More Ford Inconsistencies

Ford just can't seem to keep her stories straight, which of course damages credibility and points to fabrication.
Even more contradictions
This is not looking good for Mrs. Ford.
Now saying people namely "PJ" were not bystanders and were not actually near the event.
Oh what a tangled web we weave...
@reformed said:
Now saying people namely "PJ" were not bystanders and were not actually near the event.Oh what a tangled web we weave...
If you watched her testimony, you know she asked to correct her use of the word "bystander" to refer to a boy named "PJ." She said the word she used in her letter inaccurately portrayed him as someone who witnessed the assault - someone "standing by" the event; i.e. on the second floor of the house, in the room. She said "PJ" WAS in the house on the night of the event, but was NOT in the specific area of the house where the event occurred.
a short note from a far away person watching a few minutes of the hearing and the lady's testimony ... seems to me like she was drawn into this with false promises and now most likely wishes she would have never cooperated. Now, she appears to fight to somehow get out of the mass without ruining her life and career altogether ... sad, sad.