The World's Two Deadly Killers: Coronavirus and Guns

"Americans are stocking up on guns amid pandemic fears".
It's not just toilet paper people are rushing to buy. The FBI reported 3.7 million gun purchase background checks in the month of March, a 41% surge that indicates more and more people are trying to buy guns. Updated guidance from the federal government has designated firearm and ammunition retailers as essential services, which means they can stay open despite a growing number of states issuing stay-at-home orders. The decision is a victory for Second Amendment rights groups, some of which had already filed lawsuits in places where gun retailers weren't exempted in stay-at-home orders.
This is shameful and sick people wanting to kill more beyond the virus. This ruling above is further proof the "Second Amendment" is garbage and needs to be abolished. Crime is way down yet, more guns are needed to kill people before the virus get to them. Forget Coronavirus, guns and their owners should be declared a pandemic. CM
NRA sues California Gov. Gavin Newsom and other state officials over gun store closures
(CNN) — The National Rifle Association and other gun owner groups are suing California Gov. Gavin Newsom and other officials after gun stores were deemed non-essential businesses and ordered to close during a statewide stay-at-home order to curbcoronavirus infections.
The lawsuit seeks to have gun stores declared essential businesses. It was filed Friday by the NRA, a Los Angeles-area gun retailer, and other gun owner groups in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.
But the gun violence prevention group Brady said the NRA's lawsuit is misguided, saying the group cares more about profits than public health.
"In this time when we all need to sacrifice to flatten the curve and stop this pandemic, it is disturbing that the NRA won't budge from its overriding purpose -- to increase gun industry profits at any cost," Brady President Kris Brown said.
"There is no constitutional right to spread coronavirus while shopping, for guns or anything else."
1,000%, that's how much ammunition sales in Colorado have risen over the past month, according to Around the country, people seem to be stockpiling guns and ammo alongside their toilet paper in response to coronavirus restrictions, the data show.
Gun owners have a virus, but it's not "Corona". Guns were made to kill! CM
@C Mc This is shameful and sick people wanting to kill more beyond the virus. This ruling above is further proof the "Second Amendment" is garbage and needs to be abolished. Crime is way down yet, more guns are needed to kill people before the virus get to them.
Would you also criticize and call for a ban of other than gun instruments/weapons that could be used against criminals in case of break in and robbery attempts??
Your above statement seems to totally miss the real reason why people purchase a gun ... it has absolutely NOTHING to do with them wanting to kill more before the virus gets to them.
Guns were made to kill! Stole things are worth a man's life. CM
You really need to get a grip.
Here is proof guns kill!
Man shot five people for 'talking too loud' during coronavirus lockdown, investigators say
(CNN) — A man has been arrested in Russia on suspicion of shooting and killing five people after asking them not to be so loud during the country's coronavirus lockdown.
The man was arrested over the weekend after having an argument with neighbors while standing on the balcony of his apartment, the Russian Investigative Committee told state news agency TASS.
Guns kill any and everywhere.
Wolfgang said:
Your above statement seems to totally miss the real reason why people purchase a gun ... it has absolutely NOTHING to do with them wanting to kill more before the virus gets to them.
Wolfgang, you want to take your words back? CM
Wolfgang, you want to take your words back? CM
No ,,, why should I? Did the weapon gun kill anyone? No. A human person killed other people ...
And the broken record continues.... I have a gun, and I have never killed, or thought about killing, anyone with it. Guns do not kill people just like knives do not, cars do not, bats do not, etc etc.
Proof that the OP is spot on. Watch video. If not, go to 44:00 to 45:00 -- the clip above. Even the doctor, who means well, supporting guns and the second Amendment needs to learn to truly protect life. CM
PS. Guns were made to kill.
How many times/places are you going to post the same thing?
Truth must be spoken until change happens. It's like Jesus, everyone needs to know of Him. Likewise, everyone needs to know the origin and the destructiveness of guns. This is not a game or fad. The killing must stop! Starting with you. I will say it until you wake out of your denial that guns kill. You and others need to renounce the NRA and repudiate the Second Amendment. When Christians know better, they should do better. CM
Truth is truth, spoken many times or a few! You can't shame me into silence. Because you and other nameless Christians want to hold on to weapons of war to kill at will. Idolatry is the root of all crime, for it is concerned with the center of the human heart. For example,
All murder is idolatry since the motive for killing is ultimately that something is loved more than God—yet in turn all idolatry is murder for it incurs one’s own death. Similarly all idolatry is also adultery because it is unfaithfulness to the truth and to God, while adultery is idolatry because it flows from the inordinate desire for a person or for a sensation, a desire stronger than our love for God and our desire to obey his law.
You shall not kill. God's law. CM
Iain M. Duguid, Ezekiel, ed. Terry Muck, NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapid, MI: Zondervan, 1999), 189.
I seriously question your mental stability...
O.K. Let's examine the words of GOD...-
It was God's Son Jesus who said "All Soldiers must get out of the arm..." Oh! Wait! THAT's NOT what Jesus said.
He said "Soldiers must be content with their wages."
Didn't Jesus know Soldiers kill other people, including other soldiers?
God actually chided His people upon a time, recorded in Hebrews 12:4 "Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin."
Is God a troublous soul for wanting His people to defend their group against wounding Heresies? When one Faith system, erroneously attacks another that is faithful to God's word, cannot the faithful group defend themselves and their families?
What wrong with gun owners? Have they lost their minds? There is no need for guns.
The deaths have disproportionately hit the state's poorest areas the hardest and have had an outsized impact on the its black population. Black residents make up just 13.6% of the state's population but 32% of the state's confirmed COVID-19 cases and more than 40% of deaths.
The report came a day after armed protesters, many of whom wore pro-Trump gear, pushed their way into the Capitol building as the state legislature debated whether to extend Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's lockdown order. The Republican-led legislature voted not to extend it, instead approving a lawsuit challenging the restrictions. Whitmer, a Democrat, responded by issuing a new executive order that will keep restrictions in place until May 29...
"Some of the outrageousness of what happened at our capitol depicted some of the worst racism and awful parts of our history in this country," she told CNN. "The behavior you've seen in all of the clips is not representative of who we are in Michigan."
Guns and hatred kill more that COVID-19. AWAY WITH GUN! CM
Canada bans assault-style weapons after its worst ever mass murder
Canada bans assault-style weapons after its worst ever mass murder
(CNN) — Assault-style weapons are banned in Canada effective immediately, the country's prime minister said Friday.
The move comes less than two weeks after Canada's deadliest rampage in modern history, when a gunman in Nova Scotia killed 22 people after a 12-hour reign of terror.
"You don't need an AR-15 to bring down a deer," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said at a news conference in Ottawa. "So, effective immediately, it is no longer permitted to buy, sell, transport, import or use military-grade assault weapons in this country."
Police said the gunman had several semi-automatic handguns and at least two semi-automatic rifles, one of which was described by witnesses as a military-style assault weapon.
"These weapons were designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. There is no use and no place for such weapons in Canada," Trudeau said.
The ban is effective immediately but disposal of the weapons will be subject to a two-year amnesty period. Trudeau said some form of compensation would also be put in place but the firearms can also be exported and sold after a proper export license is obtained.
Wise move Canada! Shame on America for her cowardice when it comes to these weapons. Trudeau knows that these guns were made to kill. This is the way, America, how to govern and protect the innocent people. It's refreshing to see a responsible leader in action. CM
The idiot continues...