American Democracy is Under Attack

- Mr. Trump sought permission from the White House Counsel (Don McGhan) to order DOJ to investigate Hillary Clinton (formal political rival) and James Comey (Former FBI Director). This is wrong and illegal. Trump is dangerous to America. He is working to carry out his "crazy" ideas. Is America the new "Banana Republic"?
- He wants to rewrite the Immigration Laws with his Asylum Ban. The courts struck it down today.
- Trump took Saudi Arabia side over his own Agency in the murder of an American for a bogus weapon sales. This is a buy from America and you can kill any American. What a new low?
- Trump daughter used government computers for personal email. "Lock her up?
America, take back your country! CM
@C_M_ said:
1. Mr. Trump sought permission from the White House Counsel (Don McGhan) to order DOJ to investigate Hillary Clinton (formal political rival) and James Comey (Former FBI Director). This is wrong and illegal. Trump is dangerous to America. He is working to carry out his "crazy" ideas. Is America the new "Banana Republic"?How exactly is this wrong and illegal? The Justice Department serves the President of the United States.
- He wants to rewrite the Immigration Laws with his Asylum Ban. The courts struck it down today.
- Trump took Saudi Arabia side over his own Agency in the murder of an American for a bogus weapon sales. This is a buy from America and you can kill any American. What a new low?
Wait, are you referring to Khashoggi or something else?
- Trump daughter used government computers for personal email. "Lock her up?
Hardly the same scenario as Clinton. Do some research and not from fake news WAPO who intentionally misled people with the story.
America, take back your country! CM
We are taking it back with Trump.
@reformed said:
How exactly is this wrong and illegal? The Justice Department serves the President of the United States.
The Department of Justice believes it serves the American people and the cause of justice in the United States, not its President. Here's the Department's mission statement:
- To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.
Trump's request to prosecute his political enemies illegal? I don't know. But it sure sounds worthy of impeachment consideration. Review the following content from Article II of the impeachment documents created against Richard Nixon: (emphasis added)
He misused the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service, and other executive personnel, in violation or disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens, by directing or authorizing such agencies or personnel to conduct or continue electronic surveillance or other investigations for purposes unrelated to national security, the enforcement of laws, or any other lawful function of his office; he did direct, authorize, or permit the use of information obtained thereby for purposes unrelated to national security, the enforcement of laws, or any other lawful function of his office; and he did direct the concealment of certain records made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of electronic surveillance...."
In disregard of the rule of law, he knowingly misused the executive power by interfering with agencies of the executive branch, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Criminal Division, and the Office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force, of the Department of Justice, and the Central Intelligence Agency, in violation of his duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed.
In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
You will contend that Trump's actions were in pursuit of law enforcement, I expect. You're welcome to your view.
- Trump took Saudi Arabia side over his own Agency in the murder of an American for a bogus weapon sales. This is a buy from America and you can kill any American. What a new low?
Wait, are you referring to Khashoggi or something else?
Ah, Reformed, you're a little bit up on current news. Yes, Khashoggi! Trump didn't even ask for the man's body. He bargained truth away (against US agency) for a long-term uncertain weapon sales worked out by the Obama Admin. Guns over a person. Low morals.
-- Didn't anything for the Veterans on American soil on Veteran's Day.
-- Attack a Navy Seal name and service.
-- Daughter use Gov't computers personal emails. "Lock her up"?
-- Wants to use the DOJ to investigate Clinton/Comey.
-- Change immigration laws with Asylum BanHow much anti-American can a person get? Trump is self-destructing. He's bad for government, bad for the presidency, and just bad... CM
@C_M_ said:
-- Daughter use Gov't computers personal emails. "Lock her up"?are you alluding to claims concerning Hillary Clinton and her use of computers?
If so, do you realize that "use gov't computers for personal emails" is NOT AT ALL the same as "use one's private personal computer/server for gov't emails" ???? -
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
-- Daughter use Gov't computers personal emails. "Lock her up"?are you alluding to claims concerning Hillary Clinton and her use of computers?
If so, do you realize that "use gov't computers for personal emails" is NOT AT ALL the same as "use one's private personal computer/server for gov't emails" ????Yes, Trump's daughter, all the more, should have known better.
"Two wrongs don't make right". "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". The Trumps act as though laws don't apply to them. "Lock her up"? I just ask a question, unlike father Trump who made a bold statement about Hillary.
You can't defend Trump. to do so is like trying to nail hot water to the wall. Impossible. He's an embarrassment. CM
@C_M_ said:
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
-- Daughter use Gov't computers personal emails. "Lock her up"?are you alluding to claims concerning Hillary Clinton and her use of computers?
If so, do you realize that "use gov't computers for personal emails" is NOT AT ALL the same as "use one's private personal computer/server for gov't emails" ????Yes, Trump's daughter, all the more, should have known better.
The 2 cases are totally different and have nothing to do with each other
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
-- Daughter use Gov't computers personal emails. "Lock her up"?are you alluding to claims concerning Hillary Clinton and her use of computers?
If so, do you realize that "use gov't computers for personal emails" is NOT AT ALL the same as "use one's private personal computer/server for gov't emails" ????Yes, Trump's daughter, all the more, should have known better.
The 2 cases are totally different and have nothing to do with each other
I am not lost to reality. The truth remains: "Two wrongs don't make right". "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". CM
@C_M_ said:
- Trump took Saudi Arabia side over his own Agency in the murder of an American for a bogus weapon sales. This is a buy from America and you can kill any American. What a new low?
Wait, are you referring to Khashoggi or something else?
Ah, Reformed, you're a little bit up on current news. Yes, Khashoggi! Trump didn't even ask for the man's body. He bargained truth away (against US agency) for a long-term uncertain weapon sales worked out by the Obama Admin. Guns over a person. Low morals.
Khashoggi wasn't American. So there is lie number one in your post.
-- Didn't anything for the Veterans on American soil on Veteran's Day.
I have proven this to be a lie over and over.
-- Attack a Navy Seal name and service.
This news item I'm not familiar with.
-- Daughter use Gov't computers personal emails. "Lock her up"?
Not the same scenario.
-- Wants to use the DOJ to investigate Clinton/Comey.
Perfectly legal (and necessary)
-- Change immigration laws with Asylum Ban
The President runs immigration according to US Code.
How much anti-American can a person get? Trump is self-destructing. He's bad for government, bad for the presidency, and just bad... CM
None of this is anti-American and most of it is lies.
Not a lie. It's a statement of facts unintended. You're right, Reformed, Khashoggi, was not a citizen but a US resident.
Protection under US domestic law
The US constitution protects any person on US soil—no matter what their status—and US citizens overseas. In 1896, the US Supreme Court ruled that “even an immigrant who had broken immigration law still had the right to make his case to a judge before being ‘deprived of life, liberty, or property.’ “
Khashoggi was living in the United States on an “O” visa, according to his employer the Washington Post. Also known as the “genius” visa, the O offers individuals of “extraordinary ability and achievement” temporary residence for up to three years. Three of Khashoggi’s children are US citizens, and he is believed to have been applying for a legal permanent residence in the US, also known as a green card.
US citizens who live or travel overseas can expect aid from the US State Department, as part of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, a 1963 treaty. Lawful permanent residents (LPR), or green card holders “generally are not entitled to emergency and protective services provided by the U.S. Government,” the US statue says, except “when an LPR applicant has exceptionally close and strong ties to the United States, and overriding humanitarian and compassionate grounds exist.”
The US knew that Khashoggi was a target. US intelligence agents intercepted a plan to lure Khashoggi back to to the US, the Washington Post reported Oct. 10. An unnamed National Security Agency official also told the Observer’s John Schindler that US intelligence had learned that Riyadh “had something unpleasant in store for Khashoggi,” at least a day before Khashoggi went to the embassy in Istanbul.
Couldn't Trump request the man's body for his children? CM -
@C_M_ said:
Not a lie. It's a statement of facts unintended. You're right, Reformed, Khashoggi, was not a citizen but a US resident.Which is not the same thing.
Protection under US domestic law
The US constitution protects any person on US soil—no matter what their status—and US citizens overseas. In 1896, the US Supreme Court ruled that “even an immigrant who had broken immigration law still had the right to make his case to a judge before being ‘deprived of life, liberty, or property.’ “
Notice, he was not on US Soil, nor was he a US citizen overseas.
Khashoggi was living in the United States on an “O” visa, according to his employer the Washington Post. Also known as the “genius” visa, the O offers individuals of “extraordinary ability and achievement” temporary residence for up to three years. Three of Khashoggi’s children are US citizens, and he is believed to have been applying for a legal permanent residence in the US, also known as a green card.
Still not a citizen.
US citizens who live or travel overseas can expect aid from the US State Department, as part of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, a 1963 treaty. Lawful permanent residents (LPR), or green card holders “generally are not entitled to emergency and protective services provided by the U.S. Government,” the US statue says, except “when an LPR applicant has exceptionally close and strong ties to the United States, and overriding humanitarian and compassionate grounds exist.”
Notice none of those grounds existed. He was a journalist.
The US knew that Khashoggi was a target. US intelligence agents intercepted a plan to lure Khashoggi back to to the US, the Washington Post reported Oct. 10. An unnamed National Security Agency official also told the Observer’s John Schindler that US intelligence had learned that Riyadh “had something unpleasant in store for Khashoggi,” at least a day before Khashoggi went to the embassy in Istanbul.
Couldn't Trump request the man's body for his children? CMNot if he isn't a citizen.