China Pro-Communist Bible Revision: Inspiration or Manipulation?

China Orders Pro-Communist Bible Revision, Admits Bible Is Anti-Communist
Church forced to change name to "Follow the Party, Obey the Party, and Be Grateful to the Party"
The Communist Party of China plans to rewrite the Christian Bible, functionally destroying thousands of years of Christian faith and history.
After failed attempts to force Christian churches and faithful to abide by its standards, the Chinese Communist Party leaders have determined to re-write the Bible to better reflect their own agenda.
In November, a group of 16 representatives of different religions from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China were ordered by Wang Yang, Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, to address the teachings of the Bible and other religious texts, and rewrite the “radical portions to reflect China’s national progressive stand,” according to Xinhua News Agency.
“Mr Wang stressed that religious authorities must follow President Xi’s instructions and interpret the ideologies of different religions in accordance with ‘the core values of Socialism’ and ‘the requirements of the era’,” French newspaper Le Figaro reported.
The order to re-write the Bible to be less “radical” comes shortly after an order in late September to local officials in Ji’an, a southeastern province of Jiangxi, to demand the congregation of a Catholic church named “The True and Original Source of the Universe,” to replace a painting of the Virgin Mary with a portrait of Xi Jinping, and to paint over the sign on the front of the church and replace the Church’s original name with “Follow the Party, Obey the Party, and Be Grateful to the Party.”
According to a local reporter from, “Tang Zhe” who uses a pseudonym for security reasons, a Catholic church in “Poyang county was shut down on the grounds that any church refusing to join the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association because they consider it a “xie jiao,” or an “evil cult”.
Local priests reported to “Tang Zhe” that the move to force Catholic churches into the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association is disastrous...
Wow! The Communist Party of China plans to rewrite the Christian Bible, functionally destroying thousands of years of Christian faith and history.
- Is The Communist Party of China on to something believing that the Catholic Church is a "cult" as some in these forums have purported?
- Is The Communist Party of China experiencing a religious awakening or just manipulating things for control?
- Does The Communist Party of China has it own religion or just dislike Christianity?
- Do you see what The Communist Party of China is doing -- a part of "End-time" Prophecy?
What do you make of this action overall? CM
PS. Is this just "fake news"?
What do you make of this action overall? CM
The news "report" seems to be more of anti-China Western propaganda than anything else. Of course, and has been the case for as long as communism rule has been established in China, Christian activities have been under supervision and been subject to persecution, as apparently has also been the case with other religion and religious groups. The steps said to have been initiated by the communist party most likely have nothing whatever to do with "bible revision" or "re-writing the Christian Bible" ... as one can see form is mentioned in the article about party steps.
The article seems groomed at providing propaganda influence to USA public who the publishers most likely hope will just "read superficially and believe it" for the purpose of a bit more anti-China sentiment in the USA.