Back-to-the Bible: Doctrinal Practices that are not Biblical

C Mc
Posts: 4,463
CD Posters,
One would be surprised to know that many doctrines espoused by denominations, religious movements, and churches are not biblical in the name of Christ or Christianity. Reading a little more on the Reformation was a real eye-opener.
Religion is when a group of people coalesce around beliefs (biblical, myths, traditions, superstitions, etc.). Unfortunately, too many non-biblical ideas have embedded themselves into religious bodies and have taken center stage. Please help me to explore them. Consider first:
- What are doctrines?
- Are they beneficial or necessary in today's religion?
- What is heresy?
- Are there heresies in the Bible?
- Can you list and explain some non-biblical teachings or doctrines masking themselves as God-ordained truth?
In short, getting back-to-the Bible, what are some of the modern-day heresies? CM
Prosperity Gospel is a modern day heresy.