Democrats are Shameful

Watching the Supreme Court Nomination hearing today is painful. Democrats have no class at all. They are cry babies, immature, and downright annoying. How do these people ever make it to the Senate?
@reformed said:
Watching the Supreme Court Nomination hearing today is painful. Democrats have no class at all. They are cry babies, immature, and downright annoying.You are giving a rather euphemistic description ...
How do these people ever make it to the Senate?
Through party channels, networks, connections, corruption, etc ....
But then, don't think it is any better in other political parties ... the political career of John McCain provided a prominent example
I think that in the past, Democrats had a meaningful platform, various good causes, an ideology with merit. Although one might prefer something else, it was rational and useful and likely a good balance to stimulate good thinking and create a challenge to the status quo, one-way thinking. Often, they did good things--even better than Republicans. But that was then.
Now it seems the fundamental platform is extreme liberalism, anything opposed to Christianity, and mockery of straw-man enemies. While peacock-display of such practices will always have its sheeple and shills, the Party isn't offering leadership or ideas with substance. All it offers is an emotional trip--an outlet for a lot of people filled with bitterness toward God, themselves and anything that moves, or doesn't. It also offers a political stance whereby some gain some personal temporary advantage, be it money, power, sex or freedom from God. Unless it comes up with a central message, it is doomed to be the secondary party of dissenters and sinners and never amount to much. That could change, and I hope it will.
Meanwhile, representatives chosen by the people--some representatives being well-meaning--remain in office and may continue awhile based on former momentum. Sadly, many of those now in office, many who are highly capable, intelligent, even good worker-bees are swayed and driven by a system that has lost its compass, these workers struggle, required by their own ideology to lead from behind (Trump is utterly baffling to this mindset). Again, I have hope that it may change for the better and become meaningful again.
Shame is in the face of those who hold the power of the three branches of US Government. A correction is on the way. God has heard the cries of the parents and the children. God will use the Dems to hold Mr. Trump in check. They may find him to have a psychological disability in the process calling for the use of the 25th amendment section 4. Remember, Nebuchadnezzar? CM
@C_M_ said:
Shame is in the face of those who hold the power of the three branches of US Government. A correction is on the way. God has heard the cries of the parents and the children. God will use the Dems to hold Mr. Trump in check. They may find him to have a psychological disability in the process calling for the use of the 25th amendment section 4. Remember, Nebuchadnezzar? CMWhat exactly needs to be held in check? Also, you are off topic.