false and misleading claims:
- The "white Democrat in a BLM shirt" does NOT attack "a black Trump voter and her kids." She pursues a white man carrying a banner on a stick, a man in whose path a young child who appears to be African American sadly gets caught. To my viewing of the video, it's not clear that the child and the white man carrying the banner on a stick are related. An African American woman who I assume is the child's mother picks her up from the street seconds after the fall.
- Though the Black Lives Matter protester's pursuit and vocal harassment of the Trump supporter were risky and ridiculous actions on her part, it was the Trump supporter who initiated the physical altercation between the two of them when he jabbed the stick displaying his banner into the abdominal area of the BLM protester (check the left 20% of the screen at about the 0:23 mark of the video). In response to that assault, the woman and a man next to her unwisely chose to her intensify their pursuit of the Trump supporter, it should be noted, without making physical contact with him.
- Their pursuit produced further strikes of the stick from the Trump supporter, which the woman and man fended off with their hands as the pursuit continued. The pursuit ended when the Trump supporter fell backwards, trapping the young child behind him.
- It should be noted that while the pursuit was stupid and a product of the heat of the moment, and obviously contributed to the man's fall, the man did NOT fall due to direct physical contact from the two protesters.
- While there was some hand-to-hand and hand-to-stick contact between the three of them during the pursuit, the most direct assault during the entire confrontation was the Trump supporter's jab of his stick into the abdomen of the woman.
So was the Trump supporter's jab of his stick into the woman's abdomen also "evil," Wolfgang?
Some more from supposed conspiracy theorists .....
Prior to the November 3 election, Democrats worked to remove protections that reduce fraud opportunities in voting by mail, thereby making ballot harvesting easy. They were thinking ahead and in 2019 introduced H.R. 1, a bill designed to open up additional vote fraud avenues. The bill sponsored by Rep. John Sarbanes (D,MD) used the cover of “making elections secure.”
The bill, which passed the House where the Democrats had a majority, also turns the District of Columbia into a state, which would give the Democrats two more members in the Senate and additional members of the House.
To control the federal Supreme Court, the bill calls for establishing rules of ethics that are binding on the Supreme Court. In other words, the separation of powers and independence of the Court would be violated by Congress which could circumscribe the Court’s rulings with “ethics” rules that the Democrats would write.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell described the bill as a “one-sided power grab” that would not pass the Senate, and the bill didn’t. But Democrats proceeded at the state and local level to loosen election integrity.
Looking at this altogether, we see the Democrats focusing on a loosening of election security, the creation of a new blue state, and subjecting the Supreme Court to the Democrats’ rules. The result would be a one party state.
Few Democrat voters understand that the party has been transformed into an ideological revolutionary party that intends to overthrow “white culture.”
- Source: The Democrats Are Aiming for a One-Party Government (11/16/2020)
Whither America? The Moment the Republic Died
I Told You This Would Happen: White Americans Are On The Road To Dispossession
Paul Craig Roberts
Biden has appointed a radical slavery reparations advocate to his Treasury Department transition team. Mehrsa Baradaran, a UCLA professor, advocates reparations as the way to correct “white supremacy.” As I have reported, scholars have concluded that there are probably as many and perhaps more white descendants of slaves in the US than black descendants.
Baradaran misuses the word, “reparations.” Reparations are what a harmed person is paid by the person that harmed them. No living white person has ever owned a slave, and no living black American has ever been a slave. So what Baradaran is advocating is that white Americans be dispossessed so that black Americans can take their assets.
- ... Source: I Told You This Would Happen: White Americans Are On The Road To Dispossession (11/17/2020)
If this is true, God help us. Reparations are about the dumbest idea on the planet. Nobody living today in the United States has negative impact in their life from slavery that was present in this country over 150 years ago. Nobody.
Apparently, the Democrats aren't really democratic .... but rather ideologist fascists ....
Our Country Has Been Stolen and Republicans Did Not Prevent the Theft
December 22, 2020 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: |
Our Country Has Been Stolen and Republicans Did Not Prevent the Theft
Paul Craig Roberts
Other than President Trump, no one cares enough about America to protect it. So why are we spending $1,000 billion annually to defend ourselves from alleged foreign threats when there is no defense against our country’s theft by the ruling Establishment and woke Democrat identity politics ideologues? Why vote Republican when the party does not defend us?
The journalist Katerina Blinova writing in Sputnik International captured the meaning of the stolen presidential election. Democrats are turning America into a “one-party system” — https://sputniknews.com/us/202011221081242712-politburo-are-dems-striving-to-win-it-all–turn-us-political-landscape-into-one-party-system/ .
If the Democrats succeed in stealing the Georgia senatorial seats as well, which is likely given the absence of protection against electoral fraud, they will rapidly move to consolidate one-party dictatorship.
I just asked you simple yes or no questions. Talk about avoiding a question; and for the spelling of Biden's name, so what that I made a typo? Have you ever heard of straining a gnat and swallowing a camel?
@YourTruthGod posted:
I just asked you simple yes or no questions. Talk about avoiding a question
No. You didn't just ask "simple yes or no questions." You asked questions that assumed facts not in evidence, assertions for which you provided no proof, because such proof does not exist. In addition, you made assertions of facts in between the questions, again without proof of their accuracy, and again, because most of your assertions of fact were false.
And avoiding questions? Your post in which you included the single-sentence, evidence-free assertions of fact was your response to the several questions I had posed to you in THIS POST, questions to basically NONE of which did you directly respond.
A brief review of your questions and assertions:
You don't know that the Democrats kept accusing Trump of having Russian ties? They kept accusing him of that and had no proof, but you want to lecture me as you stand up for them.
Credit where credit is due. Democrats did and on multiple occasions accuse Mr. Trump of having Russian ties. You claim they had "no proof." You're of course welcome to that view. In my view, the Mueller report is filled with evidence of Mr. Trump's and his 2016 campaign's ties/connections to Russia.
You don't know about the fake dossier that they had made?
The Steele Dossier was originally commissioned by Republicans, not Democrats. Was it then THEY, not Democrats, who first wanted "the fake dossier... made"?
Was the dossier fake? It was an intelligence product, some of whose findings were not correct, but there is no evidence that it was "fake" in the sense of fabricated. Christopher Steele is a respected former intelligence operative.
That is criminal.
Are you saying it was "criminal" for those Republicans to launch the dossier process by contracting with Mr. Steele, or did it become "criminal" only after the Clinton campaign took over payments to Mr. Steele?
You don't know that the impeachment was unfounded?
Another assertion of your personal beliefs. In my view, the House was correct to impeach Mr. Trump on the grounds it did, and should also have impeached him for obstruction of justice. The evidence of the president's impeachable conduct was overwhelming.
You want proof that the election is corrupt? I'll give it to you.
Joe Bidden was the one getting money after setting his son up with many foreign countries. He should be in jail and not elected as president.
Anyone as crooked as the Democrats and Joe Bidden and the Clinton's are capable of rigging the election.
When you got criminals running for election, then you just trust them and accept the outcome?
Notice the "logic" of this set of assertions:
- Biden got money after setting up his son with foreign countries, an act for which he should be in jail
- Anyone as crooked as Biden (see previous item!) is "capable" of rigging the election
- You can't trust the outcome of elections in which criminals run
I asked you for proof that the election was rigged, and you gave me a single-sentence, unsubstantiated assertion of fact, AND a claim only that Mr. Biden and Democrats were "capable" of rigging the election. So you "proved" election rigging by baselessly claiming a candidate's criminality, and then using that alleged-but-unproven criminality to assert ONLY that candidate's capacity to rig the election, NOT that he actually did so.
That would be a stupid thing.
I agree.
Yes, I did just ask you simple yes or no questions.
The proof of the things I said has been on the news. You should watch more than than the fake news.
@YourTruthGod posted:
The proof of the things I said has been on the news. You should watch more than than the fake news.
No. There is no proof of many of the things you said. Were there actually any proof of the things you said, you would have provided links to that proof, instead of a forumlaic distraction such as your reference to alleged "fake news."
Among the lessons of the Trump presidency, one we've been compelled by both the president and his supporters to learn time and again, is that references to "fake news" are nothing more than rhetorically-cloaked objections to actual truth and projections of their makers' own penchant for falsehoods. During his term in office, Mr. Trump has made false statement after false statement after false statement after false statement, perhaps none more dramatic or impactful than those he's made since the November general election via his unhinged and fact-free allegations of widespread voter fraud. Many of his followers have received most of those allegations as truth, despite the fact that they - the president's allegations - are the real "fake news."
If you have proof for your claims, don't just claim it, show it. When you don't do so, we'll both know why.
If anyone likes links to articles that show proof for VERY SUSPICIOUS activity highly INDICATING voter fraud, here are two samples
The Establishment uses its presstitutes to keep the public brainwashed and befuddled. But such an obvious and blatant theft of a pressidential election as we have witnessed might have awoken the insouciant American public. If not, perhaps Nancy Pelosi’s pandering to a handful of woke idiots and “transgendered” freaks will.
House Democrats are leading the charge to take our language away from us. We are not to be permitted to use traditional gender words. Instead we have to pretend that there are many genders and so many of these many genders that males and females must no longer be allowed to suppress and offend by the use of gender male/female words. https://www.theepochtimes.com/proposed-house-rules-seek-to-erase-gendered-terms-such-as-father-mother-son-daughter_3640653.html?utm_source=morningbrief&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mb-2021-01-02
The Democrats in the US House of Representatives are leading the way by establishing a “gender neutral” “rules package.” “Gender neutral,” of course, isn’t neutral. It discriminates against the traditional use of mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers, sons, daughters, and prevents us from knowing or identifying the gender of those of whom we speak. The Democrats’ new terms are: “parent, child, sibling, parent’s sibling, sibling’s child, spouse, parent-in-law, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, stepsibling, half-sibling.” So, are you speaking of brother or sister, mom or dad, grandpa or grandma? The new Democrat language doesn’t let you know. The dumbshit Democrats think that putting us in the dark makes us more inclusive.
Did you know that there are binary and nonbinary people? Do you know what these people are? Why is Pelosi restructuring the English language in the interest of people we have never even heard of, much less experienced? Who does Pelosi represent? Why does she not represent us? America has a Speaker of the House who represents who? Nonbinary people. What has that got to do with us?
A seaman becomes a non-word. A chairman becomes an inanimate object, “chair.”
Not knowing who is who or whether we are addressing a person or an inanimate object, say the Democrats, makes us more inclusive. If Republicans vote for this, we have more than one political party that needs extermination.
We can joke about having to introduce one’s daughter-in-law as one’s sibling-in-law, and a son or daughter as a “sibling,” and one’s half brother as a half sibling. But this destruction of language and meaning is being done in the name of a tiny minority who assert that being a minority gives them rights over the majority. Somehow it is the imposed on majority who are oppressive, not the tiny minority of freaks that are oppressing the majority by taking away their language. In a democratic society, why are Democrats representing a tiny minority against the majority?
Congress’ answer is: “That’s what we do.” Congress represents the military/security complex, pharmaceuticals, agri-business, Wall Street and the Big Banks, “preferred minorities,” the Israel Lobby, digital communication monopolies, and other interest groups rather than the interest of the American people in whose name Congress speaks. It is difficult to get any moral standing out of representing these money-grubbing interest groups, so Congress gains moral authority by representing nonbinary people and shemales. Why does representing sexual freaks convey moral authority?
So. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat House tells us that the House represents nonbinary people—people who are neither male nor female. Who then represents the vast majority who are male and female?
Why do dumbshit Americans vote for Democrats and Republicans who do not represent them?
Do these dumbshit Americans expect to survive?
Where are the leaders for these dumbshit Americans? They are going to have to fight for their lives. How are they going to do that without leaders?
Seems like the PC Roberts has correctly assessed that about which he is writing .... But then, some here will still not like him but rather believe and support those who are enslaving them in devious ways ...
Excerpts from another article by PC Roberts ...
Countries can for awhile survive corruption, but not evil. The US Establishment is evil beyond comprehension—pedophilia, imprisonment of the innocent, destruction of jobs and hopes so that corporate executives can have higher bonus packages, destruction of entire countries for the sake of the profits of the defense industry and the neocons’ ideology of American hegemony, torture in order to silence those who tell the truth, destruction of the US Constitution in order to make Americans “safe” from terrorists, Covid, or whatever is the orchestrated threat. These and more evils that have become characteristics of the United States are incomprehensible to Americans who are taught that they are the exceptional and indispensable people and to foreigners who fell for decades of Washington’s propaganda that America is a light unto the world.
The incomprehensibility of the evil and its destructiveness that the establishment has imposed on our country is the reason that the rest of the world doesn’t understand America. Putin spent years thinking that Washington’s hostility toward Russia was a misunderstanding that could be worked out by Russia showing non-confrontational behavior and accepting Washington’s insults and abuse.
Sooner or later Putin, Xi, and the Mullahs in Iran will comprehend that you can sell your soul to evil as Western Europe, UK, Canada, and Australia have done, but you can’t make a deal with it.
Evil is all devouring, and evil is devouring America.
Rep. Gohmert Understands the Situation—A Stolen Election that the Courts Refuse to Touch
“The bottom line is, the court is saying, ‘we’re not going to touch this, you have no remedy.’ Basically, in effect, the ruling would be that you got to go to the streets and be as violent as an Antifa and BLM,” said US Representative Louie Gohmert (R, Texas).
- The Year Ahead (1/4/2021)
The Establishment has imposed a color revolution on the American people. Ekaterina Blinova is a journalist who reognized that a color revolution has occurred in America under the guise of a presidential election. https://sputniknews.com/us/202011221081242712-politburo-are-dems-striving-to-win-it-all–turn-us-political-landscape-into-one-party-system/
The Establishment used the Democrats for their purpose, because Trump was in office under the Republican banner. Trump, of course, is a populist, but there is no party that represents the people, so Trump ran as a Republican.
The leftwing, or the fraud that passes for one, thinks it is now in the money. This is a naive expectation. The Establishment is in charge, and there will be no leftist agendas unless they serve the Establishment. If Antifa and BLM cut up, their funding will be cut off, and the presstitutes will be sicced on them.
Biden and Kamala are mere figureheads put in office by a stolen election. Any agenda they think that they have is irrelevant. Here is the Establishment’s agenda:
First: Prevent any political organization of the “Trump Deplorables.” ....
Second: Increase the demonization of white people and the destruction of their confidence. ...
Third: The Second Amendment will be overturned or bypassed. Trump supporters will be disarmed in order to more easily terrorize them and prevent them from protecting their property and persons if the Establishment believes it is efficacious to unleash armed anti-white militias on them in order to bring them into line. White self-defense will be more or less criminalized.
Fourth: The Establishment will increase its fomenting of racial and gender conflict in order to keep Americans too divided to resist its increasingly odious control measures, ...
Fifth: Citizenship for the millions of illegal aliens and open borders in order to reduce the white population to an isolated minority.
These measures will suffice for the Establishment to complete the transformation of the United States from a democracy accountable to the people to an oligarchy of entrenched vested interests.
(read and think for yourself ... or don't!)
To understand the extraordinary hatred of President Trump by the Establishment, listen to his inaugural address.
He described the Establishment accurately as a force arraigned against the American people, a force that he intended to dismantle and restore America to the American people.
This was a revolutionary challenge, a reckless one as Trump is a populist, not a revolutionary leading a determined movement. Moreover, Trump was so uninformed about Washington that he never succeeded in appointing anyone to his government, other than General Flynn (an immediate casualty of the Establishment) who agreed with his agenda of normalizing relations with Russia, bringing the troops home from the Middle East, ending NATO, and bringing the jobs home that American corporations had exported to China. Here was Trump unarmed taking on the American Establishment. This was an act of suicide as it has turned out to be.
(P.C. Roberts ... excerpt from linked article above)
Welcome to totalitarianism ...
Can the socialist Democrats fans see ?? or are they still doing too well and need more police state and dictatorship?
When Trump asked his followers to be peaceful and go home, Twitter as the propaganda control arm of the coup powers immediately shut his account down for "hate speech" .... eh, @C Mc who are here the liars? the false flag powers?
"Jezebel" is openly pushing a coup against the US American people and demands the US military to refuse to obey orders (even before any orders are given) .... who are the usurper and insurrection parties here trying to turn the USA into the center of totalitarianism and country of dumb slaves?