Removal Theology not Replacement Theology

Many find fault with those who claim Christendom is biblical Israel. Saying God did not replace Israel with the Church. This is true but it shows a misunderstanding of Israel's true identity.
“Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet [Christ]. You must obey him in everything.. Every person who does not obey that prophet will be destroyed and thus removed from the people [Israel].’” Ac 3:22–23
The church did not replace Israel. The Church is Israel. God removed the unbelievers from Israel and grafted believing gentiles into their place. Romans 11:17.
And, for the sake of the fathers, God reattaches the broken off through faith in Christ. For this Paul uses himself as an example, Romans 11:1–5. And as we preach the gospel to all nations until the end of the world Matthew 28:20 all Israel, elect Jew and gentile will be saved Romans 11:26.
Already the title of the discussion (Removal Theology not Replacement Theology) indicates to me that "devotional thoughts" seems to me to be the false category, as what you write has nothing really to do with "devotion", does it? Perhaps this should be moved to "Bible Questions" ?
The description for the category is a bit awkward for what I would expect to find under "DEVOTIONAL thoughts" ...
Thanks for the reply. I do not see need for another category. Keep it simple. Possibly our daily devotions differ.