The Virgin of Loreto, the Patron Saint of the Italian Air Force. Photos: La Sicilia [1]
thus, at any time a plane of the Italian Air Force takes to the air, the virgin of Loreto is flying over Italy. So what?
Flying Virgin Mary Over Italy: Gimmick, Real or a Show?

The Italian Air Force Flies a Statue of the Virgin Mary over Italy to Combat the Coronavirus
March 17, 2020
A statue of the Virgin Mary is being flown over the cities of Italy in order to combat the coronovirus. A priest is seen holding up the Holy Eucharist while being flown in a military plane by the Italian Air Force. This is how Rome is trying to protect their homeland.
The Virgin of Loreto, the Patron Saint of the Italian Air Force. Photos: La Sicilia [1]
In view of the Coronavirus Pandemic a person or a people can't afford to not get it right. Lives are on the line worldwide. Is there any truth to this piece? If so, is it practical, effective or biblical? How should one pray: directly to God, in the name of Jesus or via a statue of the Virgin Mary (either on land or in the air)? Are statues safe or idols? Is this the solution to the Coronavirus Pandemic? CM
The Virgin of Loreto, the Patron Saint of the Italian Air Force. Photos: La Sicilia [1]
thus, at any time a plane of the Italian Air Force takes to the air, the virgin of Loreto is flying over Italy. So what?
To your "so what" tell me, is it effective, meaningful and practical? Is there power in the name of Mary? Does one pray to Mary or to the Statue of Mary? If it's the latter, what happen if it breaks? Regardless, would this be consider idol worship in some religious circles?
Wolfgang said,
- "...any time a plane of the Italian Air Force takes to the air, the virgin of Loreto is flying over Italy".
Coronavirus or not, is this misleading or giving people false hope of healing and protection? CM
- PS. There are other areas of the forums that referred to this topic without the Coronavirus in view. See the various threads. The pandemic requires a fresh look. CM
This action back then has proven to be mostly a show and gimmick in light of Pope Francis' word today about Mary. He said:
“The formula ‘co-redemptrix’ departs to too great an extent from the language of Scripture and of the Fathers, and therefore gives rise to misunderstandings”...
On Wednesday, Francis said that Christ is the mediator par excellence, the “bridge that we cross to turn to the Father,” and the only redeemer: “Every prayer that we give to God is for Christ, with Christ and through Christ, and are realized through his intersession.”
One other pope agreed with Francis and another disagreed with him. Regardless, the Bible is the authority on the matter.
“There is no other name by which we can be saved,” Francis insisted. I agree with the Pope in citing Scripture. CM