Is Covid like the season Flu?

Covid first was recognized at the end of December of 2019 and it is now July 2020 which makes it 8 months. Does the season Flu in your neck of the woods usually last that long?
Trump, Feb. 10: “And by the way, the virus. … It looks like by April, you know in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away — I hope that’s true. But we’re doing great in our country. China, I spoke with President Xi, and they’re working very, very hard. And I think it’s going to all work out fine. Rough stuff, I tell you, rough, rough stuff. But I think it’s going to work out good. We only have 11 cases, and they’re all getting better.
Well it is now July 1st at 7:43 am in my part of the world and as far as I can tell the virus has not as of yet faded away (Maybe it has in your area of the world?). Take Houston Texas (a place know for hot humid weather) for example, for the past few days Covid cases have been spiking up according to one report I saw three days ago the number of Houston-area coronavirus cases is at 47,421 with 630 deaths.
Does seasonal Flu data compare with the date found at the linked site below?
Leaders have actually done things (like lockdowns) that have prolonged covid-19.
I am sorry I haven’t heard this theory before. However I am now very curious about it and if you have some articles written about this theory and data directly linking the lockdowns to the recent spikes in the virus infections I would be more than happy to take a look.
@Mitchell posted:
Covid first was recognized at the end of December of 2019 and it is now July 2020 which makes it 8 months. Does the season Flu in your neck of the woods usually last that long?
No. According to the CDC, the flu season in the U.S. usually peaks in the winter, the months of December through March. Flu viruses basically never surge in June. COVID-19 is not like the flu. President Trump has referred to it as a flu in attempts to minimize its impact. His efforts have failed.
Just last month the governor of Florida berated the media for predicting dire consequences for his reopening his state too soon. He said... (emphasis added)
"Our data is available. Our data is transparent. In fact, Dr. Birx has talked multiple times about how Florida has the absolute best data. So any insinuation otherwise is just typical partisan narrative trying to be spun. And part of the reason is that because you got a lot of people in your profession who wax poetically for weeks and weeks about how Florida was going to be just like New York. Wait two weeks. Florida’s going to be next. Just like Italy, wait two weeks. Well, hell we’re eight weeks away from that. And it hasn’t happened. Not only do we have a lower death rate, well, we have way lower deaths generally, we have a lower death rate than the Acela corridor, DC, everyone up there. We have a lower rate death rate than the Midwest, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, but even in our region, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida has the lower death rate. And I was the number one landing spot from tens of thousands of people leaving the number one hot zone in the world to come to my state.
.... "So we’ve succeeded, and I think that people just don’t want to recognize it because it challenges their narrative. It challenges their assumption, so they got to try to find a boogeyman. Maybe it’s that they’re a black helicopter circling the Department of Health. If you believe that, I got a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you."
One look at Florida's "absolute best data" on the COVID-19 outbreak since he offered that rant demonstrates that the governor's efforts have also failed.
The 2017-18 flu season in the U.S. killed nearly 80,000 people, the most ever. That was horrible. COVID-19 has killed nearly 130,000 people in 3+ months. (PREDICTION: Our resident Trumpsters will say they call everything a COVID-19 death, and only a couple of people have actually died from COVID-19.)
On February 26 of this year Mr. Trump said we had fifteen cases, which were going down "close to zero" within "a couple of days," and therefore his administration had done "a pretty good job." 130,000 deaths later, I feel confident in asserting that his definition of "a pretty good job" is different from mine... and most people's.
His handling of this public health crisis has been an abysmal failure, a failure of epic, disastrous proportions. George W. Bush had Hurricane Katrina ("A heckuva Job, Brownie!") Donald Trump will have COVID-19 ("a pretty good job") ... and the Russians who offered bounties for American soldiers' deaths... and his 18,000 false and misleading statements while in office... and that whole impeachment thing... and.... well, you get the point. His efforts - basically ALL of his efforts - have failed. And as a result, people have died.
An excerpt from these facts with info on CDC data, and other recent studies:
In its latest report, the US health authority CDC reduced the Covid19 lethality (IFR) to 0.26% (best estimate). Even this value may still be seen as an upper limit, since the CDC conservatively assumes 35% asymptomatic cases, while most studies indicate 50 to 80% asymptomatic cases.
At the end of May, however, Swiss immunologists led by Professor Onur Boyman published what is probably the most important study on Covid19 lethality to date. This preprint study comes to the conclusion that the usual antibody tests that measure antibodies in the blood (IgG and IgM) can recognize at most one fifth of all Covid19 infections.
The reason for this discrepancy is that in most people the new coronavirus is already neutralized by antibodies on the mucous membrane (IgA) or by cellular immunity (T-cells). In most of these cases, no symptoms or only mild symptoms develop.
This means that the new coronavirus is probably much more common than previously thought and the lethality per infection is up to five times lower than previously assumed. The real lethality could thus be well below 0.1% and hence in the range of strong seasonal influenza.
My advice in order to get some more objective data and information would be to stay away from political msm propaganda that is really not interested in providing the public with facts but rather is interested in brainwashing as many as possible and flushing them into their respective "elephant / donkey" corners.
@reformed Leaders have actually done things (like lockdowns) that have prolonged covid-19.
Exactly ... while the infection curve would have perhaps lasted only 2-3 months with a certain peak around the middle and early second half of that period, the lockdown measures were designed to supposedly "flatten" the curve, which simply meant that the peak was a little lower but the curve extended now for a lot longer.
This might be an explanation why even now still postive tests for Corona 19 are found
@Bill_Coley : No. According to the CDC, the flu season in the U.S. usually peaks in the winter, the months of December through March. Flu viruses basically never surge in June. COVID-19 is not like the flu.
Thank you Bill Coley for your informative reply.
The 2017-18 flu season in the U.S. killed nearly 80,000 people, the most ever. That was horrible. COVID-19 has killed nearly 130,000 people in 3+ months.
I believe Information like the above is vital to have when discuscusing this the topic at hand.
The death toll is HIGHLY questionable @Mitchell . Not everyone in that list actually died with Covid-19. The numbers are being inflated with people who don't even have the virus because hospitals get money if they report deaths from Covid-19.
This is demonstrably false. The excess death count shows that the number of people who have died since 2/1 above the number who would normally have died in the same period is very close to the official Covid death count (113k-157k is the range, since the normal number of deaths varies). The issue is not just what is written on the death certificate, but the total number of deaths in the US against a normal year, so the level of fraud you are suggesting is simple not possible.
Anyone have the respective data distinguishing between (a) "died from other main cause while tested positive for Corona virus" and (b) "died because of Covid-19 as main cause"?
Not long ago the outrageous numbers from Italy for "Covid deaths" were officially adjusted by Italian officials and it turned out that the actual death toll due to Covid-19 was much lower than initially reported by main stream media.
In Germany, similar discrepancies occurred because there was no distinction made, until someone noticed that all of a sudden with the rise of Corona panic the numbers of cancer deaths, heart attack deaths, etc. dropped to very low numbers, because many of those were counted as Covid-19 deaths.
Thus, I am wondering what really is the case in the USA with the outrageous Covid-19 related numbers (infections, hospitalizations, deaths) being circulated there by media. Furthermore, I noticed from the info available to me over here, that the published numbers are not reported in relation to some standard or comparative value, which often is a sign of purposely misleading people into a wrong fear driven panic state. For example, what does "100" indicate or mean? Is that many or few? without any proper contextual reference, saying "100" means nothing really, except that it is about "100" of whatever ...
If that were the case, why are health departments and the CDC lowering their death counts in many situations? I'm sorry, I don't believe the death toll for a second based on EVIDENCE. It has been politicized.
@reformed If that were the case, why are health departments and the CDC lowering their death counts in many situations? I'm sorry, I don't believe the death toll for a second based on EVIDENCE. It has been politicized.
In Germany, the numbers publicized by main stream media were presented in misleading ways to give false impressions to the general public in order to continue and uphold fear and panic mode, serving solely the now rather obvious purposes of the political regime of testing their faschist steps toward turning the country into GDR 2.0 as part of a "new [leftist fascist dictatorship] world order" ... hiding behind words like "globalism", "digitalization", "[green] climate", or "black lives" ...
The Covid-19 in reality was this year's seasonal flu !!! The Robert-Koch-Institute figures for 2020 for Germany show a curve for the infection wave of the seasonal flu for Jan with a rise into Feb and then all of a sudden the curve ends completely (!!??!!??), and at the same time in Feb the Covid-19 curve starts up rising into early March, peak about March 8-14, then decline steadily and continue on the normal level of a seasonal flu. What happened? how can that be? Simple answer => the "seasonal flu" was given a name! Flu does not normally end at the time the "flu curve" ended ...
Another interesting point from RKI (which, by the way is a German government department and provides info to the government on such issues, it is not a conspiracy theorist's private home office) are the reports from its "sentinel network" of hundreds of doctors' offices all over Germany => since week 16 in early April (!!), there have been 0 ( that is ZERO !!! ) new SARS-Cov2 infections reported! Did doctors all of a sudden no longer fulfill their legal obligations of mandatory reporting of virus infections?? Most likely not ... thus the 0 infections from April to now stand ..
But, these figures were nicely hidden on a page deep in the RKI reports, while panic figures of PCR tests were pushed. No mention made that "positive test" does NOT equal "symptomatic infection"; no mention that "infected" does NOT necessarily mean "sick" or even "hospitalized". The media over here were showing pics from Italy / Spain / USA - NY to drive in a picture of thousands of deaths ... while in Germany many hospitals were ordered to cancel treatments in order to free beds, arrange extra beds, while at the same time closing whole wards for lack of patients and sending nurses home on "short-time-work" / "temporary vacation" ... yet telling the public that the hospitals were overloaded with Covid-19 patients.