Rejection of Jesus--The Plain Truth

Some know Jesus as "Lord", "God", "Friend", "Savior", "Creator", "Teacher- Rabbi" "Provider" and/or "Intercessor." There are many other names and titles of Jesus are known, in various places and people. The question is if Jesus so good, then, why is He rejected by so many then and now? To get to the heart, consider the questions below:
1. Who those that rejected Jesus in the Bible?
2. Who are those who reject Jesus today?
3. What is it about Jesus the people rejects most?
4. What are the consequences of rejecting Jesus?
What can Christians do, if anything, to make Jesus more acceptable? CM
I think just preach the gospel and it will speak to some and not to others. And if people believe enough to follow through and be baptized and repent from their sins, then it becomes evidence God saved them.
But if we try to get people to accept Jesus, we must change him into an idol they will accept. And we might see more accepting this type of Jesus than those we simply preach the gospel to, letting God do the work.