How to stop an active shooter in a school without a gun?

NRA wouldn't acknowledge how the last to active shooters (The Waffle House in Tenn/ Noblesville, Indiana, middle school) were stopped or disarmed. Simply because it didn't involve a gun. It took a cool-head and a little muscle. See details below. The shooter was stopped by a teacher without a gun! See article below: "Teacher credited with disarming student in middle school shooting." This is an example to Christians who support the NRA and has given up on God to protect. God is not dead or disabled. He will take care of his children.
Where are the voice and the tweet of the U.S. President, Mr. Trump, on this matter? Is Ms. Devos, even, aware of a recent school shooting Friday at Noblesville High School in Indiana? Guns kill! People save lives! CM
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Suspect in custody after shooting at Indiana middle school
Noblesville police Chief Kevin Jowitt said the shooting in the city of 60,000, about 25 miles northeast of Indianapolis, was reported shortly after 9 a.m.
A student asked for permission to leave the classroom and "he returned armed with two handguns," Jowitt said at an afternoon news conference. The situation was quickly resolved, and the student was arrested in or near the classroom, police public information officer Lt. Bruce Barnes said.
Teacher credited with disarming student in middle school shooting.
Authorities did not release the name of the suspect or the wounded student. The teacher was identified as Jason Seaman, 29, according to his aunt, Brenda Hubly-Sushka.
A boy who was in the class said the teacher subdued the unnamed suspect and is a "hero."
"Mr. Seaman started running at him," the boy told reporters. "He tackled him to the ground. We were all hiding in the back of a classroom behind some desks, then (Seaman) was yelling to call 911, to get out of the building as fast as we could, so we ran (out)."
Jowitt said a secondary threat was received at Noblesville High School.
"We have multiple officers and a command post established at Noblesville High School and are diligently ensuring the safety of students and staff there," he said. "We have not received any information that this has been anything other than a communicated threat."
Barnes said police are seeking several search warrants in their investigation. Police don't know the motive or where the guns came from, he said...
Notice the weapons that the shooter was using...that allowed them to be disarmed without a weapon being involved.
@reformed said:
Notice the weapons that the shooter was using...that allowed them to be disarmed without a weapon being involved.Mr. Reformed,
Like it or not, intentional, or just uninformed, you just made the case to ban assault rifles, bump stocks, automatic guns, and large magazines. Thanks for the affirmation. Common sense and reality say the aforementioned, weapons of death when justly and immediately banned, fewer people die regardless of the reasons of the shooter (bullied, mentally-ill, or just evil intention).President O. North, of the NRA, is not happy with you, that flesh and blood didn't reveal the truth [weapons of death] to lessen death in schools. It's was the Lord's doing. The type of guns the shooter used gave the teacher a chance to "take-down" the student. Commonsense and research will show a clear correlation between automatic guns, large magazines and the number of people killed or injured. It's undeniable.
This is a start with other common sense gun laws. To be against the items mentioned above is to bloody one's hands with future deaths. Why would a Christian encourage greater opportunities for more people and innocent children to be slaughtered? Repudiate the NRA and become a true right-to-lifer. Guns Kill! CM
No I didn't actually. I'm saying you made a case in a totally different scenario. No reason to ban any of those things.
@reformed said:
No I didn't actually. I'm saying you made a case in a totally different scenario. No reason to ban any of those things.Reformed,
You need to take a more responsible position and stop carrying Mr. Trump and the Republican's water.If shooters are true "mentally-ill" or have been "bullied", why would you want, provide, or make available weapons of death to kill more people if they didn't have the said, instruments? CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
No I didn't actually. I'm saying you made a case in a totally different scenario. No reason to ban any of those things.Reformed,
You need to take a more responsible position and stop carrying Mr. Trump and the Republican's water.If shooters are true "mentally-ill" or have been "bullied", why would you want, provide, or make available weapons of death to kill more people if they didn't have the said, instruments? CM
Who said I want to make them available to those people?
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
No I didn't actually. I'm saying you made a case in a totally different scenario. No reason to ban any of those things.Reformed,
You need to take a more responsible position and stop carrying Mr. Trump and the Republican's water.If shooters are true "mentally-ill" or have been "bullied", why would you want, provide, or make available weapons of death to kill more people if they didn't have the said, instruments? CM
Who said I want to make them available to those people?
- When you support the NRA.
- Christians paying membership fees to the NRA.
- Believing and spreading their falsehoods of the NRA.
- Failure to support commonsense Gun Safety Laws.
Need I say more? CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
No I didn't actually. I'm saying you made a case in a totally different scenario. No reason to ban any of those things.Reformed,
You need to take a more responsible position and stop carrying Mr. Trump and the Republican's water.If shooters are true "mentally-ill" or have been "bullied", why would you want, provide, or make available weapons of death to kill more people if they didn't have the said, instruments? CM
Who said I want to make them available to those people?
- When you support the NRA.
- Christians paying membership fees to the NRA.
- Believing and spreading their falsehoods of the NRA.
- Failure to support commonsense Gun Safety Laws.
Need I say more? CM
Yes, you need to say how I actually said I want guns in the hands of those people. Nothing you posted above says that.
No gun ever killed anyone. Ever. People have used guns and many other methods to kill other people.
@GaoLu said:
No gun ever killed anyone. Ever.GaoLu,
What an attention-getter! Mission accomplished! I guess JFK, MLK, and RFK died of old age. Your phrase appears to be most heartless toward the many families who lost loved ones by guns. e.g. accidents, suicides, wars, murders, or drive-bys.It seems in your world, guns are good and people are bad. I guess there will be guns in heaven, minus some bad people. Where is your compassion? Guns are not ordained of God. They are weapons of death. Their (guns) primary use is to kill. Their secondary usage is for target practice. This helps the user to kill more accurately. "Bump Stock" helps the user to kill more people, faster. Find another topic to make a political statement or show bias toward the NRA. Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to get rid of guns, than people? Love people, not guns.
"People have used guns and many other methods to kill other people."
Yes, I sadly, agree with you. Guns are next to bombs. Where is your love for life? CM
@C_M_ said:
@GaoLu said:
No gun ever killed anyone. Ever.GaoLu,
What an attention-getter! Mission accomplished! I guess JFK, MLK, and RFK died of old age. Your phrase appears to be most heartless toward the many families who lost loved ones by guns. e.g. accidents, suicides, wars, murders, or drive-bys.It seems in your world, guns are good and people are bad. I guess there will be guns in heaven, minus some bad people. Where is your compassion? Guns are not ordained of God. They are weapons of death. Their (guns) primary use is to kill. Their secondary usage is for target practice. This helps the user to kill more accurately. "Bump Stock" helps the user to kill more people, faster. Find another topic to make a political statement or show bias toward the NRA. Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to get rid of guns, than people? Love people, not guns.
"People have used guns and many other methods to kill other people."
Yes, I sadly, agree with you. Guns are next to bombs. Where is your love for life? CM
The problem is that his statement was CORRECT. A gun never killed anyone, people kill people.