Trump Hates ‘Chain Migration.’ But His In-Laws Just Used It.

Trump Hates ‘Chain Migration.’ But His In-Laws Just Used It.
Viktor and Amalija Knavs had a private naturalization ceremony after being sponsored by their daughter Melania Trump under an immigration policy President Trump has railed against. -- By Annie Correal and Emily Cochrane Aug. 9, 2018
President Trump has repeatedly and vehemently denounced what he calls “chain migration,” in which adult American citizens can obtain residency for their relatives.
On Thursday, his Slovenian in-laws, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, became United States citizens in a private ceremony in Manhattan by taking advantage of that same family-based immigration program.
Asked if the Knavses had obtained citizenship through “chain migration,” their lawyer, Michael Wildes, said, “I suppose.”
He said chain migration is a “dirtier” way of characterizing what he called “a bedrock of our immigration process when it comes to family reunification.”
Melania Trump had sponsored her parents for their green cards, Mr. Wildes said in describing the process by which the Knavses had become United States citizens. “Once they had the green card, they then applied for citizenship when they were eligible,” he said.
Even as his in-laws were going through the process, Mr. Trump was denouncing it. In November, he tweeted, “CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”...
Just one more thing that embarrasses and angers those of the Republican Party and lovers of Mr. Trump. Oh, what hypocrisy American young adults have to experience from their government. Can one believe anything President Trump says? Sad! CM
That really sounds just like something Bill would say.
@GaoLu said:
That really sounds just like something Bill would say.Good catch, Gao Lu. I WOULD point to a story such as the one CM noted.
The irony of our nation's welcome of the First Lady's parents into American citizenship through the process her husband scorns and excoriates as "chain migration" is quite striking to me. All across the country, I'm guessing, members of Trumpsters International are scratching their heads, wondering what they're supposed to think about such an evil and corrupt immigration practice... that allowed in such worthy and wonderful people as the president's in-laws.
But then again, as CM quoted the president from last November, Mr Trump only claimed that family members are "truly evil" if they all come in together. So as long as the in-laws don't invite the cousins, perhaps family Thanksgiving dinners at the White House will be peaceful. Pray hard.
Yeah, and it also sounds like Bill would say it.
That is the very thing that people like reformed and I combat. That should be sent to every liberal. I will do my part, and invite all of you to do so as well.
Oh, come on, GaoLu, weren't you once a liberal?
A secret, God loves liberals? What about you? CM -
God hates sin. Because of His great love, God may redeem some from sin. I am redeemed.
@GaoLu said:
God hates sin. Because of His great love, God may redeem some from sin. I am redeemed.A good comment for another thread. Start a new one. You may have put your foot into your mouth or have spoken supreme nonsense. Since you love labeling, could it be that you like Mr. Trump? You're railing against "liberals", but in reality, you're one, GaoLu! CM
Let's stay focused here, Mr. Trump allowed his in-laws to do what he denied so many at the border and those already in the US to do. He is not only mean, but selfish too. He was exposed! More is yet to come. CM
@C_M_ said:
Trump Hates ‘Chain Migration.’ But His In-Laws Just Used It.- By ANNIE CORREAL and EMILY COCHRANE
Viktor and Amalija Knavs had a private naturalization ceremony after being sponsored by their daughter Melania Trump under an immigration policy President Trump has railed against. -- By Annie Correal and Emily Cochrane Aug. 9, 2018
President Trump has repeatedly and vehemently denounced what he calls “chain migration,” in which adult American citizens can obtain residency for their relatives.
On Thursday, his Slovenian in-laws, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, became United States citizens in a private ceremony in Manhattan by taking advantage of that same family-based immigration program.
Asked if the Knavses had obtained citizenship through “chain migration,” their lawyer, Michael Wildes, said, “I suppose.”
He said chain migration is a “dirtier” way of characterizing what he called “a bedrock of our immigration process when it comes to family reunification.”
Melania Trump had sponsored her parents for their green cards, Mr. Wildes said in describing the process by which the Knavses had become United States citizens. “Once they had the green card, they then applied for citizenship when they were eligible,” he said.
Even as his in-laws were going through the process, Mr. Trump was denouncing it. In November, he tweeted, “CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”...
Just one more thing that embarrasses and angers those of the Republican Party and lovers of Mr. Trump. Oh, what hypocrisy American young adults have to experience from their government. Can one believe anything President Trump says? Sad! CM
This is another NOTHINGBURGER. What Trump wants to end is bringing people who are not immediate family. Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Great Grandparents, etc.
Granted, the current immigration proposals as written by the White House do not include Parents, so in that sense, yes, this would by hypocrisy. I will grant the left that.
However, chain migration is still current US law. They followed the law. It was a quicker way to get Melania's parents here. I am sure they would have been able to get in on their own as well.
But this does not go against the SPIRIT of what Trump is trying to do with immigration policy.
@C_M_ said:
Let's stay focused here, Mr. Trump allowed his in-laws to do what he denied so many at the border and those already in the US to eh ... are you really unable to properly distinguish rather simple matters? perhaps brainwashed so as to mix and mingle things which have nothing to do with each other?
Where does it say Mr. Trump allowed his in-laws something which others who also apply in accordance with legal immigration requirements would be denied?????
By the way, when our granddaughter was granted US citizenship on the basis of her grandmother fulfilling the necessary legal requirements, we too had a small private ceremony ... but the procedure took almost 2 years and was carried out in Germany at the US consulate responsible for our area, and included lots of paper work, providing documentation, numerous visits to the consulate (with things being made difficult by staff there seemingly on purpose, unless these staff were incompetent, not knowing at one time what the various forms were that needed to be filled out, etc. but only remembered that one more was to be filled out after we handed in the previous one
) Once done over here, some other steps with appointment for personal appearance at an immigration office in Albany, NY was set for us, etc
What you deny is the fact that there is a decisive difference between the two situations, and that decisive difference is that in one situation you have applicants following the legal procedures and fulfilling the legal requirements, while in the other situation people have broken the law and are illegally in the country or are trying to get something outside the immigration requirements prescribed by the immigration laws.
I suppose, those illegal immigrants would be allowed to legally leave the country, and begin legal procedure in the US consulate/embassy of their home country, and then enter the USA legally if they fulfill all requirements required in the procedure.
He is not only mean, but selfish too. He was exposed! More is yet to come. CM
Seems a bit like you are exposing yourself as not giving news information a bit of a more proper consideration so as to not make false accusations.
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
Let's stay focused here, Mr. Trump allowed his in-laws to do what he denied so many at the border and those already in the US to eh ... are you really unable to properly distinguish rather simple matters? perhaps brainwashed so as to mix and mingle things which have nothing to do with each other?
Where does it say Mr. Trump allowed his in-laws something which others who also apply in accordance with legal immigration requirements would be denied?????
By the way, when our granddaughter was granted US citizenship on the basis of her grandmother fulfilling the necessary legal requirements, we too had a small private ceremony ... but the procedure took almost 2 years and was carried out in Germany at the US consulate responsible for our area, and included lots of paper work, providing documentation, numerous visits to the consulate (with things being made difficult by staff there seemingly on purpose, unless these staff were incompetent, not knowing at one time what the various forms were that needed to be filled out, etc. but only remembered that one more was to be filled out after we handed in the previous one
) Once done over here, some other steps with appointment for personal appearance at an immigration office in Albany, NY was set for us, etc
What you deny is the fact that there is a decisive difference between the two situations, and that decisive difference is that in one situation you have applicants following the legal procedures and fulfilling the legal requirements, while in the other situation people have broken the law and are illegally in the country or are trying to get something outside the immigration requirements prescribed by the immigration laws.
I suppose, those illegal immigrants would be allowed to legally leave the country, and begin legal procedure in the US consulate/embassy of their home country, and then enter the USA legally if they fulfill all requirements required in the procedure.
He is not only mean, but selfish too. He was exposed! More is yet to come. CM
Seems a bit like you are exposing yourself as not giving news information a bit of a more proper consideration so as to not make false accusations.
Yep, fake news.
@C_M_ said:
Let's stay focused here, Mr. Trump allowed his in-laws to do what he denied so many at the border and those already in the US to do. He is not only mean, but selfish too. He was exposed! More is yet to come. CMGiven the president's venomous diatribes against what he calls "chain migration," CM, the irony of the First Lady's in-laws being welcomed to American citizenship through family sponsorship was striking.
In his state of the union speech earlier this year, the president said this: (emphasis added)
"The fourth and final pillar protects the nuclear family by ending chain migration. Under the current broken system, a single immigrant can bring in virtually unlimited numbers of distant relatives. Under our plan, we focus on the immediate family by limiting sponsorships to spouses and minor children. This vital reform is necessary, not just for our economy, but for our security, and our future.However, when I reviewed the president's substantive/policy comments on the matter, I discovered that the president has indeed called for restrictions on but not the total repeal of such migration. Under the proposals he has offered, parents/in-laws WOULD BE allowed into the country via family sponsorship."
It seems clear to me that Mr Trump proposed that the only people who could be brought into the country via family sponsorships would be the spouse and minor children of the one offering the sponsorship. Hence, the First Lady's parents would NOT be allowed in under his proposal. Even if the president meant children could sponsor their parents, his specifying "minor" children removed the First Lady from consideration.
@reformed said:
Granted, the current immigration proposals as written by the White House do not include Parents, so in that sense, yes, this would by hypocrisy. I will grant the left that.Yep. Not such "Fake News" after all, is it?
I worry that it may be a foible or even a sin, but can’t help sort of enjoying the hyoer-reactive, frenzied behavior of Trump-o-phobes. I mean it is entertaining. Is that wrong?
@Wolfgang said:
Seems a bit like you are exposing yourself as not giving news information a bit of a more proper consideration so as to not make false accusations.
This statement is more for Mr. Trump. He said "President Trump has repeatedly and vehemently denounced what he calls “chain migration", news report above. Blame him for not clarifying his rants.
Those seeking to come to America, the right way, were denied the opportunity to apply for asylum. They literally moved to goal post.
Just yesterday, a family case, currently before a judge, ICE deported them. The judge ordered the plane to turn around or after it lands to bring them back. This is wrong unfair, bias, and seemingly skin color selective.
Your folks got through, how every long. Praise God! Wolfgang, have some heart for the those coming after your granddaughter. CM
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said: Just one more thing that embarrasses and angers those of the Republican Party and lovers of Mr. Trump. Oh, what hypocrisy American young adults have to experience from their government. Can one believe anything President Trump says? Sad! CMThis is another NOTHINGBURGER. What Trump wants to end is bringing people who are not immediate family. Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Great Grandparents, etc.
Mr. Reformed, Mr. Reformed, Mr. Reformed, it seems, you can deny a leopard his spots; Sugar its sweetness; The clouds its rain; GaoLu his gun. The sun is 93 million miles from earth, and Mr. Trump his lies. Oh, how, Oh, how! CM
@C_M_ said:
Those seeking to come to America, the right way, were denied the opportunity to apply for asylum. They literally moved to goal post.Careful ... seeking to come to America the right way will not be denied the opportunity to apply. However, any application may be denied by US immigration if they deem the person not meeting the requirements of the immigration laws
Just yesterday, a family case, currently before a judge, ICE deported them. The judge ordered the plane to turn around or after it lands to bring them back. This is wrong unfair, bias, and seemingly skin color selective.
Sounds to me more that someone managed to get on a plane to the USA without having the necessary proper via for entry into the USA. Just because you manage to get on a plane and arrive at a USA airport does NOT give you the right to be granted entry.
Years ago (mid 1980ies) I witnessed a case of someone who was on a flight from FRA to Newark who was in front of me in the line at the immigration desk being arrested because he did not have the necessary visa stamp in his passport ... was arrested and put on the next plane back to FRA. All arguments an "reasons" he had were useless and did not achieve anything except get the immigration personnel rather agitated and "very unfriendly". Not long after that, the airlines operating flights to the USA were checking in Germany whether people had entry visas to the USA, because previously they had to take the passengers who were refused entry back on the next flight at their cost.
Your folks got through, how every long. Praise God!
There was nothing special about the case ... when all requirements were met that would establish my granddaughter to have USA citizenship, she received it. But just because the grandmother has a USA passport and even the mother has a USA passport, the girl could not have just shown up at an airport in the USA and claimed she was a USA citizen and wanted to live there etc ...
Wolfgang, have some heart for the those coming after your granddaughter. CM
Who want to come after my granddaughter? I would think that at this time I would be in more danger if I tried to enter the USA, even as a German citizen with a proper visa or taking part in a via waver program to receive a 30 day visitor visa.
Finally, a rationale post.
Stephen Miller Is an Immigration Hypocrite. I Know Because I’m His Uncle.
If my nephew’s ideas on immigration had been in force a century ago, our family would have been wiped out.
-- By DAVID S. GLOSSER August 13, 2018
Let me tell you a story about Stephen Miller and chain migration.
It begins at the turn of the 20th century, in a dirt-floor shack in the village of Antopol, a shtetl of subsistence farmers in what is now Belarus. Beset by violent anti-Jewish pogroms and forced childhood conscription in the Czar’s army, the patriarch of the shack, Wolf-Leib Glosser, fled a village where his forebears had lived for centuries and took his chances in America.
He set foot on Ellis Island on January 7, 1903, with $8 to his name. Though fluent in Polish, Russian and Yiddish, he understood no English. An elder son, Nathan, soon followed. By street corner peddling and sweatshop toil, Wolf-Leib and Nathan sent enough money home to pay off debts and buy the immediate family’s passage to America in 1906. That group included young Sam Glosser, who with his family settled in the western Pennsylvania city of Johnstown, a booming coal and steel town that was a magnet for other hardworking immigrants. The Glosser family quickly progressed from selling goods from a horse and wagon to owning a haberdashery in Johnstown run by Nathan and Wolf-Leib to a chain of supermarkets and discount department stores run by my grandfather, Sam, and the next generation of Glossers, including my dad, Izzy. It was big enough to be listed on the AMEX stock exchange and employed thousands of people over time. In the span of some 80 years and five decades, this family emerged from poverty in a hostile country to become a prosperous, educated clan of merchants, scholars, professionals, and, most important, American citizens.
What does this classically American tale have to do with Stephen Miller? Well, Izzy Glosser is his maternal grandfather, and Stephen’s mother, Miriam, is my sister.
I have watched with dismay and increasing horror as my nephew, an educated man who is well aware of his heritage, has become the architect of immigration policies that repudiate the very foundation of our family’s life in this country.
I shudder at the thought of what would have become of the Glossers had the same policies Stephen so coolly espouses— the travel ban, the radical decrease in refugees, the separation of children from their parents, and even talk of limiting citizenship for legal immigrants — been in effect when Wolf-Leib made his desperate bid for freedom. The Glossers came to the U.S. just a few years before the fear and prejudice of the “America first” nativists of the day closed U.S. borders to Jewish refugees. Had Wolf-Leib waited, his family likely would have been murdered by the Nazis along with all but seven of the 2,000 Jews who remained in Antopol. I would encourage Stephen to ask himself if the chanting, torch-bearing Nazis of Charlottesville, whose support his boss seems to court so cavalierly, do not envision a similar fate for him.
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Are the things above true? I am inclined to believe it. I wonder, supposed someone kidnapped Stephen Miller's forebears at Ellis Island? Things would have been different today. If this article is true, then, there are many "Immigration Hypocrites". Does this make Mr. Trump the Father of "Immigration Hypocrites"?
Regardless, there are children, tonight, without their parents. Mothers are crying themselves to sleep because of heartless actions of this administration. Small children and babies don't commit crimes! If America, don't want the parents of the children, don't take their children. Release the children to their relatives, at least. This low-down and shameful actions must be changed and reversed, immediately. It's criminal of what they are doing.
God, please, take care of the children and comfort the parents, separated from their little ones! CM
And thank you for all the little ones removed from human trafficking, and abusive parents engaged in crime, and all the children placed in safer care. Bless the truly needy who can find legal refuge in this great land, America.
@GaoLu said:
And thank you for all the little ones removed from human trafficking, and abusive parents engaged in crime, and all the children placed in safer care. Bless the truly needy who can find legal refuge in this great land, America.GaoLu,
You're too smart of a man to believe this on its face. If you do, "I have a bridge to sell you called Brooklyn." CM -
Keep your bridge. I work with such people. You whistle like a steam kettle not having a clue what you talk about. Like Dave would say, you are all hat, no cowboy.
A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. Pr 18:2
@GaoLu said:
Keep your bridge. I work with such people. You whistle like a steam kettle not having a clue what you talk about. Like Dave would say, you are all hat, no cowboy.A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. Pr 18:2
Consider the source, it is the same guy that thinks the Justice Department is its own branch of government.....
@GaoLu said:
Keep your bridge. I work with such people. You whistle like a steam kettle not having a clue what you talk about. Like Dave would say, you are all hat, no cowboy.A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. Pr 18:2
This post perfectly describes the Trump Administration: They "whistle like a steam kettle not having a clue" what they're talking about or how to reunite the children with their parents. They "...are all hat, no cowboy".
As for Mr. Trump, you are right:
A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. Pr 18:2
Thanks, GaoLu for opening our eyes to the US Leader's true nature and abilities. CM