Are there reasonable or scientific answers to my questions? I hope, I have not been influenced, too much, by the "conspiracy theories", around this matter. However, I still want to know, even now. CM
I would say that your questions are pointing to the very real conspiracy ... since such things definitely do't just all happen due to "chance" or "misfortune"! Of course, the real conspirators and the media in their grip will accuse you of being a "conspiracy theorist" because you dare have questions that rather plainly show that their official story is a "Hollywood script", and a bad one at that full of inconsistencies and holes.
September 11,2001 - the official story revisited
![[Deleted User]](
Hello folks ,
some thoughts concerning the official story of the September 11, 2001 events and what to make of it.
You know perhaps about the simple but well established little "duck test" which states: If a bird walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, that bird is a duck!!
Applied to the events of September 11, 2001 it means: If the collapse of buildings looks like a controlled demolition, the collapse is a controlled demolition. This of course already means that the official story which the public is supposed to believe, namely that Osama bin Laden is the responsible culprit, can NOT be true.
When we take a look at the actions and what the US department of Justice has NOT done, the matter becomes also very clear. The US department of Justice has NEVER put out a search for Osama bin Laden for the September 11, 2001 attacks, and also has NEVER charged him for those attacks !
When asked by journalists why the FBI was had not issued a search warrant for bin Laden in the case of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the answer was because there was NO evidence for is complicity in this event!
Now, in a state under the rule of law, a person is considered INNOCENT until evidence has been presented and the person has been proven guilty. IF there is no evidence against Osama bin Laden, then obviously he and al-quaeda did not commit this mass murder but someone else did.
Interestingly, bin Laden from the start declared that he had nothing to do with these events and that powers within the USA conducted the attacks.
Later on, the Taliban even offered to hand over bin Laden if the USA would provide evidence for his guilt. The then secretary Colin Powell promised to produce the evidence, but NEVER did.
Instead, the USA and NATO-allies started a war of aggression against Agfhanistan which is still ongoing after 18 years ... and all because of a lie!!
Translated excerpt from a German language blog: Alles Schall und Rauch: Sascha Lobo lebt wirklich in der Verschwörungsgalaxie
@Wolfgang posted:
Instead, the USA and NATO-allies started a war of aggression against Agfhanistan which is still ongoing after 18 years ... and all because of a lie!!
The article you translate reads as if it was written long ago, at least before bin Laden's death at the hands of American Special Operations forces in 2011. More important, it asserts facts that I don't believe are true, or at least, that I can't prove true in my research.
When asked by journalists why the FBI was had not issued a search warrant for bin Laden in the case of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the answer was because there was NO evidence for is complicity in this event!
I can find no evidence that this is true, or that the FBI ever made such an pronouncement. According to my research, the FBI and other investigative authorities quickly focused on bin Laden. Please provide a link to fact-based support for this assertion.
Interestingly, bin Laden from the start declared that he had nothing to do with these events and that powers within the USA conducted the attacks.
Just as a matter of logic, independent of the details of the 9/11 attacks, the fact that a person denies committing a crime does not necessarily mean he or she did not commit that crime.
More to the point of bin Laden's claims of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks, we know he in fact DID claim responsibility for the attacks in a video first broadcast on October 29, 2004.
Later on, the Taliban even offered to hand over bin Laden if the USA would provide evidence for his guilt. The then secretary Colin Powell promised to produce the evidence, but NEVER did.
According to my research, the Taliban's offer to "hand over" bin Laden did not come "later on," but rather very quickly, in mid-October 2001. Further, that offer was NOT to hand bin Laden over to the U.S. but rather to a third country that would never "come under pressure from the United States." Because the Bush administration demanded bin Laden's unconditional handover, it rejected the offer. [And please note that the AP article to which I link here says U.S. bombing attacks in Afghanistan began October 7, 2001, "after weeks of pressing the Taliban to give up bin Laden unconditionally," which means the U.S. did indeed have evidence of his "complicity" in the attacks VERY early on.]
These are basic facts, Wolfgang, that anyone could verify with a few Google searches. As I noted above, the article reads like something written many years ago, at a time when the Internet might not have been as widely accessible as it is today. Nonetheless, there was no more evidence for these dubious/false assertions of fact then than there is today. I hope there comes a day when you demand fact-based, not speculation-based, support for the claims made by the conspiracy theorists you read.
The article you translate reads as if it was written long ago, at least before bin Laden's death at the hands of American Special Operations forces in 2011. More important, it asserts facts that I don't believe are true, or at least, that I can't prove true in my research.
article was written 20 September 2019.
As for Osama bin Laden's death, he died according to non-USA sources in December 2001 from his severe kidney problems. Also, in September 2001, he was in Pakistan in hospital for dialysis treatment - which obviously the CIA and other secret services knew - and could have easily been arrested there ... but such would of course have "ruined" the already ongoing plans and deployment of USA troops for the already scheduled attack on Afghanistan as opening of "global war on terror" (a linguistic fabrication of certain deep state forces in the USA.
I can find no evidence that this is true, or that the FBI ever made such an pronouncement. According to my research, the FBI and other investigative authorities quickly focused on bin Laden. Please provide a link to fact-based support for this assertion.
Of course one can not find a FBI document or search warrant for bin Laden for September 11, 2001 attacks ... because there was never one issued. Bin Laden was wanted and arrest warrant was out by the FBI for supposed involvement in attacks on embassy buildings in East Africa several years prior to 2001.
More to the point of bin Laden's claims of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks, we know he in fact DID claim responsibility for the attacks in a video first broadcast on October 29, 2004.
Since bin Laden was already dead for almost 3 years, the various videos which supposedly show him which were publicized by CIA and media are fake and have been proven to be such by various independent non-USA sources. It seems that in 2011, it became no longer possible for the CIA and USA aggencies to keep up the "bin Laden threat" with fake videos, so they fabricated the "special forces killing/murder of bin Laden" ... that story in itself is so full of holes and inconsistencies (= obvious lies) that only the well programmed could or would believe it. What is claimed to have happened in 2011 is "a mediocre Hollywood production"
Because the Bush administration demanded bin Laden's unconditional handover, it rejected the offer.
And why would the Cheney-Bush regime demand such? Because they had no other means due to lack of evidence?
[And please note that the AP article to which I link here says U.S. bombing attacks in Afghanistan began October 7, 2001, "after weeks of pressing the Taliban to give up bin Laden unconditionally," which means the U.S. did indeed have evidence of his "complicity" in the attacks VERY early on.]
Did you not notice how revealing this article is by mentioning the starting date of the war against Afganistan?? October 7 is only 3,5 weeks after September 11 !! And in 3 weeks plus a few days everything was accomplished from a decision to attack, to beginning planning details for the attack, to deploying the necessary equipment for the attack, etc etc ? Do you remember how many months the Bush sen. regime needed to start a war against Iraq in a similar geographic area of the world? Remember, Afghanistan is not located just north, east, south or west of the USA borders or coasts ...
It is obvious to anyone still thinking somewhat reasonably and logically in these matters, that the attack on Afghanistan had been in the plans already long before September 11, 2001 ... it then took an "initial event" to sell to the USA public "a reason for war" ... because I am pretty sure that the vast majority of USA citizens has absolutely no interest to sacrifice their young people in these wars of aggression.
Jeff J. Brown
11 September 2019
Crosslinked with:
Pictured above: In 2010, I saw the 23-second clip of the 52-story World Trade Center 7 collapsing and was gob smacked. As a certified science teacher with a good knowledge of physics, I could tell it was brought down by controlled demolition, with thermite cuts seen and heard on the face of the building, during its six-second freefall – saying to myself, “What the fugg?”. Unlike Harry Potter, you can’t suspend universal laws of physics. It was the beginning of my long and painful journey into the dark, evil heart of Western empire. As much as the bitter truth hurts, I’ve never looked back.
Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. – Bertrand Russell
In Book #2 of The China Trilogy, China Rising, I completely destroyed the official story about what happened on September 11, 2001. I am a certified science teacher and understand physics well. In 2010, after seeing the above clip of the 52-story WTC 7 coming down in free fall by controlled demolition, it was like becoming an actor in a Sherlock Holmes murder thriller. When one alibi is destroyed, the whole caper eventually gets exposed to the white light of truth. Unfortunately in this case, the culprits have not been brought to justice – yet.
After years of research and thousands of hours of investigation, I discovered just how evil and psychopathic Western elites really are, in their lust for power, property, capital and resources. To those ends, they pummel world citizens into fearful sheeple, with an endless cascade of false flag “terrorism” and “mass shootings”. No one wants to admit the bitter truth, but I refuse to live the rest of my life as a brainwashed, heavily-in-debt, super-consuming, useful idiot. We only get one chance on this planet and since 2010, my head has been held high.
The West’s neocons had been howling for years for a new Pearl Harbor (Project for the New American Century – PNAC) to shock the people into accepting global warfare on resource rich countries across Asia, from North Korea in the East to Libya in the West. Remember full spectrum dominance and George W. Bush’s grotesque “Axis of Evil”? With 9/11, these elite perps got the cowed public’s carte blanche to massacre, starve and sanction countless millions, destroy and occupy countries of their choosing, in order to steal the locals’ resources, plunder public treasuries for trillions of dollars and euros, via inflated “security” and corrupt arms contracts. A quick look at today’s headlines and world map shows just how lethal 9/11 was and is for millions of dark-skinned, mostly Muslim innocents around the world.
George Orwell wrote that the fascism of empire overseas always comes back to the home countries, to keep the natives just as oppressed as the colonies. It’s the only way the capitalist class can keep on robbing the citizens blind, as they are slowly driven into poverty and despair. Thus, 9/11 gave the elites the perceived mandate to shred civil and legal rights across Eurangloland. Using 9/11 as a wrecking ball, the Patriot Act and successive National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA) have suborned Western constitutions into hollow charades. Your governments can detain you, search you and your property, seize your property, torture, disappear and kill you, with the stroke of a pen and without a shred of evidence. You are just getting a taste of Western, dystopian, police state destitution and government orchestrated propaganda, fear and loathing. It is going to get much, much worse. Hats off to author Suzanne Collins for her Hunger Games books. Art imitating life. That’s exactly where Euranglolanders are heading. Welcome to Panem, bay-bee.
Cui bono 9/11? Not you, that’s for sure. If you still cling to the absurd conspiracy theory that a gaggle of amateur Arabs with box cutters shut down the U.S.’s entire North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), you are in the dwindling minority. Latest polls show that a majority of Americans think their government is hiding the truth about 9/11. Well, DUH!
Alea iacta est. The die is cast and unfortunately, much damage has already been done, both at home and abroad. But with eyes wide open, we can all hope for an eventual Nuremburg-style crimes-against-humanity court to seek necessary justice and cloture, then we can work towards a more noble future for all of humankind.
Quit being a dupe and a patsy. The truth shall set you free. With dignity and awareness, you can hold your head high.
@Wolfgang posted:
As for Osama bin Laden's death, he died according to non-USA sources in December 2001 from his severe kidney problems. Also, in September 2001, he was in Pakistan in hospital for dialysis treatment - which obviously the CIA and other secret services knew - and could have easily been arrested there ...
Your response to my previous post, Wolfgang, is so filled with falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and other baseless speculation that it renders useless and a waste of time my further participation in this exchange. Fruitful exchanges of ideas require a common ground constructed of agreed-to core facts. Your assertion of and reliance upon blatant falsehoods as fact make such common ground all but impossible.
This is disgusting.
Your response to my previous post, Wolfgang, is so filled with falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and other baseless speculation that it renders useless and a waste of time my further participation in this exchange. Fruitful exchanges of ideas require a common ground constructed of agreed-to core facts. Your assertion of and reliance upon blatant falsehoods as fact make such common ground all but impossible.
Well ... such is life. Even when the facts are in plain sight, they might be disregarded and called "conspiracy theories" while at the same time believing the real conspiracy theory ...
I suppose that the expert testimony of now thousands of architects and other specialist in the field is worthless in the face of a report that was assembled by political power, and that despite the fact that the political story flat out contradicts known plain facts about gravity and physics in general?
Same goes for many NYC fire brigade members and commissioners who are to throw out their first hand eye and ear witness in favor of a political non-sense story??
I am no longer surprised at what false patriotism and believing in political authority can do to sincere and well meaning people ... 😓
Using 9/11 as a wrecking ball, the Patriot Act and successive National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA) have suborned Western constitutions into hollow charades. Your governments can detain you, search you and your property, seize your property, torture, disappear and kill you, with the stroke of a pen and without a shred of evidence.
Do USA folks not realize what has happened to them since and is getting worse?
By the way, in case some think I was interested in letting the culprits responsible for the murder of thousands of USA citizens and others getting away with this terrible crime .... I am NOT! However, the real culprits have managed to dupe the American people and most of the rest of the Western world under their rule ... I pray and hope, that the USA people will wake up from propaganda imposed slumber and bring the real culprits among them in top echelons to justice (if such is indeed possible)
9/11, I am still wondering, after all these years:
- Tell me, how those buildings came down so fast within minutes of each other?
- Where are the fragments of the planes (engines) and "Black-boxes"?
- Why and how did the towels turned into power before falling?
- Where are the buildings fragments? If in the ocean or river, why add pollution to it?
- Would it be unthinkable to say there were body parts and no one gathered them?
- What the burn-time or the intensity of jet fuel?
a). Does jet fuel turns brick into powder?
b). What about the area where there were no jet fuel spillage ?
c). Can jet fuel melt gold bars?
d). What the needed temperature to melt gold bars?
e). Can jet fuel melt, iron, metal, steel, copper, etc.? If so, at what rate and speed?
- What flammable materials were a part of the two buildings?
- Were there any thermo-nuclear materials involved (stored, dropped, or planted) in the collapsing of the two buildings?
- Was the WTC pre-wired, for a control collapse, long before the planes crash into them?
- Why didn't the buildings topper-over instead of collapsing?
- How did they know, exactly how many people died in those buildings?
- Are names listed are just emergency workers, cops, "first responders", etc.? Could it be that there are number of unknown dead?
- Was the collapse of the towels a pre-text to go-to-war?
- Who are the owners of the WTC?
- Whatever become of the company that insured the WTC?
- How much was paid out, if anything?
Are there reasonable or scientific answers to my questions? I hope, I have not been influenced, too much, by the "conspiracy theories", around this matter. However, I still want to know, even now. CM
Are there reasonable or scientific answers to my questions? I hope, I have not been influenced, too much, by the "conspiracy theories", around this matter. However, I still want to know, even now. CM
I would say that your questions are pointing to the very real conspiracy ... since such things definitely do't just all happen due to "chance" or "misfortune"! Of course, the real conspirators and the media in their grip will accuse you of being a "conspiracy theorist" because you dare have questions that rather plainly show that their official story is a "Hollywood script", and a bad one at that full of inconsistencies and holes.
My , my, my!
If asking legitimate questions of an event that has been widely broadcasted , so many deaths, and the ever accumulating dollar cost, makes me a "conspiracy theorist"; could it be said that the thousands of the dead is a "conspiracy theory"? The truth forbids! Truth in all its form, can and should, stand close examinations. CM
If asking legitimate questions of an event that has been widely broadcasted , so many deaths, and the ever accumulating dollar cost, makes me a "conspiracy theorist"; could it be said that the thousands of the dead is a "conspiracy theory"?
My observation concerning the matter has been that anyone whose very legitimate questions are in fact questioning the official story is usually quickly put into the "conspiracy theorist" corner by the media and those believing the official story as truth (even in this forum, my questions about the topic have received replies which accused my of being a follower of conspiracy theories and even an anti-American.
The truth forbids! Truth in all its form, can and should, stand close examinations. CM
I agree ... but - perhaps unfortunately - few are willing and/or able to take an objective look at a matter in order to search for and arrive at truth, and especially so if they ar emotionally attacked in some way to a certain religious belief, person, country, culture, etc.
You make an interesting point. The official 911-account maybe a pacifier for the people far removed, but it's unacceptable to families whose loved ones were taken in that event. The soul cries out for answers and truth, however, painful. The full truth will come out. e.g. entrance into World War-2, the Vietnam War, Japanese interment camps, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, death of JFK, MLK, Trump's taxes, etc.
Time is a revealer of truth! CM
You make an interesting point. The official 911-account maybe a pacifier for the people far removed, but it's unacceptable to families whose loved ones were taken in that event. The soul cries out for answers and truth, however, painful.
The official story is about concealing and hiding the true culprits responsible and quieting people via msm control and brainwashing. It is totally unacceptable to families of victims murdered in the events ... they are told a make belief story in regards to who was responsible and how could this happen ... cold blooded murder of thousands for satisfying the greed and crimes of devilish powers.
Time is a revealer of truth!
It seems that time is running out for the deceivers hiding the real facts with the official story ... More and more experts and people concerned are coming out with questions about details of the official story that make no sense ...
The more one thinks about what the official story stipulates, the more one realizes that this script doesn't even make for a half-way plausible movie ...
@Wolfgang posted: (emphasis added)
My observation concerning the matter has been that anyone whose very legitimate questions are in fact questioning the official story is usually quickly put into the "conspiracy theorist" corner by the media and those believing the official story as truth (even in this forum, my questions about the topic have received replies which accused my of being a follower of conspiracy theories and even an anti-American.
For the record, Wolfgang, at least for me it's not the the questions you ask that prompt me to characterize you as conspiracy theory aficionado; it's the answers to those questions - both the ones you yourself offer and the ones from others you're willing to accept.
As for allegations of your being "anti-American," I don't immediately recall such a charge in these forums, but if there have been some, they were likely toothless, ill-advised, and unwarranted distractions from the issues under discussion at the time. I certainly have not expressed and do not share such a sentiment, and don't care whether you're pro-, anti-, or neither-American. I DO care about facts and objective truth, a passion that has undergirded my responses to your posts about the 9/11 attacks, climate change, and other matters of public policy and current events.
Some thoughts on 911, in view of its recent anniversary:
When one accepts the US Government Official Report of the 911-Commission, are Americans and US tall buildings vulnerable to another attack?
What's the state of the US Air Defenses today? Are American safer today? What assurances are there that another 911 type event wouldn't happen again? With Washington's infighting, is America being diligent in her watch, at home and aboard? CM
@Wolfgang said:
The official story is about concealing and hiding the true culprits responsible and quieting people via msm control and brainwashing. It is totally unacceptable to families of victims murdered in the events ... they are told a make belief story in regards to who was responsible and how could this happen ... cold blooded murder of thousands for satisfying the greed and crimes of devilish powers.
To whom do you believe are "the true culprits responsible" for 9/11, if you don't believe the U. S. Government's account? Would one be justified to conclude that failure to accept the US account for 9/11 attack is inclined to believe that the U. S. Government, at best, had knowledge of the attack plans? Or at worse, the US was complicit in the death of thousands of US Citizens and the method that brought down the two towels within minutes of each other? If either of these has a thread of truth to it, what does this make America? Are you prepared to bring such accusations against America? CM
To whom do you believe are "the true culprits responsible" for 9/11, if you don't believe the U. S. Government's account?
The first point is that the expression "to be responsible FOR a crime" has nothing to do with to whom a criminal is responsible. Secondly, whether one believes or doesn't believe the U.S.A: government account changes nothing about who is responsible for or to whom the culprits are responsible. Or do you hold that government to be "God" of some sort?
Would one be justified to conclude that failure to accept the US account for 9/11 attack is inclined to believe that the U. S. Government, at best, had knowledge of the attack plans?
The probability and possibility for such is rather high, or else one must conclude that the billions of $$$ spent on the supposedly "best in the world" intelligence services, military services,, etc. are utterly ineffective to be so easily outdone by a dozen dudes operating under the instructions of a deadly ill man in a cave in Afghanistan or hospital room in Pakistan ...
Or at worse, the US was complicit in the death of thousands of US Citizens and the method that brought down the two towels within minutes of each other?
See above ... However, please note, it is not "the US" but rather "the US government & attached forces" or - most likely - only that certain part of the US government with the means and powers of command in the US Government. Or do you indeed hold all persons in the US Government to be persons immune against being affected by corruption, evil intentions, and even murder of citizens of their own country??
If either of these has a thread of truth to it, what does this make America? Are you prepared to bring such accusations against America?
See above .... it makes the people of the USA to have been used for personal or corporate gain, even to the point of having thousands of its citizens killed and murdered as casualties in the wake of some utterly evil power and greed driven individuals who have been able with their control of the "official information mainstream media" to dupe almost all of the public and remain untouched by investigation and prosecution due to no really proper and independent investigation having been conducted as would have been and should have been the case
People share in their government's behavior when they vote, don't speak up, and when they pay taxes. In this context, who's "the true culprits responsible" for 911? Is it a just context? CM
People share in their government's behavior when they vote, don't speak up, and when they pay taxes. In this context, who's "the true culprits responsible" for 911? Is it a just context? CM
Hmn ... interesting ... so then actually, YOU - if you are one of the people in the USAS - are to blame for what you accuse your president to be responsible for that which you accuse him of. You may now try and claim you are not, because you didn't vote and you refuse to pay taxes ????
Do you realize the silliness of your above made "joke comment" (which I would not even want to call an "argument" ?
"The silliness"... "joke comment" (which I would not even want to call an "argument", can the same be said about your comments above in not being willing to accept US Official report?
Is it equally "silliness" to believe anything other than the official report?
Is not the government reflective of the people and people are the government?
When one votes, isn't it a signal of endorsement polices and/or stewardship? Failure to vote, one has chosen just the same? CM
"The silliness"... "joke comment" (which I would not even want to call an "argument", can the same be said about your comments above in not being willing to accept US Official report?
You try to excuse the government by blaming the people in general ... something totally different from an individual questioning and not accepting a government's declarations or reports.
Is it equally "silliness" to believe anything other than the official report?
No, it is not ... since the official report has obvious fallacies and false claims in it ... which in recent times have been coming to the forefront more and more by investigations done by specialists in various fields involved, such as architects, such as scientists, such as fire brigade officials with first hand testimony that contradicts the official "story"
Is not the government reflective of the people and people are the government?
No is not necessarily. I am astonished at your apparent ignorance of historical facts.
When one votes, isn't it a signal of endorsement polices and/or stewardship? Failure to vote, one has chosen just the same? CM
Never heard of or noticed that many or most promises made by election candidates turn out to have been hot air and straight forward lies misleading parts of the public to gain votes ... and the deeds in government are the opposite of what the people were told ?
@Wolfgang said,
You try to excuse the government by blaming the people in general ... something totally different from an individual questioning and not accepting a government's declarations or reports.
No, I am not trying to excuse those in charged of government. If there is any malfeasance of accountability, you don't think there's no shared blame of the people? In American government, someone put the leaders in place and finance the various air-securities and departments. The people must hold government gatekeepers accountable.
See my questions above of others to benefit if what is reported is not accurate. I am reminded by a saying that "a fish rot from the head first".
Never heard of or noticed that many or most promises made by election candidates turn out to have been hot air and straight forward lies misleading parts of the public to gain votes ... and the deeds in government are the opposite of what the people were told?
Yes, Mr. Trump. Saaaaaaaaaaaaid! This is why he's being impeached.
For the amount of physical destructions, loss lives, businesses and lost wages, I hope there is on sinister cover-up of the truth. However, somethings don't seem to be adding up. This is not a faith thing. It's about times, dates, places, facts, research, physics, scientific facts, "chain-of-command", surveillance, etc.
Again, see my two sets of questions above. My heart goes out to all the families who loss loved ones. CM
For the amount of physical destructions, loss lives, businesses and lost wages, I hope there is on sinister cover-up of the truth. However, somethings don't seem to be adding up. This is not a faith thing. It's about times, dates, places, facts, research, physics, scientific facts, "chain-of-command", surveillance, etc.
What you do in regards to the current president (on suspicion alone), why don't you do the same in regards to the then president in power and others in administration involved (where the crime was far worse and the evidence pointed out by architects and other experts points to a sinister coverup by the then and following administrations) ?????
More straight facts are becoming more widely known ... an excerpt from an article by P C Roberts:
General Wesley Clark, a 4-star US general who was Supreme allied Commander of NATO, revealed on television that a mere 10 days after 9/11 he was in the Pentagon and was told by a general who formerly worked under him that the decision had been made to invade Iraq. This was before any of the alleged and disproven connections between Iraq and 9/11 had emerged from the neoconservatives’ manipulation of America’s presstitute media.
In other words the invasion of Iraq was planned long before 9/11. It was there all ready for a false flag launch.
Gen. Clark said on TV a few weeks later after the Cheney/Bush Regime was bombing Afghanistan that he again saw his former subordinate in the Pentagon. The general held up a memo that “describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off with Iran.”
General Clark, with 4-stars, was one of the anointed ones. He thought he could tell the truth, but his revelation had no effect. I am surprised that he wasn’t arrested and tortured like Julian Assange for revealing “classified secrets.”
The continuing saga of September 11, 2001 "culprit" Osama bin Laden and his fate ... a good exercise in thinking and reading something while awake rather than asleep ...
Osama bin Laden, a CIA asset used against the Soviets in Afghanistan, and Al Qaeda, a CIA-supported group of fighters used against the Soviets in Afghanistan, were blamed for the 9/11 attack despite bin Laden’s denial. Everyone knows that real terrorists claim responsibility for everything that happens, whether they had anything to do with it or not. It is the way that they build their movement. It makes zero sense for the alleged Terrorist Leader bin Laden to deny a victory unprecedented in history over the “worlds only superpower.”
According to obituary notices from all over the Middle East, Egypt, and Fox News, Osama bin Laden died from renal failure and a variety of other illnesses in December 2001. I published the widespread obituary notices on my website.
Osama bin Laden was a man who died twice. His death in December 2001 did not stop the corrupt Obama regime from killing bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan a decade later in 2011 when Obama, whose first term failure was threatening him with challengers to his renomination, desperately needed a vindication.
We were presented with one. Obama and his top officials were shown fixed in front of a TV screen allegedly watching the US SEAL Team killing an undefended bin Laden. This false claim was a mistake as everyone wanted the film of bin Laden’s death released. Someone hadn’t given the PR event much thought. As there was no film, the Obama regime found itself on the spot. A correction was issued. It was a media false report that Obama and his team were watching a film of the SEALs’ assault on bin Laden’s compound. The replacement story was that they were listening to reports of the attack on bin Laden.
More problems emerged. Pakistani TV interviewed the next door neighbor of the alleged “bin Laden compound” about what he witnessed on the night in which US SEAL forces allegedly landed and killed Osama bin Laden and carried away his body to be buried at sea from a US aircraft carrier.
The next-door resident said that three helicopters flew above and only one landed. The language soldiers spoke from the helicopter that landed was “Pashto.” Navy SEALS don’t know Pashto. There were no Navy SEALs present.
The witness—all of this was on Pakistani TV with links in my archives, assuming that they haven’t been erased by Google or some other servant of the Evil Empire—reported that the occupants of the single helicopter that landed went into the home of his friend, who most certainly was not bin Laden, and returned in 20 minutes. He said that when the helicopter lifted off it exploded. He said there were no survivors, that body parts were all over. He said that the Pakistani military appeared and cleared the immediate area of observers. The witness said that no other helicopter landed.
The US government acknowledged that a helicopter exploded and fought with Pakistan to get the remains of the helicopter returned to the US. The Obama regime claimed that other helicopters landed and conveyed the SEAL team and bin Laden’s body to a US aircraft carrier. The Pakistani eyewitnesses to the scene said no such thing happened. The only helicopter they reported on Pakistani television was the one that exploded, and there were no survivors.
So, how did anyone escape with bin Laden’s body to be dumped into the sea off a US aircraft carrier?
Many problems resulted from this Obama regime false news stunt.
The 2 or 3 thousand US sailors on the alleged aircraft carrier from which bin Laden allegedly was given a burial at sea wrote home that there was no bin Laden burial from their ship. Aircraft carriers, like all navy ships, have people awake all hours of the day and night on watch. A ship doesn’t just close down and go to sleep during which a secret burial can take place.
Moreover, as those of sufficient intelligence asked, why was the undefended “mastermind” senselessly killed when he held so much valuable information? Why was his body disposed of instead of presented as evidence? Why dispose of the body that would prove that the person who died a decade ago still lived despite renal failure and was finally hunted down after a decade and murdered in a foreign country not subject to US law? The presstitutes were not interested in the questions, and neither was the Obama regime.
Without a media, Americans are helpless. There is no voice for them. The CIA knew this, and the CIA’s subversion of the American media gave Washington total power. The only explanations Americans hear are the ones that keep them brainwashed.
Next we heard that the SEAL unit from which the SEAL team was allegedly drawn was loaded into a Vietnam era troop helicopter in violation of the rule against putting all members of a SEAL unit on the same aircraft, and this unarmored ancient helicopter was shot down over Afghanistan with all SEALs killed.
SEAL families raised a stink. They reported receiving messages from their sons that something was wrong, that they felt endangered. The families wanted the explanation why the rule against putting all SEAL unit members on the same aircraft was broken. Why were they flown over hostile territory in an antique helicopter? I reported this information at the time. It has since disappeared from the news. Obviously, the SEALs were asking one another, “were you on the mission that got bin Laden?” And no one was. So Washington had to eliminate the SEAL unit.
Washington produced an alleged SEAL team member who “killed bin Laden” and sent him on a speaking tour. A book was written. A movie was made. The CIA-obedient presstitute media gave high emphasis to the veracity of the false story. Gullible Americans were pleased to hear that Osama bin Laden had been given his just deserts with a second death a decade after he had died from renal failure.
Anyone smell a conspiracy somewhere? Who are the conspirators or conspiracy theorists ? Another "conspiracy theory" turning up to actually have been a real conspiracy? Seems like the real culprits are still at large "enjoying" the "fulfilled greed" of their mass murders ??
Any similarities of the building collapse in Miami, FL, to the World Trade Towers, minus the planes? CM 🤔
Circumstantial evidence suggests that 9/11 was a scheme of George W. Bush regime neoconservative officials allied with vice president Dick Cheney and Israel to create a “new Pearl Harbor” that would generate support on the part of the American people and Washington’s European allies for a Middle Eastern “war on terror” whose real purpose was to destroy Israel’s enemies in the interest of Greater Israel. Commentary Magazine editor Norman Podhoretz had called for such a war, and General Wesley Clark reported that he was informed of Pentagon war plans to that effect.
This is the most plausible explanation, but, if true, it is not one that the US and Israeli governments would ever acknowledge. Consequently, we are stuck with an official explanation long championed by the presstitutes that no one believes. In addition to the human casualties of the 9/11 attack, we can list the credibility of the US government and the US media.
I wrote many columns about 9/11 and reviewed the careful work of those proving the counterfactual and implausible nature of the official account. Over the two decades, I wrote anniversary articles.
Here is the one on the 11th Anniversary:
What gave the utter implausibility of the official narrative away to everyone who has ever served in a high government office is the fact that “the world’s only superpower” suffered the most embarrassing defeat at the hands of a few Saudis armed only with box cutters, and there was no outcry for an investigation how the entirety of an annual trillion dollar military/security complex totally failed, every single part of it.
Never in world history had a superpower experienced such a total defeat, and there was no outcry from the White House, Congress, the Pentagon, the media for an investigation. Indeed, there was active resistance to any investigation. People too stupid to see what this means are too stupid to justify their existence.
If you knew all that actually happened, what for you would change?
If you knew all that actually happened, what for you would change?
I endeavor to walk circumspectly and watchful ... rather than being asleep and unable to distinguish truth from error
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Is "not watchful" a typo?