Black Lives Matter Needs To Go Away

BLM is not truly about black lives. It's about black power. It's based on lies. It needs to be done away with and quickly. They are hurting America, not helping it.
BLM is not truly about black lives. It's about black power. It's based on lies. It needs to be done away with and quickly. They are hurting America, not helping it.
As one takes a look at what is happening where "in the name of" BLM, one can see that it is only the wool pulled over people's eyes and in reality a different colour revolution under that wool hat is going on. The blacks will not matter any less or any more than before, but the "slogans" are used to eliminate order and well being in society at large ...
Yes, there has been quite a lack and much wrong with the USA system of justice and police from the very start, as in essence it is not build on justice but on power and dominion ... the stronger dud determines who and what is right (remember the early days of expansion over the continent??? )
Seems that currently the Democrats are the leading proponents of the ongoing coup attempt against the USA people ... and while most of the leading figures there are white, it should be obvious that they would not be in favor of "black power" and thus the movement is not really about black lives anyways ....
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
The D.C. Police are not doing their job as they watch a statue be ripped down & burn. These people should be immediately arrested. A disgrace to our Country! @MayorBowser
Hmn ... are the preisdnet's observations correct or not?
Seems like the son of the boxing legend Muhammad Ali said a few interesting things about BLM movement and what he thinks his father's position on the matter would have been:
Have a look at how "the greatest" took the silly BBC reporter apart who tried to propagate "political correctness"
What is happening in the USA? Is Mao's cultural revolution and cleansing now under way ?
is this real or fake news?
Hi folks,
you may want to read the following excerpt summary from the introduction to a letter written by a black American professor of the university of California at Berkley.
He says that the University no longer serves scholarship and has become a servant to the Democratic Party and Black Lives Matter. He says that the university is akin to a suppressive regime that crushes real diversity and exiles free debate. At the end of his letter, he damns the University of California regents and the Berkley history department for eulogizing George Floyd, a depraved, drug-ridden thug “who hurt women. A man who hurt black women. With the full collaboration of the UCB history department, corporate America, most mainstream media outlets, and some of the wealthiest and most privileged opinion-shaping elites of the USA, he has become a culture hero, buried in a golden casket, his (recognized) family showered with gifts and praise. Americans are being socially pressured into kneeling for this violent, abusive misogynist.
The letter and more info =>
And once again the same well known "behind (and more and more coming in the open) the scenes" powers are revealed, in addition to showing the true colors of the various "black" organizations.
Hello folks,
some here hate President Trump and love left Democrats ... fine, do so! The point here is that apparently the steps taken show which side seemingly stands for riots and destruction, while the other endeavors to clean up the riot mass.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
The Radical Left Democrats, who totally control Biden, will destroy our Country as we know it. Unimaginably bad things would happen to America. Look at Portland, where the pols are just fine with 50 days of anarchy. We sent in help. Look at New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. NO!
What a racist man to say such things about people who date and marry a different race than their own.
He isn't even a Christian and has changed his name to that of a Muslim's.
Why did he stay in America and not flock back to Africa? Why did he stay in a mixed cultural country? Why did he take money from all the birds that weren't of his species? People such as this man's beliefs are harmful to society. A prejudiced white man and the prejudiced black man can separately but definitely unite with each other while they cause all those of different colors and races who mingle with each other to feel the hate of their jeers.
Great thoughts and questions here! As a product of mixed race myself and as someone married to a foreign national I agree and as Bible lover I agree. I am sure this guy would approve of Moses' marriage either!
@YourTruthGod What a racist man to say such things about people who date and marry a different race than their own.
oh dear, oh dear .... strange it is, that I -- being married to a USA girl of Mexican decent (Latino) -- would understand the comments almost in the opposite way than you while viewing the video clip ...
And I am obviously not racist ...
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So glad we have this agreement! Exactly, he is standing in judgement of Moses, and look how that went for Moses' sister.
You aren't making sense. Muhammad Ali is saying someone German should only marry German and your Mexican wife should have stayed with a Mexican man.
@YourTruthGod You aren't making sense. Muhammad Ali is saying someone German should only marry German and your Mexican wife should have stayed with a Mexican man.
It is more like that such would naturally and mostly by the case .... what is the problem?? He is still correct!! (despite globalist ideology attempts to do away with race or national distinctions which naturally plainly exist and have served mankind actually quite well .... or why did such separation in terms of language and culture begin to develop from ancient times on (cp. God's doings after Him crashing the globalist overtake attempt of the tower of Babel incident)?
By far most people would be in big trouble intermingling with people not of their own native culture, language or race ... even today. If you think differently, then think again ... believe the words of someone with personal experience of being married to someone not of the same "flock", as to make such a marriage work to some degree involves far more investment and forbearance and patience and God knows what else than a couple of the same background would need to put in. Such "inter-racial, inter-cultural, etc" marriages are NOT the norm and are definitely out of the ordinary and as such extraordinary exceptions. And while some think how great that all is, they usually make such comments without having any idea about how difficult this can be ... even in today's world
It is more like that such would naturally and mostly by the case .... what is the problem?? He is still correct!! (despite globalist ideology attempts to do away with race or national distinctions which naturally plainly exist and have served mankind actually quite well .... or why did such separation in terms of language and culture begin to develop from ancient times on (cp. God's doings after Him crashing the globalist overtake attempt of the tower of Babel incident)?
By far most people would be in big trouble intermingling with people not of their own native culture, language or race ... even today. If you think differently, then think again ... believe the words of someone with personal experience of being married to someone not of the same "flock", as to make such a marriage work to some degree involves far more investment and forbearance and patience and God knows what else than a couple of the same background would need to put in. Such "inter-racial, inter-cultural, etc" marriages are NOT the norm and are definitely out of the ordinary and as such extraordinary exceptions. And while some think how great that all is, they usually make such comments without having any idea about how difficult this can be ... even in today's world
I see exactly what you mean; but, don't you see that you had problems because of people like Muhammad Ali?
@YourTruthGod I see exactly what you mean; but, don't you see that you had problems because of people like Muhammad Ali?
No, we didn't have problems because of black people such as M. Ali ... Actually, Germany has not had the type of "black lives" racism problems until recent decades and in particular since the migrant invasion of 2015, and it certainly was not people like M. Ali who were responsible for opening our borders and inviting and encouraging such people to come and benefit from "Ger-money". The German people have paid a high price, and will pay in the not to long future with eradication of German culture, German language, and German people ... the outlook for anyone knowing a bit about history and looking a little deeper than public mainstream propaganda is clear and rather tragically sad.
No, we didn't have problems because of black people such as M. Ali ... Actually, Germany has not had the type of "black lives" racism problems until recent decades and in particular since the migrant invasion of 2015, and it certainly was not people like M. Ali who were responsible for opening our borders and inviting and encouraging such people to come and benefit from "Ger-money". The German people have paid a high price, and will pay in the not to long future with eradication of German culture, German language, and German people ... the outlook for anyone knowing a bit about history and looking a little deeper than public mainstream propaganda is clear and rather tragically sad.
Why wouldn't people who say things like Muhammad Ali did cause others to look down on your interracial relationship? People are influenced by such talk, especially from a celebrity. Why say "black people"? It isn't the kind of talk only the black race speak.
Why do you think the German culture will disappear? Do you think it will become a Muslim country with mostly Arabs and their culture? It is a shame that they weren't helped in their own countries.
I heard there is a lot more crime since the Muslim immigrants. Is that true?
@YourTruthGod wrote:
Why say "black people"?
Are the persons to whom the term refers not "black"? Or are they not "people"? I would speak of myself in such contact as a "white person" and if speaking about a group of folks like me as "white people" ? What is supposed to be so terrible to not use accurate terminology to describe people of different color with accurate and true to fact words??
Why do you think the German culture will disappear?
Becaue it already has partly disappeared due to the vast influences imposed on it. For example, many young people due to the influence of globalist powers (via TV and modern media, etc.) have a rather low level of command of proper German language ... day by day they sort of speak a slang mix of "Denglish" (Deutsch - English). Advertisement in shops and catalogues constantly have headlines and slogans in English, Most of the music with texts/vocals blasting from radio, tv. or concerts is in English and of a terrible almost animalistic loud non-sense noise quality that a person of a little bit of sense for decency and quality would turn way in disgust. It's the type of USA culture that has been dumped on much of the world with the spread of USA hegemony after late 1940ies.
As for recent invasion of people from various countries in the near and middle east and northern Africa, it seems clear that it was by design that those people are not being helped in their countries ... seems rather plain that interests of powers in London and New York have been and are still at work to destroy whatever in order to satisfy their greed for power and riches.
Are the persons to whom the term refers not "black"? Or are they not "people"? I would speak of myself in such contact as a "white person" and if speaking about a group of folks like me as "white people" ? What is supposed to be so terrible to not use accurate terminology to describe people of different color with accurate and true to fact words??
You miss the whole point.
It doesn't matter what color the people are who say stay with your own race, because it doesn't matter if anyone from any race intermarry.
Becaue it already has partly disappeared due to the vast influences imposed on it. For example, many young people due to the influence of globalist powers (via TV and modern media, etc.) have a rather low level of command of proper German language ... day by day they sort of speak a slang mix of "Denglish" (Deutsch - English). Advertisement in shops and catalogues constantly have headlines and slogans in English, Most of the music with texts/vocals blasting from radio, tv. or concerts is in English and of a terrible almost animalistic loud non-sense noise quality that a person of a little bit of sense for decency and quality would turn way in disgust. It's the type of USA culture that has been dumped on much of the world with the spread of USA hegemony after late 1940ies.
Wow that sounds terrible. The people influenced probably aren't raised being taught to fear God.
As for recent invasion of people from various countries in the near and middle east and northern Africa, it seems clear that it was by design that those people are not being helped in their countries ... seems rather plain that interests of powers in London and New York have been and are still at work to destroy whatever in order to satisfy their greed for power and riches.
I don't understand what you mean.
@Wolfgang wrote:
Because it already has partly disappeared due to the vast influences imposed on it. For example, many young people due to the influence of globalist powers (via TV and modern media, etc.) have a rather low level of command of proper German language ... day by day they sort of speak a slang mix of "Denglish" (Deutsch - English). Advertisement in shops and catalogues constantly have headlines and slogans in English, Most of the music with texts/vocals blasting from radio, tv. or concerts is in English and of a terrible almost animalistic loud non-sense noise quality that a person of a little bit of sense for decency and quality would turn way in disgust. It's the type of USA culture that has been dumped on much of the world with the spread of USA hegemony after late 1940ies.
@YourTruthGod replied:
Wow that sounds terrible. The people influenced probably aren't raised being taught to fear God.
What does your reply have to do with effects of the USA culture dump on Germany (and many other countries of the world)?
@Wolfgang wrote:
As for recent invasion of people from various countries in the near and middle east and northern Africa, it seems clear that it was by design that those people are not being helped in their countries ... seems rather plain that interests of powers in London and New York have been and are still at work to destroy whatever in order to satisfy their greed for power and riches.
@YourTruthGod replied:
I don't understand what you mean.
I know you don't ... it would take information from "outside your box" and willingness "to be outward-looking" / to see further than one's nose".
You have problems and I have lost all interest in them.
If Black lives really mattered to the Black community:
(1) there would be no black ABORTIONS!
(2) There would not be blacks shooting Blacks in Chicago every weekend!
(3) The Black population would be a much greater percent of the totality of society.