NRA: New Man, Same Dirty Hands and Plans

NRA’s new leader is Oliver North, of Iran-Contra fame
Former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North acknowledges attendees as he gives the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dallas on Friday. The NRA announced today that North will become President of the National Rifle Association of America within a few weeks, a process the NRA Board of Directors initiated this morning. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)In this May 4, 2018 photo, former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North speaks before giving the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dalla ...In this May 4, 2018 photo, former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North speaks before giving the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dallas. The NRA announced today that North will become President of the National Rifle Association of America within a few weeks, a process the NRA Board of Directors initiated this morning. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)In this May 4, 2018 photo, former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North speaks before giving the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dalla ...In this May 4, 2018 photo, former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North speaks before giving the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dallas. The NRA announced today that North will become President of the National Rifle Association of America within a few weeks, a process the NRA Board of Directors initiated this morning. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki) In this May 4, 2018 photo, former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North speaks before giving the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dalla ...In this May 4, 2018 photo, former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North speaks before giving the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dallas. The NRA announced today that North will become President of the National Rifle Association of America within a few weeks, a process the NRA Board of Directors initiated this morning. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)
The NRA created November 17, 1871, New York City, NY. by William Conant Church and George Wood Wingate.
There are more than 14 million Americans consider themselves NRA members, above the real membership number of 5 million. This may be attributed to the fact that the NRA has millions more of Americans who support them and will tell pollsters they are members, even when they are not.
Unfortunately, too many Christians and pro-lifers are supporters of this organization that deals with the products of death.
The NRA is now among the most powerful special interest lobby groups in the US, with a substantial budget to influence members of Congress on gun policy. It is run by executive vice president Wayne LaPierre.
One-third of adults report owning a gun, there are more than 75 million gun owners in the United States. That puts NRA members at less than 10 percent of all gun owners.) NRA membership is uncommon among Democrats, with just 8 percent saying they belong to the group.
There are by various estimates anywhere from 270 million to 310 million guns in the United States — close to one firearm for every man, woman, and child. But in point of fact, only a minority of Americans own guns.
See my past posts on the "NRA dirty hands and money". More of the same. There is change, but the game remains the same. CM
I'm confused, how is the NRA an evil dirty organization? And Oliver North is a devout Christian and a fine man.
@reformed said:
I'm confused, how is the NRA an evil dirty organization? And Oliver North is a devout Christian and a fine man.How do you turn the other cheek and love enemies with an UZI?
The same way you would someone without an UZI. CM
Why have an UZI then?
@reformed said:
I'm confused, how is the NRA an evil dirty organization? And Oliver North is a devout Christian and a fine man.This could lead to a separate topic. But as I see it, the NRA stands for everything Christ is against. And not knowing anything about Mr. North, I cannot say too much. But if he follows Jesus, he will abandon the sword and take the cross.
1. Read all my posts on guns, NRA, and dead children.
2. Based on your age, read up on "Iran/Contra" and Oliver North. Google it.
3. Read the Thread: NRA: Dirty Hands, Dirty Money-Proof!
4. Think, what is the basic purpose or use of a gun? It is to kill. Why would a Christian support volunteering give to an organization (NRA) keeping people from taking common sense actions to protect from mass shootings?
5. Supporting laws to put guns in the classrooms and make teachers killers. How could any Christian support such unChristlike actions? To kill and to make it easy, and convenience for people to kill as many people, in the shortest period of time. This is not of Christ or the Bible! CM -
MORE DIRTY HANDS... Misleading-- New Low!
Why The NRA Response To The Santa Fe Shooting Blamed Ritalin & The Media--Lauren Holter
Please read the full article:
The National Rifle Association's message following Friday's mass shooting at Santa Fe High School was simple: Guns aren't to blame. The gun-rights group has held that same position in the aftermath of each of the 22 school shootings that took place over the first five months of 2018. [I am not the only one saying this]
But the NRA blaming the Santa Fe shooting on everything from Ritalin to the media shows it's escalating its attempts to sidestep the issue at hand, gun policy experts say.
"[The NRA] is sounding increasingly desperate to find something to point at other than a firearm," Chelsea Parsons, vice president of gun violence prevention at the Center for American Progress, tells Bustle.
The NRA has been become increasingly political since the late '70s, while simultaneously moving farther to the right on gun policy. While the message that guns aren’t to blame for a school shooting in which a student killed eight of his peers and two teachers isn’t new, some of the phenomena the NRA has pinned the shooting on this week have been updated to grab more people’s attention and deflect from talking about guns themselves, two gun policy experts tell Bustle.
The NRA's newly appointed president, Oliver North, took a similar tack by blaming the shooting on a vague "culture of violence." But his message took an unexpected turn when he suggested that the attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication Ritalin is turning young men into mass shooters.
"They've been drugged in many cases. Nearly all of these perpetrators are male, and they're young teenagers in most cases, and they've come through a culture where violence is commonplace," North said Sunday in an appearance on Fox News. "Many of these young boys have been on Ritalin since they were in kindergarten. Now, I am certainly not a doctor, I'm a Marine, but I can see those kinds of things happening."
Blaming school shootings on Ritalin plays into recent concerns about the rise in ADHD diagnoses, says Alexandra Filindra, associate professor of political science and psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. A startling new study in the medical journal Pediatrics found an increase in children overdosing on ADHD medication. The number of young women taking medication for ADHD also rose 344 percent over the last decade, according to a 2018 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report.
A new low for the NRA... CM HERE IS THE TRUTH
"We have no research in our scientific literature of more than 50,000 articles showing that Ritalin increases aggression on average," Barkley said. "Research in fact shows that stimulants like Ritalin reduce aggressive behavior in those with ADHD."
**There is also no evidence that any of those reports of violence were related to school shootings.
"We don’t know that any of those people in the study had anything to do with a mass rampage attack," Langman said. "Even if the drug gets people to get agitated or angry, there’s a difference between that and plotting and carrying out a mass murder."**
Our ruling
North said, "They have been drugged in many cases … many of these young boys have been on Ritalin since they were in kindergarten."
A minor percentage of school shooters studied had been medicated, not "many." The notion that many have specifically been on the drug Ritalin since kindergarten has no factual basis. More broadly, causation has never been established between the medication and violence. We found no specific ties between ADHD medication and school shootings, either.
Gun access bill sponsor says NRA spreading "hysteria"
Rep. DeckerSun staff photos can be ordered by visiting our SmugMug site.
Rep. DeckerSun staff photos can be ordered by visiting our SmugMug site.
BOSTON -- The state's leading gun rights organization is up in arms over the newest version of a "red flag" gun bill slated for a vote in the House Wednesday, but the legislation's original author Rep. Marjorie Decker accused the local NRA group of trying to spread "hysteria" without understanding the facts.The House on Wednesday plans to vote on legislation that would allow family or household members to petition the courts to issue an extreme risk protection order, or ERPO, suspending someone's license to carry a firearm and ordering them to surrender their firearms and ammunition if they are believed to be a danger to themselves or others...
Dirty Money of the NRA!!!
Russia investigators likely got access to NRA's tax filings, secret donors
Read more here:
July 02, 2018 05:00 AM
Updated July 02, 2018 02:38 PM
For months, the National Rifle Association has had a stock answer to queries about an investigation into whether Russian money was funneled to the gun rights group to aid Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.The NRA, which spent $30 million-plus backing Trump’s bid, has heard nothing from the FBI or any other law enforcement agency, spokesman
Read more here:
Andrew Arulanandam reiterated in an email the other day.
Legal experts, though, say there’s an easy explanation for that. They say it would be routine for Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators, who are looking at the NRA’s funding as part of a broader inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections, to secretly gain access to the NRA’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service.
On the returns, the group was required to identify its so-called “dark money” donors- companies and wealthy individuals who financed $21 million of the group’s publicly disclosed pro-Trump spending, as well as its multimillion-dollar efforts to heighten voter turnout. The NRA’s nonprofit status allows it to shield those donors’ names from the public, but not the IRS.
NO emotions, No made up stories, just the Facts! Dirty money!
Christians, separate yourselves from this organization. Repudiate it today! CM
@C_M_ said:
Dirty Money of the NRA!!!
Russia investigators likely got access to NRA's tax filings, secret donors
Read more here:
July 02, 2018 05:00 AM
Updated July 02, 2018 02:38 PM
For months, the National Rifle Association has had a stock answer to queries about an investigation into whether Russian money was funneled to the gun rights group to aid Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.The NRA, which spent $30 million-plus backing Trump’s bid, has heard nothing from the FBI or any other law enforcement agency, spokesman
Read more here:
Andrew Arulanandam reiterated in an email the other day.
Legal experts, though, say there’s an easy explanation for that. They say it would be routine for Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators, who are looking at the NRA’s funding as part of a broader inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections, to secretly gain access to the NRA’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service.
On the returns, the group was required to identify its so-called “dark money” donors- companies and wealthy individuals who financed $21 million of the group’s publicly disclosed pro-Trump spending, as well as its multimillion-dollar efforts to heighten voter turnout. The NRA’s nonprofit status allows it to shield those donors’ names from the public, but not the IRS.
NO emotions, No made up stories, just the Facts! Dirty money!
Christians, separate yourselves from this organization. Repudiate it today! CM
This doesn't show the evil of the NRA, it shows that the Mueller investigation has gotten way out of control from it's intended purpose.
@reformed said:
This doesn't show the evil of the NRA, it shows that the Mueller investigation has gotten way out of control from it's intended purpose.
See new thread-- NRA: Russian Money/Spy -- Proof. CM
PS. It's just a matter of time.
See new thread-- NRA: Russian Money/Spy -- Proof. CM