Hello Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh

It is official. Brett Kavanaugh is a Supreme Court Justice.
Justice, truth, FACTS, and fairness win the day.
Much to be thankful for.
Part of me does feel sorry for those bound up in the gall of bitterness on this matter. Some will tuck tail and run, yapping and howling all the way. Others with less energy or ability will sit and sulk and stew in their own toxins and snap at real workers doing their work. But the best among them will stand strong, tip their hat, admit they were wrong and courageously join the work with the real men of America.
Kavanaugh Ceremonial Swearing In is now complete. Great day for the country.
@reformed said:
Kavanaugh Ceremonial Swearing In is now complete. Great day for the country.It is rarely a "great day for the country" when, in front of the members of the Supreme Court, the president of the United States can't make it through the "ceremonial swearing in" of their newest colleague without mangling the truth about, of all things, a matter related to the justice system atop which that Court sits.
Said the president to the new justice:
"Our country, a man or woman must always be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. (Applause.) And with that, I must state that you, sir, under historic scrutiny, were proven innocent. Thank you. (Applause.) You were. Thank you very much." (Inaudible.)
Brett Kavanaugh was NOT "proven innocent" by the Senate's confirmation process. In our justice system, guilt (and guilt alone) is proven or not proven in courts of law, not congressional confirmation hearings. Some senators concluded Kavanaugh didn't assault Christine Blasey Ford. Some senators concluded he did. Some senators concluded she had been assaulted, but not by Brett Kavanaugh. Other senators drew other conclusions. But in the confirmation process, there was NO finding of Kavanaugh's innocence.
And notice I said only guilt is proven or not proven in courts of law. One outcome of the presumption of innocence that the president so heartily touted is that those accused in courts of law don't have to "prove" their innocence; it is the state's burden to prove their guilt. That's why verdicts in the trials of those criminally tried in courts of law are "guilty" or "not guilty," not "guilty" or "innocent."
As is the case with every falsehood the president tells, we must assess whether in this case he mis-spoke, didn't know the truth, or knew the truth but decided to speak the falsehood anyway (that is, he lied). Given the sincerity of his voice when he made the comment, the fact that it was from a prepared and therefore, surely carefully vetted, manuscript, the fact that he ad libbed the confirming "you were" comment to the new justice, and because I believe the president knows our justice system well enough to know that Kavanaugh could not have been "proven innocent," I believe the president lied.
That must not feel very good.
I, Agree! It's A Good Day!
It's a good day for an illegitimate President, illegitimate Process, illegitimate Justice Kavanaugh, and therefore, there will be illegitimate rulings.
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
Kavanaugh Ceremonial Swearing In is now complete. Great day for the country.It is rarely a "great day for the country" when, in front of the members of the Supreme Court, the president of the United States can't make it through the "ceremonial swearing in" of their newest colleague without mangling the truth about, of all things, a matter related to the justice system atop which that Court sits.
Said the president to the new justice:
"Our country, a man or woman must always be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. (Applause.) And with that, I must state that you, sir, under historic scrutiny, were proven innocent. Thank you. (Applause.) You were. Thank you very much." (Inaudible.)
Brett Kavanaugh was NOT "proven innocent" by the Senate's confirmation process. In our justice system, guilt (and guilt alone) is proven or not proven in courts of law, not congressional confirmation hearings. Some senators concluded Kavanaugh didn't assault Christine Blasey Ford. Some senators concluded he did. Some senators concluded she had been assaulted, but not by Brett Kavanaugh. Other senators drew other conclusions. But in the confirmation process, there was NO finding of Kavanaugh's innocence.
And notice I said only guilt is proven or not proven in courts of law. One outcome of the presumption of innocence that the president so heartily touted is that those accused in courts of law don't have to "prove" their innocence; it is the state's burden to prove their guilt. That's why verdicts in the trials of those criminally tried in courts of law are "guilty" or "not guilty," not "guilty" or "innocent."
As is the case with every falsehood the president tells, we must assess whether in this case he mis-spoke, didn't know the truth, or knew the truth but decided to speak the falsehood anyway (that is, he lied). Given the sincerity of his voice when he made the comment, the fact that it was from a prepared and therefore, surely carefully vetted, manuscript, the fact that he ad libbed the confirming "you were" comment to the new justice, and because I believe the president knows our justice system well enough to know that Kavanaugh could not have been "proven innocent," I believe the president lied.
Of course you do. Good grief. You think every word Trump utters is a lie.
@GaoLu said:
That must not feel very good.I feel great
@C_M_ said:
I, Agree! It's A Good Day!
It's a good day for an illegitimate President, illegitimate Process, illegitimate Justice Kavanaugh, and therefore, there will be illegitimate rulings.
Do explain how:
- The President who was duly elected and certified by the Electoral College is illegitimate because by definition of the Constitution, you are incorrect.
- How is the process illegitimate? The Constitution asks the Senate to advise and consent and they did. By definition it was done legitimately.
- How Justice Kavanaugh is an illegitimate justice according to the Constitution?
- How rulings are illegitimate according to the requirements of the Constitution?
You can't satisfy any one of those four questions according to the Constitution and the rule of law.
Liberals are moving the goalposts yet again. They lost so now the Court is illegitimate. That is a dangerous precedent.
@reformed said:
Of course you do. Good grief. You think every word Trump utters is a lie.No. I don't think "every word Trump utters is a lie." I am convinced beyond doubt that he lies more frequently - by orders of magnitude - than any president, and probably any political office holder, in American history. And I think the probability is quite high that he will lie again today, if he makes public comments by voice or tweet. But I don't think every word he speaks is a lie.
Your claim about me allowed you to evade the content of the post to which it purportedly responded, so I will ask: Is it true, as President Trump claimed last night, that Justice Kavanaugh was "proven innocent" of the allegations of sexual assault made against him? If you agree with me that the new justice was NOT "proven innocent," then what for you explains the president's false statement?
Liberals are moving the goalposts yet again. They lost so now the Court is illegitimate. That is a dangerous precedent.
I, a liberal, do not believe that either the Supreme Court or the president is illegitimate.
Stunning! Scandalous!
Sometimes, This guy just makes sense
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=973464982838450&id=799421820242768 -
A lone White male vs a feminist and her Jewish lawyers
Source: Kombatting Kavanaugh: Rape-Hysteria and the Void of Vagynocracy
@Wolfgang said:
A lone White male vs a feminist and her Jewish lawyers
Source: Kombatting Kavanaugh: Rape-Hysteria and the Void of Vagynocracy
The Jewish lawyers are irrelevant, but it is interesting the difference between the photos. If it was so hard for Dr. Ford, and she was indeed telling the truth, why does she appear so giddy in this photo? Her lawyers also appear like rabid wolves.
@Wolfgang said:
A lone White male vs a feminist and her Jewish lawyersWolfgang,
What's wrong with you? For an intelligent man, you make me wonder. What's wrong with Jewish lawyers? How do you know they are Jewish? What's wrong with lawyers who happened to be Jewish? Are you insinuating the Jewish lawyers are Democrats, hysterical and against or were out to get Kavanaugh? Did a Jew or Jews do you something in the past?You know Kavanaugh is a spoiled brat from money and privilege. He had a tantrum to get his way. So, stop the targeting of Jews. Are you going to blame the Jews for Hurricane Michael, the other day, in the USA? The video clip GaoLu post above "This guy just makes sense" remains today what it was, Nonsense! CM
@C_M_ said:
@Wolfgang said:
A lone White male vs a feminist and her Jewish lawyers
What's wrong with you? For an intelligent man, you make me wonder. What's wrong with Jewish lawyers? How do you know they are Jewish? What's wrong with lawyers who happened to be Jewish? Are you insinuating the Jewish lawyers are Democrats, hysterical and against or were out to get Kavanaugh? Did a Jew or Jews do you something in the past?You know Kavanaugh is a spoiled brat from money and privilege. He had a tantrum to get his way. So, stop the targeting of Jews. Are you going to blame the Jews for Hurricane Michael, the other day, in the USA? The video clip GaoLu post above "This guy just makes sense" remains today what it was, Nonsense! CM
@C_M_ what's wrong with you? For an intelligent man you make me wonder... Kavanaugh did not have a tantrum to get his way. He was a man accused without evidence of a terrible and despicable act who was passionately and furiously giving his defense. Stop blaming Kavanaugh for the Democrats deplorable actions.
@C_M_ said:
What's wrong with you? For an intelligent man, you make me wonder.oh ...
What's wrong with Jewish lawyers? How do you know they are Jewish? What's wrong with lawyers who happened to be Jewish?
The source using the photos mentioned in the subscript to the photos "Jewish lawyers" ... just looking at the picture, the comparison is clear to me (and I don't actually care if they were Jewish, Roman Catholic, Evangelical, black, green, pink or whatever lawyers). But then, maybe there is something to the fact that the lady had these Jewish lawyers?
Are you insinuating the Jewish lawyers are Democrats, hysterical and against or were out to get Kavanaugh? Did a Jew or Jews do you something in the past?
I just found the comparison between the 2 pictures quite revealing
You know Kavanaugh is a spoiled brat from money and privilege. He had a tantrum to get his way.
Very possible ... I don't know about Kavanaugh what you think I knew
So, stop the targeting of Jews.
Eh, I did not order them to be in the picture ... they put themselves in the pictures and made themselves "targets" ... maybe that is also quite revealing ?
Are you going to blame the Jews for Hurricane Michael, the other day, in the USA? The video clip GaoLu post above "This guy just makes sense" remains today what it was, Nonsense! CM
I do't think I would be that silly ...
@Wolfgang said:
A lone White male vs a feminist and her Jewish lawyers
Source: Kombatting Kavanaugh: Rape-Hysteria and the Void of Vagynocracy
That really does reveal a lot about Kavanagh and Ford. Telling photo.
Also note the angry little schoolgirl type response of Charles. Equally fascinating.
I agree you didn't take the picture or put the people in them, but what was in your power, you didn't have to post them here. That's all. America got what it wanted but lost what it had. Every decision will be questioned, Kavanagh remains accused, and a bias Revenger. He has sworn this before God and the world. No, it wasn't an outburst! It was a prepared statement under oath. Regardless, let's move on. Lord, have mercy on America. The judiciary is no longer independent. CMPS. If the Republicans are so right, happy and claiming victory, why are they still so sad and bitter? Could it be a hollow victory? They are haunted.
Move on Republican! Rejoice in your shame!
@C_M_ said:
I agree you didn't take the picture or put the people in them, but what was in your power, you didn't have to post them here. That's all. America got what it wanted but lost what it had. Every decision will be questioned, Kavanagh remains accused, and a bias Revenger. He has sworn this before God and the world. No, it wasn't an outburst! It was a prepared statement under oath. Regardless, let's move on. Lord, have mercy on America. The judiciary is no longer independent. CMIt hasn't been independent for quite some time. Look at Ginsberg, which you, and every other liberal here, keep ignoring. Also, Kavanagh doesn't remain accused. They aren't pressing charges. And no, he doesn't have judicial bias and you have no evidence that he does. That is ridiculous.
PS. If the Republicans are so right, happy and claiming victory, why are they still so sad and bitter? Could it be a hollow victory? They are haunted.
Move on Republican! Rejoice in your shame!
Who is sad and bitter? We have no shame, we did the right thing. We stood up to outrageous accusations that had no evidence and were used as a smear campaign. Democrat tactics didn't work this time. It is a great day in the USA.
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
PS. If the Republicans are so right, happy and claiming victory, why are they still so sad and bitter? Could it be a hollow victory? They are haunted.Move on Republican! Rejoice in your shame!
Who is sad and bitter? We have no shame, we did the right thing. We stood up to outrageous accusations that had no evidence and were used as a smear campaign. Democrat tactics didn't work this time. It is a great day in the USA.
I am not a Democrat or a Republicans, but the Democrats got what they wanted. The Democrat's tactics Did work. The Republican fell for the trap. They knew they couldn't stop Kavanagh, but the task was accomplished. I don't approve of it but it worked. You don't need "charges" pressing against you to be s... Kavanaugh will never be the same. He got what he wanted, but lost what he had. In another thread, I will tell you the sad backstory. Each got what they wanted. No winners: a tarnished institution, a family in pain, and a bitter man--"battered and scarred".
PS. CD Republicans, move on. damage done. CM
@Wolfgang said:
I don't know that I have ever seen a photo that better captures the difference Democrat and Republican. Look at it again.
@GaoLu said:
I don't know that I have ever seen a photo that better captures the difference Democrat and Republican. Look at it again.
I agree!The Pic above: Happy determined, businesslike, organized, calm, and hopeful.
The Pic below: Sad, desperate, afraid, uncertain, angry, hateful, and "sitting on pins and needles".
Thanks for calling my attention to the Republican's sad state of affairs. Sorry, they have been outfoxed. Hey, I am just the messenger.
@C_M_ said:
@GaoLu said:
I don't know that I have ever seen a photo that better captures the difference Democrat and Republican. Look at it again.
I agree!The Pic above: Happy determined, businesslike, organized, calm, and hopeful.
The Pic below: Sad, desperate, afraid, uncertain, angry, hateful, and "sitting on pins and needles".
Thanks for calling my attention to the Republican's sad state of affairs. Sorry, they have been outfoxed. Hey, I am just the messenger.
Oh brother, that's not what that picture displays at all.
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
The Pic above: Happy determined, businesslike, organized, calm, and hopeful.
The Pic below: Sad, desperate, afraid, uncertain, angry, hateful, and "sitting on pins and needles".
Thanks for calling my attention to the Republican's sad state of affairs. Sorry, they have been outfoxed. Hey, I am just the messenger.
Oh brother, that's not what that picture displays at all.
Sorry, Reformed, the meaning is in the eyes of the beholder. CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
The Pic above: Happy determined, businesslike, organized, calm, and hopeful.
The Pic below: Sad, desperate, afraid, uncertain, angry, hateful, and "sitting on pins and needles".
Thanks for calling my attention to the Republican's sad state of affairs. Sorry, they have been outfoxed. Hey, I am just the messenger.
Oh brother, that's not what that picture displays at all.
Sorry, Reformed, the meaning is in the eyes of the beholder. CM
Actually, that's nonsense too. The meaning is in the eye of the creator.
American Bar Association dropping Kavanaugh review
BY EMILY BIRNBAUM - 10/15/18 01:29 PM EDTThe American Bar Association (ABA) is dropping its review of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's "well qualified" rating, saying it is no longer applicable because he was confirmed to the high court.
An ABA source speaking on the condition of anonymity told CNN the association ends ratings processes when nominees are confirmed.
"Per the published policy and historical practice of the Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary, once a justice or judge is confirmed, the Standing Committee's rating process is closed," the ABA's policy reads, according to CNN.
The ABA announced it would review Kavanaugh's top-notch rating after he was accused of sexual misconduct by three women during his nomination process last month. Kavanaugh unequivocally denied all of the allegations.
The ABA in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) wrote that the association was reopening its evaluation over issues regarding his "temperament" as a judge.
Damaged Justice... CM
@C_M_ said:
American Bar Association dropping Kavanaugh review
BY EMILY BIRNBAUM - 10/15/18 01:29 PM EDTThe American Bar Association (ABA) is dropping its review of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's "well qualified" rating, saying it is no longer applicable because he was confirmed to the high court.
An ABA source speaking on the condition of anonymity told CNN the association ends ratings processes when nominees are confirmed.
"Per the published policy and historical practice of the Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary, once a justice or judge is confirmed, the Standing Committee's rating process is closed," the ABA's policy reads, according to CNN.
The ABA announced it would review Kavanaugh's top-notch rating after he was accused of sexual misconduct by three women during his nomination process last month. Kavanaugh unequivocally denied all of the allegations.
The ABA in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) wrote that the association was reopening its evaluation over issues regarding his "temperament" as a judge.
Damaged Justice... CM
Oh brother. Seriously? This is "news" to you? What part of this says Damaged Justice? What part of this hurts Kavanaugh or the Court or Republicans?
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
American Bar Association dropping Kavanaugh review
BY EMILY BIRNBAUM - 10/15/18 01:29 PM EDTThe American Bar Association (ABA) is dropping its review of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's "well qualified" rating, saying it is no longer applicable because he was confirmed to the high court.
An ABA source speaking on the condition of anonymity told CNN the association ends ratings processes when nominees are confirmed.
"Per the published policy and historical practice of the Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary, once a justice or judge is confirmed, the Standing Committee's rating process is closed," the ABA's policy reads, according to CNN.
The ABA announced it would review Kavanaugh's top-notch rating after he was accused of sexual misconduct by three women during his nomination process last month. Kavanaugh unequivocally denied all of the allegations.
The ABA in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) wrote that the association was reopening its evaluation over issues regarding his "temperament" as a judge.
Damaged Justice... CM
Oh brother. Seriously? This is "news" to you? What part of this says Damaged Justice? What part of this hurts Kavanaugh or the Court or Republicans?
If so, is a comment necessary? CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
American Bar Association dropping Kavanaugh review
BY EMILY BIRNBAUM - 10/15/18 01:29 PM EDTThe American Bar Association (ABA) is dropping its review of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's "well qualified" rating, saying it is no longer applicable because he was confirmed to the high court.
An ABA source speaking on the condition of anonymity told CNN the association ends ratings processes when nominees are confirmed.
"Per the published policy and historical practice of the Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary, once a justice or judge is confirmed, the Standing Committee's rating process is closed," the ABA's policy reads, according to CNN.
The ABA announced it would review Kavanaugh's top-notch rating after he was accused of sexual misconduct by three women during his nomination process last month. Kavanaugh unequivocally denied all of the allegations.
The ABA in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) wrote that the association was reopening its evaluation over issues regarding his "temperament" as a judge.
Damaged Justice... CM
Oh brother. Seriously? This is "news" to you? What part of this says Damaged Justice? What part of this hurts Kavanaugh or the Court or Republicans?
If so, is a comment necessary? CM
It wouldn't have been if you hadn't put the Damaged Justice comment.
Damaged Justice... CM
Oh brother. Seriously? This is "news" to you? What part of this says Damaged Justice? What part of this hurts Kavanaugh or the Court or Republicans?
If so, is a comment necessary? CM
It wouldn't have been if you hadn't put the Damaged Justice comment.
Don't go there. He's as damage as a "broken cistern" (can't hold water). CM
@C_M_ said:
Damaged Justice... CM
Oh brother. Seriously? This is "news" to you? What part of this says Damaged Justice? What part of this hurts Kavanaugh or the Court or Republicans?
If so, is a comment necessary? CM
It wouldn't have been if you hadn't put the Damaged Justice comment.
Don't go there. He's as damage as a "broken cistern" (can't hold water). CM
No he's not that is just laughable. He came out victorious and Ford goes home and goes away.