Germany lifts ban on Nazi symbols: A slippery Slope?

Germany lifts ban on Nazi symbols in computer games
Hitler's mustache was digitally removed in the German version of "Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus."
Hitler's mustache was digitally removed in the German version of "Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus."
(CNN)Computer and video games featuring Nazi symbols such as the swastika can now be sold in Germany uncensored after a regulatory body lifted the longstanding ban.
The Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body (USK) said Thursday that games including banned symbols could now be given a rating in Germany if the use of the symbols is considered "socially adequate." That means the symbols must serve an artistic or scientific purpose or be used to represent particular events in history.
The move followed a heated debate in Germany and around the world late last year following the censorship of the video game "Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus," which takes place in an alternate universe that depicts a Nazi victory in the Second World War and features an aging Adolf Hitler.
For the version of the game sold in Germany, Hitler's famous mustache was digitally removed and swastikas were replaced with triangular symbols.
Swastikas in "Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus" were replaced with a neutral triangular symbol.
Swastikas in "Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus" were replaced with a neutral triangular symbol.
Other games to undergo censorship in Germany for their use of Nazi symbols include "Call of Duty: Black Ops," "South Park: The Stick of Truth" and "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade."
Germany's criminal code prohibits the public use of "symbols of unconstitutional organizations" -- they include the swastika, the Celtic cross, the Nazi salute and other symbols associated with the Nazi Party. Punishment can range from fines to three years in prison.
But, as noted by the managing director of USK, Elisabeth Secker,** movies have long been considered works of art and have therefore been permitted to feature those symbols** (as well as Hitler's mustache). Computer games will now be assessed in the same way.
The law itself is not being changed -- the public display of Nazi and other banned symbols remains illegal -- but it is being newly interpreted by this industry.
"Through the change in the interpretation of the law, games that critically look at current affairs can for the first time be given a USK age rating," said Secker in a statement.
"This has long been the case for films and with regards to the freedom of the arts, this is now rightly also the case with computer and video games," she said.
USK will perform its new task responsibly and with great care, she added.
What's going on? Has Germany lost its sense of history? Movies and Computer games considered works of art and have therefore have been permitted to feature those symbols. "The law itself is not being changed -- the public display of Nazi and other banned symbols remains illegal -- but it is being newly interpreted by this industry". This is like walking blindfolded on a high-rise slippery slope. What says ye for decency in avoiding a return to the past? Is anyone in Germany watching what's happened in the USA (Charlottesville)? CM
@C_M_ said:
Germany lifts ban on Nazi symbols in computer games
Careful ... the German version of that particular computer game has been changed in order to have the ban for the game (NOT a ban on the use of Nazi Symbols in general) lifted ...
"Hitler" is now called "Heiler", the portrait of him had the mustache removed, the game is not a "fight/war on the Nazis" but "fight/war against the Regime", etc ... Typical "legality stupidity" in order to accommodate greed ... but since Germany is not really a sovereign country but rather a Anglo/Zionist (USA led) vassal, certain "powers" overpower common sense, morals, decency, etc ... it is no wonder that there are thousands of brainwashing tools (also called computer games) being propagated and "made legal" in order to achieve a higher (more evil) goal.
Germany's criminal code prohibits the public use of "symbols of unconstitutional organizations" -- they include the swastika, the Celtic cross, the Nazi salute and other symbols associated with the Nazi Party. Punishment can range from fines to three years in prison.
But, as noted by the managing director of USK, Elisabeth Secker,** movies have long been considered works of art and have therefore been permitted to feature those symbols** (as well as Hitler's mustache). Computer games will now be assessed in the same way.As long as the propaganda serves the higher powers' purpose, all will be somehow "adjusted" to make it past any legal restraints ...
The law itself is not being changed -- the public display of Nazi and other banned symbols remains illegal -- but it is being newly interpreted by this industry.
Exactly .... and this statement alone actually makes the whole CNN article a farce and stupid propaganda, in line and in harmony with CNN's doings ...
What's going on? Has Germany lost its sense of history? Movies and Computer games considered works of art and have therefore have been permitted to feature those symbols. "The law itself is not being changed -- the public display of Nazi and other banned symbols remains illegal -- but it is being newly interpreted by this industry". This is like walking blindfolded on a high-rise slippery slope. What says ye for decency in avoiding a return to the past? Is anyone in Germany watching what's happened in the USA (Charlottesville)?
See above ... and don't fall for the brainwashing propaganda of CNN
@Wolfgang said:
"Hitler" is now called "Heiler", the portrait of him had the mustache removed, the game is not a "fight/war on the Nazis" but "fight/war against the Regime", etc ... Typical "legality stupidity" in order to accommodate greed ... but since Germany is not really a sovereign country but rather a Anglo/Zionist (USA led) vassal, certain "powers" overpower common sense, morals, decency, etc ...
Are not the USA the true liberators of Germany? CM
@C_M_ said:
"Hitler" is now called "Heiler", the portrait of him had the mustache removed, the game is not a "fight/war on the Nazis" but "fight/war against the Regime", etc ... Typical "legality stupidity" in order to accommodate greed ... but since Germany is not really a sovereign country but rather a Anglo/Zionist (USA led) vassal, certain "powers" overpower common sense, morals, decency, etc ...Are not the USA the true liberators of Germany? CM
Well, you tell me ....
After 1990. when in 2+4 talks the parameters for a reunification of the then two German countries GDR and BRD - which represented in essence the 4 Allied occupied zones after WWII - were laid out and agreed upon, the Sowjet/Russian military forces all left German territory and returned to Russia, whereas the USA, British and French occupants remained in country to this day. The USA together with UK have refused to even enter into peace treaty talks with Germany after WWII, as a matter of fact, the main goal of the Western allies in WWII was the total destruction and keeping Germany forever from rising again to a position of leading power ... one only needs to read up on a few things Churchill insisted on and US presidents followed along (even then, Anglo/Zionist empire was already at work).
Just to make something plain and clear => I AM NOT DEFENDING HITLER/NAZI REGIME nor am I sympathetic to their disastrous evil doings.
If you take a closer look at the history of the USA and its foreign politics policy over the last century, you will easily notice that they have managed to get themselves involved in many, many countries and once they had a foot inside the door, military bases followed rather quickly (and in effect, occupation and vassal status ensued). How liberated do you think a country is when USA armies and air force rule its land and air?
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
"Hitler" is now called "Heiler", the portrait of him had the mustache removed, the game is not a "fight/war on the Nazis" but "fight/war against the Regime", etc ... Typical "legality stupidity" in order to accommodate greed ... but since Germany is not really a sovereign country but rather a Anglo/Zionist (USA led) vassal, certain "powers" overpower common sense, morals, decency, etc ...Are not the USA the true liberators of Germany? CM
Well, you tell me ....
After 1990. when in 2+4 talks the parameters for a reunification of the then two German countries GDR and BRD - which represented in essence the 4 Allied occupied zones after WWII - were laid out and agreed upon, the Sowjet/Russian military forces all left German territory and returned to Russia, whereas the USA, British and French occupants remained in country to this day. The USA together with UK have refused to even enter into peace treaty talks with Germany after WWII, as a matter of fact, the main goal of the Western allies in WWII was the total destruction and keeping Germany forever from rising again to a position of leading power ... one only needs to read up on a few things Churchill insisted on and US presidents followed along (even then, Anglo/Zionist empire was already at work).
Just to make something plain and clear => I AM NOT DEFENDING HITLER/NAZI REGIME nor am I sympathetic to their disastrous evil doings.
If you take a closer look at the history of the USA and its foreign politics policy over the last century, you will easily notice that they have managed to get themselves involved in many, many countries and once they had a foot inside the door, military bases followed rather quickly (and in effect, occupation and vassal status ensued). How liberated do you think a country is when USA armies and air force rule its land and air?
On a totally different non-military aspect, do you think that the USA/British "pop culture" and "society ideals" have liberated Germany? How? By ruining the German language, which has become so damn loaded with anglicism that one sometimes can hardly recognize it as German anymore? by ruining moral standards previously upheld and turning the youth into dopers, lovers of promiscuity, Hollywood brainwashed fantasizers? Liberated Germany from upholding its high cultural standards of being the country of world renown poets, composers, philosophers? Liberated Germany from more than a thousand years of cultural heritage and overthrowing it with its "cultural trash" ?
There are many US Bases around the world. What an influence the US has according to your theory, Wolfgang. America is losing all of it because of Mr. Trump. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Can you blame USA, British and French for hanging around? They have invested so much over the years.
Don't blame others. The German people embraced changes. It was NOT forced on them. Keep your culture and rich foods. CM
@C_M_ said:
There are many US Bases around the world. What an influence the US has according to your theory, Wolfgang. America is losing all of it because of Mr. Trump. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?The world would obviously been a more peaceful place over the last few decades if the USA had not conducted wars of aggression and stuck their "world's policeman" forces in many countries ... do you think Libya is doing better now after Obama and Hillary bombed it back to the dark ages? what about Afghanistan and Iraq where Bush Jr. with his puppet player Cheney started a war on an obvious (and later admitted by Powell) lie, think that country's population is doing better under USA thumb ? What about Ukraine, where the USA with US$ billions financed and with CIA power produced a regime change that has basically devastated the Ukraine to a Nazi ruled oligarchy, now pretty much deserted by the USA and its EU vassals?
Can you blame USA, British and French for hanging around? They have invested so much over the years.
Oh dear ... so you are of the opinion that an occupant can't be blamed if he hangs around long enough and invests "so much" ?? after a while the house/land becomes his??
Don't blame others. The German people embraced changes. It was NOT forced on them. Keep your culture and rich foods.
I am sure you don't understand that I am laughing loudly shaking my head at such ignorance and stupidity I perceive in this comment of yours.
You know what, the US citizens have "embraced" in large numbers absolutely devastating things over a number of decades which have just about wrecked and ruined their country and taken away their liberty and justice ... mainstream media propaganda has brainwashed them, false flag operations have been executed in order for corrupt politicians to establish a police state, etc. Was that "forced" on the American people? Well ... no, it was not, BUT YES, it was!
Have you ever noticed how those - usually few - who want to uphold culture, morals, etc are almost immediately duped "conspiracy theorists", "blue grass idiots", "hill billy stupids", etc ?? -
You make some sense mixed with insults. Sad. Notwithstanding, what a people to do (US/German) going forward? If you have people in Germany like American Republicans and Trump, what hope is there? CM
@C_M_ said:
You make some sense mixed with insults. Sad. Notwithstanding, what a people to do (US/German) going forward? If you have people in Germany like American Republicans and Trump, what hope is there? CMwell ... sometimes what makes sense appears as an insult in light of to what the reply is made.
Instead of constantly harping on Trump, you should recognize some simple facts, such as plain and obvious truth that for decades already (and therefore not in Trump's presidency !) the USA has been on its downward spiral.It seems to me that the far bigger problem than "American Republicans and Trump" in the USA are "American Democrats and Hillary, etc", and in Germany the bigger problem are "established political parties indoctrinated with left, green, "liberal" fantasies ... currently "led" by puppet Merkel.
Not sure what people can do ... but a start would be to not follow blindly the left green propaganda of our state "adherents" mainstream media, but to resist the brainwashing and think for themselves, investigate as much as possible, etc
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
You make some sense mixed with insults. Sad. Notwithstanding, what a people to do (US/German) going forward? If you have people in Germany like American Republicans and Trump, what hope is there? CMwell ... sometimes what makes sense appears as an insult in light of to what the reply is made.
Instead of constantly harping on Trump, you should recognize some simple facts, such as plain and obvious truth that for decades already (and therefore not in Trump's presidency !) the USA has been on its downward spiral.It seems to me that the far bigger problem than "American Republicans and Trump" in the USA are "American Democrats and Hillary, etc", and in Germany the bigger problem are "established political parties indoctrinated with left, green, "liberal" fantasies ... currently "led" by puppet Merkel.
Not sure what people can do ... but a start would be to not follow blindly the left green propaganda of our state "adherents" mainstream media, but to resist the brainwashing and think for themselves, investigate as much as possible, etc
Oh, please, Wolfgang! I was following you until this post. Get over it! The Democrats are not in power and Hillary will not be President of the USA.
Simply asked:
1. Do you think Mr. Trump is good for America, in light of all his political shenanigans and buffoonery?
2. Do you think the businesslike Merkel is currently good for Germany?Hint: Your answers to the above questions are the likelihood anything is going to change in either country, anytime soon. The glimmer of hope, Mr. Trump will be rejected, if he runs again.
PS. I may visit Germany someday. CM
@C_M_ said:
Oh, please, Wolfgang! I was following you until this post. Get over it! The Democrats are not in power and Hillary will not be President of the USA.Aye. Very astute. Yet we can still smell her fumes as she won't shut her yap.
Simply asked:
1. Do you think Mr. Trump is good for America, in light of all his political shenanigans and buffoonery?
2. Do you think the businesslike Merkel is currently good for Germany?You aren't fooling anyone with questions that passionately mock American leaders and slander men God sets up and scorn the work of God.
So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. 1 Pet 2:1
In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions. - Jude 1:18
Etc. Etc.
Mr. Trump will be rejected, if he runs again.
That doesn't depend on you, that is up to God. God put Trump in last time and may or may not do so again. Trump winning yet again may well depend on how Christians respond to the grace we are being offered. Woe to fools who throw this day of grace to the swine.
Thanks for your response, GaoLu, but I will wait to hear from Wolfgang. CM
@C_M_ said:
Oh, please, Wolfgang! I was following you until this post.well, looks like I'm still able to produce a surprise once in a while ....
Get over it! The Democrats are not in power and Hillary will not be President of the USA.
Sorry, I need not get over anything here ... I am WELL AWARE of the facts concerning the case ... and also well aware of the fact that the losers (Clinton clan and their supporters, Democrats being among them) are the ones who need to "get over it!" and seemingly haven't done so as of yet
Simply asked:
1. Do you think Mr. Trump is good for America, in light of all his political shenanigans and buffoonery?My scope is bigger than Mr. Trump and his presidency ... and I am seeing more disaster and destruction of the USA during the years of Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama than has occurred during the soon half term of Trump. I also see how Trump has had a war against him by the election losers (not only H. CLinton, Democrat party, but worse and more evil by the powers behind the scenes) from the start, which the previously mentioned disastrous predecessors of course never experienced anything like it.
Whether Trump is good for the USA can be better evaluated when more years have come and gone ...
- Do you think the businesslike Merkel is currently good for Germany?
I see nothing businesslike in Merkel, except perhaps her pant suit ... she has driven Germany against the wall and into a disaster where it is questionable if restoration can happen and how long that might take ... unfortunately, she is not held responsible and made to bear the consequences of breaking her oath of office and governing to the destruction of Germany ... she should be shewing her finger nails in a different place and not the chancellery .
Hint: Your answers to the above questions are the likelihood anything is going to change in either country, anytime soon. The glimmer of hope, Mr. Trump will be rejected, if he runs again.
May be he will have more support instead ... it seems to me that more Americans have hope in someone who at least might try to drain the Washington swamp ...
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
- Do you think Mr. Trump is good for America, in light of all his political shenanigans and buffoonery?
My scope is bigger than Mr. Trump and his presidency ... and I am seeing more disaster and destruction of the USA during the years of Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama than has occurred during the soon half term of Trump. I also see how Trump has had a war against him by the election losers (not only H. CLinton, Democrat party, but worse and more evil by the powers behind the scenes) from the start, which the previously mentioned disastrous predecessors of course never experienced anything like it.
Living in the past causes one to fumble the present. Use your rearview mirrors, but don't stare in them or you will crash while moving forward.
Whether Trump is good for the USA can be better evaluated when more years have come and gone ...
You know better than this! Does one have to eat a whole cow to determined he is eating beef?
- Do you think the businesslike Merkel is currently good for Germany?
I see nothing businesslike in Merkel, except perhaps her pant suit ... she has driven Germany against the wall and into a disaster where it is questionable if restoration can happen and how long that might take ... unfortunately, she is not held responsible and made to bear the consequences of breaking her oath of office and governing to the destruction of Germany ... she should be shewing her finger nails in a different place and not the chancellery .
Learn to appreciate Ms. Merkel and her chancellery. You have a leader that others respect around the world. Stand with her, proud and strong!
Hint: Your answers to the above questions are the likelihood anything is going to change in either country, anytime soon. The glimmer of hope, Mr. Trump will be rejected, if he runs again.
May be he will have more support instead ... it seems to me that more Americans have hope in someone who at least might try to drain the Washington swamp ...
Wolfgang, if you're being serious, you're being dishonest. On the other hand, if you being facetious, I understand. Besides, if you really think Mr. Trump is draining the swamp, I'm sorry to report, the drain is stopped up. ha, ha, ha! CM
@Wolfgang said:
Whether Trump is good for the USA can be better evaluated when more years have come and gone ...A lot of wisdom in that.
@C_M_ said:
@Wolfgang said:
My scope is bigger than Mr. Trump and his presidency ... and I am seeing more disaster and destruction of the USA during the years of Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama than has occurred during the soon half term of Trump. I also see how Trump has had a war against him by the election losers (not only H. CLinton, Democrat party, but worse and more evil by the powers behind the scenes) from the start, which the previously mentioned disastrous predecessors of course never experienced anything like it.Living in the past causes one to fumble the present. Use your rearview mirrors, but don't stare in them or you will crash while moving forward.
Seems to me that you and those opposed to Trump are sort of "living in the past", in other words you are looking for a continuation of the disastrous past as promised by Hillary ...
Whether Trump is good for the USA can be better evaluated when more years have come and gone ...
You know better than this! Does one have to eat a whole cow to determined he is eating beef?
Perhaps I apply a bit more "grandmother wisdom" ?
- Do you think the businesslike Merkel is currently good for Germany?
I see nothing businesslike in Merkel, except perhaps her pant suit ... she has driven Germany against the wall and into a disaster where it is questionable if restoration can happen and how long that might take ... unfortunately, she is not held responsible and made to bear the consequences of breaking her oath of office and governing to the destruction of Germany ... she should be shewing her finger nails in a different place and not the chancellery .
Learn to appreciate Ms. Merkel and her chancellery. You have a leader that others respect around the world. Stand with her, proud and strong!
One again, I see how much you have influenced by mainstream propaganda of the past ... else you should have noticed that the respect she had among other political leaders has swindled and she has even been openly called out as causing disaster and having put Germany and Europe on a path of destruction ... and I am talking about EU politicians, and various leaders in other places.
Hint: Your answers to the above questions are the likelihood anything is going to change in either country, anytime soon. The glimmer of hope, Mr. Trump will be rejected, if he runs again.
May be he will have more support instead ... it seems to me that more Americans have hope in someone who at least might try to drain the Washington swamp ...
Wolfgang, if you're being serious, you're being dishonest. On the other hand, if you being facetious, I understand. Besides, if you really think Mr. Trump is draining the swamp, I'm sorry to report, the drain is stopped up. ha, ha, ha! CM
You remind me of those Israelites in the desert who immediately wanted to go back to the slavery of Egypt when it took a bit of hard work to regain liberty.
Don't go there! Your reasoning skills far exceed what you have expressed here.One again, I see how much you have influenced by mainstream propaganda of the past ... else you should have noticed that the respect she had among other political leaders has swindled and she has even been openly called out as causing disaster and having put Germany and Europe on a path of destruction ... and I am talking about EU politicians, and various leaders in other places.
At least, Ms. Merkel obeys the laws of Germany. If Trump were there, he would be trying to "turn back the hands of time".
May be he will have more support instead ... it seems to me that more Americans have hope in someone who at least might try to drain the Washington swamp ...
Wolfgang, it amazes me, a man of your intelligence, how you would suspend with so much reality, to defend the US President. You know better and there, do better. Mr. Trump became President with less than 50% of the votes. Ms. Hillary won three million more votes than Trump. He is a minority (size, not race), President. You know this man is not clearing up anything. Trump is a supposedly "wealthy" man, affirmed powerfully, divisive, and a greedmeister. At best, he is the keeper of the swamp.
Wolfgang, if you're being serious, you're being dishonest. On the other hand, if you being facetious, I understand. Besides, if you really think Mr. Trump is draining the swamp, I'm sorry to report, the drain is stopped up. ha, ha, ha! CM
You remind me of those Israelites in the desert who immediately wanted to go back to the slavery of Egypt when it took a bit of hard work to regain liberty.
Watch it! Don't mock Israel. She is free and will remain so. She has found her voice and her legs are strong. CM
@C_M_ said:
At least, Ms. Merkel obeys the laws of Germany.You are misinformed ... she has broken German and Eu laws over the last several years with her migration "policies" ... thus far, the German judicial system has not followed the rather obvious and had her charged, instead courts have displayed non-sensical rulings which are to the detriment of the German people, following blindly the lead of the Merkel regime.
If Trump were there, he would be trying to "turn back the hands of time".
Seems to me from his inaugural speech and a few steps he has taken that the opposite is true and he intended/intends to clean up the mess left by past presidents and their administrations.
May be he will have more support instead ... it seems to me that more Americans have hope in someone who at least might try to drain the Washington swamp ...
Wolfgang, it amazes me, a man of your intelligence, how you would suspend with so much reality, to defend the US President. You know better and there, do better.
I am defending nor making advertisement ... I am telling you observations from across the Atlantic.
Mr. Trump became President with less than 50% of the votes. Ms. Hillary won three million more votes than Trump. He is a minority (size, not race), President.
You are displaying ignorance of the USA election laws ... and show us that it is you who still has not managed to acknowledge who lost and who won the US presidential elections in 2016.
You know this man is not clearing up anything. Trump is a supposedly "wealthy" man, affirmed powerfully, divisive, and a greedmeister. At best, he is the keeper of the swamp.
I see that you are unable to see ...
You remind me of those Israelites in the desert who immediately wanted to go back to the slavery of Egypt when it took a bit of hard work to regain liberty.
Watch it! Don't mock Israel. She is free and will remain so. She has found her voice and her legs are strong.
I am not mocking Israel ... or do you now put the Biblical account of the matter into the categories of "mockery" ??
Again, you seem unable to recognize most simple matters, such as in the above comment where I was speaking about YOU ... -
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
At least, Ms. Merkel obeys the laws of Germany.You are misinformed ... she has broken German and Eu laws over the last several years with her migration "policies" ... thus far, the German judicial system has not followed the rather obvious and had her charged, instead courts have displayed non-sensical rulings which are to the detriment of the German people, following blindly the lead of the Merkel regime.
She has a heart for humanity. Give her a break! "Sometimes one has to break a few eggs to make an omelet". People over profits.
If Trump were there, he would be trying to "turn back the hands of time".
Seems to me from his inaugural speech and a few steps he has taken that the opposite is true and he intended/intends to clean up the mess left by past presidents and their administrations.
"Fool's gold".
May be he will have more support instead ... it seems to me that more Americans have hope in someone who at least might try to drain the Washington swamp ...
Wolfgang, it amazes me, a man of your intelligence, how you would suspend with so much reality, to defend the US President. You know better and there, do better.
I am defending nor making advertisement ... I am telling you observations from across the Atlantic.
Mr. Trump became President with less than 50% of the votes. Ms. Hillary won three million more votes than Trump. He is a minority (size, not race), President.
You are displaying ignorance of the USA election laws ... and show us that it is you who still has not managed to acknowledge who lost and who won the US presidential elections in 2016.
Let me clarify, Hillary won the "popular votes" over Trump. He can't get over it.
You know this man is not clearing up anything. Trump is a supposedly "wealthy" man, affirmed powerfully, divisive, and a greedmeister. At best, he is the keeper of the swamp.
I see that you are unable to see ...
I see scandals, corruptions, fear of releasing his taxes, disorganization, pettiness, etc., what have I missed? e.g. Trump couldn't read, the other day, John McCain's name of the bill that was named after him. Big office, small man. Did you saw this over the Atlantic?
I am not mocking Israel ... or do you now put the Biblical account of the matter into the categories of "mockery" ??
Ok, as long as we have an understanding. CM
@C_M_ said:
@Wolfgang said:
You are misinformed ... she has broken German and Eu laws over the last several years with her migration "policies" ... thus far, the German judicial system has not followed the rather obvious and had her charged, instead courts have displayed non-sensical rulings which are to the detriment of the German people, following blindly the lead of the Merkel regime.She has a heart for humanity.
Just not for that part of humanity under her jurisdiction and concerning whom she swore an oath to work for their interests and well being.
Give her a break! "Sometimes one has to break a few eggs to make an omelet". People over profits.
Her masters obviously have a different paradigm ..
Mr. Trump became President with less than 50% of the votes. Ms. Hillary won three million more votes than Trump. He is a minority (size, not race), President.
You are displaying ignorance of the USA election laws ... and show us that it is you who still has not managed to acknowledge who lost and who won the US presidential elections in 2016.
Let me clarify, Hillary won the "popular votes" over Trump. He can't get over it.
Excuse me, as far as I understand USA election laws, there is NO "Popular Vote" ... why are you harping on something which may have been made a big deal in the mainstream propaganda and the propaganda of the Hillary Democrats clan, but for which there is absolutely no provision in USA election laws.
I see that you are unable to see ...
I see scandals, corruptions, fear of releasing his taxes, disorganization, pettiness, etc., what have I missed?
I am not up on all the mainstream media propaganda in the USA. perhaps they have a few more items on which they bear their drums and with which they try and brainwash people at large ...
e.g. Trump couldn't read, the other day, John McCain's name of the bill that was named after him. Big office, small man. Did you saw this over the Atlantic?
Sorry to say, but perhaps he did McCain a favor by not mentioning his name ? McCain's political activity should have been over long time ago ... in recent times he displayed himself in a state that provided food for questions regarding his mental health ...
@C_M_ said:
I see scandals, corruptions, fear..., disorganization, pettiness..., etc., what have I missed?Pretty much explains everything.
N/A -- CM