Do you believe Satan's lie about the old testament was done away, we should only study the new?
How then can we understand anything in the new testament that has its roots based in old testament?
For example, many Churches claiming loyalty to Christ, claim that Adam is the first sinner, by which we 'inherit' Original sin.
The Old Testament (In the book of Genesis) is where we learn that Adam was not the first sinner, and therefore we cannot inherit "Original sin" nor a "Sin Nature" from Father Adam.
This was a man-made doctrine used to capture the minds of mankind, and make them subject to the teachers who were the only ones who could understand the scriptures, (THAT was the claim made by the priesthood at a very early time in the development of the church.)
A doctrine was developed about Mary being without original sin, because original sin came down through the male, after Adam's transgression. Mary was then a participant in bringing sinless Jesus into the world. Thus was begun the doctrine of "Immaculate Conception" referencing the begetal and birth of Messiah.
Anyone familiar with this concept?