Dems Takes U. S. House!

So said, so done. Change is on the way. A little balance comes to America. Sadly, Republicans hold the Senate. Trump will be put in check. Trump's tax-returns will be subpoenaed, Mueller will be protected, investigations, etc. In short, the results are the repudiation of Mr. Trump, his policies and fearmongering. CM
There are several bitter disappointments for me in the results tonight - the Florida senate and governor's races; the Georgia governor's race; and a handful of other senate races, for example - and as a result, my reaction has been one of muted satisfaction.
The good news is that the House will FINALLY fulfill its oversight responsibilities, something the GOP House has abjectly refused to do for the last two years, and will put forth constructive healthcare and infrastructure plans the likes of which we never saw from the GOP. [The Dems simply CANNOT put their oversight responsibilities - and there will be many! - ahead of their work on public policy. They MUST work to show that their FIRST concern is healthcare. If they have concrete legislation for Trump and company to reject, then they will be set up for 2020.]
The bad news is that the Senate will be a rubber stamp to Trump judicial appointees and a roadblock to any policy agenda promoted by the Democratic House.
All in all, a respectable night for Democrats, but one which gave Republicans results to cheer as well. In two years, Democrats won't have ten Senate seats in Trump states to defend, so I hope for a better outcome on that front then.
As for my prediction of a 35-40 seat gain in the House, it seems clear that I over-estimated the strength of the Democratic victory. At the moment, the net result is likely to be in the 30 seat range. A good outcome, but not as strong as I expected.
One bit of delicious irony: Voters of a GOP House district in New York re-elected Chris Collins, a GOP member who's under federal indictment for securities fraud and lying to the FBI. While voters in a GOP district in California re-elected Duncan Hunter, who, along with his wife, is under federal indictment for misusing campaign funds and filing false campaign finance reports.
The irony? Not a single Trumpster ever chanted "Lock him up!" about either candidate. I guess to get a "lock her/him up!" you need to be investigated and then NOT indicted. Lesson learned, Secretary Clinton?
This is a disaster, so DC will be in gridlock for 2 years. Nothing will get done.
@Bill_Coley said:
One bit of delicious irony: Voters of a GOP House district in New York re-elected Chris Collins, a GOP member who's under federal indictment for securities fraud and lying to the FBI. While voters in a GOP district in California re-elected Duncan Hunter, who, along with his wife, is under federal indictment for misusing campaign funds and filing false campaign finance reports.The irony? Not a single Trumpster ever chanted "Lock him up!" about either candidate. I guess to get a "lock her/him up!" you need to be investigated and then NOT indicted. Lesson learned, Secretary Clinton?
At least they didn't elect a dead brothel owner like Nevada Democrats...
Dems blue wave! They won 35 seats. Bill, you're right, after all! Are you a Political Prophet or what? CM:D
@C_M_ said:
Dems blue wave! They won 35 seats. Bill, you're right, after all! Are you a Political Prophet or what? CM:DWhere are you getting 35 seats?
@C_M_ said:
Dems blue wave! They won 35 seats. Bill, you're right, after all! Are you a Political Prophet or what? CM:DI am heartened by today's election updates (there are lots of votes still to be counted - Arizona has only counted 83% of its ballots, for example).
- John Tester won in Montana, a state the president carried by >20 points.
- The Democrat has taken the lead in the evolving Arizona senate race
- And in Florida, the shrinking GOP lead is down to 0.22%.
It's possible - though probably not likely - that Democrats will lose only ONE net Senate seat in the midterms, even though they faced one of the worst midterm maps in years, and an economy, so says our president, that "in many ways, is the greatest ever in our history." Tuesday night and Wednesday, it felt like the final loss number was going to be four or five.
And in the House, as you point out, CM, the odds are good that the final result will be a net Democratic gain of 35-40, again, in an economy the president claims is the "the greatest ever." Such a final result would make this year's Democratic gains greater than the party in power's average midterm loss since 1910 (avg=31 seats lost) and greater still than that average over the last 50 years (avg=24 seats lost).
Did I say we achieved those gains in an economy that our president says is the greatest ever?!
Sir, votes are still being counted AND not cast. This is why Trump is so angry.
The "Blue Wave" continues! Arizona House Seat goes to Dems!!! CM
@C_M_ said:
The "Blue Wave" continues! Arizona House Seat goes to Dems!!! CM
Yeah, it is interesting that all of a sudden thousands of mysterious votes are found.....I smell a rat.
Only because you have created that! CM
What are you talking about? You don't think it is suspicious that all of a sudden thousands of votes show up that they didn't have before?
@reformed said:
What are you talking about? You don't think it is suspicious that all of a sudden thousands of votes show up that they didn't have before?
You know this is nonsense! You can't be this gullible. Given this reality, Your President and the FL Gov. are not telling the truth.
Come on, Reformed, there is no dead rat and you know that! Have some dignity about yourself. Don't follow Trump blindly. A Republican Judge ruled this afternoon, no fraud. CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
What are you talking about? You don't think it is suspicious that all of a sudden thousands of votes show up that they didn't have before?
You know this is nonsense! You can't be this gullible. Given this reality, Your President and the FL Gov. are not telling the truth.
Come on, Reformed, there is no dead rat and you know that! Have some dignity about yourself. Don't follow Trump blindly. A Republican Judge ruled this afternoon, no fraud. CM
Who said I was talking about Florida? Your bias is showing.
I should say the same thing to you. You are just a liberal talking point parrot who doesn't think for himself.
@reformed said:
I should say the same thing to you. You are just a liberal talking point parrot who doesn't think for himself.
You can't prove such a thing. So, cease this kind of talk and be truthful. CM
I have been truthful. And it is proven by your posts.
The "Blue Wave" continues! Three more House seats for Dems!!! CM
@C_M_ said:
The "Blue Wave" continues! Three more House seats for Dems!!! CM
And the fact that this excites anyone who claims to be "Christian" astounds me.
I think I can offer you some encouragement, reformed.
There used to be a time when I was pretty astounded that anyone who claimed to be "Christian" would call other Christians "stupid," "clowns," and "pigs," particularly in forums created and titled for "Christian" discussion. But with the passage of time and exposure to enough posts from such "Christians," I lowered my expectations, and voila, such posts no longer astound me. In fact, from some "Christians," I've come to expect them.
My encouragement to you, reformed, is that if I could adjust to "Christians" calling other Christians "pigs," I believe YOU can adjust to "Christians" celebrating three additional House seats under Democratic control.
[NOTE: Please don't conclude that I think YOU have adjusted to "Christians" calling other Christians "pigs." I know your standards are much too high for such juvenile conduct. But I just can't bring myself to follow your example. Shame.]
@Bill_Coley said:
I think I can offer you some encouragement, reformed.
There used to be a time when I was pretty astounded that anyone who claimed to be "Christian" would call other Christians "stupid," "clowns," and "pigs," particularly in forums created and titled for "Christian" discussion. But with the passage of time and exposure to enough posts from such "Christians," I lowered my expectations, and voila, such posts no longer astound me. In fact, from some "Christians," I've come to expect them.
My encouragement to you, reformed, is that if I could adjust to "Christians" calling other Christians "pigs," I believe YOU can adjust to "Christians" celebrating three additional House seats under Democratic control.
[NOTE: Please don't conclude that I think YOU have adjusted to "Christians" calling other Christians "pigs." I know your standards are much too high for such juvenile conduct. But I just can't bring myself to follow your example. Shame.]
No, I can't fathom Christians supporting a party that murders babies, supports homosexuality and all other forms of sin and debauchery.
@reformed said:
No, I can't fathom Christians supporting a party that murders babies, supports homosexuality and all other forms of sin and debauchery.
The 2016 Democratic Party platform specifically rescinded support for three "forms of sin and debauchery." To be honest, a compromise made necessary by a nasty convention floor fight permitted a bit of debauchery on one of the three forms, but to all but the most partisan observers, the 2016 platform was a striking move away from the Party's decades-long and full-throated endorsement of "all other forms of sin and debauchery." Why, a couple of lifelong Democrats in California, who go to church but don't mean anything by it, were quoted as asking whether they would ever again see their party embrace the debauchery they'd come to rely on.
We Democrats are clearly headed back up the morality ladder. Within another election cycle or so, we'll probably make it back to heathen... which many pretend-religious Democrats confuse with "heaven," and as a result, every convention we have nasty floor fights triggered by supporters of "all forms of sin and debauchery.
There's an explanation for everything, reformed, even for "Christians" who call other Christians "pigs."
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
No, I can't fathom Christians supporting a party that murders babies, supports homosexuality and all other forms of sin and debauchery.
The 2016 Democratic Party platform specifically rescinded support for three "forms of sin and debauchery." To be honest, a compromise made necessary by a nasty convention floor fight permitted a bit of debauchery on one of the three forms, but to all but the most partisan observers, the 2016 platform was a striking move away from the Party's decades-long and full-throated endorsement of "all other forms of sin and debauchery." Why, a couple of lifelong Democrats in California, who go to church but don't mean anything by it, were quoted as asking whether they would ever again see their party embrace the debauchery they'd come to rely on.
We Democrats are clearly headed back up the morality ladder. Within another election cycle or so, we'll probably make it back to heathen... which many pretend-religious Democrats confuse with "heaven," and as a result, every convention we have nasty floor fights triggered by supporters of "all forms of sin and debauchery.
There's an explanation for everything, reformed, even for "Christians" who call other Christians "pigs."
Yeah Jesus called Pharisees vipers.
1. Are you saying ONLY Republicans are Christians?
2. No Dems can be Christians?
3. I am astonished to know that Christians would buy, collect, and sell instruments of death (guns) and not be a member of a militia. These same "so-called Christians become judge, jury, and executioners in taking a life in a school or one's home. Guns were made to kill.
4. I am astonished to know that Republicans "Christians" would invade people's privacy and interferes with a decision between a person, her doctor, and spiritual leader.These things astound me! CM
- No Dems can be Christians?
I'm saying I don't know how a Christian in good conscience could support the Democratic Party given their positions.
- I am astonished to know that Christians would buy, collect, and sell instruments of death (guns) and not be a member of a militia. These same "so-called Christians become judge, jury, and executioners in taking a life in a school or one's home. Guns were made to kill.
Off-topic and not even reality.
- I am astonished to know that Republicans "Christians" would invade people's privacy and interferes with a decision between a person, her doctor, and spiritual leader.
Because it is murder, that's why. It's not invading privacy, it's about saving a life.
These things astound me! CM
And you still live in your fantasy world.
@reformed said:
Yeah Jesus called Pharisees vipers.
Jesus was able to read hearts. He called them what their character reflected. The term used was not to embarrass or to put down. They were low-down, quiet, smooth and deadly (poisonous). Can you truly call a follower of Jesus a land scavenger, the "uncleaned" animal ("pig")? Don't double down on wrong. Be true to the Word. CM
@reformed said:
- No Dems can be Christians?
I'm saying I don't know how a Christian in good conscience could support the Democratic Party given their positions.
You're being evasive. Yes or no? Can a Dem be a Christian?
Are you saying the Republican platform is all kosher (Christian)?
The Republicans platform toward Russia and Ukraine, Christian? Who changed it?- I am astonished to know that Christians would buy, collect, and sell instruments of death (guns) and not be a member of a militia. These same "so-called Christians become judge, jury, and executioners in taking a life in a school or one's home. Guns were made to kill.
Off-topic and not even reality.
No, it's not! A gun is real and it kills. Are you, your church, your child's school, her teachers, are members of a militia? Are you saying the Second Amendment is not reality?
- I am astonished to know that Republicans "Christians" would invade people's privacy and interferes with a decision between a person, her doctor, and spiritual leader.
Because it is murder, that's why. It's not invading privacy, it's about saving a life.
Is not this is the so-called reasons to buy, collect, and sell instruments of death (guns) and not be a member of a militia. These same "so-called Christians become judge, jury, and executioners in taking a life in a school or one's home. Guns were made to kill.
These things astound me! CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
Yeah Jesus called Pharisees vipers.
Jesus was able to read hearts. He called them what their character reflected. The term used was not to embarrass or to put down. They were low-down, quiet, smooth and deadly (poisonous). Can you truly call a follower of Jesus a land scavenger, the "uncleaned" animal ("pig")? Don't double down on wrong. Be true to the Word. CM
Of course, many here aren't followers of Jesus since they reject who He is. They follow a false christ.
I would sincerely question it.
Are you saying the Republican platform is all kosher (Christian)?
I didn't say that.
The Republicans platform toward Russia and Ukraine, Christian? Who changed it?
What are you referring to?
- I am astonished to know that Christians would buy, collect, and sell instruments of death (guns) and not be a member of a militia. These same "so-called Christians become judge, jury, and executioners in taking a life in a school or one's home. Guns were made to kill.
Off-topic and not even reality.
No, it's not! A gun is real and it kills. Are you, your church, your child's school, her teachers, are members of a militia? Are you saying the Second Amendment is not reality?
I'm saying your portrayal of it isn't reality.
- I am astonished to know that Republicans "Christians" would invade people's privacy and interferes with a decision between a person, her doctor, and spiritual leader.
Because it is murder, that's why. It's not invading privacy, it's about saving a life.
Is not this is the so-called reasons to buy, collect, and sell instruments of death (guns) and not be a member of a militia. These same "so-called Christians become judge, jury, and executioners in taking a life in a school or one's home. Guns were made to kill.
Love how you evaded the issue.
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Jesus was able to read hearts. He called them what their character reflected. The term used was not to embarrass or to put down. They were low-down, quiet, smooth and deadly (poisonous). Can you truly call a follower of Jesus a land scavenger, the "uncleaned" animal ("pig")? Don't double down on wrong. Be true to the Word. CMOf course, many here aren't followers of Jesus since they reject who He is. They follow a false christ.
So, Reformed, those you deemed or those who declared themselves to be the non-Christians on CD, you or any Christian is justified in calling them "pigs"?
I'm saying I don't know how a Christian in good conscience could support the Democratic Party given their positions.
You're being evasive. Yes or no? Can a Dem be a Christian?
I would sincerely question it.
Would it be fair for me to say the same about Republicans
The Republicans platform toward Russia and Ukraine, Christian? Who changed it?
What are you referring to?
Read the Republican's 2016 election platform. This is a part of Muller's investigation.
Is not this is the so-called reasons to buy, collect, and sell instruments of death (guns) and not be a member of a militia. These same "so-called Christians become judge, jury, and executioners in taking a life in a school or one's home. Guns were made to kill.
Love how you evaded the issue.
Following where you ran too. CM