Thom Hartmann Program: Why Don't Norwegians move to the U.S.A?

Posts: 668
edited May 2018 in News & Current Events

The Views presented in the following Youtube video are those of Thom Hartmann. I post this video here purely as a starting point for conversation and discussion.


  • Posts: 2,362

    Thanks for the post. I can see the point. America works out for some, but not for others. It depends a lot on money. I made a career out of Matthew 6:24-34 and put little stock in the usual means of success. And the Lord always provided amply well for me even when I lived on the bottom rung.

  • Posts: 4,463

    Why Don't Norwegians move to the U.S.A?

    1. It's not the only place on earth to live.
    2. They enjoy the seasonal long nights and days.
    3. There is no Universal Health Care in the U.S.A
    4. America is not generous to child-care leave and children overall.
    5. Who wants to give up skiing and the breathing of pure fresh air?
    6. Interracial marriages are embraced whole-heartedly.
    7. President Donald J. Trump! Who wants to live under his rule?


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