HA! Feinstein and Ford's Lawyer's are under investigation!

Looks like this little game is going to come back to bite them.
@reformed said:
https://townhall.com/tipsheet/cortneyobrien/2018/10/01/republican-senator-says-they-are-investigating-feinstein-n2524367Looks like this little game is going to come back to bite them.
Hmn ... the following passage from the linked article mentions what I suspected all along, namely that the lady was a victim of and had been used by the Democrats:
Feinstein got the letter over the summer, but it was leaked to the press just a couple weeks ago, just in time for Kavanaugh's confirmation vote. It was suspicious timing, and Cotton wants to get to the bottom of it.
As soon as Feinstein got Ford's letter, she should have shared it with Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), then shown it to the FBI and have them do a quiet investigation. Instead, the letter leaked and breached Ford's anonymity.
"They have betrayed her,” Cotton added. “She has been victimized by Democrats." -
Political Hypocrisy!
Being more concerned about who leaked Ford's letter, over who abused Ms. Ford is laughable if it weren't so serious. Majoring in minors. More distractions. Why must everyone keep Kavanaugh's dirty secrets? When has it become a violation of America's law to share a letter? This is foolishness on its face. CM
@C_M_ said:
Political Hypocrisy!
Being more concerned about who leaked Ford's letter, over who abused Ms. Ford is laughable if it weren't so serious. Majoring in minors. More distractions. Why must everyone keep Kavanaugh's dirty secrets? When has it become a violation of America's law to share a letter? This is foolishness on its face. CM
That's not laughable. Congress is not concerned with who abused Ford because it's not their concern or job. That's the criminal justice system.
And here is the violation. It's a violation of Ford's confidentiality. Apparently, you don't really care about Ford. It's a violation of Senate Procedure. Why would you sit on the letter?
And why do you continue to say Kavanaugh's dirty secrets? He is not guilty unless proven so. Presumption of innocence still is the rule of law in this country despite what the Democrats think.
Keep your shirt on. It was a private letter to Feinstein. She nor her staff release the letter. This doesn't require FBI investigation. A waste of resources if done. CM
@C_M_ said:
Keep your shirt on. It was a private letter to Feinstein. She nor her staff release the letter. This doesn't require FBI investigation. A waste of resources if done. CMIt's not getting an FBI investigation. Good grief. It's getting a Senate investigation.
That being said, how is it a waste of resources? It was a private letter to the Committee. It was Feinstein's responsibility to share it with the committee and the proper authorities and she did not.
How do you know she nor her staff released the letter? If they did not, who did? The only plausible answer is that the people in the possession of the letter released it which leaves either Feinstein's office or Ford.
It's not the Senate's business.
That being said, how is it a waste of resources? It was a private letter to the Committee. It was Feinstein's responsibility to share it with the committee and the proper authorities and she did not.
You have it wrong again. It was a private letter to Feinstein, not to the Committee! You have to get the facts straight. Feinstein was told not to share it. Feinstein didn't.
How do you know she nor her staff released the letter?
Feinstein said so. You don't believe her?
If they did not, who did?
It's still not the committee's business. CM
Are you insane? What do you mean it isn't the Senate's business? OF COURSE it is the Senate's business.
That being said, how is it a waste of resources? It was a private letter to the Committee. It was Feinstein's responsibility to share it with the committee and the proper authorities and she did not.
You have it wrong again. It was a private letter to Feinstein, not to the Committee! You have to get the facts straight. Feinstein was told not to share it. Feinstein didn't.
Actually, the letter wasn't to Feinstein at all. It was given to Feinstein. She wasn't told not to share it, she was told to keep it confidential.
How do you know she nor her staff released the letter?
Feinstein said so. You don't believe her?
Only a select group of people had it, so no I don't believe her.
If they did not, who did?
It's still not the committee's business. CM
Sure it is.
Clearly you are one of the people who do not want the truth about this to come out. IF it isn't the JC's business or the Senate's business who does have it has their business?
I mean really. And if the letter was to not be shared with the committee why would it even be written and sent? That's just dumb.
@reformed said:
Actually, the letter wasn't to Feinstein at all. It was given to Feinstein. She wasn't told not to share it, she was told to keep it confidential.
I have a lot on my plate today, so I HAVE to move to other things, but I'll take time for a correction of your assertion of fact on the letter Dr Ford wrote. Contrary to your assertion that "the letter wasn't to Feinstein at all," in fact, as you will discover AT THIS LINK, Dr Ford addressed the letter directly to Senator Feinstein. Dr Ford wrote the letter to Feinstein at the recommendation of her member of Congress, Anna Eshoo, whose staff hand-delivered the letter to Feinstein's office. So yes, Feinstein "was given" Dr Ford's letter, but that letter was addressed directly to the senator, which means it was in fact "to Feinstein at all."
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
Actually, the letter wasn't to Feinstein at all. It was given to Feinstein. She wasn't told not to share it, she was told to keep it confidential.
I have a lot on my plate today, so I HAVE to move to other things, but I'll take time for a correction of your assertion of fact on the letter Dr Ford wrote. Contrary to your assertion that "the letter wasn't to Feinstein at all," in fact, as you will discover AT THIS LINK, Dr Ford addressed the letter directly to Senator Feinstein. Dr Ford wrote the letter to Feinstein at the recommendation of her member of Congress, Anna Eshoo, whose staff hand-delivered the letter to Feinstein's office. So yes, Feinstein "was given" Dr Ford's letter, but that letter was addressed directly to the senator, which means it was in fact "to Feinstein at all."
Thanks for affirming what I stated as factual knowledge. I hope Reformed will make the adjustment in his understanding, even if he doesn't acknowledge it here, given his self-declared expertise on these hearings. In his own words:reformed Posts: 1,098 11:46AM -- "... I watched the hearings, I have kept close tabs on this. I'm probably one of the most knowledgeable people on this forum with regard to this issue..."
Moving forward. CM
@C_M_ said:
Thanks for affirming what I stated as factual knowledge. I hope Reformed will make the adjustment in his understanding, even if he doesn't acknowledge it here, given his self-declared expertise on these hearings. In his own words:reformed Posts: 1,098 11:46AM -- "... I watched the hearings, I have kept close tabs on this. I'm probably one of the most knowledgeable people on this forum with regard to this issue..."
Moving forward. CM
With all due respect, CM - and I hope you'll receive this in the spirit I intend it - I encourage you to "(move) forward" without the assistance of posts such as your most recent one.
While I certainly appreciate the ironic timing of reformed's mis-statement of fact, the reality is that your post was more about reformed than it was about the matters at-issue.
I could have brought that timing into my post about Dr Ford's letter to Sen Feinstein. I could have said, "Hey, reformed, I thought you said you were...." But I very specifically didn't do so because to do so would have made my post about reformed rather than about the issues in reformed's post.
Such verbal snark is quite tempting, I readily admit. But in my view, the CD expectation that we will "criticize ideas, not people" commands us to overcome the temptation.
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
Actually, the letter wasn't to Feinstein at all. It was given to Feinstein. She wasn't told not to share it, she was told to keep it confidential.
I have a lot on my plate today, so I HAVE to move to other things, but I'll take time for a correction of your assertion of fact on the letter Dr Ford wrote. Contrary to your assertion that "the letter wasn't to Feinstein at all," in fact, as you will discover AT THIS LINK, Dr Ford addressed the letter directly to Senator Feinstein. Dr Ford wrote the letter to Feinstein at the recommendation of her member of Congress, Anna Eshoo, whose staff hand-delivered the letter to Feinstein's office. So yes, Feinstein "was given" Dr Ford's letter, but that letter was addressed directly to the senator, which means it was in fact "to Feinstein at all."
Fine, it wasn't originally directed to Feinstein.
@C_M_ said:
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
Actually, the letter wasn't to Feinstein at all. It was given to Feinstein. She wasn't told not to share it, she was told to keep it confidential.
I have a lot on my plate today, so I HAVE to move to other things, but I'll take time for a correction of your assertion of fact on the letter Dr Ford wrote. Contrary to your assertion that "the letter wasn't to Feinstein at all," in fact, as you will discover AT THIS LINK, Dr Ford addressed the letter directly to Senator Feinstein. Dr Ford wrote the letter to Feinstein at the recommendation of her member of Congress, Anna Eshoo, whose staff hand-delivered the letter to Feinstein's office. So yes, Feinstein "was given" Dr Ford's letter, but that letter was addressed directly to the senator, which means it was in fact "to Feinstein at all."
Thanks for affirming what I stated as factual knowledge. I hope Reformed will make the adjustment in his understanding, even if he doesn't acknowledge it here, given his self-declared expertise on these hearings. In his own words:reformed Posts: 1,098 11:46AM -- "... I watched the hearings, I have kept close tabs on this. I'm probably one of the most knowledgeable people on this forum with regard to this issue..."
Moving forward. CM
Even still. Feinstein needed to submit the letter to the committee as protocol. She withheld information and her office leaked it at the last hour.
@Bill_Coley said:
I could have brought that timing into my post about Dr Ford's letter to Sen Feinstein. I could have said, "Hey, reformed, I thought you said you were...." But I very specifically didn't do so because to do so would have made my post about reformed rather than about the issues in reformed's post.
Such verbal snark is quite tempting, I readily admit. But in my view, the CD expectation that we will "criticize ideas, not people" commands us to overcome the temptation.
Thanks for the advice. Point remains. I will move on. CM